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Bangkok's Amazing Roads


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I'd like to keep this to Bangkok, or at least the cities, because anything could, can and does happen in the sticks.

We've all seen babies, families of four or five, dogs, chickens and furniture on motorbikes. We've seen seriously overloaded cars, trucks, buses and tuk tuks.

What is the one things you remember most?

Six years ago, and then again yesterday, I was following a Vespa which, as usual, was overloaded with rolls of fabric or shoe boxes or whatever. There were two feet facing the rear of the bike, but the toes were facing UP! Yes, when I pulled up alongside for a better look, I saw that there was a 'passenger' sitting in the 'footwell' of the bike, with his arms around the rider's waist and his face pushed into the rider's stomach.

Has anyone else seen funnier?

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I once saw a family of four in a Toyota Fortuner.

They were getting gas and i could see that the two kids in the back were wearing seat belts and that the lady in the passenger seat was also wearing her safety belt!


I never saw such madness as this here!

Edited by Thaipwriter
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Last night, saw a drunk girl asleep on that back of a bike fall off, like a sack o spuds she was.

Elephants in the back of pickups are a nice site.


This doesn't have anything to do with Thailand, but once when I worked in Saudi Arabia I saw a Toyota pickup truck driven by a Bedouin that had a goat in the front seat, and his wife and two daughters in the rear of the truck.

It just showed the value he put on his goats and his womenfolk, I guess.


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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More sad than funny... A few years back I was in a taxi on some side soi waiting at a light to get onto Sukhumvit. All of a suddent there was a thump!. We looked back and a motorcycle had run into the back of the taxi at slow speed. The driver was completely drunk, so much so that he could barely keep the bike upright. Some passers by tried to get him to get off the bike but he refused. I have seen few people drunker on foot, much less a MC. Would be a miracle if he made it home that night in one piece.

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I saw a newish hilux on the motorway the other day with one of those 5 meter high loads and the tailgate down to allow it to even carry more, as it went over bumps the whole chassis was flexing between the cab and tray like rubber it was carrying that much.

Today i was passed by a old nissan big m with a carry boy canopy as he overtook he was snaking the tail two lanes wide and seemed to be doing it on purpose just to the point of loosing control and or rolling, hahaha everyone got out of his way, maybe thats his way to get home fast

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Today in a cab on the way to a pissup I witnessed an empty car shoot across what is normally a very busy dual lane road hotly pursued by a largish lady waving her keys. The chase ended against a brick wall with a very loud thump. Luckily she didn't catch it and try to stop it, and luckily my cab wasn't 30 metres further along the road.

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I saw a big prime mover carrying a grader, as its load, on the back. The two thais inside were trying to negotiate from a small soi onto a main road. After taking out a large, well known, neon sign, they came to some low lying power lines. I was amazed and interested to see what would happened next as i befriended a motorcycle taxi rider and sat and had a ciggarette with him and waited for an outcome. To our surprise the passenger in the cab, jumped out of the prime mover, jumped onto the body of the grader on the back, and lifted he power lines up with his hands while calling for the prime mover to inch forward. We were both sure of seeing an electricution that day, but, by the grace of god, we did not......

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A few years ago I saw a guy driving his car, in the fast lane, with the door open and his head and shoulders outside the car. It was during New Year, he was obviously pissed, and thought he could see better that way than through the windscreen.

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While driving to the airport over the expressway we took over a car with a couple apparently

engaged in a heated discussion, sure enough, a few moments later, big bang and they veered

and back over the road, every time they hit the ramp causing a firework of sparkles;

now I understand what's "you light up my life" is all about.

Edited by orchis
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Girl on motor bike is driving down the road with poodle sitting on back seat.

Girl turns right, poodle goes straight ahead - flies through the air and lands in the middle of the road.

All the traffic screeches to a halt.

Girl gets off bike, walks back down the road, retrieves dog, places it back on rear seat and continues her journey.

(Gospel truth - Pattaya Klang, one busy afternoon.)

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They were building an extension to the carpark at the local shopping centre and were pulling the steel girders towards the back of the lorry to unload it. Suddenly the point of balance was passed and there was more weight at the back than the front and the front wheels of the lorry went up in the air. And I just happened to have my camera. This happened in Khon Kaen January 2002.


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They were building an extension to the carpark at the local shopping centre and were pulling the steel girders towards the back of the lorry to unload it. Suddenly the point of balance was passed and there was more weight at the back than the front and the front wheels of the lorry went up in the air. And I just happened to have my camera. This happened in Khon Kaen January 2002.


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I have seen the forklift photo before. I don't understand why they need to do that as the first forklift surely has enough lift to rise to the landing?

The first fork looks like a single ram single slide, so it probably wont go any higher, it doesnt appear to have multiple slides.

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I know it's not thailand but... Last week in Kuala Lumpur, I pointed out to the taxi driver that he'd almost driven past my turning. We were in the third lane of a four lane highway, he jams on the brakes and stops, waiting for the cars on the inside lanes to pass by and then slowly gets to the exit. The cars on the inside lanes were doing a good 70.

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