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Prayut says US disallows him to travel to the states

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He's not head of state.

As PM he's not the head of state?

Are you suggesting the only head of state is the King?

Maybe you're being a bit picayune?



'Accurate' is the word you're looking for.

  • Like 1

cant go to Aussie either can he ?....for the same reason

He's seems to be speaking for the Americans again. His assumption just because Obama ain't invited him. The billionaire Wall St. connected Thaksin, a convicted criminal fugitive with 15 outstanding criminal court cases got a visa ok on a private visit, unusual for America. And the former PM Ms. Yingluck was always dropping hints about a "White House invitation" that never came.

Who America invites, allows in and doesn't invite or prohibits is there business. Hypocrisy is up the them.

As for Aussie - why would he want to visit a piss pot country with an idiot PM?

Excuse me but Australia, not "Aussie" is a great country and every bit as good as the USA. Besides, why would the Thai PM need to go to the USA anyway? What does the USA sell that I can find in Thailand? A few car care products? Give me a break, at least I can find a lot of Aussie meat and food products here in Thailand and with most foreign investment in Thailand from China, Japan and other neighboring countries, the USA is pretty irrelevant in Thailand. They certainly won't be building that high speed train from Kunming, that's for sure.

USA -irrelevant, they still supply the bulk of munitions and equipment to the Thai armed forces. Though others, Ukraine, China, Sweden, Germany are muscling in.


Military coup, court the Chinese, befriend North Korea and you expect US to welcome you with open arms? Better study up on US policy politics and culture. After you relinquish power dear General, you still will be banned from USA.

when prayuth is in bed with kimmie and China I agree and doubt very much if the US or any other would a mad man friend into thier home. Prayuth has to choose North Korea or the rest of the world. Personally I wouldn't trust a mad man kimmie or his friends.

The reason Prayut is "on the nose" in the USA is because he had the audacity to launch an "unsanctioned" coup in the Americans' eyes.

Coup leaders must work by the rules, or else ! Bad coup leader ! thumbsup.gif


The reason Prayut is "on the nose" in the USA is because he had the audacity to launch an "unsanctioned" coup in the American's eyes.

Coup leaders must work by the rules, or else ! thumbsup.gif

No it's all the bad things he has done after the coup.

The reason Prayut is "on the nose" in the USA is because he had the audacity to launch an "unsanctioned" coup in the American's eyes.

Coup leaders must work by the rules, or else ! thumbsup.gif

No it's all the bad things he has done after the coup.

I may be an optimist, and I do tend to see the glass half full rather than half empty, but when I think of all the things that have happened in the past 10 months I cannot help but think - "What would have happened if the Military did not step in when they did ? How many more innocent people would have died at the hands of uncontrolled terrorists and paid thugs ?"

Call me crazy, but that means a lot to me as I have a wife and son to think about these days, not just myself.

As for all the "bad things" Prayut has done since he took over, none can compare to the previous poor excuse for a government allowing what happened on the streets of Bangkok during the protests.

I have no worries about my comments upsetting you Chook because you once made the famous claim that you were not in fact a redshirt or Shin supporter. whistling.gif


This is nothing more than Prayuth keeping the straw-man aniti USA deflection tactic in the forefront. Seems to be working in diverting attention from him and the unpopular martial law. In the last month I have had 3 different Thai's tell me they don't like the USA involving itself into thai affairs.

He would not go even if invited, I don't think he wants more insults thrown at him like what happened to him from the press in Italy.

Last Friday on his weekly show he went on for 10 minutes about how younger thai's do not know how to cook rice. I guess this was the pressing matter that day.


The United States has only one problem, ...... Barak Obama!! He is methodically dismantling the power of the U.S.A. Every policy of his has been detrimental to the U.S.A. and made the world a far more dangerous place!


The United States has only one problem, ...... Barak Obama!! He is methodically dismantling the power of the U.S.A. Every policy of his has been detrimental to the U.S.A. and made the world a far more dangerous place!

especially his policy not to invite Prayut,

THE END IS NEAR!!!cheesy.gifcheesy.gif



I find this very interesting. The PM of Thailand has been disallowed from going to the USA, while it allows an convicted criminal on the run from the law to go. The American law, as I understand it will not allow a visa to anyone that has been convicted in a court of law. It still allowed Thakisin Shinitawatra to travel to the US after he was convicted by the court for corruption, while his Brother-in-Law, was PM.

