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Seven-year old Thai boy rescued after he was beaten up and tied to a pole


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On a positive note, kids are very resilient. But the experience of being rescued by people who care, by the police who young boys often revere like firemen (they're not jaded yet...) can be a profoundly important experience and offset a beating. I have seen many become advocates themselves, soldiers, policemen, lawyers, activists etc. After-all most of us as boys have had to overcome various kinds of beatings... Haven't we or am I just in a minority here?

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He will think twice before he steals again!

What a stupid thing to say. Physical punishment is not how adults are punished with therefore why should children be, apart from which a child being physically smaller than an adult how does the hitter know who hard to het. This case was not hitting more complex, torment, terrible things to do. Better to send the child to his room every day for a week and take away and phone, TV etc and let him sit alone to think things through not beat him up.That is why hitting children is banned in developed countries like the UK.

And it is a pity it was ever banned

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When I was 7, my family lived in a fairly large house in Liverpool (yes, it does have those). There was a spare bedroom my parents rented out to a copper (policeman) who had a bowl in his room full of threepenny-bits, sixpences, and pennies. I was 7, and had not yet understood that I had no right to take, but at the same time I knew I was doing wrong.... instinctively. I still took three pence a day to go to the shop and buy either a Caramel or a Topic bar. I got caught out when one day he hid in the wardrobe. I shat myself.. and cried. Did he tie me to a pole? Did he hit me? No! He sat me down and talked. I never stole again (until video players (VHS weights) and the Scouse 400m Olympics was introduced, running with one under each arm was invented, of course cheesy.gif ).

Chastising without explanation is useless. It's almost like hitting a dog for shitting in the house 1 hour after finding the turd. It means nothing to the dog. To tie a boy to a pole and let him muster over why he is there when he may not have even recognised his error is despicable. wink.png

You might have nicked my VCR? It's ok it was Betamax, I realise reading was difficult back 'in dem da days!'

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he steals a 6 Baht candy in a store (which...let's face it: we all have done!)

no DM, not all of us have not stolen.

thank you for an indication of your morals.

altho'some of your posts do indicate just "where you are coming from"


Get off your moral high ground, you know what DM was trying to say. Just out of interest do you agree with the punishment handed out to the little boy?

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Attention women's rights groups in Thailand, who want equal rights:

This is what happens, and this is what you ignore. The sowing... the growing crop... the reaping.

Please refer to this OP the next time you whine about a Thai man who beats the living shit out of you.

Let's give thanks to Auntie.

My sincerest blessings and hugs and kisses to that poor little boy... emphasis on poor little boy. Girls get enough of the attention, for Pete's sake.

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He will think twice before he steals again!

Seriously ? you are a sick demented person did you see the pictures of this kid tied to a pole with horrific purple brusing all over his back sitting in a pool of his own piss, this was a horrendous case of child abuse and the fact that the police is not prosecuting this person is a crying shame this person is EVIL and the damage done to the kid could only be done by a disgusting horrific person that needs to experience a bit of her own medicine.

No, let him go stealing like Michael Brown and when he is shot by the Police you go out protesting, damaging and looting people's property in the name of justice. Today it is a candy of 6 baht. Tomorrow it will be a chocolate of 15 baht and so on and then an armed robber. Teach him a lesson of his life and he will stay away from stealing. Did you hear that you shouldn't spare the rot and spoil the child? Do you know the financial situation of her aunt and where she got the 300 baht to pay? Child abuse, yes. What is at the genesis of the child being abused? Our children are and will be what we make them to be.

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I would smack my child for stealing. Better that than prison later. I don't know what the big hoo Haa is about. If you think that is bad. Just how nice do you all think it's going to be in a Thai boys orphanage.

His aunt is probably doing the best she can with very little family support or money.

I hope he is sent back to her soon. I am sure she would be the better option of the two places. Most thai know that also. That's why they don't interfere.

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he steals a 6 Baht candy in a store (which...let's face it: we all have done!)

no DM, not all of us have not stolen.

thank you for an indication of your morals.

altho'some of your posts do indicate just "where you are coming from"


It's always good to speak to someone perfect!

Not that perfect. Instead of saying not all of us have stolen oby actually said " not all of us have not stolen". That's a double negative which is really a positive so maybe oby is saying all of us have stolen (I doubt it)

For the record, I stole a few bars of chocolate as a kid. Luckily I never got caught and I don't think I turned into a social monster with no morals. Others may disagree.

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The bigger thieves are the shop owners/manager/employees who demanded 300 baht for a six baht candy the boy was caught stealing. They took advantage of the aunt and her problem nephew. Handled badly all around, including the police.

I agree the boy learned nothing from the actions of the shop, but shoplifting is a big problem. If the shop did nothing then they would be

considered as fare game for every kid in the area.

I had two 9 year old girls come into my shop and steal an item that cost 10p I called the police and they took them home in a police car.

No one was fined, no one was arrested but I think the girls learned a lesson.

If I had done nothing, all the kids in their school would know that if you got caught nothing would happen.

