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Hundreds of Christian Refugees in Thailand Arrested, May Be Deported to Pakistan


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And how does Yingluck come into this?

The US envoys were so active and verbal in Thai politics, but move not a bristle in this case.
What does one have to do with the other?

Shows how the US prioritizes issues of value to them.

How so, is Yingluck residing in the US as a refugee or something?

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It sickens me when I read this kind of story. These are not economic refugees. Everyday in the UK we get thousands of economic refugees pitching up to abuse the welfare system. They arrive by boat and by plane - which is contrary to the UK reolution of refugees which clearly states that refugees should seek asylum in the first country they arrive at by land. The Uk looks after these people better than it's own aged people. And here you have (what seems anyway) a true case of danger to life and they get turned away. Turned away by a Buddhist country no less. So much for the basic tenets of Buddhism then.

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Who is more qualified for asylum in the US? A Pakistani Christian or YL?

I must have missed something, what does this have to do with the U.S.?

The US has been all ears to YL. In this case, they see nothing, hear nothing, and says nothing. And their dollar bill states "In God I trust".

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Who is more qualified for asylum in the US? A Pakistani Christian or YL?

You really need to get out more.

No, the envoys of the US Embassy here need to get out more and do something for these people being deported.

Are you advocating that the US get involved with Thai internal affairs? The good people of Thailand should smile upon these threatened people to show the compassion of Buddha - allow them to live and work in Thailand.

Edited by Srikcir
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Posters somehow in their convoluted brains trying to somehow make this a US problem? What are you smoking? these people are clearly refugees due to religious persecution and it is Thailand's responsibility to grant them asylum or aid them in getting to country that will grant them asylum. Thailand is acting with callous disregard for human life and willfully ignoring the persecution that awaits them if returned to Pakistan.

However, if they took these in for religious persecution, then they would also have to take in Muslims who are persecuted by Buddhist majority in neighboring Myanmar. Prefer to sell them to Malaysia, if reports are correct.

Thank you for saying the right things out loud. I have been expecting these words from the US Embassy. Why? If they had bothered to poke their noses into Thai politics, why have they not given advice on religious refugees when the Thai govt threatened to deport them?

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The arrested Christians fled Pakistan because many were accused of blasphemy and threatened by militant Muslims.

Someone warn them quickly not to mention the King...least they be accused of "lese majesty"...and spend their remaining years in a Thai jail...

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Who is more qualified for asylum in the US? A Pakistani Christian or YL?

You really need to get out more.

No, the envoys of the US Embassy here need to get out more and do something for these people being deported.

yes, because the USA needs to save the world! But then when the USA gets involved everyone complains. How about the UK embassy doing something, or the German embassy, best of all how about the Vatican getting involved and help these Christians!

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Who is more qualified for asylum in the US? A Pakistani Christian or YL?

You really need to get out more.
No, the envoys of the US Embassy here need to get out more and do something for these people being deported.

yes, because the USA needs to save the world! But then when the USA gets involved everyone complains. How about the UK embassy doing something, or the German embassy, best of all how about the Vatican getting involved and help these Christians!

These others did not poke their noses into Thai politics, thus, their silence were expected. We call it consistency.

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Who is more qualified for asylum in the US? A Pakistani Christian or YL?

I must have missed something, what does this have to do with the U.S.?

The US has been all ears to YL. In this case, they see nothing, hear nothing, and says nothing. And their dollar bill states "In God I trust".

And YL is a Pakistani Christian? I'm confused as to how you can link the US and YL to this article,I thought this article was about Pakistani Christians in Thailand.

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Who is more qualified for asylum in the US? A Pakistani Christian or YL?

I must have missed something, what does this have to do with the U.S.?

The US has been all ears to YL. In this case, they see nothing, hear nothing, and says nothing. And their dollar bill states "In God I trust".

And YL is a Pakistani Christian? I'm confused as to how you can link the US and YL to this article,I thought this article was about Pakistani Christians in Thailand.

The players of this drama is the US Embassy in Thailand and the Thai govt.

In the case of YL, the US Embassy came in to tango.

In this case of Christian refugees facing deportation and possibly death, the US Embassy kept silence.

Why? YL's case is more important?

If so, the term "God" in the phrase "In God We Trust" so proudly proclaimed by the US for 60 years means the dollar bill?

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Who is more qualified for asylum in the US? A Pakistani Christian or YL?

You really need to get out more.

No, the envoys of the US Embassy here need to get out more and do something for these people being deported.

Why focus on the US Embassy? Where are the Embassies of Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China, Korea, India, France, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Russia, Germany, Poland, Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain, Italy, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Uruagay, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Bolicia, Paraguay, Mexico, Canada et al? I leave out the Middle East and North Africa, since that would be stepping out of the frying pan into the fire.

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Who is more qualified for asylum in the US? A Pakistani Christian or YL?

You really need to get out more.
No, the envoys of the US Embassy here need to get out more and do something for these people being deported.

Why focus on the US Embassy? Where are the Embassies of Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China, Korea, India, France, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Russia, Germany, Poland, Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain, Italy, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Uruagay, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Bolicia, Paraguay, Mexico, Canada et al? I leave out the Middle East and North Africa, since that would be stepping out of the frying pan into the fire.

Already answered a similar question earlier.

