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Prominent Russian opposition figure Boris Nemtsov shot dead

Lite Beer

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Yeah, it's all a conspiracy of the West. America is behind everything. Conspiracy nutz take center stage. Paranoia, reverse victimization, and the justification for murder. Nice place, Russia.

No doubt! You gotta love how Putin can take out someone about to expose his/Russia's involvement in the Ukraine and they manage to somehow blame west and write it off as false flag. Gotta give them credit for creativity and effort!. Unfortunately, Nemtsov just joined a long list of others gunned downed, poisoned or imprisoned for the same thing.

What we see happening, here, is Soviet era propaganda being vomited up in order to reinforce fruitcake conspiracy theorists. Everybody is a "fascist" who opposes Russian imperialism in Ukraine. Just like the Hungarians in 56, the Czechs in 68 and Solidarity in Poland in the 80s were all "fascists". All of them funded by international bankers and the secret cabal behind the the CIA, And if you criticize Putin and the murderous Kremlin culture that created him, then you're a "racist." Yes, only in the Soviet type mind can "culture" be "racist." Putin and the Russian chauvinism that supports him exist in an Alice in Wonderland version of reality.

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" this may well bring us closer to an all out war with Russia."

Yeah well just as long as USA factors in that it will also be taking on China at the same time before making any stupid movesrolleyes.gif

China just sided with Russia over the Ukraine conflict


Chinas statement didn't indicate that it has "sided" with anyone. China wants a quiet world so that it can build itself up. It is putting itself forward as the voice of reason, maturity and pragmatism (as one would expect), quote:

"He (Qu Xin) said the "nature and root cause" of the crisis was the "game" between Russia and Western powers, including the United States and the European Union."

"The West should abandon the zero-sum mentality, and take the real security concerns of Russia into consideration".

"Qu said Washington's involvement in Ukraine could "become a distraction in its foreign policy".

"The United States is unwilling to see its presence in any part of the world being weakened, but the fact is its resources are limited, and it will be to some extent hard work to sustain its influence in external affairs, "

"His comments were an unusually public show of understanding from China for the Russian position. China and Russia see eye-to-eye on many international diplomatic issues but Beijing has generally not been so willing to back Russia over Ukraine.

China has also been cautious not to be drawn into the struggle between Russia and the West over Ukraine's future, not wanting to alienate a key ally".

And let's not forget that the US is Chinas biggest trading partner, 2013: $521 billion, Russia is nowhere near that. Brazil ($90 billion) does more trade with China than Russia

It will be a few years yet before China and the US cross swords and it's not going to be because of a "third party" conflict. It will be over an "asset" that they both want.

Lol about Asiantraveler. Some just cannot comprehend the actual meaning of what is being said and cannot see the forest for the trees.

Here are a few of the many forest perspectives:

16.7 % of China's exports go to the US.

15.3 % of China's exports go to the EU.

2.2 % of China's exports go to Russia.

China export dependent because China is far from becoming a consumption economy due to vast income disparity.

China's generally inferior products are only attractive in world markets because China keeps its currency artificially depreciated through purchase of US treasuries.

China's GDP and economy is sunk if: (1) China loses its export revenue from the US; and (2) the Yuan appreciates making Chinese exports no longer an attractive option.

The Eurozone is China's biggest trading partner. Not the US. Japan, South Korea and Germany are export economies and not "consumption" economies. Are they poor too ?

The only reason China has "vast income disparity" is because it vendor finances the US by pegging its currency down. As they adjust the peg to value their currency higher, which they have been doing, it makes commodities cheaper on world markets which gives them more discretionary income to consume.

An appreciating Yuan is not going to hurt exports. This is a keynesian fallacy. The Euro went from .85 to 1.50 and German exports shot up. The US was the biggest export economy in the world after WW2 and it also had the highest value currency.

Getting off track here. What I said is China can ill afford to lose 16 + % of its exports as they are not a consumption economy and cannot absorb.

