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Dummy police will catch Bangkok traffic offenders red-handed next month

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"Dummy police will catch traffic offenders red-handed next month"

Tooooooooooo easy!

Way too easy!


Dummy police so just the usual police boys on duty then how do you convert camera money to tea money won’t this be confusing to the dummies, or will a committee and a subcommittee of senior police generals be set up to solve this problem as police only deal in cash, even the dummies.

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they ought to put cameras on trafic light junctions to catch the red light jumpers, at the RAMA 4 / SUKHUMVIT junction i see literally hundreds of scooters jumping the lights, i am just waiting for the inevitable fatality.


they ought to put cameras on trafic light junctions to catch the red light jumpers, at the RAMA 4 / SUKHUMVIT junction i see literally hundreds of scooters jumping the lights, i am just waiting for the inevitable fatality.

just drove by there one hour ago. Twenty or more bikes jumped the red light at the same time. Good money making light that would be :)

Don't you find it embarrassing that you sit here and criticise all day long, yet when they make an effort ... you sit here and criticise all day long.

If the BIB can enforce the tickets, good for them.

Well spoken. (Well, written actually but let's not split hairs!)


Similar system is used in the United Arab Emirates for speeding. Video is taken and a ticket issued within minutes which you are notified on your mobile phone


Nice to see that Thailand is about 20 years behind on the technology curve, and about 70 years behind the curve on road/traffic enforcement, such as putting cops in patrol cars, pulling violators over, and issuing tickets for moving violations.

The 'leaders' past, present, and probably future have no will to actually address the problem of rampant violation of existing vehicle laws (no less actually writing and enacting laws that promote enforcement and sanctioning of the inanely stupid driving habits of Thai nationals).

This is just 'window dressing' and publicity spin: giving 1% effort with maximum publicity to a problem that requires a 100% effort to reform the existing system, which is pathetically inadequate. Thailand is the second most dangerous place to drive in the world -- statistics bear out the facts. Traffic dummies? That's the mentality of Thai authorities? Good luck LOS. I rest my case.


Okay... Great!

Couple of questions...

Are they going to ticket Police for none compliance when not wearing Helmet? For ill-Legal turn? For driving on wrong side of road? For No license plates?

Who is going to pay ticket? Police is already @ lower income because "Dummy Police" not collect roadside fee... Now with ticket he is lower Income yet... Police Station Pay? Government Pay? Or the good people of Thailand who Obey Laws get taxed to pay for Lazy Police Officer?

I know the answers, just want to see if everyone wants to kick some ass, or just mobilize and stop Officer, do citizens arrest of such and hold till his boss arrives.....


This one i dedicate to T.A.T. :

"Thailand, hub of DUMMIES"

(hope they use it to their best with a nice video like the falang boy who 'lost everything' couple of months ago...) coffee1.gif


Once again a perfect example of barking up the wrong tree. A much easier and lower hanging fruit are buses that zig zag across 3 lanes of traffic and stop in the middle or sometimes right lane. This causes terrible jams and creates high risk to the safety of the passengers and other traffic. They do it in predictable and repeatable patterns that do not require a high-tech system to catch. An officer could park himself at a single location for half a day and ticket every bus driver who does that. I'm sure he'll be able to cover his monthly ticket quota in a few days. This will create a much bigger benefit to the flow of traffic then an electronic dummy at a much lower cost to the taxpayers.


"The new system can reduce the workload of the police and also promote respect of traffic rules," Adul said w00t.gif

Do the Police have a workload.....and what happens when they are spotted "traffic rule-breaking"


I just wonder how long it will take for the lack of maintenance and the un(der)trained staff to result in the system breaking down. I teach in several classrooms that have great technological solutions for students and teachers. GREAT....except, none of them work anymore.


I assume the dummies referred to are the permanently inanimate ones.

But as with every other Thai initiative, it's all about consistency and persistence, neither a staple of Thai law enforcement.


Seems like a Thai matter for Thais to deal with. Unless, of course, if one violates the traffic law themselves.


Okay... Great!