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The bigger thieves are the shop owners/manager/employees who demanded 300 baht for a six baht candy the boy was caught stealing. They took advantage of the aunt and her problem nephew. Handled badly all around, including the police.

I agree the boy learned nothing from the actions of the shop, but shoplifting is a big problem. If the shop did nothing then they would be

considered as fare game for every kid in the area.

I had two 9 year old girls come into my shop and steal an item that cost 10p I called the police and they took them home in a police car.

No one was fined, no one was arrested but I think the girls learned a lesson.

If I had done nothing, all the kids in their school would know that if you got caught nothing would happen.

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I would smack my child for stealing. Better that than prison later. I don't know what the big hoo Haa is about. If you think that is bad. Just how nice do you all think it's going to be in a Thai boys orphanage.

His aunt is probably doing the best she can with very little family support or money.

I hope he is sent back to her soon. I am sure she would be the better option of the two places. Most thai know that also. That's why they don't interfere.

You don't know what the hoo haa is about?

You don't see how tying up a child and violently assaulting them is a vile thing to do, no matter what they have done?

You think that is the appropriate response? The best way to deal with a 7 year old child?

Send the child back to an adult who has violently assaulted him, probably not for the first time? If a child learns that violence is the way of the world, how do you think they will act towards that world and those they see as w eager than themselves?

There have been some crass posts on this thread already, but your's beggars belief.

" you touch me and I'll report you, I know my rights and there more than yours" Is that what you believe is a good idea.

I will agree that tying the boy up was wrong but he was wrong to steal. 300 baht is not a lot to us but it is equal to one to one and a half days work. (12 to 16 Hours)

You seem to be giving the impression that the boy is an innocent victim and that is wrong. When I was 7 and did something wrong my father would

smack my bare behind a few times with his hand. I presume YOU would say that was sexual assault !!!!!!!!!

In Thailand corporal punishment is still used and if you look at the behavior when the kids are on a school trip it seems to work.


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I would smack my child for stealing. Better that than prison later. I don't know what the big hoo Haa is about. If you think that is bad. Just how nice do you all think it's going to be in a Thai boys orphanage.

His aunt is probably doing the best she can with very little family support or money.

I hope he is sent back to her soon. I am sure she would be the better option of the two places. Most thai know that also. That's why they don't interfere.

You don't know what the hoo haa is about?

You don't see how tying up a child and violently assaulting them is a vile thing to do, no matter what they have done?

You think that is the appropriate response? The best way to deal with a 7 year old child?

Send the child back to an adult who has violently assaulted him, probably not for the first time? If a child learns that violence is the way of the world, how do you think they will act towards that world and those they see as w eager than themselves?

There have been some crass posts on this thread already, but your's beggars belief.

" you touch me and I'll report you, I know my rights and there more than yours" Is that what you believe is a good idea.

I will agree that tying the boy up was wrong but he was wrong to steal. 300 baht is not a lot to us but it is equal to one to one and a half days work. (12 to 16 Hours)

You seem to be giving the impression that the boy is an innocent victim and that is wrong. When I was 7 and did something wrong my father would

smack my bare behind a few times with his hand. I presume YOU would say that was sexual assault !!!!!!!!!

In Thailand corporal punishment is still used and if you look at the behavior when the kids are on a school trip it seems to work.


Grow up. What an idiotic post! You STILL believe in chains on 'slaves' too, as that's what your daddy taught you 50 years ago (maybe 5?) ? <deleted>.

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Don't know, what is most scary?

The boys miserable excuse of a family member or some of the posters here almost defending her actions.

For heavens sake we are talking about a 7 year old kid, who stole a 6 baht candy bar!!

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I have to say that I am supremely disappointed with the police. The 'aunt' should have been charged with child abuse, child endangement and anything else they could dream up. She should also be in jail awaiting a court judgement. Now I would think the police should be charged with dereliction of duty and fired.

Does no one in this country have any common sense?

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I would smack my child for stealing. Better that than prison later. I don't know what the big hoo Haa is about. If you think that is bad. Just how nice do you all think it's going to be in a Thai boys orphanage.

His aunt is probably doing the best she can with very little family support or money.

I hope he is sent back to her soon. I am sure she would be the better option of the two places. Most thai know that also. That's why they don't interfere.

You don't know what the hoo haa is about?

You don't see how tying up a child and violently assaulting them is a vile thing to do, no matter what they have done?

You think that is the appropriate response? The best way to deal with a 7 year old child?

Send the child back to an adult who has violently assaulted him, probably not for the first time? If a child learns that violence is the way of the world, how do you think they will act towards that world and those they see as w eager than themselves?

There have been some crass posts on this thread already, but your's beggars belief.

" you touch me and I'll report you, I know my rights and there more than yours" Is that what you believe is a good idea.

I will agree that tying the boy up was wrong but he was wrong to steal. 300 baht is not a lot to us but it is equal to one to one and a half days work. (12 to 16 Hours)

You seem to be giving the impression that the boy is an innocent victim and that is wrong. When I was 7 and did something wrong my father would

smack my bare behind a few times with his hand. I presume YOU would say that was sexual assault !!!!!!!!!