Are you saying my export percentages for US anf EU are wrong? What are the correct figures? I think I used 2013 as I have not seen any 2014 figures.

I never said export economies are "poor." Again, my only point was China GDP and economy would take a huge hit if it lost 15 to 20 % of its exports. It cannot absorb because income disparity keeps it from being a consumption economy.

You vastly oversimplify the reasons for China's income disparity, but nice effort in somehow making it appear as if West contributes to it causes it.

Lol, is it also the US's fault when Putun's dog craps on his rug? Maybe its a false flag operation conspiring to make Putin's dog crap on and ruin his rug.

Interesting that you know better than China about the need to keep the Yuan from appreciating to keep their cheap, inferior products attractive.

German products are quality, in demand and not as price sensitive as cheap Chinese products purchased solely because they are cheap. Bad analogy there, but nice try . . .

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This killing is reminiscent of Putin taking out politicians, journalists and former KGB investigators that were investigating and connecting Putin to the two apartment bombings that killed over 200 that Putin blamed on Checnya to win support for his war in Checnya when his approval ratings slipped below 50%.

I had wonder if we would start seeing people showing up dead after the leaked document last week detailing Putin's plans to take over Eastern Ukraine rven before Yanukovych fled to Russia.

This may turn out eerily similar to the Kovalev Commission deaths related to investigations of Putin's involvement in the Pechatniki and Kashirskoye apartment bombings to gain support for Purin's war in Checnya.

Funny how you mention Chechnya. When the Chechnya bombings were happening, the US contacted Putin and asked him what was going on. Putin said that the attacks were the result of Islamic terrorism. The US hung up the phone and said "yeah right". Then a week later, 9/11 happened.

The Russians wanted to cooperate with the US against Islamic terrorism after 9/11 and the US shunned them. The Russians even warned the US about the Boston marathon bombers. But the US apparently would rather let the terror attacks happen then take a tip from Russia.

Can you provide a source for those astonishing statements?

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Got to love some of the Russian political analysts on this forumgiggle.gif

1. Putin surely could have jailed him if he wanted to

2. Putin surely could have orchestrated an accident

3. Putin surely would have made sure there is no CCTV footage

4. Nemtsov female "friend" is a Ukrainian model

Now, using little logic, who benefits the most from this murder?whistling.gif

Struggling to figure out, here is food for thought.

Within hours, ALL EU countries ambassadors were organised and marched through Moscow

Just so happens, that ALL had that day free and available to drop everything to join organized march.

Edited by konying
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I wonder if people realise how significant this man's death will be in the coming months.

No matter how much Putin denies he had anything to do with it the world will not believe him.

The thing that scares me is this may well bring us closer to an all out war with Russia.

I can hear the hawks sabres rattling louder every day in the US and Europe.


The timing is all wrong. Putin is smarter than this.

A Ukrainian woman walks him across the bridge with bullets flying everywhere and doesn't wear even one?

I've forgotten already, where was Mata Hari from again?

No one would touch someone like Nemtsov without Putin's authorization. More turned out for the allegedly unpopular Nemtsov than those in support of Putin's policies in the Ukraine a week ago.

Disagree that no one in Russia can handle a pistol well enough to shoot Nemtsov at point blank range without also hitting his girlfriend of 4 years? If false flag, they would have gunned her down also. Putin would leave her alive to blame her/Ukraines. Typical Russia . . . blame it on terrorists, blame it on his girlfriend (poor girl's life is about to be turned upside down now), blame it on false flags or US, blame it on aliens, blame it on big foot, but for heavens sake don't dare blame it on the one person with motive, the one person that can authorize such a hit and the one person that has a history of gunning down those that are close to exposing or challenging him.

Timing is perfect. Nemstov was about to coordinate an anti-Putin anti Russian involvement march that would have had a bigger turnout than the pro-Putin march last week. Nemtsov had just openly stated that he had evidence linking Russian's involvement in the Ukraine and was about to expose Putin.