Very simple answer to that question

The US and many other Western Nations KNOW that the charges against Thaksin where trumped up and that he wasn't guilty of anything!

Just like they are about to do to his sister. Everyone knows this is all about going back to the old feudal system, keep the rural poor poor and keeping the Thai elite rich and richer.

There you go, simple enough for you?

Excellent answerclap2.gif , if I might ad to it,

if what tomross46 says is true, and any one convicted by a court could not travel to the US then all a dictatorial government had to do was have it's opposition convicted of trumped up charges, and then all those in opposition could not travel to the US, This would exclude from travel to the US people such as , Nelson Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi etc

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Why would he want to go to a civilized country when he is such an ultra right wing fundamentalist who does not welcome foreigners? I am glad he is banned, banned from Australia too and hopefully the rest of the world until that country starts to act like an adult rather than a petulant child.

To be honest, I don't know what this whole "doesn't welcome foreigners" rhetoric is all about. Even under PM Prayuth, all you ever hear about is "welcoming" more foreign tourists to this country and as we all know, the 24-26m foreigners that supposedly enter per year are not individual tourists, but entries made. The number of unique visitors may actually be 8m foreign tourists per year and the whole reason for short term visas is so visa runs are necessary to prop up the visitor numbers. Sure, attempts have been made to stop all the visa running on visa exemptions, but that's because the country wants to look serious about not having people abuse the visa exemption, perhaps in preparation for the AEC. It doesn't mean foreigners are no longer welcome. Quite the contrary. So obsessed is Thailand with tourism and numbers, every foreigner in Thailand is considered a tourist, even permanent residents. As long as they make an entry into Thailand they are counted as a new tourist. Only once someone becomes a Thai citizen do they cease being a tourist.



The reason Prayut is "on the nose" in the USA is because he had the audacity to launch an "unsanctioned" coup in the American's eyes.

Coup leaders must work by the rules, or else ! thumbsup.gif

No it's all the bad things he has done after the coup.

I may be an optimist, and I do tend to see the glass half full rather than half empty, but when I think of all the things that have happened in the past 10 months I cannot help but think - "What would have happened if the Military did not step in when they did ? How many more innocent people would have died at the hands of uncontrolled terrorists and paid thugs ?"

Call me crazy, but that means a lot to me as I have a wife and son to think about these days, not just myself.

As for all the "bad things" Prayut has done since he took over, none can compare to the previous poor excuse for a government allowing what happened on the streets of Bangkok during the protests.

I have no worries about my comments upsetting you Chook because you once made the famous claim that you were not in fact a redshirt or Shin supporter. whistling.gif

No you comments don't upset me and yes I disliked the last government and dislike the junta. The last government didn't just allow what was happening on the streets prior to the coup. The courts did, Yingluk tried to call a state of emergency and take control but was gagged and tied up by the courts. Much easier to see when you aren't in bed with either side, love is blind.

The Dumb tunnel vision Yanks have no idea as usual.

The Coupe was the best thing that happened here and it has gone very smoothly.

The good PM is doing a great job in a very difficult cultural environment.

The USA it seems cannot weigh up the fact that Thailand is at last being 'cleaned' up of the corruption and much more.

But it seems the USA prefer an elected corrupt government to an honest one!

English 1, coup not coupe.

Personally I prefer an elected government, corrupt or not as democracies have certain safeguards, not always effective granted but at least they exist.

Your "honest" government has none, you don't see that as a problem ? The English wasn't too hot, try Latin, "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"


The Dumb tunnel vision Yanks have no idea as usual.

The Coupe was the best thing that happened here and it has gone very smoothly.

The good PM is doing a great job in a very difficult cultural environment.

The USA it seems cannot weigh up the fact that Thailand is at last being 'cleaned' up of the corruption and much more.

But it seems the USA prefer an elected corrupt government to an honest one!

English 1, coup not coupe.