In Thailand corporal punishment is still used and if you look at the behavior when the kids are on a school trip it seems to work.


"When I was 7 and did something wrong my father would

smack my bare behind a few times with his hand. I presume YOU would say that was sexual assault !!!!!!!!!"


In this day and age it would, in any legitimate democracy/country of free law abiding to precptual rules, indeed be exactly described as sexual assault and physical assualt. But then again, you are American. I shan't count you out of the equation of being able to educate but then can you shout the pig better from Deliverance rather better than dancing the Irish Riverdance?

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I have to say that I am supremely disappointed with the police. The 'aunt' should have been charged with child abuse, child endangement and anything else they could dream up. She should also be in jail awaiting a court judgement. Now I would think the police should be charged with dereliction of duty and fired.

Does no one in this country have any common sense?

As for the latter question, are you referring to Thais or Farang? cheesy.gif

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I would smack my child for stealing. Better that than prison later. I don't know what the big hoo Haa is about. If you think that is bad. Just how nice do you all think it's going to be in a Thai boys orphanage.

His aunt is probably doing the best she can with very little family support or money.

I hope he is sent back to her soon. I am sure she would be the better option of the two places. Most thai know that also. That's why they don't interfere.

You don't know what the hoo haa is about?

You don't see how tying up a child and violently assaulting them is a vile thing to do, no matter what they have done?

You think that is the appropriate response? The best way to deal with a 7 year old child?

Send the child back to an adult who has violently assaulted him, probably not for the first time? If a child learns that violence is the way of the world, how do you think they will act towards that world and those they see as w eager than themselves?

There have been some crass posts on this thread already, but your's beggars belief.

Not saying it's the best situation.

But the abuse he would suffer in a Thai boys orphanage would be way beyond the troubles he is having now. Your naivety in thinking that he would be put in a loving foster home and given a wonderful new life beggars believe. The police are quite right. Talk with the family, have child welfare talk with the aunt and send him back.

Or, boys orphanage. His most likely future is pat pong at 16 or prison. Why don't you pop down to the boys orphanage sometime for a reality check.

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this tree needs pictures so people understand what this is about. I saw pictures of him tied to the stake and thought it was something that IS had performed in Syria or Iraq, as you defend the action can hardly have seen the pictures of the boy

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When I was a kid... we where respectful... there wasnt much destruction of public property, graffiti and so on...

Things change when the "do-gooders" say its wrong to punish kids with a smack and make it a crime to do so....

I agree, some may go to far, but they would regardless of the law...

If you think the first world has the right morality in bringing up kids, then thats your opinion... I have found kids these days are more brats with a total lack of awareness of rules ... thats my opinion... yours may differ!

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I have to say that I am supremely disappointed with the police. The 'aunt' should have been charged with child abuse, child endangement and anything else they could dream up. She should also be in jail awaiting a court judgement. Now I would think the police should be charged with dereliction of duty and fired.

Does no one in this country have any common sense?

Are you aware of how much abuse going on inside the locked doors of thai families ? I have witnessed punishment of kids that would not be accepted in the western world. The police will not interfer with this unless someone die or a crime has been reported. Unfortunately this is a daily occurrence in Thailand.

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I would smack my child for stealing. Better that than prison later. I don't know what the big hoo Haa is about. If you think that is bad. Just how nice do you all think it's going to be in a Thai boys orphanage.

His aunt is probably doing the best she can with very little family support or money.

I hope he is sent back to her soon. I am sure she would be the better option of the two places. Most thai know that also. That's why they don't interfere.

You don't know what the hoo haa is about?

You don't see how tying up a child and violently assaulting them is a vile thing to do, no matter what they have done?

You think that is the appropriate response? The best way to deal with a 7 year old child?

Send the child back to an adult who has violently assaulted him, probably not for the first time? If a child learns that violence is the way of the world, how do you think they will act towards that world and those they see as w eager than themselves?

There have been some crass posts on this thread already, but your's beggars belief.

Not saying it's the best situation.

But the abuse he would suffer in a Thai boys orphanage would be way beyond the troubles he is having now. Your naivety in thinking that he would be put in a loving foster home and given a wonderful new life beggars believe. The police are quite right. Talk with the family, have child welfare talk with the aunt and send him back.

Or, boys orphanage. His most likely future is pat pong at 16 or prison. Why don't you pop down to the boys orphanage sometime for a reality check.

Reality check? Look how children trapped in violent abusive families turn out.

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I would smack my child for stealing. Better that than prison later. I don't know what the big hoo Haa is about. If you think that is bad. Just how nice do you all think it's going to be in a Thai boys orphanage.

His aunt is probably doing the best she can with very little family support or money.

I hope he is sent back to her soon. I am sure she would be the better option of the two places. Most thai know that also. That's why they don't interfere.

Wouldn't you agree, that there is a slight difference between a smack and what happened to this little fella?!

If THAT is "doing the best she can", she really has to try harder!
The more times I read your mail, the more I find it mindnumbingly stupid.
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