RE: Putin controlled media already had the provocation story ready to run before Nemtsov was gunned down

Immediately after the shooting, within +/- 2 hours and before Duritskaya had been interviewed by the police, individuals from Moscow were telling us that it was already plastered all over the media that Nemtsov's shooting was simply "provocation for the war in the Ukraine by Ukraine or the West." The false flag, provocation bs was plastered all over Russian media before any investigation or interviews. Putin had the story/excuse in place and running before Nemtsov's body was even cold.

Nemtsov's killing has zero impact on US or West policy toward Russia. West is simply concerned about Putin's actions in the Baltic region. The killing of Nemtsov just signifies that Putin is about undertake another round of purging . . .

Care to share what media?whistling.gif

I read a number of online papers and watch Moscow main channel.

So which media your Moscow individuals were watching?

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I wonder if people realise how significant this man's death will be in the coming months.

No matter how much Putin denies he had anything to do with it the world will not believe him.

The thing that scares me is this may well bring us closer to an all out war with Russia.

I can hear the hawks sabres rattling louder every day in the US and Europe.


The timing is all wrong. Putin is smarter than this.

A Ukrainian woman walks him across the bridge with bullets flying everywhere and doesn't wear even one?

I've forgotten already, where was Mata Hari from again?

No one would touch someone like Nemtsov without Putin's authorization. More turned out for the allegedly unpopular Nemtsov than those in support of Putin's policies in the Ukraine a week ago.

Disagree that no one in Russia can handle a pistol well enough to shoot Nemtsov at point blank range without also hitting his girlfriend of 4 years? If false flag, they would have gunned her down also. Putin would leave her alive to blame her/Ukraines. Typical Russia . . . blame it on terrorists, blame it on his girlfriend (poor girl's life is about to be turned upside down now), blame it on false flags or US, blame it on aliens, blame it on big foot, but for heavens sake don't dare blame it on the one person with motive, the one person that can authorize such a hit and the one person that has a history of gunning down those that are close to exposing or challenging him.

Timing is perfect. Nemstov was about to coordinate an anti-Putin anti Russian involvement march that would have had a bigger turnout than the pro-Putin march last week. Nemtsov had just openly stated that he had evidence linking Russian's involvement in the Ukraine and was about to expose Putin.

RE: Putin controlled media already had the provocation story ready to run before Nemtsov was gunned down

Immediately after the shooting, within +/- 2 hours and before Duritskaya had been interviewed by the police, individuals from Moscow were telling us that it was already plastered all over the media that Nemtsov's shooting was simply "provocation for the war in the Ukraine by Ukraine or the West." The false flag, provocation bs was plastered all over Russian media before any investigation or interviews. Putin had the story/excuse in place and running before Nemtsov's body was even cold.

Nemtsov's killing has zero impact on US or West policy toward Russia. West is simply concerned about Putin's actions in the Baltic region. The killing of Nemtsov just signifies that Putin is about undertake another round of purging . . .

Care to share what media?whistling.gif

I read a number of online papers and watch Moscow main channel.

So which media your Moscow individuals were watching?

Lol, all Russian controlled media ran provocation explanation well before any Western news papers or online sources picked up on theory and ran it. I heard provocation theory well before any online sources reported it. Those telling us the provocation explanation are actually pro-Putin and are going with the provocation theory. That pretty much terminates that conversation as we do not criticize or challenge our Russian friends and families' beliefs on Russia matters. Serves no purpose and just creates rifts with those we really care about. I only give a crap because I see people I care about suffering in Russia and the direction Putin is taking this will only cause more suffering. Your only care about this stuff for selfish reasons.

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I wonder if people realise how significant this man's death will be in the coming months.

No matter how much Putin denies he had anything to do with it the world will not believe him.

The thing that scares me is this may well bring us closer to an all out war with Russia.

I can hear the hawks sabres rattling louder every day in the US and Europe.

" this may well bring us closer to an all out war with Russia."

