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US must not impose its idea of democracy: PM

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The only democracy people in the US, UK, Europe etc have lasts for the minute in the polling booth when they put their X against the candidate who has told the most believable lies. After that all bets are off, any promises made to secure your vote will be disappear into thin air, never to be seen again.

So Democracy is the freedom to choose the best liar.


Can someone explain to me in what Thailand is so different that it cannot have a democracy. I stress "cannot" (not does not).

And while we are at it, why can Thai people not enjoy all human rights fully? Which difference prevents them from being able to be granted full human rights?

Which insane person would pay for votes and take the responsibility to manage a country, for a monthly pay similar to a food server in Japan and Singapore, without hoping to get back multiples of money invested?


Bill Clinton

That is the correct answer. He actually never worked a real job in his life.

He mastered the government tit. But for sure he was a millionaire after he

left office.... :-)


Yes alex88. Please tell me why Canada is not a democracy. Your insight would be greatly appreciated with your apparent knowledge of politics.


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The idea of fiefdoms, mass corruption and military coups aren't uncommon in the west, they just happened 500 or so years ago alt=whistling.gif>

Democracy doesn't work in Asia? Japan and South Korea are doing well with it, places like Taiwan and Hong Kong too.

This East and West stuff is just a poor excuse for this man to consolidate power for his 'team' of elites so that they never lose their grip of power. This kind of Rhetoric is like the stuff the Kim family says in North Korea. Thailand pretty much is diet North Korea in some ways.

Some fools on here though think this man is a 'hero' and 'cleaning up' Thailand. They should read there (uncensored) Thai history to know that the previous 19 coups did nothing but benefit the traditional elite.

....Thai history to know that the previous 19 coups did nothing but benefit the traditional elite.

A very broad statement. And you seem to assume it's automatic that the current coup is / has to be a copy?

The first coup in 1932 was supposed to be the start of democracy here. Subsequent coups have been power plays by people at the very top of the tree. They do little to empower the Thai people but to consolidate power for the traditional elite. This and the previous coup was a play against a 'rogue' elite (yet popularly elected in) Shinawatra governments.

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I wonder if he truly is so ignorant and stupid he thinks the west will ever believe a leader who is not elected and effectively telling people what to think is working towards anything resembling democracy.

I would venture to say that it is impossible to rise to the top of Thailand's largest and perhaps most corrupt organization and be both stupid and ignorant. Therefore ... wink.png


There is a lot of debate on what is or is not a democracy, debates that will not end unless you agree on a definition for democracy. I suggest the Merriam-Webster on-line definition:

democracy noun de·moc·ra·cy \di-ˈmä-krə-sē\

: a form of government in which people choose leaders by voting

: a country ruled by democracy

: an organization or situation in which everyone is treated equally and has equal rights

Of course people are free to use a different definition, but they should explain what their preferred definition is. Others seem suggest, but don't openly state, that they don't like democracy; these people should offer an alternative form of government.

The above definition allows for many forms of democracy. The US qualifies as a form of democracy, Thailand under its current government does not. It remains to be seen if Thailand under the constitution being written will be a democracy.

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There is a great read from a Frenchman from around 18th century or so and it asks about treating the electorate as equals and only then will there be a true democracy's, and there's not a chance of the electorate all being treated as equals in a political sense or any other sense either.

Alm it takes is to read some posters here's comments with regards to the Isaan people and that's just the inequality coming from farangs mouthes !!

I forget the guys name, maybe it was around 1700's as it was around the time of the French revolutions


A melodramatic nonsense post has been removed as well as the replies:

9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.


Welcome to the 21st century, in which communication barriers have already been broken since the beginning of the internet era....

.... if our dear PM and former general wants to prevent US-style democracy, he should just SHUT DOWN Thailand's entire network.... will he dare?? ph34r.pngph34r.pngph34r.png


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As always, Gen Prayut makes another unrestrained attack on the US in defense of his military-led government. His inelegant and bombastic condemnation of the US comes on the eve when a Thai delegation is going to the US to argue fair and balanced treatment on Thailand's listing with Tier 3 countries. This delegation was going to "help" the US understand that Thailand is meeting all its obligations in stopping and preventing human trafficking.

"We told them Thailand is unlike others." Thailand doesn't need US democracy but it wants unrestrictive access to all US markets.

So fine, the US is also unlike others, will also stand behind its democratic principles, and impose Tier 3 sanctions on Thailand because it DOES UNDERSTAND what Gen. Prayut stands for.

Yet the USA is quite happy to support a coup in Egypt, quite happy to support the King of Saudi Arabia that "bastion of democracy" and several other countries including supporting the people opposed to the Syrian government, it supports the Israelis against the palestinians and yet you say that the USA will stand by its "democratic principles".

How many countries has the USA invaded in the last 150 years quoting "democratic principles"?

