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Since we are talking about hobbies, here's a photo of some of my recent hobby work - to install a lattice tower and mast at my home in Phuket to upgrade my 'hosting' the receiving antennas and associated equipment for data receivers for flightradar24.com (aircraft) and marinetraffic.com (ships) websites, where you can track/follow the location of ships and aircraft in real-time.


The tower is about 11 metres in height, self-supporting and set in a cubic meter of concrete/rebar at the base.

Then there is another 9 metres or so of aircraft aluminium, telescopic mast.

The aircraft receiving antenna is located right at the top of the mast - I highlighted it in red colour.

The 2 antennas that I use to receive the marine data are located a couple of metres below the aircraft data antenna.

At the top of the mast section, there is a weatherproof box that houses the receivers and power supplies.

Then ethernet cables connect them to my internet router, located at ground level.

This is all working quite well, but I'll make some upgrades to extend the coverage in the future.

Still to be mounted on that mast are some of my ham radio antennas...

My Thai family sh*t themselves, every time that they see me climb to the top of the tower - worrying about their ATM perhaps??

Bloody CIA everywhere in Thailand!

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Is building a chicken coup and starting a flock of chickens a project if so I finished that last month. Now have eggs everyday. The wife uses them for baking so everyday it is cake or cookies or cupcakes. Chickens get the stale baked goods.

I would say that any sort of coup might put your chickens in political danger.

Best hide them away in a coop so the army doesn't come around.

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Hmmmmmmm where to start??? In the last 2-3 months Ive run about 400 metres of water pipe 1 inch around the land, put in 15 BIg palm trees by hand ( think 4 metres each) then 100 metres of sprinklers to water them ,moved about 40 tons of stone in my pick up and spread it round the land, built a house to cook in 2.4 m2, connected up a well water pump system inc pressure tank of 50 gallons, put in another 4 trees about 2 metres tall then another 12 trees along the back wall, built a toilet block and shower room,am currently putting down about 600 metres of concrete road.

Im sure theres more but I forget.

Mostly done by myself and one helper ( when they were here) the concrete road i cant do, you need a team to get it down fast. some pic attached

Edited by kannot
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Can't complain. Finished two art commissions this week, finished playing "The Book of Unwritten Tales 2". Oh the joys of not having to work 9 to 5. Feels good doesn't it? biggrin.png

Im sure I do far more now than when i was working in the UK, not only that but work longer hours in more extreme temperatures.

Still unable to find any help round by me.

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Can't complain. Finished two art commissions this week, finished playing "The Book of Unwritten Tales 2". Oh the joys of not having to work 9 to 5. Feels good doesn't it? biggrin.png

Im sure I do far more now than when i was working in the UK, not only that but work longer hours in more extreme temperatures.

Still unable to find any help round by me.

Looks like you dont need help....you are doing fine on your own. thumbsup.gif

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It's 10 years since I got married, paid for the land and house and farm shed to be built, together with all the other equipment and tools I had bought with me from Oz. My presence on the property has only been sporadic, a week or two every 4 or 5 months while I was still working in WA.

I decided to walk around and make a photographic record of all the broken gear, chaotic storage, and things just neglected and missing or just changed in an ugly way. The heaps of rubbish and beer bottles. Litter everywhere. Ornamental trees ring-barked by careless use of the brush cutter on the lawn.

Furniture that was once nice, now demolished and discarded. Bicycles with bent wheels run over by backing up pickups. Remains of motorbikes once shiny racers now stripped and without wheels. plastic containers half full of black engine oil. Part of the shed taken over to make bedrooms to house more family members. Ugly extensions to my pretty dining room/kitchen, to house MIL. the list is long ..

I couldn't get photos of the missing stuff of course but I will find earlier photos to prove they were there .. once.

Like a big Kubota tractor.

I never did get an explanation as to why it's missing, other than it was sold because it was too expensive to repair.

No explanation as what needed repair .. probably a busted gearbox due to clutch-less gear changing ..

Also I found out that about 20 Rai has been sub-leased to a neighbor for 3 years.

Why ? I asked - can not afford to grow crop Cassava because Bui (fertilizer) cost too mut.

How much did you get for leasing the land? 2000 baht paid up front .. what ?!

It was a very depressing day.

Why can't Thai people look after things? ( a recent thread was dealing with that subject)

I will present my photographic evidence of it all one day ..

I have the feeling that I've wasted 10 years of my life trying to help the poor and ignorant who can't appreciate what I've done for them.

Probably not an uncommon feeling among Falang in LOS ?

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Installed electric outlets in the motorcycle shop and and an outlet and light in the carport. A/C and lighting in the shop was done a while back.