Personally I prefer an elected government, corrupt or not as democracies have certain safeguards, not always effective granted but at least they exist.

Your "honest" government has none, you don't see that as a problem ? The English wasn't too hot, try Latin, "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"

there, thier they're it's ok.

Why do you even want to go?

I remember the poor soul who survived through the killing fields of the Khmer Rogue died on the streets of USA.

And all of thee wide-eyed foreigners who avoided death in their crime ridden home countries just to meet their demise on the streets and islands of their paradise. Nevertheless, you can't escape Death.


I find this very interesting. The PM of Thailand has been disallowed from going to the USA, while it allows an convicted criminal on the run from the law to go. The American law, as I understand it will not allow a visa to anyone that has been convicted in a court of law. It still allowed Thakisin Shinitawatra to travel to the US after he was convicted by the court for corruption, while his Brother-in-Law, was PM.

Thaksin has at least two diplomatic passports from other nations and that is the passport he use to travel around the world.


I find this very interesting. The PM of Thailand has been disallowed from going to the USA, while it allows an convicted criminal on the run from the law to go. The American law, as I understand it will not allow a visa to anyone that has been convicted in a court of law. It still allowed Thakisin Shinitawatra to travel to the US after he was convicted by the court for corruption, while his Brother-in-Law, was PM.

Very simple answer to that question

The US and many other Western Nations KNOW that the charges against Thaksin where trumped up and that he wasn't guilty of anything!

Just like they are about to do to his sister. Everyone knows this is all about going back to the old feudal system, keep the rural poor poor and keeping the Thai elite rich and richer.

There you go, simple enough for you?

You seriously believe in this age and time trump up charges against a high profile politician will stand if it weren't for the amount of evidence? The only folks keeping the poor more poor are the TRT/PTP, they keep on handing out loans and put farmers in more debt. No doubt Thaksin gave the farmers a voice, but that was short lived when he fell into the dark side.

Not sure if you ever notice, TRT/PTP has around 50% of the votes from Bangkok as well, with many backing from Thailands richest. So the elite richer and richer line is plain rubbish.


The man tries to garnish more xenophobic ill feelings .

He looks hopelessly doomed in the field of being a statesman .

Whilst Australia does in deed Ban him America does not just is embarrassed to have to associate with him so no invite.

After all he represents the Thai army not the Thai people.

Even by his own admission he rigs the polls to suit and fears real elections .

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I really doubt that he could not get a visa. The US simply does not wish to have any diplomat-level meetings with him that would signify that they recognize him as the 'legitimate' head of state.

Yes, but it appears that the good general doesn't quite understand the difference.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Why would he want to go to a civilized country when he is such an ultra right wing fundamentalist who does not welcome foreigners? I am glad he is banned, banned from Australia too and hopefully the rest of the world until that country starts to act like an adult rather than a petulant child.

To be honest, I don't know what this whole "doesn't welcome foreigners" rhetoric is all about. Even under PM Prayuth, all you ever hear about is "welcoming" more foreign tourists to this country and as we all know, the 24-26m foreigners that supposedly enter per year are not individual tourists, but entries made. The number of unique visitors may actually be 8m foreign tourists per year and the whole reason for short term visas is so visa runs are necessary to prop up the visitor numbers. Sure, attempts have been made to stop all the visa running on visa exemptions, but that's because the country wants to look serious about not having people abuse the visa exemption, perhaps in preparation for the AEC. It doesn't mean foreigners are no longer welcome. Quite the contrary. So obsessed is Thailand with tourism and numbers, every foreigner in Thailand is considered a tourist, even permanent residents. As long as they make an entry into Thailand they are counted as a new tourist. Only once someone becomes a Thai citizen do they cease being a tourist.


Yes, you're boring.


cant go to Aussie either can he ?....for the same reason

He's seems to be speaking for the Americans again. His assumption just because Obama ain't invited him. The billionaire Wall St. connected Thaksin, a convicted criminal fugitive with 15 outstanding criminal court cases got a visa ok on a private visit, unusual for America. And the former PM Ms. Yingluck was always dropping hints about a "White House invitation" that never came.

Who America invites, allows in and doesn't invite or prohibits is there business. Hypocrisy is up the them.

