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Pattaya, Chonburi:- Police are stepping a manhunt for a lady boy and Thai woman who have allegedly stolen cash and valuables from a Danish and a German tourists within hours early Tuesday.

In another case, another German tourist also fell victim to two lady-boy pickpockets on Pattaya beach.

Pol Lt Siraphudej Chamnarnkit, an interrogator on duty at the Pattaya police station, received a complaint from the first victim, Torben Fries, 49, at 4 am.

Fries from Denmark told the police officer that he was riding a songthaew bus from the Wat Chai Mongkol Intersection in South Pattaya to Central Pattaya, when two Thais got up and flanked him.

Fries recounted that one of them is a lady boy and the other is a Thai woman. After the two got down, Fries said he found that his Bt15,000 cash had disappeared.

Shortly after Fries met police, the second victim, Bruno Rummel, 50, came to the police station to file a complaint.

Rummel, a German tourist, said his Samsung Note 2 was stolen by a lady boy and a Thai woman.

Police showed him pictures of a lady boy and woman, Rummel confirmed that the pictures belonged to the suspects.

Siraphudej said police have the two’s pictures because the pair have been earlier arrested related to several cases of pickpocketing. They have been released on bail pending the process of the cases.

Shortly, after the second victim filed the complaint, Herbert Govves, 59, another German, came to the police station to file a complaint.

Govves said he was strolling Pattaya beach when two lady boys approached him and offered sex service. He said when the two left, his wallet with 100 euro and Bt1,700 in cash and several ID cards was gone.


Some people need better pockets, button down pockets with a little flap on them are very hard to casually open. Unless you are really really drunk, you will feel them trying to open the buttons. Don't people get pickpocket prevention education about crowded places in their homelands?


I'm not sorry for people falling victims of pickpockets.

In all my life either in Europe or Thailand took care of my belongings and was always aware of the people around me.

Everywhere in Europe they anounce "Be aware of pickpockets"

I find people falling victims naive........ to say the least.

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A ' manhunt ' for a ladyboy ?

I'm sure the case will get the same intense attention from the BIB that most cases get and maybe if the culprits are actually caught in the act they will be processed.


So the general consensus of TV posters is that if your pockets are picked, it is your own fault and no fault of the criminal. Brilliant thinking

The criminal is always assumed to be at fault. But the carelessness of some can make the criminal's job a lot easier.

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I call them walking idiots . If you cant manage to carry money with you without getting pickpocketed you deserve it.

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rolleyes.gif I was done by a gang of pickpockets in Turkey some years ago.

A very professional gang of two males and two young children.

Gypsies the Turkish police later told me.

I was waiting for a bus at a bus stop, and these two young children, girls around 4 or 5 years old, sat down on a bench near me.

A minute later two teenage boys arrived at the bus stop, they soon got into a fight, throwing punches at each other.

The two young girls jumped up and ran over to me screaming, like they wanted to get away from the teenage boys fighting.

Both the girls grabbed on to my legs like they were afraid and tried to hide behind me.

Then one of the boys went down, apparently from a blow. The first teen then ran off and the second one got up and chased after him.

Then he two young girls ran away also.

Apparently they had my wallet with them when they ran off.

Obviously a well rehearsed and professional team.


I call them walking idiots . If you cant manage to carry money with you without getting pickpocketed you deserve it.

They deserve it, huh?

Correct Sir, the Thai apologists will blame the victim, and then say they deserve it.

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Should be in bed before midnight

Nothing good happens after midnight

Nothing good has ever happened to you after midnight, Lew. Nor. I'd warrant, has a great deal ever happened for you before midnight.

Give it a rest. mate - you're like a broken watch with that line about midnight.

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So the general consensus of TV posters is that if your pockets are picked, it is your own fault and no fault of the criminal. Brilliant thinking

It is THEIR own fault-anyone in Pattaya knows to be vigilant at ALL times never mind at 4 am in the morning............common sense to some is an unknown factor whistling.gif


Siraphudej said police have the two’s pictures because the pair have been earlier arrested related to several cases of pickpocketing. They have been released on bail

They are just trying to recoup the tea bail money for the earlier arrest.


So the general consensus of TV posters is that if your pockets are picked, it is your own fault and no fault of the criminal. Brilliant thinking

How many TV posters are there? How many posts did you read on this subject before yours?

A "general consensus"?

Brilliant thinking - not from you sport.


i think someone could become millionaire if they invent an anti thieving ladyboy electrified trap security wallet

If you are out in a tourist place after dark, don't carry any more money than you can afford to lose.

That would be your drinking and barfine money. If you get pickpocketed, then just do without

your alcohol and bargirl for that night.

Otherwise, put your money down your sock.


A ' manhunt ' for a ladyboy ?

I'm sure the case will get the same intense attention from the BIB that most cases get and maybe if the culprits are actually caught in the act they will be processed.

but not yet....

"Siraphudej said police have the two’s pictures because the pair have been earlier arrested related to several cases of pickpocketing. They have been released on bail pending the process of the cases."

they have a backlog of bail and previous cases to get through first, so it might take some time. At least they are earning plenty to pay the next 3 fines of 500Baht.

Amusing Thailand

If you are out in a tourist place after dark, don't carry any more money than you can afford to lose.

i think

That would be your drinking and barfine money. If you get pickpocketed, then just do without

your alcohol and bargirl for that night.