I planted a small plot of grass about 6 months ago. Took me 2 years (not actually working on it) because of lack of cooperation from the family. Seems they like mud. To get the rest of it done, I'll be hiring a landscaping company. Problem is, the dogs keep ripping it up. Had to surround this 40 sq mtrs with chain link fence.

Motorcycle maintenance keeps me busy, a lot too. HD so I won't let the locals touch it. Not even the dealers.

It seems the projects never end.

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It's 10 years since I got married, paid for the land and house and farm shed to be built, together with all the other equipment and tools I had bought with me from Oz. My presence on the property has only been sporadic, a week or two every 4 or 5 months while I was still working in WA.

I decided to walk around and make a photographic record of all the broken gear, chaotic storage, and things just neglected and missing or just changed in an ugly way. The heaps of rubbish and beer bottles. Litter everywhere. Ornamental trees ring-barked by careless use of the brush cutter on the lawn.

Furniture that was once nice, now demolished and discarded. Bicycles with bent wheels run over by backing up pickups. Remains of motorbikes once shiny racers now stripped and without wheels. plastic containers half full of black engine oil. Part of the shed taken over to make bedrooms to house more family members. Ugly extensions to my pretty dining room/kitchen, to house MIL. the list is long ..

I couldn't get photos of the missing stuff of course but I will find earlier photos to prove they were there .. once.

Like a big Kubota tractor.

I never did get an explanation as to why it's missing, other than it was sold because it was too expensive to repair.

No explanation as what needed repair .. probably a busted gearbox due to clutch-less gear changing ..

Also I found out that about 20 Rai has been sub-leased to a neighbor for 3 years.

Why ? I asked - can not afford to grow crop Cassava because Bui (fertilizer) cost too mut.

How much did you get for leasing the land? 2000 baht paid up front .. what ?!

It was a very depressing day.

Why can't Thai people look after things? ( a recent thread was dealing with that subject)

I will present my photographic evidence of it all one day ..

I have the feeling that I've wasted 10 years of my life trying to help the poor and ignorant who can't appreciate what I've done for them.

Probably not an uncommon feeling among Falang in LOS ?

You just hang in there....and only do what you want...NOT what everybody else wants....Your things will last longer, and wont disappear so quick.

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It's 10 years since I got married, paid for the land and house and farm shed to be built, together with all the other equipment and tools I had bought with me from Oz. My presence on the property has only been sporadic, a week or two every 4 or 5 months while I was still working in WA.

I decided to walk around and make a photographic record of all the broken gear, chaotic storage, and things just neglected and missing or just changed in an ugly way. The heaps of rubbish and beer bottles. Litter everywhere. Ornamental trees ring-barked by careless use of the brush cutter on the lawn.

Furniture that was once nice, now demolished and discarded. Bicycles with bent wheels run over by backing up pickups. Remains of motorbikes once shiny racers now stripped and without wheels. plastic containers half full of black engine oil. Part of the shed taken over to make bedrooms to house more family members. Ugly extensions to my pretty dining room/kitchen, to house MIL. the list is long ..

I couldn't get photos of the missing stuff of course but I will find earlier photos to prove they were there .. once.

Like a big Kubota tractor.

I never did get an explanation as to why it's missing, other than it was sold because it was too expensive to repair.

No explanation as what needed repair .. probably a busted gearbox due to clutch-less gear changing ..

Also I found out that about 20 Rai has been sub-leased to a neighbor for 3 years.

Why ? I asked - can not afford to grow crop Cassava because Bui (fertilizer) cost too mut.

How much did you get for leasing the land? 2000 baht paid up front .. what ?!

It was a very depressing day.

Why can't Thai people look after things? ( a recent thread was dealing with that subject)

I will present my photographic evidence of it all one day ..

I have the feeling that I've wasted 10 years of my life trying to help the poor and ignorant who can't appreciate what I've done for them.

Probably not an uncommon feeling among Falang in LOS ?

You just hang in there....and only do what you want...NOT what everybody else wants....Your things will last longer, and wont disappear so quick.

Why I built a wall around my 1 rai with a lockable gate and everything I own stays in lockable storage. Had to build that too.

My chainsaw was at the in-laws place. When went to pick it up, I was told Mai tum. It was working fine when I left it there. That was enough.

I think they have figured out that they are not welcome to use my things but I am taking no chances. I do have one BIL that does take care of things. Don't know where he picked that up.

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Just finished overhauling my Honda HRH536HX Self-Propelled Petrol Lawnmower.

Eat your heart out Weegee.


If you have done anything more than clean the spark plug I'll eat my hat.

he probably got the photo from the internet...lol

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