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Leaving Thailand


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Certainly wouldnt of been me darling..chat to as many waitressses as you like...as for going to bars..havent been to one in a while.

I see now, "darling", why you took issue with your mealtime companion's jocular remark about the gay couple and promptly flounced off

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Poor OP - he wasn't afforded the respect (and the obligatory sacrifice of a lamb) he felt his long, illustrious career in the West and advanced years entitled him to so he and his mate are chucking their homes, wives and colostomy bags.

With their "crybaby" attitude, it's a wonder they lasted as long as they did

Anyway, see ya; wouldn't wanna be ya

Very immature comments..why bother to make such comments?

I remember a farang similar to yourself (immature) who I was sitting with on the sidewalk last week enjoying a 40 baht meal...i was enjoying our meeting until he suddenly made immature and childish comments to a gay couple holding hands that were walking past...i decided there and then to part our company.

I'm not entirely sure that CH is a 'farang'.

immature comments Vs racist comments ......... which is worse?

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Having lived in Thailand for several years in the past for work I could not wait to leave. It's a beautiful country and great to visit as a tourist (well it used to be) but for the life of me I can't understand why any westerner who has options would want to live there.

Perhaps you can share with the readership this Utopia where you currently reside. We're all just dying to know where this wonderful place is.

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Does anyone really like snow, ?...Or get home to find the central heating don't work, or a Thai national sitting there thinking what the feeeeeeeeeeeer am I doing sitting here in the cold without papaya pok pok. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.....coffee1.gif

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I'm sure the British guy who spent almost a year in jail for doing nothing other than being upset the police didn't seem to give a damn about him being robbed. Then got accused of insurance fraud, would also find those comments funny.

I bet he was sat in his cell watching people die in front of his eyes or a regular basis, many who like him shouldn't have even been in jail.

In fact I bet he was thinking well if I don't think this is a problem it wont be.

I bet he, whoever he is, did multiple things wrong.

Yes you are right. Not only did he show his displeasure at the lack of interest shown by the police, he also refused to pay the 500 baht fee he was ordered to pay.

I'm sure there are other things he did wrong. Have a read of the article. You can then point out just what he did to end up in Jail.

Its on the AD site so I cant link it here, but if you go to his twitter account it's dated 12 October 2014.

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After being here for 20+ years as you say you would figure you would be used to these sort of events

The fact that you are uprooting suggests there is more to the story or a history of you flipping your lid far too easily

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Having lived in Thailand for several years in the past for work I could not wait to leave. It's a beautiful country and great to visit as a tourist (well it used to be) but for the life of me I can't understand why any westerner who has options would want to live there.

Because we like it here.

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After the events of yesterday both I and my friend have decided to leave. We both have lives, wives, children.houses, we love dearly...But under these circumstances! we cannot live. Oh my friend is Norwegian; a country apparently very popular with Thais. I ythink the whole thing is very sad...In 20 years Bangkok will be Atlantis..Better leave then to get on with it . Th rest of you?Why are you here? <deleted>, Beaches. Money, Somewhere where you are not from....??

I live in Jomtien, which is quite nice. Nothing on earth would induce me to live in Bangkok. The sooner it sinks, the better.

Why do I live here rather than in another country? Because I can get a retirement extension very easily and cheaply, and because I can live here perfectly legally without paying any tax anywhere, and because the local food is quite tasty.

Apart from that it actually makes very little difference to me where I live, given that I live here exactly the same way that I would live anywhere else.

If any of the above-mentioned things changed then I would be gone like a shot, but only to go to somewhere where the above things still applied. Other things like the local population not liking me are largely irrelevant; I don't like them either and so I just don't waste any time with them. I certainly dont worry about whether they like me or not.

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I know a lot of people leaving Thailand and who has left during the past year. Not people on pension here, but really good and successful business people, who have moved their businesses, families and spending elsewhere.

Personally, my plans are to do the same during 2015. I know many people will say "Good bye, You will not be missed", to which I can only reply "No worries, I will also not miss you or anything else here!".

Besides losing millions of THB in yearly profit-tax and employee taxes from our Thai-company, I guess Thailand will not really benefit from anything else, than being happy to get rid of yet another long-term farang. But I am also sure and know, that they do not really care, which is totally fine with me.

For sure, I will never invest any more money in Thailand again. Not because I have ever lost money here, but simply because "Why invest in a place, where you are basically not welcome?"

There are loads of countries out there, happy to welcome productive skilled foreigners... no matter how big or small the investment. And since Thailand clearly believes it can do everything without foreigners, then its better just to let them at it. It relieves both parties of a lot of headache and worries.

