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BBC decides not to renew Jeremy Clarkson's contract

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correct me if i am wrong but i think i did read somewhere that it is clarksons production company or he is a major shareholder, so the BBC is going to miss out big time, wait for the licence fee to go up soon . still i live in BKK it wont efect me, just had to say that lol !!

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Pretty much the only option they had in the circumstances. Many will blame the BBC for Clarkson's demise and the end of Top Gear, but the fact is he shot himself in the foot with both barrels here.

Hoist by his own petard!post-208832-0-17226400-1427350363_thumb.


So there's a huge petition from fans which the BBC basically ignored. Put this into context ... the BBC is a public funded entity whose fees are generated by Royal Charter .... shouldn't the fans be the ones to decide his fate and not a liberal progressive whose head can be most found up his own backside when not brown nosing in Westminster.

Britain ... the land of political correctness, ruled by liberal progressives that has firmly removed the 'Great' from Britain.

The fans are either a bit thick or devoid of morals if they think it's acceptable to abuse and assault someone because you can't get hot food.

With his money he could have checked in to a nice hotel nearby and ordered room service.

Lazy, arrogant oaf, and good riddance.

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So there's a huge petition from fans which the BBC basically ignored. Put this into context ... the BBC is a public funded entity whose fees are generated by Royal Charter .... shouldn't the fans be the ones to decide his fate and not a liberal progressive whose head can be most found up his own backside when not brown nosing in Westminster.

Britain ... the land of political correctness, ruled by liberal progressives that has firmly removed the 'Great' from Britain.

The fans are either a bit thick or devoid of morals if they think it's acceptable to abuse and assault someone because you can't get hot food.

With his money he could have checked in to a nice hotel nearby and ordered room service.

Lazy, arrogant oaf, and good riddance.

You might find that it was in his contract that he was entitled to a hot meal at the end of the day and it was the producers responsibilty to ensure that it should have been there.

I have not seen the contract so I cannot say for sure but it certainly would not be unusual neither would overnight accommodation when and if required.


Punching an a hole very bad get sack, abusing kids for decades no problem at the BBC. Did anyone ever get the sack for shagging kids in their dressing rooms or feeling people and co workers up? Some of it was a long time ago it's true but the idiots at the BBC still recently named a building after John Peel, the chattering classes DJ who was a self confessed abuser of 13 year olds.

So, because some bad stuff happened at the BBC in the past, it's ok for Clarkson to punch someone in the face?

Some rather faulty logic there.

I don't get why people are angry at the BBC over this, they're only doing what any other employee would do. If you're upset about this, Clarkson himself is the one you should be angry at - he's the one to blame for the demise of your beloved Top Gear. He's brought this about through his own actions alone. Has he even apologised to the fans?

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You might find that it was in his contract that he was entitled to a hot meal at the end of the day and it was the producers responsibilty to ensure that it should have been there.

I have not seen the contract so I cannot say for sure but it certainly would not be unusual neither would overnight accommodation when and if required.

He'd have got that hot meal had he not decided to go out drinking instead, and not return to the hotel until after the kitchen was closed.

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Hmm, I wonder who the BBC is going to replace Jeremy with on Top Gear, Piers Morgan?

Nothing like firing the top character on the BBC's top show worldwide...

Probably a gay vegetarian from an ethnic background.

Or a woman !!


Hmm, I wonder who the BBC is going to replace Jeremy with on Top Gear, Piers Morgan?

Nothing like firing the top character on the BBC's top show worldwide...

Stephen Fry apparently


Hmm, I wonder who the BBC is going to replace Jeremy with on Top Gear, Piers Morgan?

Nothing like firing the top character on the BBC's top show worldwide...

Given that the other 2 refused to complete the series without him, the question is. Who will the new presenters be?

I think at this stage it's just a matter of which American network they will move to and how long it will be before the show is relaunched.

FYI there is already a Top Gear (US version) with three presenters Adam Ferrara, Rutledge Wood and Tanner Faust who are basically a bit like the three on the Beeb. For me it doesn't work at all.



I can't see the other two going on without Clarkson. James May doesn't seem to have had much enthusiasm for the show for some time. I guess they might just attempt a new format with Hammond and a couple of new presenters, but to be honest even that seems unlikely. I reckon a complete rethink of the show is overdue anyway.


He smacked his Producer in the gob! The BBC had to fire him, it's only right, having a stiff upper lip and all......Oops, I mean sore............cheesy.gif

You do understand even the tea boy gets a job title of 'producer' or 'assistant producer' at the BBC.

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He smacked his Producer in the gob! The BBC had to fire him, it's only right, having a stiff upper lip and all......Oops, I mean sore............cheesy.gif

You do understand even the tea boy gets a job title of 'producer' or 'assistant producer' at the BBC.

No. No they don't.


Best thing the BBC have done in years.

Clarkson is an arrogant prick, thinks he isbigger better than anyone.

He and his wife bought an old lighthouse on the Isle of Man. Closed a public footpath (illegally) because they did not want people looking in on them.

Big prick got a strop on because he was hungry, assaulted a producer, should be charged and hopefully jailed.

Thinks he is bigger/better than others, time he was brought down a peg or two.

Given she is the daughter of a Manxman who earned a VC at Arnhem I would hope the Manx Govt found a compromise that suited all parties.

Clarkson tells the story here:


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This neatly illustrates the values and intellect of many of those squealing for his reinstatement.

Man Loses Job After Punching Colleague In Face

The Huffington Post UK | By Chris York
Posted: 25/03/2015 17:01 GMT Updated: 25/03/2015 21:59 GMT
In a completely reasonable move, a man was today fired after he was found to have punched a colleague in the face.



Hmm, I wonder who the BBC is going to replace Jeremy with on Top Gear, Piers Morgan?

Nothing like firing the top character on the BBC's top show worldwide...

Stephen Fry apparently

The gay bi polar drama queen always threatening to do himself in, should be a hoot, especially as I believe he knows f all about cars,


He smacked his Producer in the gob! The BBC had to fire him, it's only right, having a stiff upper lip and all......Oops, I mean sore............cheesy.gif

You do understand even the tea boy gets a job title of 'producer' or 'assistant producer' at the BBC.

No. No they don't.

I worked for the BBC for many years, every 'entertainment' program they make has loads of producers and assistant producers.

Then I worked for some ITV companies, Channel 4 did it too.

Some of them even work for free in order to gain experience.

I hated working with the unpaid youngsters working for nothing, yes we used them to fetch, carry and do all the odd jobs.

What shows did you work on SB?

What TV companies?

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