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Nan Buddhists protest mosque construction


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Nan Buddhists Protest Mosque Construction
By Khaosod English

More than 1,000 Buddhists gathered by Phra That Chae Haeng Temple in Nan province to protest a plan to construct a mosque, 1 March 2015.

NAN — More than 1,000 Buddhists gathered by a temple in northern Thailand yesterday to protest a plan to construct a mosque in Nan province.

The rally came in response to news that a group of local Muslims had purchased a plot of land in Nam Kaen subdistrict, where they said they intended to build a house of worship.

Buddhists march to Nan City hall to protest the construction of a mosque, 1 March 2015.

After gathering in front of Phra That Chae Haeng Temple yesterday, more than 1,o00 white-clad protesters, who were joined by Buddhist monks and novices, marched to Nan City Hall and submitted a letter urging the provincial government to halt the mosque project.

The letter insisted that opposition to the mosque was not motivated by "religious persecution," but rather dissatisfaction by a lack of transparency and public consultation over the project.

The letter also cited other concerns, such as "noise pollution," "differences in lifestyle and culture" between Buddhists and Muslims, and possible "unrest and violence" that could follow the construction of the mosque.

According to a representative from the Muslim group in Nan, the nearest mosque is 130km away in a neighboring province.

"It's not convenient for us to travel, and it's dangerous, because some people have to travel by motorcycles, so I think there should be a mosque as a community center for Muslim brothers and sisters," Imaam Yarin was quoted as saying by Thai Rath newspaper.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1425282802

-- Khaosod English 2015-03-02

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"differences in lifestyle and culture" between Buddhists and Muslims, and possible "unrest and violence" that could follow the construction of the mosque."

On whose part?

The Muslims just want a place to pray.

What's wrong with that?

Just a matter of justification, there are 100s of 1000s of Christians, Buddhists, Hindus living in the Middle east for work and living, will they allow them build Churches and Temples there ?

If they are talking about religious freedom, they should consider in every country, not just enforce in the secular countries.

Completely agree with you.

Religious bigotry and intolerance is unacceptable anywhere.

No one has the right to dictate to another what faith, if any, they follow nor impede anyone's ability to follow the faith of their choice.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Ahhhh- the tolerant and peaceful Thai- Buddhists!

Butthurt about punk-singers wearing safron-robes, people doing yoga OUTSIDE of a temple, stuff that happens halfway across the globe..now eager to fight "noise pollution" (in Thailand! What a joke!), a different lifestyles and culture!

And -of course- a fear of unrest and violence!

If you learn from the (paranoid) West- why can it not be something useful?!

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I used Christianity but I could have used Buddism just as easily. (have a look at whats going on in Burma.)

This ignorant, prejudice, shit fails to aknowledge Islam is no different than any other imaginary friend which people kill in the name of.

Show me any other religion who has unending violence against ALL other people as a tenet of their faith.

I agree that religion is silly; but if you have a snake and a mouse in your house, you don't get rid of the mouse first as the snake may bite you now it's food is gone.

So, who goes in this case, the Buddhist or the Muslims?

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I used Christianity but I could have used Buddism just as easily. (have a look at whats going on in Burma.)

This ignorant, prejudice, shit fails to aknowledge Islam is no different than any other imaginary friend which people kill in the name of.

Show me any other religion who has unending violence against ALL other people as a tenet of their faith.

I agree that religion is silly; but if you have a snake and a mouse in your house, you don't get rid of the mouse first as the snake may bite you now it's food is gone.

So, who goes in this case, the Buddhist or the Muslims?

The one murdering people (and other evils) around the world as commanded by their scriptures.

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Followers of the revealed religions - Jews and Christians - Islamic law granted freedom in the exercise of their religious practices and restrictions, which defines the Islamic law, in the exercise of their religious duties. It provides no penalty for the failure of the religious duties of a non-Muslim. In a historical perspective, however, the Islamic law provides certain restrictions on the exercise of religious duties other creditors. The best-known document for the treatment of Christians after the conquest of the cities of Syria and Mesopotamia by the second caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab (592-644) confirmed contract that should apply to future contracts as a guide and in works of alien law - was handed down - such as with the acting to 923 Abu Bakr al-Khallal. Some conditions that had to meet the Christians were: no construction of new churches or monasteries; no reconstruction of destroyed churches in the residential quarters of the Muslims; no cross on the church towers; no public show of the cross or the Bible in the presence of Muslims; no loud Praying or loud recitation of sacred texts; no proselytizing.

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Balls. Islaam is NOT a religion of peace, it's an all or nothing religion, to be a true Muslim you have to accept the Koran 100%. That includes stoning of apostates and adulterers, something that is accepted by 45% of Muslims in Europe as being justifiable, Killing those that are not submitting to their evil cult, sharia law... come on guys do some reading. Switzerland is the envy of Europe because it passed a law BY POPULAR VOTE stopping the construction of mosques.

Come on...Religion of peace: Which is?

Buddhist monks or Christians all bless weapons of the army which whole purpose is to kill.

All the same.....making money on promises delivered after your dead.....

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Balls. Islaam is NOT a religion of peace, it's an all or nothing religion, to be a true Muslim you have to accept the Koran 100%. That includes stoning of apostates and adulterers, something that is accepted by 45% of Muslims in Europe as being justifiable, Killing those that are not submitting to their evil cult, sharia law... come on guys do some reading. Switzerland is the envy of Europe because it passed a law BY POPULAR VOTE stopping the construction of mosques.


Balls. Christianity is NOT a religion of peace, it's an all or nothing religion, to be a true Christian you have to accept the bible 100%. That includes canibalism, slavery and rape, something that is accepted by 45% of Christians in Europe as being justifiable, Killing those that are not submitting to their evil cult, canon law... come on guys do some reading.

I used Christianity but I could have used Buddism just as easily. (have a look at whats going on in Burma.)

This ignorant, prejudice, shit fails to aknowledge Islam is no different than any other imaginary friend which people kill in the name of.

Yeah, so all religions are the same. I don't think it is written anywhere in the bible that you have to follow all its edicts under threat of eternal hell fire. In fact there are very few edicts about how to live, and none of them exhort Christians to put members of other religions to the sword, to make them afraid, and allows them to take women of other religions as 'wives' and all the rest of it. Islam is inherently evil.

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