As for Aussie - why would he want to visit a piss pot country with an idiot PM?

Excuse me but Australia, not "Aussie" is a great country and every bit as good as the USA. Besides, why would the Thai PM need to go to the USA anyway? What does the USA sell that I can find in Thailand? A few car care products? Give me a break, at least I can find a lot of Aussie meat and food products here in Thailand and with most foreign investment in Thailand from China, Japan and other neighboring countries, the USA is pretty irrelevant in Thailand. They certainly won't be building that high speed train from Kunming, that's for sure.

USA -irrelevant, they still supply the bulk of munitions and equipment to the Thai armed forces. Though others, Ukraine, China, Sweden, Germany are muscling in.

Not for much longer. China will be supplying all soon, and Russia and the Ukraine may be filling any void that may be leftover.


The Dumb tunnel vision Yanks have no idea as usual.

The Coupe was the best thing that happened here and it has gone very smoothly.

The good PM is doing a great job in a very difficult cultural environment.

The USA it seems cannot weigh up the fact that Thailand is at last being 'cleaned' up of the corruption and much more.

But it seems the USA prefer an elected corrupt government to an honest one!

English 1, coup not coupe.

Personally I prefer an elected government, corrupt or not as democracies have certain safeguards, not always effective granted but at least they exist.

Your "honest" government has none, you don't see that as a problem ? The English wasn't too hot, try Latin, "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"

Safe guards? Which democratic countries have an elected govt secretly raising a private army?

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After living here I have seen 4 different coups. They are all different the makers have different objectives. If you are foolish enough to believe that any of them make any difference over the long haul you better think again. It is the same wine but in a different bottle. Of course we all hope that this group can make things better.

For all of the people who bad mouth the USA on this forum take a look at the banana republic where you come from and what your country has ever accomplished. I must say, I don't think it amounts to much. Also look at the value of your currency today.

This should piss off a lot of Euroids and should bring thousands of comments.


After living here I have seen 4 different coups. They are all different the makers have different objectives. If you are foolish enough to believe that any of them make any difference over the long haul you better think again. It is the same wine but in a different bottle. Of course we all hope that this group can make things better.

For all of the people who bad mouth the USA on this forum take a look at the banana republic where you come from and what your country has ever accomplished. I must say, I don't think it amounts to much. Also look at the value of your currency today.

This should piss off a lot of Euroids and should bring thousands of comments.

Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, Australia are banana Republic too?

USA is not even in the 10 best countries where to live.

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I find this very interesting. The PM of Thailand has been disallowed from going to the USA, while it allows an convicted criminal on the run from the law to go. The American law, as I understand it will not allow a visa to anyone that has been convicted in a court of law. It still allowed Thakisin Shinitawatra to travel to the US after he was convicted by the court for corruption, while his Brother-in-Law, was PM.

He was not convicted by a legitimate judiciary or any legally elected state apparatus. He was maliciously convicted by usurpers of democracy some of whom are recognised around the world as being murderers.


I find this very interesting. The PM of Thailand has been disallowed from going to the USA, while it allows an convicted criminal on the run from the law to go. The American law, as I understand it will not allow a visa to anyone that has been convicted in a court of law. It still allowed Thakisin Shinitawatra to travel to the US after he was convicted by the court for corruption, while his Brother-in-Law, was PM.

He was not convicted by a legitimate judiciary or any legally elected state apparatus. He was maliciously convicted by usurpers of democracy some of whom are recognised around the world as being murderers.

I think the final verdict was that there was nothing financially wrong with the deal, the price was right, there was no wronged party, he just was not permitted to sign the documents.... and they gave him a 2 year sentence....... In a country where you can kill people and drag the process on indefinitely or simply flat out pay your way out, but he got a 2 year sentence!! Yes definitely nothing political about that!

Of course every country can see that, which is why no one has a problem with TS.

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More cheese with that whine?

He can whine as much as he likes.

The only thing I'm worried about if he starts disliking certain nationalities.

Then many people here will be in trouble.

Hope we never come to that.......but you never know....................

They already hate us. whistling.gif


Several off-topic posts have been removed from this thread.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

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