Yeah well just as long as USA factors in that it will also be taking on China at the same time before making any stupid movesrolleyes.gif

China just sided with Russia over the Ukraine conflict


You mean that fine, upstanding country that's aggressively grabbing land from other countries???? Seems China and Russia are doing the same thing:


from other countries? that's implying there are no disputes.

might be wrong, but don't recall any recent invasion or "aggressively grabbing land" from another sovereign state by china.

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Lol, all Russian controlled media ran provocation explanation well before any Western news papers or online sources picked up on theory and ran it. I heard provocation theory well before any online sources reported it. Those telling us the provocation explanation are actually pro-Putin and are going with the provocation theory. That pretty much terminates that conversation as we do not criticize or challenge our Russian friends and families' beliefs on Russia matters. Serves no purpose and just creates rifts with those we really care about. I only give a crap because I see people I care about suffering in Russia and the direction Putin is taking this will only cause more suffering. Your only care about this stuff for selfish reasons.

Really all?

First you stated some individual in Moscow told you so, now it's all? Interesting.

Would it be may be because minutes after murder US controlled propaganda machine pointed fingers at Putin?

I guess they did not get a memo yet that CCTV is available

Or may be the ambassadors of all EU countries got an early memo to free up the day, to make sure all march hours after the shooting?

People you care about? who would that be? your wife's family? how are they suffering? Your wife is a big banking guru according to you, surely she makes enough money to support themrolleyes.gif



Some individuals told us that "all media [in Russia] is reporting . . ." I said "individuals" with and "s" in the post you deleted.

We bought MIL here. Wife grew up in Russia completed college and obtained a Speciality Degree before leaving. In the process, she developed relationships with more people in Russia than just her family. I have also gotten to know many of her friends very well. Many of her friends and extended family are suffering due to layoffs, price increase, mortgage issues and interest rates.

Surely you don't expect my wife to "support" everyone she knows and is related to in Russia that are suffering.

As far as her being a "big banking guru" "according to me" apparently insinuating that I am lying, that is her in her car that she purchased on her own before I met her in my avatar.

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Putin has too much power and isn't afraid to wield it. Anyone perceived to be a threat is either shipped off to a penal colony as happened to Mikhail Khodorkovsky, or murdered as was the case with investigative journalist Anna Politkovskaya

Challenge the State and you challenge Putin directly. He's in it for the long haul and until his supporters turn the other cheek, or world opinion brings too much pressure to bear, his critics will be silenced in no uncertain terms.

RIP Boris Nemtsov.

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So you want a war with Russia ?

You want the US to send billions worth of military weapons to the Ukraine Junta ?

No. I don't think US should send weapons. I have criticized Obama for sanctions that will only make Putin more determined and hurt common Russians whom Putin care little about. I would like to see change in Russia and I would like to see US and Russia mend relations. That will never happen as long as Putin is in power. Russians will never experience a better way of life as long as Putin is in power.

Individuals such as Nalvany, Khodorkovsky and Nemtsov were Russia's only hope of change in the near future. They just arrested Nalvany again for handing out fliers for the March 1 rally being advertised by Nemtsov. Khodorkovsky fled Russia when Putin finally release him from jail in 2013. Nemtsov is dead who many thought Putin would not touch. Hope for change is now very bleak.


Anyway... You are so backwards on this that its not even funny. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, western power brokers established colonial era laws regarding Russia's natural resources. Under these colonial laws, Russia was receiving about 20 cents on the dollar for every barrel of oil pumped. Khodorkovsky and a few other oil oligarchs were the conduits to this system. They connected the oil resources of Russia to the western power brokers with lucrative production sharing agreements. This was simple asset stripping.

It wasn't until 2004 that Putin turned against these power brokers/ asset strippers. He tore up these colonial era production agreements and you can see the result of that in the Russian GDP.