Add Singapore and Malaysia, both have elections but in reality they are a farce, and both countries nowhere near real democracy. Does the USA say anything? Never seen it.

Really a desperate attempt by you to try made your argument. Put it up or shut up with your accusation that Singapore and Malaysia elections are farce. They may not be the prefect democracy but the citizens take their decisions to the ballot box and the military know their roles and responsibilities.


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I agree with him. The US has the worst form of democracy where a government can be bought and paid for. It was the same in Thailand also so hope he changes it for the better.

And while were at it, how come the US is / has been totally quite about 'democracy' in Singapore and Malaysia?

Don't you get it. Singapore and Malaysia have elections; we don't. USA have always spoke strongly against Singapore and Malaysia about the need to improve public participation and freedom of expression. They particularly single out the harsh ISA and the Public Order Act. These strong condemnation has influenced the thinking of the locals and beginning to be manifested in election results. That's what needed, voters being informed and making decision at the ballot box.


The only democracy people in the US, UK, Europe etc have lasts for the minute in the polling booth when they put their X against the candidate who has told the most believable lies. After that all bets are off, any promises made to secure your vote will be disappear into thin air, never to be seen again.

Yep, election collection copied from abroad without knowing the real meaning and consequences of it.....


Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.


How many of the countries you decry and denounce about democracy have you actually lived in scorecard? I mean you must've lived in the States, Singapore, Malaysia for some period of time to have felt their versions of democracy just were not suitable for you?

Or are you basing your posts on hearsay and articles that clearly only suit your agenda?

Would it be too much to ask where you're originally from, and why you left and what would be a suitable form of democracy for you never mind what's suitable for the rest of the world ? as you clearly don't give them much credibility Nor respect their rights to vote, or their ability to vote?


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As always, Gen Prayut makes another unrestrained attack on the US in defense of his military-led government. His inelegant and bombastic condemnation of the US comes on the eve when a Thai delegation is going to the US to argue fair and balanced treatment on Thailand's listing with Tier 3 countries. This delegation was going to "help" the US understand that Thailand is meeting all its obligations in stopping and preventing human trafficking.

"We told them Thailand is unlike others." Thailand doesn't need US democracy but it wants unrestrictive access to all US markets.

So fine, the US is also unlike others, will also stand behind its democratic principles, and impose Tier 3 sanctions on Thailand because it DOES UNDERSTAND what Gen. Prayut stands for.

Yet the USA is quite happy to support a coup in Egypt, quite happy to support the King of Saudi Arabia that "bastion of democracy" and several other countries including supporting the people opposed to the Syrian government, it supports the Israelis against the palestinians and yet you say that the USA will stand by its "democratic principles".

How many countries has the USA invaded in the last 150 years quoting "democratic principles"?

Add Singapore and Malaysia, both have elections but in reality they are a farce, and both countries nowhere near real democracy. Does the USA say anything? Never seen it.

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I agree with him. The US has the worst form of democracy where a government can be bought and paid for. It was the same in Thailand also so hope he changes it for the better.

And while were at it, how come the US is / has been totally quite about 'democracy' in Singapore and Malaysia?

Don't you get it. Singapore and Malaysia have elections; we don't. USA have always spoke strongly against Singapore and Malaysia about the need to improve public participation and freedom of expression. They particularly single out the harsh ISA and the Public Order Act. These strong condemnation has influenced the thinking of the locals and beginning to be manifested in election results. That's what needed, voters being informed and making decision at the ballot box.
Malaysia ' s present system of government started with a coup in 1969 and they are doing ok.

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

As always, Gen Prayut makes another unrestrained attack on the US in defense of his military-led government. His inelegant and bombastic condemnation of the US comes on the eve when a Thai delegation is going to the US to argue fair and balanced treatment on Thailand's listing with Tier 3 countries. This delegation was going to "help" the US understand that Thailand is meeting all its obligations in stopping and preventing human trafficking.

"We told them Thailand is unlike others." Thailand doesn't need US democracy but it wants unrestrictive access to all US markets.

So fine, the US is also unlike others, will also stand behind its democratic principles, and impose Tier 3 sanctions on Thailand because it DOES UNDERSTAND what Gen. Prayut stands for.

Yet the USA is quite happy to support a coup in Egypt, quite happy to support the King of Saudi Arabia that "bastion of democracy" and several other countries including supporting the people opposed to the Syrian government, it supports the Israelis against the palestinians and yet you say that the USA will stand by its "democratic principles".

How many countries has the USA invaded in the last 150 years quoting "democratic principles"?

Add Singapore and Malaysia, both have elections but in reality they are a farce, and both countries nowhere near real democracy. Does the USA say anything? Never seen it.

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I agree with him. The US has the worst form of democracy where a government can be bought and paid for. It was the same in Thailand also so hope he changes it for the better.