Couple of questions...

Are they going to ticket Police for none compliance when not wearing Helmet? For ill-Legal turn? For driving on wrong side of road? For No license plates?

Who is going to pay ticket? Police is already @ lower income because "Dummy Police" not collect roadside fee... Now with ticket he is lower Income yet... Police Station Pay? Government Pay? Or the good people of Thailand who Obey Laws get taxed to pay for Lazy Police Officer?

I know the answers, just want to see if everyone wants to kick some ass, or just mobilize and stop Officer, do citizens arrest of such and hold till his boss arrives.....

Perhaps the Commissioner - General of the Royal Thai Police can provide the answers to your questions.


They will reduce the workload on Police.. How is that even possible?

All they do at the moment is collect tea money.


Thailand finally realized that 'dummies' are more capable and motivated than the BIB. Oh, and smarter too! Certainly says a lot about law enforcement in Thailand. thumbsup.gif

pharmacies should also consider using dummy pharmacists that can at least scan and recognize extremely common medical terms since some pharmacy university grads cannot despite learning these universal extremely common english terms.

vaginal yeast infection


monilia vaginitis


candida vaginosis

First year courses in anatomy.

Amazing incompetence to be found.


This is a major attack on the income of the BIB, it cannot be bribed or threatened. Although central revenue will love this innovation as the rivers of gold that will flow from these dummies will get their attention.

I am not sure just how much was retained of fines or bribes by the local traffic cop. But these systems are a bonanza for those higher up. First you have the contract for installation and training to skim off of. And then, at least where such systems are implemented in the US, the percentage of the fines kept by the third party operating the system ranges from 50% to 75%. And in the US, many of those third party companies, inevitably located in Arizona or Texas, are funded by Goldman Sachs. When fully implemented, these automated traffic systems, whether collecting fines or simply tolls, are far highly profitable.


Dummy and Police in the same sentence cheesy.gif love It.

They can't use the dummy"s in the police force they have already. Talk about swopping one dummy for another, this lot here would not last 5 minutes in the UK police or anywhere else in the world come to that


The technology already exists to digitally catch every speeder on almost any road ... esp. freeways. And yet no country is doing so. Why not?

What would happen if every driver in the USA or Europe never drove above the speed limit? The economy would suffer greatly .... that's what. For example, long-haul trucks would deliver their goods at a much slower rate. Also many people would be late to work and appointments, etc.


Thailand finally realized that 'dummies' are more capable and motivated than the BIB. Oh, and smarter too! Certainly says a lot about law enforcement in Thailand. thumbsup.gif

very true


thailand :

where dummy cops work better than real one's

will this one also take bribe ???? insert bribe in slot, no change back !

time to make the number plate unreadable, like you see many people do , some mud, some acetone ... or ... just no back numberplate at all


The automatic vehicle detection and analysis system can detect the vehicle's licence plate by using a sensor to locate and read the licence number in the picture, and can also identify the brand, colour and type of the offending vehicle, she said.

It is called a camera with some recognition software.

This is a major attack on the income of the BIB, it cannot be bribed or threatened. Although central revenue will love this innovation as the rivers of gold that will flow from these dummies will get their attention.

Better looking than a traffic camera on its own


Hang on just one minute.. you mean to tell me that those police guys I been seeing running

around for years are real police???? I'm confused now... than who's the dummy here?

those are also dummies! the new ones are "smart" because they can actually see. the "real" dummies only see what they want.

can these smart dummies also catch motorcycles zooming across red traffic lights? the current dummies seem unable to keep up with them.


My question is -

What point does using a plastic policeman to hold the camera serve? blink.png

I suspect it will give drivers a warning notice. If drivers see it from afar they might possibly correct their actions and avoid a ticket.

not like in australia where they hide the radar camera behind bushes ect.. then will charge $180 for a few kms over speed limit. ****s


I am always amazed when I see their uniforms with all the ribbons and badges. Paratrooper wings, combat infantry badge, pilots wings and also every campaign ribbon from the First World War until present. Now that's DUMB.

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