If Khodorkovsky had his way, Russia would still be being treated like a 3rd world country and receiving 20 cents on the dollar for their oil. So your assumption that Khodorkovsky represents some sort of good for the Russian people could not be more wrong. Under him, Russia would just be another US client state similar to the ones in the Middle east.

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Lol, all Russian controlled media ran provocation explanation well before any Western news papers or online sources picked up on theory and ran it. I heard provocation theory well before any online sources reported it. Those telling us the provocation explanation are actually pro-Putin and are going with the provocation theory. That pretty much terminates that conversation as we do not criticize or challenge our Russian friends and families' beliefs on Russia matters. Serves no purpose and just creates rifts with those we really care about. I only give a crap because I see people I care about suffering in Russia and the direction Putin is taking this will only cause more suffering. Your only care about this stuff for selfish reasons.

Really all?

First you stated some individual in Moscow told you so, now it's all? Interesting.

Would it be may be because minutes after murder US controlled propaganda machine pointed fingers at Putin?

I guess they did not get a memo yet that CCTV is available

Or may be the ambassadors of all EU countries got an early memo to free up the day, to make sure all march hours after the shooting?

People you care about? who would that be? your wife's family? how are they suffering? Your wife is a big banking guru according to you, surely she makes enough money to support themrolleyes.gif



Some individuals told us that "all media [in Russia] is reporting . . ." I said "individuals" with and "s" in the post you deleted.

We bought MIL here. Wife grew up in Russia completed college and obtained a Speciality Degree before leaving. In the process, she developed relationships with more people in Russia than just her family. I have also gotten to know many of her friends very well. Many of her friends and extended family are suffering due to layoffs, price increase, mortgage issues and interest rates.

Surely you don't expect my wife to "support" everyone she knows and is related to in Russia that are suffering.

As far as her being a "big banking guru" "according to me" apparently insinuating that I am lying, that is her in her car that she purchased on her own before I met her in my avatar.

Fine, individualS.

So was it individuals ? Or all media

Make up your mind?

What media? I asked a simple question

It is you who brings up your wife in each thread and tells us all how she is a financial guru who knows all the ins and outs.

Again, make up your mind.

Mortgage issues ? What are those?

Not tired yet of talking little bs?

I answered your media question in the post you cut out. You are just being obstinate now. Below addresses mortgage issue. Seems like a good Russian who keeps up with current Russian issues would be a bit more clued in . . .


"The Russian central bank is encouraging the country's ailing banks to accept losses on foreign currency mortgages in a bid to stop ruble falls from further weakening the sector."


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Again, please stay on topic and abide by forum rules. Specifically, these:

7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

8) You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages, vulgarities, obscenities or profanities.

9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

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Dear friends Harsh Jones and F430murci.

Both of you got my 'likes'. Neither of you is ignorant in the questions of Russian economics.

The fact that Putin tried to 'bend over' a few of oligarchs is commendable under any circumstances IMHO. I do not like thieves.

The fact that he himself is a thief is another matter. The fact that the State didn't benefit from redistribution of stolen assets is yet another matter.

Not much has changed in all of the former USSR including Russia. People come last. Their 'Democracy' sucks.

The rule of the Mob continues. Even the composition of the Mob didn't change much.

The conflict with Ukraine is a very complex and separate issue. Not for discussion in connection with OP.

Here are a few questions to consider:

Why with a drastic fall in oil price Russians are the only people who must pay almost double for petrol?

Why the drastic fall of Russian Ruble? (please, do not mention here USA, Obama or EU as reasons)

Why in Russia after 1917, after collapse of the Soviets and up till 2015, despite all the 'capitalist' developments the land is not in the hands of people?

Why Russia didn't become something like China? The two countries in the last 30 years became the opposites development wise.

I would like to see your thoughts on these questions, because Nemtsov's case is directly connected to the answers.

Edited by ABCer
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Here is your answer, it's in the Russian character, they always let incompetent Leaders lead them, with the same results, through fear, into another time of tighten your belts, hunger is on its way.

