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Buying a bar in Hua Hin


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"I bought a bar for 700,000 bahts in Chiang Mai. First month profit 89,000"

Wrong. You got swindled by a bar girl, because you're bad at math.

In order to make a PROFIT of 89000/month, you need an AVERAGE profit of 2966/day, open 7 days a week.

After expenses, most businesses only make 10% to 20% of GROSS income.

So, in order to make an AVERAGE profit of 2966/day, you will need an AVERAGE of 14833 - 29660/day.

Let's say your drinks vary in cost from 50 to 150, with the AVERAGE drink price of 100 baht/drink.

That means you need to sell an AVERAGE of 148 to 296 drinks EVERY SINGLE DAY OF THE MONTH.

Right, 555

Your GP numbers need some work. Selling a Heineken for 120 baht that he paid 30 baht for is 300% GP. A water that he paid 7baht for that he sells for 50baht is around 600% GP. I have no idea on these numbers by the way. They are a rough guess.

That affects how many drinks and ultimately how many punters he needs to make the numbers.

Having said that there are only a handful of girly bars that might do those sorts of number in CM consistently and that is due to good management and quality girls working hard to bring in the customers.

I'm sure Ebean knows that he is surrounded by a lot of lazy, badly managed bars with sloths for staff making almost nothing.

GM can never be more than 100%. In case of the Heineken GM is 75%. Revenue minus COGS ( cost of goods sold) devided by revenue x 100.

You are correct of course.

...but you know what I was going.

the calculation of SisiPuede419 was correct. In normal business to make a yearly net profit of 10% on your sales is considered to be a very healthy business. So if monthly net profit is 89.000 you need to have turn over of 890.000thb per month. Ok let's assume bar business makes 20% net profit on sales this means monthly turn over of 445.000thb or 14.354thb per day which is exactly the figure mentioned by bar owner SisiPuede419. This is probably for a very succesful and well managed bar! Otherwise with this kind of profit the only business in the world would be bars!!
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Have you seen the bars in Hua Hin they are all empty and have been for years. Walk away now before the amount mounts up.

How many of her friends are on the pay roll that he now has to fund ?

I take it he hasn't registered his bar as a company yet or will ?

Walk away now. Sorry run away now.

If I'm right what has he actually bought ?

From the brief call we had I know hes put down a 200k baht deposit and got some contract to say she cant sell the bar. He did say it was in her name so I have no idea what paperwork has been signed etc. I have no clue about how the process works

There is of course a one in a million chance that everything will be fine. But even then, if she later wants to sell the bar and he doesn't he's worth more dead than alive isn't he?

I think it would be advisable to regard the 200k deposit as a tuition fee and get the hell out.

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Bob's Bar. Has a certain ring to it.

Might turn out to be a good thing. Hua Hin Is busy.

To make the best out of this situation, there is one, and only one thing Bob can do...

I have seen people make money by fixing up a place, hiring the prettiest girls in town, and throwing parties. If Bob can spot the high rollers, he can then sell the place as a "Turn Key" Operation. This has to be down within two years....and requires that his girlfriend gets a good chunk of the profit.

After two years...it's a dead horse. Keep in mind, that Bob would be operating the bar at a potential loss, in the hopes of finding a "Bigger Bob" that hooks onto one of the "aspiring employees". Get all your losses back in the sale...

That is the one thing....Fix the place up, sell quickly to a "high roller" customer...fast. Remembering that hiring all those pretty girls, and throwing parties is going to be the bait that makes the business "look profitable"....for that sale.

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I remember a guy there about 2005 just opened the bar. One month later he was finished just as i predicted. I chances of Bob surviving with a bar girl involved is about nil. I give it three months tops that Bob survives. If he is smart, he will leave on the next plane. I have my doubts he will do the smart thing. This has failure written all over it.

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This has failure written all over it.

based on personal experience Jim ?

you seem to know a lot about bars/bar girls and hookers, they way you keep going on about them in every thread

Clearly Jimbo hangs with the hookers

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The real winners here are the old codgers on TV as they're in their best element when they can belittle someone else. Hope ole Bob has enough business savy to prove most wrong.

Ever heard of the expression "Blind optimism"? It's a metaphor, the subject is not really blind, they just can't see reality because their unbridled optimism gets in the way.

"After two years...it's a dead horse. Keep in mind, that Bob would be operating the bar at a potential loss, in the hopes of finding a 'Bigger Bob' that hooks onto one of the aspiring employees..."

Bravo! You just described how to make money in a bubble market. It's called The Greater Fool Theory. The only problem is timing. You need to sell while the bubble is expanding, because after the bubble bursts, you take a loss...

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Bob's bar is faltering because of his banging every hour ... lek has hold of him now and bob thinks it's xmas !! He has a bar, he has a girl less than half his age I would imagine ... what more could bob want ?

And then one day Bob awoke from his dream to realize he's losing alot of cash fast ... whistling.gif

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Bob's brain like the typical foreigner that comes to Thailand is fueled by booze. He like many others will get his bank account drained. The guy is just a common idiot nothing more. Sorry no sympathy for a man with ZERO common sense and a brain that is likely mush. I see and meet these guys EVERYWHERE.

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Should be called Bob's banging bar ... he's got lek in the cot all day and then she goes to work. How can Bob run a bar this way ?

It has to be taking it's toll on him ... just hitting all day and night.

The bar will suffer .... whistling.gif

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Bob's shaggin won't stop and the bob's bar is going slow. Lek is the winner and Bob's just the ATM for the bar so she knows it's another farang waiting to be caught out .... Bob's gonna wake up one day and see whats actually happened ..... whistling.gif

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  • 4 years later...

What a wonderful idea. Move to a country on the other side of the world.Pick up a hooker and a few days later give her 15,000 pounds to open a bar. The amount of people who lack common sense is really startling.


Well... if, £ 15,000/- will not break the camels back, why not? Bob might be loaded and this might be pocket money for him.

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On 3/2/2015 at 6:06 PM, Jungle Jim said:

Bob's brain like the typical foreigner that comes to Thailand is fueled by booze. He like many others will get his bank account drained. The guy is just a common idiot nothing more. Sorry no sympathy for a man with ZERO common sense and a brain that is likely mush. I see and meet these guys EVERYWHERE.

Bbbbut...Bbbbob is not  Thai or Chinese...

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