And while were at it, how come the US is / has been totally quite about 'democracy' in Singapore and Malaysia?

Don't you get it. Singapore and Malaysia have elections; we don't. USA have always spoke strongly against Singapore and Malaysia about the need to improve public participation and freedom of expression. They particularly single out the harsh ISA and the Public Order Act. These strong condemnation has influenced the thinking of the locals and beginning to be manifested in election results. That's what needed, voters being informed and making decision at the ballot box.
Malaysia ' s present system of government started with a coup in 1969 and they are doing ok.

Anwar may tell you otherwise.


oh PM why do you have to always defer to the US and it's "democratic political ways".....everyone who uses their brain and eyes and "whatsabout" knows that for decades the US has been under a quasi-communistic government the same type of government that you are also trying to establish. So just do it and get it over with....reap your rewards for you, your friends and family as any other government in thailand has ever done. Your nothing new.

... do us a favor....stop trying to convince everyone that you are a "new flavor on the market"



There is a great read from a Frenchman from around 18th century or so and it asks about treating the electorate as equals and only then will there be a true democracy's, and there's not a chance of the electorate all being treated as equals in a political sense or any other sense either.

Alm it takes is to read some posters here's comments with regards to the Isaan people and that's just the inequality coming from farangs mouthes !!

I forget the guys name, maybe it was around 1700's as it was around the time of the French revolutions

might have been JJ Rousseau who wrote The Social Contract

edit: missed your post answering the question. wink.png


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As always, Gen Prayut makes another unrestrained attack on the US in defense of his military-led government. His inelegant and bombastic condemnation of the US comes on the eve when a Thai delegation is going to the US to argue fair and balanced treatment on Thailand's listing with Tier 3 countries. This delegation was going to "help" the US understand that Thailand is meeting all its obligations in stopping and preventing human trafficking.

"We told them Thailand is unlike others." Thailand doesn't need US democracy but it wants unrestrictive access to all US markets.

So fine, the US is also unlike others, will also stand behind its democratic principles, and impose Tier 3 sanctions on Thailand because it DOES UNDERSTAND what Gen. Prayut stands for.

Yet the USA is quite happy to support a coup in Egypt, quite happy to support the King of Saudi Arabia that "bastion of democracy" and several other countries including supporting the people opposed to the Syrian government, it supports the Israelis against the palestinians and yet you say that the USA will stand by its "democratic principles".

How many countries has the USA invaded in the last 150 years quoting "democratic principles"?

Add Singapore and Malaysia, both have elections but in reality they are a farce, and both countries nowhere near real democracy. Does the USA say anything? Never seen it.

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I agree with him. The US has the worst form of democracy where a government can be bought and paid for. It was the same in Thailand also so hope he changes it for the better.

And while were at it, how come the US is / has been totally quite about 'democracy' in Singapore and Malaysia?

Don't you get it. Singapore and Malaysia have elections; we don't. USA have always spoke strongly against Singapore and Malaysia about the need to improve public participation and freedom of expression. They particularly single out the harsh ISA and the Public Order Act. These strong condemnation has influenced the thinking of the locals and beginning to be manifested in election results. That's what needed, voters being informed and making decision at the ballot box.
Malaysia ' s present system of government started with a coup in 1969 and they are doing ok.

Poor attempt in re-writing Malaysia history. Government of Tungkul Abdul Rahman didn't conceded the government to army takeover. No General was appointed Prime Minister. The National Operation Council was formed to handle the racial riots and Tungkul resigned for Abdul Razak to take over. They are from the same Alliance party which is now called UMNO.


A rather childish set of excerpts from his speech - I am sure he spoke of things more substantive.

US democracy really Is not one to hold up as a shining example though it has some traits and Thailand has no traits of democracy at all at the moment. If he is whining about losing some aid, well I have no sympathy. Thailand is a pretty selfish nation on so many levels that it really should not be criticizing countries that assist it.


As always, Gen Prayut makes another unrestrained attack on the US in defense of his military-led government. His inelegant and bombastic condemnation of the US comes on the eve when a Thai delegation is going to the US to argue fair and balanced treatment on Thailand's listing with Tier 3 countries. This delegation was going to "help" the US understand that Thailand is meeting all its obligations in stopping and preventing human trafficking.

"We told them Thailand is unlike others." Thailand doesn't need US democracy but it wants unrestrictive access to all US markets.

So fine, the US is also unlike others, will also stand behind its democratic principles, and impose Tier 3 sanctions on Thailand because it DOES UNDERSTAND what Gen. Prayut stands for.

Yet the USA is quite happy to support a coup in Egypt, quite happy to support the King of Saudi Arabia that "bastion of democracy" and several other countries including supporting the people opposed to the Syrian government, it supports the Israelis against the palestinians and yet you say that the USA will stand by its "democratic principles".