They have the resources to be a great power , but like Africa , they lake a leader who can deliver, true communism, where the wealth of the nation is shared, not held by a few who invest abroad, and not with locals.

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Just as I had indicated earlier, they are going to ruin this poor girl's life. Kill her boyfriend of four years right in front of her, frame her and ruin her life. Hardcore. These mf'ers are building up a nasty dose of karma.


Moscow (CNN)The Ukrainian girlfriend of slain Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov faces constant psychological pressure from Moscow authorities and fears she will be implicated in his death, her mother told CNN.

Model Anna Duritskaya, 23, was walking with Nemtsov on Friday night when a gunman shot the politician about 100 meters (330 feet) from the Kremlin.

"She was crying and she was saying Boris had been killed and he's lying next to me," said her mother, Inna Duritskaya. "She was in such shock she couldn't say anything else."

Duritskaya said her daughter was questioned until 2 a.m. Monday. She said she fears authorities will implicate her daughter in the death because they have threatened to take her attorney away from her.


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Gotta love it. From the BBC article above:

The Federal Protective Service (FSO), in charge of presidential security, said its surveillance cameras did not record the shooting because they were pointed towards the Kremlin.

Interesting info here:


The business daily newspaper Kommersant quoted anonymous sources in the Interior Ministry as saying there was no CCTV footage of his killing because the cameras in question were not working at the time.

However, Yelena Novikova, a spokeswoman for Moscow’s information technology department, which oversees surveillance cameras in the city, said Monday that all cameras “belonging to the city” were operating correctly on the night of Nemtsov’s death. She said federal authorities also had surveillance cameras near the Kremlin that are not under her organization’s control.

The failure to dig up CCTV footage in such a public place as central Moscow has deepened the frustration of those who supported opposition leader Nemtsov, many of whom believe the government is responsible for his killing.

And here's a description of one of the most closely watched facilities in the world:


UTC Fire & Security's solution
UTC Fire & Security addressed these needs by providing its high-end UltraView video surveillance platform to the State Kremlin Palace. The installation was carried out by Paladin L, a local UTC Fire & Security partner. Using the latest compression technology, this system offers great flexibility and high quality video imaging. The system installed at the State Kremlin Palace consists of close to 100 surveillance cameras monitoring all sensitive areas of the site. All of these cameras are networked back to five Discovery 2415 units, which form the heart of this particular system. The Discovery units allow the State Kremlin Palace to monitor and configure the full video surveillance system in an efficient way, reducing costs and optimising ease of use and quality. Security staff can now monitor the grounds from two multi-monitor working terminals, where operators have easy access to a database of video footage, enabling them to easily retrieve and review data in case an unwanted incident occurs.

Methinks somebody's not telling the truth.

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Dear friends Harsh Jones and F430murci.

Both of you got my 'likes'. Neither of you is ignorant in the questions of Russian economics.

The fact that Putin tried to 'bend over' a few of oligarchs is commendable under any circumstances IMHO. I do not like thieves.

The fact that he himself is a thief is another matter. The fact that the State didn't benefit from redistribution of stolen assets is yet another matter.

Not much has changed in all of the former USSR including Russia. People come last. Their 'Democracy' sucks.

The rule of the Mob continues. Even the composition of the Mob didn't change much.

The conflict with Ukraine is a very complex and separate issue. Not for discussion in connection with OP.

Here are a few questions to consider:

Why with a drastic fall in oil price Russians are the only people who must pay almost double for petrol?

Why the drastic fall of Russian Ruble? (please, do not mention here USA, Obama or EU as reasons)

Why in Russia after 1917, after collapse of the Soviets and up till 2015, despite all the 'capitalist' developments the land is not in the hands of people?

Why Russia didn't become something like China? The two countries in the last 30 years became the opposites development wise.

I would like to see your thoughts on these questions, because Nemtsov's case is directly connected to the answers.