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I think the thing is that a Muslim can not change faith. If he/she does then it is considered acceptable if a Muslim kills them. Crazy I know but that is what I read a while back, not on TV incidentially

This is the case in a few Islamic majority countries dominated by conversative Imams, but not in Thailand. I known Thai Muslims who have 'converted' to Buddhism and vice versa without any threats to their lives.

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Who is more qualified for asylum in the US? A Pakistani Christian or YL?

You really need to get out more.

No, the envoys of the US Embassy here need to get out more and do something for these people being deported.

Why focus on the US Embassy? Where are the Embassies of Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China, Korea, India, France, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Russia, Germany, Poland, Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain, Italy, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Uruagay, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Bolicia, Paraguay, Mexico, Canada et al? I leave out the Middle East and North Africa, since that would be stepping out of the frying pan into the fire.

Think you will find the crux of the issue is Thailand has not ratified and signed the UN Convention for Refugees. The various country Embassies would normally work though UNHCR to assess and allocate spaces in their refugess / ayslum seekers programs. However, remember there are approx 14 million refugees / asylum seekers around the world, yet currently only 80k per annum are being accepted for re-settlement.

Edited by simple1
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Seems Australia is "Racist and Cruel" when they do not accept refugees. But when Thailand makes it clear they don't give a rats about anyone except themselves, then that's fine apparently.

You have to first define 'Refugees'. Did they set out on their journey to flee persecution, or for greener pasture?

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Seems Australia is "Racist and Cruel" when they do not accept refugees. But when Thailand makes it clear they don't give a rats about anyone except themselves, then that's fine apparently.

You have to first define 'Refugees'. Did they set out on their journey to flee persecution, or for greener pasture?

It is completely irrelevant, given that Thailand will not take them in either way.

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Seems Australia is "Racist and Cruel" when they do not accept refugees. But when Thailand makes it clear they don't give a rats about anyone except themselves, then that's fine apparently.

You have to first define 'Refugees'. Did they set out on their journey to flee persecution, or for greener pasture?
It is completely irrelevant, given that Thailand will not take them in either way.

USA should. They need more people to share the debt load.

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Seems Australia is "Racist and Cruel" when they do not accept refugees. But when Thailand makes it clear they don't give a rats about anyone except themselves, then that's fine apparently.

You have to first define 'Refugees'. Did they set out on their journey to flee persecution, or for greener pasture?
It is completely irrelevant, given that Thailand will not take them in either way.

USA should. They need more people to share the debt load.

How old are you? Five?

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Seems Australia is "Racist and Cruel" when they do not accept refugees. But when Thailand makes it clear they don't give a rats about anyone except themselves, then that's fine apparently.

You have to first define 'Refugees'. Did they set out on their journey to flee persecution, or for greener pasture?
It is completely irrelevant, given that Thailand will not take them in either way.

USA should. They need more people to share the debt load.

How old are you? Five?

No, six!

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Exactly 99% (at least) of 'refugees escaping religious persecution' turn out to be economic opertunists, pakistan sucks and Thailand is a way nicer country with better economic oppertunity-so they're trying to get a free pass to live and work here w/o a permit like the rest of us are forced to do, there areMANY places in pakistan that are safe for christians, if there is a problem rural area then the can be 'refugees' in a safe part of pakistan.

That's funny,

christian pakistanis "flee" to a buddhist country. Why not try israel?

Meanwhile, pakistani muslims flooding the uk.

Religious people... if you like to stay sane, don't try to understand them.

Not sure why this particular group were (allegedly) being persecuted.

Being a Christian in Pakistan is not generally a problem. When I stayed in Lahore I attended the Sacred Heart Cathedral most Sundays and one of the oldest schools there for Pakistani girls is Sacred Heart High School. Also when I was there I knew an American couple who were involved in missionary work for some Protestant denomination without any problem ... and that included the period when the US embassy evacuated most personnel and most airlines suspended flights to Pakistan around the time of the Sept 11 bombing in New York and aftermath.

Of course if they were from some rural area or if they had renounced Islam, there would be trouble from extremists who need a target to justify themselves. Sad to hear of their plight if they are genuine refugees in fear of their lives, but wonder why/how they ended up in Thailand.

That's funny,

christian pakistanis "flee" to a buddhist country. Why not try israel?

Meanwhile, pakistani muslims flooding the uk.

Religious people... if you like to stay sane, don't try to understand them.

Far more mayhem has been caused in the name of patriotism, nationalism, colonialism and economic exploitation.

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Or why not just cross the border into iran? Iran has jews and even has jew mps in their parliament so

Christians would be safe there.. If they have no money but they get on planes and fly ALL the way over here? Why here, notice these 'refugees' always come to countries that have better economies.. I guess if your gonna be a 'refugee', might as well take some economic opertunity..

That's funny,

christian pakistanis "flee" to a buddhist country. Why not try israel?

Meanwhile, pakistani muslims flooding the uk.

Religious people... if you like to stay sane, don't try to understand them.

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Who is more qualified for asylum in the US? A Pakistani Christian or YL?

You really need to get out more.

No, the envoys of the US Embassy here need to get out more and do something for these people being deported.

in an other thread people were complaining about US's interference in Thailand and that the US should mind it's own business

in this thread people complain why the US is not interfering,and get more involvedcoffee1.gif

But to answer the question. The US is not getting involved in the Pakistani christian issue in Thailand because Obama is a Secret Muslimlaugh.png

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