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Let's do the backpackers!


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Hi all,

23 trips in 16 years, only time I got done over in Thailand was when I flew to Angeles City, Philippines.

When I first came here, the sex tourist was the victim of scams years ago. Tuk tuk, gem scams, fake ID, police entrapment with icing sugar, the list is endless.

It seems that the sex tourists have got wiser and gone to better parts of Thailand, than Nana and Pattaya!!!

Some have never come back to LOS.

I just got back to England last week, I am catching up with this Bangkok Airport program on BBC 3.

I have watched 2 episodes and it is nothing more than another negative view on our second home.

Backpackers, crying to get out of the place after being robbed.

I have got this vision after hearing and witnessing a few incidents in Thailand again, but this last year. Its backpackers..!!!

I have got this stigma that bar owners are praying on the 7-11 cheap charlies ( backpackers) by offering them free taxi rides to cheap bars in Bangkok or maybe cheaper hotels. THEN.

Old trick in book strikes again, 50 baht for a drink then 500 a drink after or a knife pulled on them to get out.

I am thinking they are preying on backpackers knowing they aren't coming back. unlike our big fat guy looking for love, here 3 times a year.

After the murders in the Islands last year. I have developed this idea, to get a Facebook campaign to get 100,000 votes in UK and Europe to get it to Parliament.

An idea to create a lecture to every university in the Uk and EU countries ( and if successful global) a seminar on backpacking in Asia. Covering the pitfalls of of everything that is happening now.

I feel sorry for female backpackers that travel alone and maybe target and naive by the paradise they have been told about, that is simply not anymore.

I was thinking a dedicated set of people that travelling round the higher education establishments at least once a year to run a seminar on backpacking.

Its all fine telling them about the beaches, flight of the gibbon, hill tribes, Laos etc.

But a dedicated seminar that will make first time travellers aware of the things to avoid in Thailand and neighbouring countries.

It may put people off, but if you educate, then they will still go, but will be more clued up and less chance of incidents.


Any thoughts

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Noble sentemint but unlikely to fly but good luck with it, unfortunatly humans being what they are and the younger seems even more bravado they will fall into traps.

I have only ever been scamed once and that was in BKK after a very stressful morning in Tokyo couped with a delayed flight followed by and extra 90 min or so added to the flight to avoid bad weather arriving later than expeted i decided to stay down town rather than return to my apartment, if i had of stayed in Asoke were i normal would have rather than Nana i would have avoided the many low lifes that are attraced to that area, cost me $AU200 and i think i got out of it cheap.

Ive traveled all over Asia and i lived in Thailand for one year in 2012 apart from that one time ive never had any problems but then again im mature and i spend very little time in redlight areas, dont befriend people in bars or strike up conversations with strangers on the streets nor do i allow it if someone aproaches me.

Plenty of warnings in guide books as well as on the net, really its buyer beware, if yout not smart enough to educate yourself if you think your bullet proof good luck to them.

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Basically the Op is requiring that the tax payer in nanny state UK fork out money to advise young people about the fact that abroad is different. When I was younger I did extensive research before going any where, which those days meant buying a book. Anyone that doesn't do the research isn't going to attend a seminar, is he? Unless you want to make it an obligation.

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University lectures, seminars ??? whatever next. How about offering a degree in the subject to keep pace wth the lowering of educational standards ?

Normal research on any destinations will throw up common pitfalls / scams / dangers ad infinitum. Anyone who is incapable of sufficiently informing themselves through basic research of the reams of information available should perhaps not be travelling at all. Stay at home.

I think seminars in acceptable social behaviour, language and maturity would be far more appropriate.

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I blame the parents.

How else can gap year students afford to travel here?

Don't forget to blame the airlines as well with their constantly falling fare prices. There was a time when the airfares alone provided a form of "natural selection".

Edited by slightlychilled
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In this corner of the world, a "Backpacker" is easily identified as "easy prey". Lightening the wallet of a backpacker of 100 $ will cause no police activities whatsoever.

Not so, if some thugs tackle a resident of the Hilton (and possibly a Thai-Elite-Card-Member), this would likely be followed by police-involvement.

The thugs math goes like this: Plundering backpackers, 10 per month, nets 1000 $ without any police involvement. = No risk !

Plundering 1 Hilton High-Roller per month may net a little more (Cash, Rolex,etc), but with police-involvement. = High risk !

Other than that: Wrong place at the wrong time. AND: Do you see any backpackers and hitch-hikers along European Highways anymore? Hardly. Too risky. The 60ties are gone.


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