How many countries has the USA invaded in the last 150 years quoting "democratic principles"?

According to the journalist John Pilger the US government has been behind the over throw of some 50 countries governments since 1945, many of them democracies. And dont get me started on there friend the Saudis. One of the most oppresive regimes anywhere in the world who came up with this extreme Sharia Law that is used by ISIS today. There allies Qatar who along with Kuwait fund ISIS. This list goes on and on. And the British are no better. Im a Brit by the way.

The US Constitution has been conveniently ignored by the present administration...legislation passed on to the President is ignored or vetoed...the President rules by executive order...somewhat like the PM of Thailand...see the US and Thailand has a lot in common...wai2.gif

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The US Constitution has been conveniently ignored by the present administration...legislation passed on to the President is ignored or vetoed...the President rules by executive order...somewhat like the PM of Thailand...see the US and Thailand has a lot in common...wai2.gif

Perhaps the PM here can invite Obama to dinner in Dubai? The Muslim food there is superb.


As always, Gen Prayut makes another unrestrained attack on the US in defense of his military-led government. His inelegant and bombastic condemnation of the US comes on the eve when a Thai delegation is going to the US to argue fair and balanced treatment on Thailand's listing with Tier 3 countries. This delegation was going to "help" the US understand that Thailand is meeting all its obligations in stopping and preventing human trafficking.

"We told them Thailand is unlike others." Thailand doesn't need US democracy but it wants unrestrictive access to all US markets.

So fine, the US is also unlike others, will also stand behind its democratic principles, and impose Tier 3 sanctions on Thailand because it DOES UNDERSTAND what Gen. Prayut stands for.

Yet the USA is quite happy to support a coup in Egypt, quite happy to support the King of Saudi Arabia that "bastion of democracy" and several other countries including supporting the people opposed to the Syrian government, it supports the Israelis against the palestinians and yet you say that the USA will stand by its "democratic principles".

How many countries has the USA invaded in the last 150 years quoting "democratic principles"?

According to the journalist John Pilger the US government has been behind the over throw of some 50 countries governments since 1945, many of them democracies. And dont get me started on there friend the Saudis. One of the most oppresive regimes anywhere in the world who came up with this extreme Sharia Law that is used by ISIS today. There allies Qatar who along with Kuwait fund ISIS. This list goes on and on. And the British are no better. Im a Brit by the way.

Are you worried Thailand is going to be the 51st? If you see a drone, just show it your passport.


As always, Gen Prayut makes another unrestrained attack on the US in defense of his military-led government. His inelegant and bombastic condemnation of the US comes on the eve when a Thai delegation is going to the US to argue fair and balanced treatment on Thailand's listing with Tier 3 countries. This delegation was going to "help" the US understand that Thailand is meeting all its obligations in stopping and preventing human trafficking.

"We told them Thailand is unlike others." Thailand doesn't need US democracy but it wants unrestrictive access to all US markets.

So fine, the US is also unlike others, will also stand behind its democratic principles, and impose Tier 3 sanctions on Thailand because it DOES UNDERSTAND what Gen. Prayut stands for.

Yet the USA is quite happy to support a coup in Egypt, quite happy to support the King of Saudi Arabia that "bastion of democracy" and several other countries including supporting the people opposed to the Syrian government, it supports the Israelis against the palestinians and yet you say that the USA will stand by its "democratic principles".

How many countries has the USA invaded in the last 150 years quoting "democratic principles"?

According to the journalist John Pilger the US government has been behind the over throw of some 50 countries governments since 1945, many of them democracies. And dont get me started on there friend the Saudis. One of the most oppresive regimes anywhere in the world who came up with this extreme Sharia Law that is used by ISIS today. There allies Qatar who along with Kuwait fund ISIS. This list goes on and on. And the British are no better. Im a Brit by the way.
Yes, Pilger also correctly mentions the long list of false flag used to start wars.

The US was a wonderful ideal based on escaping European tyranny but was hijacked long ago into the oppressive war monger it has become.

Many Americans are horrified into what their country has become, others just tune into the MSM and believe naively everything they are told. They even believe there is an appreciable difference between Democrats and Republicans and are oblivious that the same criminal bankster money finances both of them.

The rest of the world wishes Americans would clean up their corrupt institutions and return the country to all it should be, a republic based on equal opportunity and not the enforcer of the 1‰.

If fighting for freedom is being a war monger, Im fighting all day long.

Fighting and war has nothing to do with a democratic society, nothing. Your strawman argument is invalid.

As usual with the posting of threads, it has turned into a way to bash the US. This crap is getting very old and predictable.

And as a Brit, you have no clue about our governmental system. You only have ASSumptions based on whatever wacked out news sources you read.

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