But the State did benefit from redistribution of stolen assets. Especially those in charge of the government. And especially Putin:


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The beauty of mainstream "group think" is it will not be challenged by the sources that most people consider to be "Credible". I can sit here all day and agree with the official release and will always be right for that reason alone. What is the point of a post that agrees with the OP. If you don't have a disagreement or anything to add, no post necessary?

Opinions that are based upon patriotism or politics are seldom useful. In the first chapter of the book on intelligence analysis is to "never factor in your politics or you patriotism". Before, anyone asks for a link, there isn't one.

As an American who in my professional life was fighting the "Cold War" on a daily basis, I hate being on the Russian side of these issues. I have no love for Russia. It is simply an objective analysis of what is going on in the Ukraine and Russia right now. Has nothing to do with what happened in 1989 which is the year I retired.

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Dear friends Harsh Jones and F430murci.

Both of you got my 'likes'. Neither of you is ignorant in the questions of Russian economics.

The fact that Putin tried to 'bend over' a few of oligarchs is commendable under any circumstances IMHO. I do not like thieves.

The fact that he himself is a thief is another matter. The fact that the State didn't benefit from redistribution of stolen assets is yet another matter.

Not much has changed in all of the former USSR including Russia. People come last. Their 'Democracy' sucks.

The rule of the Mob continues. Even the composition of the Mob didn't change much.

The conflict with Ukraine is a very complex and separate issue. Not for discussion in connection with OP.

Here are a few questions to consider:

Why with a drastic fall in oil price Russians are the only people who must pay almost double for petrol?

Why the drastic fall of Russian Ruble? (please, do not mention here USA, Obama or EU as reasons)

Why in Russia after 1917, after collapse of the Soviets and up till 2015, despite all the 'capitalist' developments the land is not in the hands of people?

Why Russia didn't become something like China? The two countries in the last 30 years became the opposites development wise.

I would like to see your thoughts on these questions, because Nemtsov's case is directly connected to the answers.

But the State did benefit from redistribution of stolen assets. Especially those in charge of the government. And especially Putin:


Unlike Louis 'The Sun King' Putin and his ruling Mob are not the State. Whatever you might think.

Russian wild red haired journalist publicly stated that only 2% of revenue from oil and gas exports reach the State coffers.

If you know better you are welcome to share it here.

Edited by ABCer
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What? Putin runs AND controls the state. He controls it with an iron fist.

From that same article above:

Opposition politician Boris Nemtsov, who was first deputy prime minister under Putin's predecessor, Boris Yeltsin, published a reportlast year entitled "Putin. Corruption." Using information from open sources, mainly newspaper reports, the report describes how Putin's relatives and friends got rich during his rule. It also attempts to pull together bits of information about Putin's perks as head of state, including luxury yachts and stately residences. An entire chapter is devoted to Putin's collection of expensive Swiss watches, which he could not have acquired on his official salary of less than $200,000 a year.

Nemtsov's report, now as much a source for stories about Putin's wealth as Belkovsky's claims, does not discuss the Russian president's personal fortune or whether he even has one. As a former top government official, Nemtsov knows that in Russia, the national leader does not need money or assets as such. He has the whole country at his beck and call. It is enough for Putin to snap his fingers, and state-owned companies will cede assets to his friends at bargain-basement prices. A whisper from him, and wealthy private businessmen will chip in for the lavish refurbishment of a presidential residence.

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Dear friends Harsh Jones and F430murci.

Both of you got my 'likes'. Neither of you is ignorant in the questions of Russian economics.

The fact that Putin tried to 'bend over' a few of oligarchs is commendable under any circumstances IMHO. I do not like thieves.

The fact that he himself is a thief is another matter. The fact that the State didn't benefit from redistribution of stolen assets is yet another matter.

Not much has changed in all of the former USSR including Russia. People come last. Their 'Democracy' sucks.

The rule of the Mob continues. Even the composition of the Mob didn't change much.

The conflict with Ukraine is a very complex and separate issue. Not for discussion in connection with OP.

