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Prayut threatens to hold onto power indefinitely


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Was it really going to be any different?

I have been trying to think of another army coup leader who took control without a mandate, sorted out his country and then gave it back to the people.

Methinks he has fallen in love with not only himself but his elevated self appointed role.

If he wants to be PM then let him hold an election and be elected by the people 'he cares for'

If he has done as well as he claims and the people all love him as much as his opinion polls tell him they do then there shouldn't be a problem

'Say goodnight to the folks Gracie'

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Not a wise thing to say when you are off for meeting with Ban Ki Moon in the near future

As much as I am not a fan , I don't think that comment should be taken seriously

Just joking, ...again, and demonstrating just why he is taken so seriously in the international diplomatic circles..

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So he's no diplomat... not the end of the world for Thailand is it?

If he can learn to laugh at himself and accept that others will too.... he might become one of Thailand's better leaders in the past 1/2 century, even with his flaws.

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i think the country deserves more than a leader with a hair trigger temper and no control over his mouth. Iif he bothers to explain anything the ' only joking ' routine has worn thin.

How long before he screws up on the international stage and really embarrasses the country ?

Of curse it can be censored for domestic consumption but is likely to play big in the international media and will filter through.

Those with access to media reports outside of the country are well aware that horse has already bolted.I'm guessing the misspell 'curse' was a Freudian slip? biggrin.png

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So he's no diplomat... not the end of the world for Thailand is it?

If he can learn to laugh at himself and accept that others will too.... he might become one of Thailand's better leaders in the past 1/2 century, even with his flaws.

And there's the rub.

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I told you Prime Minister..........Think before you open your mouth........think and don't let anger overcome you.

You are not an Army man any more, you are the Prime Minister of Thailand.

If you could do that sometimes.......you would have been the best.

Well I love the direct way a lot better than these slick politicians who can speak for hours without saying anything.

Just Prayut is overdoing it a bit

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I want to thank Prayut for helping me indirectly on the visa for my

Thai wife to go to America. With my application I am going to

enclose a cover letter that says with the political situation

deteriorating by the day here,and Thailand clearly moving into

a d********p, it would be cruel and punishing to her to deny her

a visa and force her to stay here. Plus I feel that there is far

worse in civil disobedience waiting down the road here.

Thaksin must be loving every minute of the bizarre Prayut

comedy show that is alienating the entire country. Everyone knows

the expression about absolute power corrupting absolutely, I have

just never seen it played out in front of me....Threatening reporters

is NOT going to play well in international media.

It hasn't. Some of today's news sources have already reported he is threatening to execute them.

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i think the country deserves more than a leader with a hair trigger temper and no control over his mouth. Iif he bothers to explain anything the ' only joking ' routine has worn thin.

How long before he screws up on the international stage and really embarrasses the country ?

Of curse it can be censored for domestic consumption but is likely to play big in the international media and will filter through.

Those with access to media reports outside of the country are well aware that horse has already bolted.I'm guessing the misspell 'curse' was a Freudian slip? biggrin.png

Yes he has brought Thailand onto the main stage for all the wrong reasons. His comments just got mentioned and discussed on the Meet the Press program in Australia.

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So he's no diplomat... not the end of the world for Thailand is it?

If he can learn to laugh at himself and accept that others will too.... he might become one of Thailand's better leaders in the past 1/2 century, even with his flaws.

That long nose on your avatar will keep you in good stead

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Is anyone really surprised at his latest statement? I'm glad I no longer live in Thailand for living under such an oppressive regime is not something I could consider.

Will there ever be elections and if so what constraints with Prayut put upon the elected party in order to comply with HIS ideology? When imposing, through force, an ideology where is the democracy?

Without question Thailand needs reform and change in order to empower the population through education but what under the General has been actually achieved to date?

If I was still living in Thailand I would be packing my bags as it will never be safe living under such a regime; the political system continues to go from elected government to military coup and eventually will lead to civil war.

Good luck to Thailand and it's people ... they are going to need it in order to fit into a single ideology and Prayut is no Lee and Thailand is no Singapore and never will be.

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I'can wait to see him in front of the international media in NY at the UN when they ask questions and push his buttons. Lol.

I don't think anyone will bother to ask him anything in NY, he isn't that important anywhere else except Thailand

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AFP never liked Prayut. I always get the impression they have a bias towards the redshirts and Taksin?

Pray tell us, which passage of the AFP article was fabricated to embarrass Prayuth? Which Prayuth quote was not issued from his mouth?

Unless you call "reporting what happened" during a public (and televised) press conference a conspiracy against the PM?

Every single quotation in the AFP article was said by Prayuth - merely translated into English. It's hardly the fault of the Press if the PM says stupid things, is it?

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So he's no diplomat... not the end of the world for Thailand is it?

If he can learn to laugh at himself and accept that others will too.... he might become one of Thailand's better leaders in the past 1/2 century, even with his flaws.

Rather silly and naive statement. Leader and diplomacy are qualities that are needed to be a good leader. Good leaders use diplomacy to find common ground to deal with contentious issues.

You said he has his flaws and yet you think he is becoming one of Thailand better leader. What are you smoking mate. Careful with laughing too much at himself as this is a sign of craziness. Don't try too hard kissing up the junta ass.

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For those of you not so blessed to have been in and lived through the previous coups and the respective governments over the past 30 plus years only to emerge out once again into the same morass of political corruption, greed and nepotism that there was prior to said coups, be it known that though he does seem to shoot his mouth off rather too quick does not necessarily mean he is not correct. (apologies for the run-on sentence)

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He said 'If there's no election will anybody die?' I'm afraid that if there isn't an election then that is precisely what will happen, and it could well be on a scale far worse than when his Southern thugs took to the streets and prevented the last election.

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I'can wait to see him in front of the international media in NY at the UN when they ask questions and push his buttons. Lol.

I don't think anyone will bother to ask him anything in NY, he isn't that important anywhere else except Thailand

Watch out for the Thaivisa posters with the torches and pitchforks outside your house who seem to think the rest of the world will fall to their knees before the Beloved General and his mightiest of nations...

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This is called: digging his own grave.

He could stay a couple of decades but NOT with these kind of stances which will annoy any averagely smart person.

Guess there's not gonna be that many here then that will get annoyed ...

The annoyed people will be sent off to re-education camps, where they

will be taught to be happy.....

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I told you Prime Minister..........Think before you open your mouth........think and don't let anger overcome you.

You are not an Army man any more, you are the Prime Minister of Thailand.

If you could do that sometimes.......you would have been the best.

Thats a shame Costas mate , If it wasn't for that last line I would have awarded you one my likes biggrin.png

Methinks Costas is beginning to get the picture?

Like his idol, I don't expect he will ever admit it.

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Thailand was totally out of control with corruption being the normal way to conduct business. I think I understand the PM, he has to remain in power until minds start to change and corruption is at least looked at as something not acceptable. He needs however to control his anger and lead with actions not just words. If he can pull this off in another year and be voted back into office legally and follow the laws of the land he will be remembered for a long time...

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