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Sorry Charlie didn't realise it should have been posted there or here.

Many thanks to you and your lads for the removal job,clap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif



nzexpat post #2

Many "Chippies" also sold alternatives to fish such as Sausage ( battered) , Faggots, Pies and Mushy Peas!

Not in the 1950's those innovations came in around the early to mid 1960's

In my young days we still had ration books.sad.png


  • Like 1

Ahhh co-op stamps....the memories of collecting them in books and buying bucketloads of chocolate only to make myself ill eating too much.

The joys of youth!

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Same same no different in Greece.

Don't know if I prefer those good old days or todays way of living.

At least we had trust to each other and respect for the elders.

Anyway.....it's called progress.......we have to go along.


Aye,i remember waking up in morning to scrape ice off inside of windows,then mum would yell"get yourselves down ere,this coal won't wash itself',raw onion for breakfast,then ten mile hike over moors to school,watery soup,or fatty beef for lunch,hike back,to find front step 1 inch lower ,as grandma had been scrubbing it all day,rabbit stew fer tea[small rabbits with long tails],then clean more coal before off to bed,under the old horsehair blankets,oh they were the days.

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Back in the 1960's we had Wimpy burger joints, where us rascals would hang out. Fish & Chips were the family favourite though.


Back in the 1960's we had Wimpy burger joints, where us rascals would hang out. Fish & Chips were the family favourite though.

I used to love Wimpy,then they changed to Jenny burger,the staff were almost all Turkish,great though.


I was thinking about this yesterday on another thread about "facebook".

Travelling was a nightmare:

35mm Kodachrome64 film in a lead-lined bag. Kept in the cool during the Summer and in your sleeping bag on frosty nights. Developed at the "1 hour express shop" that took on average 4 hours and half a weeks wages to develop. Then you threw half them out because they were out of focus or the lighting was wrong.

Waiting for hours on end at the post office to collect your mail and post a few postcards back home.

Waiting at the phone-booth with a fist full of 10 baht coins to phone home, once a month.

Carrying a "walkman" and your favorite cassettes with giant headphones to listen to music occasionally (until the tape got chewed up)

Forever buying batteries. For the flash, for the camera, for the tape player, for whatever else.

Carrying a small library in travel guides and maps.

Keeping a written diary the size of an encyclopedia with a calendar and pages for contacts. And running out of ink.

Carrying a wallet full of cash notes, and some travelers checks in your money-belt. (no credit cards)

If you were real savvy: Had a video camera the size of a toddler, a calculator, a watch with an alarm, etc etc....

Give me a smart-phone and facebook any day.


Well here's one of my playthings on the right in the image circa 1957 is.Wish I still had it. It was linked to my Meccano and Trix kit models, worked well as I recall.


  • Like 1

Well here's one of my playthings on the right in the image circa 1957 is.Wish I still had it. It was linked to my Meccano and Trix kit models, worked well as I recall.


I have mine on a shelf. Still works.

  • Like 2

Well the French still don't have fast food that's why they eat snails biggrin.png.pagespeed.ce.XhpYJIv77vtPJZQ


There was a McDonalds' on the Boulevard St.Michel in 1974.

They were up to speed even in those days.


Well the French still don't have fast food that's why they eat snails biggrin.png.pagespeed.ce.XhpYJIv77vtPJZQ


There was a McDonalds' on the Boulevard St.Michel in 1974.

They were up to speed even in those days.

Hit the wrong nerve ?

this suppose to be a joke "understand"

  • Like 2

Well the French still don't have fast food that's why they eat snails biggrin.png.pagespeed.ce.XhpYJIv77vtPJZQ


There was a McDonalds' on the Boulevard St.Michel in 1974.

They were up to speed even in those days.

Hit the wrong nerve ?

this suppose to be a joke "understand"

Your act is really coming along,how long until standup?


Fast-food where I was a boy, meant biscuits which were weighed-out in the shop from the tin they came in, into a paper-bag !

But in our household we could only afford broken-biscuits, which were a real lucky-dip ! rolleyes.gif


Jake, You reminded me of taping wooden blocks on the pedals of the bike that was too big for me.

and making our own Kites from bamboo cane and brown paper, and balls of string.

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Asean Now Property Advertisement (1).png


Things to see on the street in the 60's.

Lemonade vans.

Ice-cream vans (Toni-Bell).

Rag and bone men with a horse and cart.

Frenchmen on push-bikes covered with onions for sale.

Women scrubbing their front-door steps.

Policemen walking their beat armed with only a trunchion.

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