Here are a few questions to consider:

Why with a drastic fall in oil price Russians are the only people who must pay almost double for petrol?

Why the drastic fall of Russian Ruble? (please, do not mention here USA, Obama or EU as reasons)

Why in Russia after 1917, after collapse of the Soviets and up till 2015, despite all the 'capitalist' developments the land is not in the hands of people?

Why Russia didn't become something like China? The two countries in the last 30 years became the opposites development wise.

I would like to see your thoughts on these questions, because Nemtsov's case is directly connected to the answers.

The whole attack from Wall Street on the Russian Ruble was never realistic. Oil and Gas exports account for 65% of Russia's exports, but exports only account for about 30% of Russian GDP. So Oil and Gas exports account for only about 17% of Russian GDP. Even now, Russia still runs a trade surplus. And countries with a trade surplus don't have currency problems, unless orchestrated by "Someone".

The 70% of the GDP which is not exports is domestic consumption, within which Russia represents the largest consumer market in all of Europe, including Germany. Hence the hit to German exporters and thus Europe's economy overall as a result of blindly obeying US sanctions, sanctions which have NO impact on the US itself.

Finally, Russia's external debt represents about 13% of GDP and it has adequate Fx reserves without even counting the world's fifth largest Gold reserves.

So for "Someone" to think that Russia could be broken in such a way was entirely unrealistic from the outset. It is a myth that Russia is an oil centric economy. Russia exports turn-key nuclear power plants. It also rents out its expertise and services in space flight. Russia exports rocket engines to the US military. It exports military hardware and fighter jets all over the world.

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Just as I had indicated earlier, they are going to ruin this poor girl's life. Kill her boyfriend of four years right in front of her, frame her and ruin her life. Hardcore. These mf'ers are building up a nasty dose of karma.


Moscow (CNN)The Ukrainian girlfriend of slain Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov faces constant psychological pressure from Moscow authorities and fears she will be implicated in his death, her mother told CNN.

Model Anna Duritskaya, 23, was walking with Nemtsov on Friday night when a gunman shot the politician about 100 meters (330 feet) from the Kremlin.

"She was crying and she was saying Boris had been killed and he's lying next to me," said her mother, Inna Duritskaya. "She was in such shock she couldn't say anything else."

Duritskaya said her daughter was questioned until 2 a.m. Monday. She said she fears authorities will implicate her daughter in the death because they have threatened to take her attorney away from her.


What makes you so sure she is innocent in this whole ordeal ?

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Dear friends Harsh Jones and F430murci.

Both of you got my 'likes'. Neither of you is ignorant in the questions of Russian economics.

The fact that Putin tried to 'bend over' a few of oligarchs is commendable under any circumstances IMHO. I do not like thieves.

The fact that he himself is a thief is another matter. The fact that the State didn't benefit from redistribution of stolen assets is yet another matter.

Not much has changed in all of the former USSR including Russia. People come last. Their 'Democracy' sucks.

The rule of the Mob continues. Even the composition of the Mob didn't change much.

The conflict with Ukraine is a very complex and separate issue. Not for discussion in connection with OP.

Here are a few questions to consider:

Why with a drastic fall in oil price Russians are the only people who must pay almost double for petrol?

Why the drastic fall of Russian Ruble? (please, do not mention here USA, Obama or EU as reasons)

Why in Russia after 1917, after collapse of the Soviets and up till 2015, despite all the 'capitalist' developments the land is not in the hands of people?

Why Russia didn't become something like China? The two countries in the last 30 years became the opposites development wise.

I would like to see your thoughts on these questions, because Nemtsov's case is directly connected to the answers.

But the State did benefit from redistribution of stolen assets. Especially those in charge of the government. And especially Putin:


So you really think that blatant state corruption is value added ? It adds value to an economy ? Russia does have the 5th biggest hoard of forign exchange reserves in the world. Which puts appreciative pressure on the Ruble which raises the standard of living of every Russian.

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