Don't misunderstand me... There are many things I love and like about this place (The Weather, The fair prices and The fake smiles etc.). I just don't want to get in the way of Thailands ambitious progress and aim to become a developed country on Singapore level in 10-15 years time.

I really hope isolating themselves from the outside world, "happiness" and espeicially their truly amazing educational system, will bring them to their goal faster than expected... And I will not be the one to stand in their way :-)

However... Who knows? Maybe Thailand will be a better place for foreigners, when the expected Singapore-level has been reached. It should still be in my lifetime, if things go as planned. So maybe I will return later or maybe I will return, when the illusion economy and real estate market colapses. Could possiblily be a good time to buy a very cheap house here.

There is one thing I know for sure in what u write and that is that Thailand won't achieve the same wealth as singapore in 15 years.

They will have had 2 more coups by then.

I left, don't really think about the place at all anymore.

Clearly demonstrated by your continued posts on a website dedicated to expat life in Thailand!

I am still curious to try to understand the Thai psyche.

I probably have about 40 years of living to do. Maybe by then, I will have it sorted out.

I read the news, since I still have a house there I would love to sell. But, life is too non stop now to really worry too much about it.

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Thailand isn't for everyone. Some people move here without making much effort to find out about the place beforehand - often with extremely misguided expectations based on a holiday. When they find out it isn't for them, many of them try to make themselves better by putting the country down, rather than admit that they made a mistake in moving here.

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interesting how thailand gets these types of complaints. in other countries you dont hear much at all about it, people just simply move on, or they discuss politics in some groups.

seems that expats feel self importance here or like they are owed something. the increased spending power is playing with peoples heads, or they are tripping on illusions and fantasies spun by the tourism board.

To how many expat forums do you subscribe?

Philippines and India forums are almost exactly the same for complaints.

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"After the events of yesterday..." ...with no further explanation.

Worst way to start a new forum post ever?

or brilliant story teaser?

Having no idea what the OP was talking about , I was certainty left hungry for more after the opening sentence biggrin.png

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Come on.

Firstly just because the cop was wearing a Tee- Shirt shouldn't be seen as a slap in your face.

In most country's where you are a visitor/foreigner they ask for your fingerprints, especially if you want to file an official report. And in the police eyes you aren't innocent or guilty until they investigate, you are simply one party in a dispute.

And why should your mate being a retired doctor entitle him to special treatment. Plenty of us foreigners have degrees and don't expect special treatment if we have an issue.

I'm sure you will see rationale once you get over the ego.

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I know a lot of people leaving Thailand and who has left during the past year. Not people on pension here, but really good and successful business people, who have moved their businesses, families and spending elsewhere.

Personally, my plans are to do the same during 2015. I know many people will say "Good bye, You will not be missed", to which I can only reply "No worries, I will also not miss you or anything else here!".

Besides losing millions of THB in yearly profit-tax and employee taxes from our Thai-company, I guess Thailand will not really benefit from anything else, than being happy to get rid of yet another long-term farang. But I am also sure and know, that they do not really care, which is totally fine with me.

For sure, I will never invest any more money in Thailand again. Not because I have ever lost money here, but simply because "Why invest in a place, where you are basically not welcome?"

There are loads of countries out there, happy to welcome productive skilled foreigners... no matter how big or small the investment. And since Thailand clearly believes it can do everything without foreigners, then its better just to let them at it. It relieves both parties of a lot of headache and worries.

Don't misunderstand me... There are many things I love and like about this place (The Weather, The fair prices and The fake smiles etc.). I just don't want to get in the way of Thailands ambitious progress and aim to become a developed country on Singapore level in 10-15 years time.

I really hope isolating themselves from the outside world, "happiness" and espeicially their truly amazing educational system, will bring them to their goal faster than expected... And I will not be the one to stand in their way :-)

However... Who knows? Maybe Thailand will be a better place for foreigners, when the expected Singapore-level has been reached. It should still be in my lifetime, if things go as planned. So maybe I will return later or maybe I will return, when the illusion economy and real estate market colapses. Could possiblily be a good time to buy a very cheap house here.

There is one thing I know for sure in what u write and that is that Thailand won't achieve the same wealth as singapore in 15 years.

They will have had 2 more coups by then.

I left, don't really think about the place at all anymore.

Clearly demonstrated by your continued posts on a website dedicated to expat life in Thailand!
I am still curious to try to understand the Thai psyche.

I probably have about 40 years of living to do. Maybe by then, I will have it sorted out.

I read the news, since I still have a house there I would love to sell. But, life is too non stop now to really worry too much about it.

So, instead of "I don't really think of the place at anymore " it is actually pretty constant?

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