Otherwise, put your money down your sock.

and whatever you do with your bargirl or boy, be sure to keep your socks on...

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About the replies saying that was victims fault....

Victims are non professional victims....

Pickpockets are very good professionals...ANYONE with something inside ANY pocket, sooner or later will be a victim of pickpockets...if its have the bad luck to bump with it. Those people can take your watch or jewelry without you feeling one thing.

Believe me....Europeans are the masters...French and Italians.....the best.....Asian.... just amateurs, sometimes with sense of humor. May leave you naked on the beach if cannot find anything to take from you.

Best advice. Always hold some money and a cheap watch to give voluntarily if assaulted...nothing that you will regret having at that time...and lose it.

Just that.


.............This should be a lesson all travelers should heed. Print this story, and when they pass out those entrance exit cards on the plane, also hand out a flyer with the story of pickpockets.

Males need to learn keep away from strange woman, and girly/boys. Put your money in the front pockets, or in your socks. Never allow strangers rubbing your back, arms, legs. Keep them away. Always keep an eye out to see if your being followed. Look behind you now and then. If you see the same individual, step to the side and let them pass.

Never keep all your money in one place. Always be a-where of your surroundings Use the buddy system. Keep an eye on each other and what is going on. Don't trust anyone. especially females in bars, and on the street. Any woman or a he/she that approaches you for sex, they are looking for more than just a quicky.


I'm not sorry for people falling victims of pickpockets.

In all my life either in Europe or Thailand took care of my belongings and was always aware of the people around me.

Everywhere in Europe they anounce "Be aware of pickpockets"

I find people falling victims naive........ to say the least.

Don't wear jewelry (gold) when walking in Pattaya between 00:001-05:00. Better not wear jewelry or gold outside of your 5 star hotel, period.

Spread you cash around your body. Some in various locations, different pockets. I sometimes even keep cash inside my shoes, but rarely in Thailand.

The Thai transvestites have been mugging foreigners near Beach Rd. and Soi Post office as far as I can remember since the early 1980's. They are still doing it and nothing, not even the army, will stop them.

If it's very late and I see a few of them loitering I'll even go so far as to switch sides of the road and literally run past them (quickly)... they won't take chase.


.............This should be a lesson all travelers should heed. Print this story, and when they pass out those entrance exit cards on the plane, also hand out a flyer with the story of pickpockets.

Males need to learn keep away from strange woman, and girly/boys. Put your money in the front pockets, or in your socks. Never allow strangers rubbing your back, arms, legs. Keep them away. Always keep an eye out to see if your being followed. Look behind you now and then. If you see the same individual, step to the side and let them pass.

Never keep all your money in one place. Always be a-where of your surroundings Use the buddy system. Keep an eye on each other and what is going on. Don't trust anyone. especially females in bars, and on the street. Any woman or a he/she that approaches you for sex, they are looking for more than just a quicky.

Ah, yeah - very nearly punched a guy in the face when he approached me after I'd finished using an ATM in Pattaya last night. Basically had both my hands in a position where I could have easily started in on him when he asked me how much he would get charged for using the ATM. Still not entirely sure that anyone comes here with that level of ignorance, but I simply responded that it varied from one bank to the next and he backed off. Fully expected the old 'can you show me what Thai money looks like' or something similarly obvious, but it was the way he didnt seem to respect my personal space that really set the alarm bells ringing.

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Cannot help it, have to comment. Sometime back recently, some stupid ladyboy made a fuss about not being allowed into a pub and a lot of also stupid human rights groups strated to support the thing's cause. But just look around, most of these things , if they are not involved in prostituition or slapstick comedy acts, are always into criminal activities like staeling, pickpocketing, drugging guys, etc. At sukhumvit road near Robinsons, there is a lot just after 7pm, and they also indulge in the same pickpocketing activities. They deserve to be banned form most places and the cops should really lock those up to no good on the streets for as long as possible.


Cannot help it, have to comment. Sometime back recently, some stupid ladyboy made a fuss about not being allowed into a pub and a lot of also stupid human rights groups strated to support the thing's cause. But just look around, most of these things , if they are not involved in prostituition or slapstick comedy acts, are always into criminal activities like staeling, pickpocketing, drugging guys, etc. At sukhumvit road near Robinsons, there is a lot just after 7pm, and they also indulge in the same pickpocketing activities. They deserve to be banned form most places and the cops should really lock those up to no good on the streets for as long as possible.

Some work in retail or other 'real' jobs - they arent all sex workers and they arent all criminals. I just disagree with the brigade that tries to defend the hardcore criminal element within the katoey ranks.

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I call them walking idiots . If you cant manage to carry money with you without getting pickpocketed you deserve it.

They deserve it, huh?

Correct Sir, the Thai apologists will blame the victim, and then say they deserve it.

I am not Thai, but yes, the victim should at least carry only so much money at a time. Whether in Brussels or Bangkok, use some sense of awareness. The victim should have kept walking and not even have a discussion long enough to find out they were soliciting sex. He will be more aware next time. Well, I hope.


So the general consensus of TV posters is that if your pockets are picked, it is your own fault and no fault of the criminal. Brilliant thinking

there are certain people who would never notice. i can pick them out easily. they are typically loud outgoing people who dont notice others much and are self absorbed in some way. idiots basically.

turbid fries lol

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