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Why are Western men so happy in Thailand ?


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I like living here because --after almost 40 years of always owning a car in the USA -- I maybe never have to own a car again ... and I also enjoy not having a wife because, even in Thailand, you can only marry one.

you can have mia nois and giks

sounds like an asian virus...lol.

actually, I came here because of the lax leash laws.

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Divorces are cheap. Wouldnot marry in Canada with their ancient divorce laws in this age of equality. Been married here twice since I retired . Can get out of a bad marriage here for the price of a new car in Canada. No need to loss everything

Price of a new car???? You must be one of the biggest losers or just damn gracious to the soon to be ex. All you have to do here is go un-register the marriage where it was registered. Grace the hand of your saviour not a new car for the family that you felt shafted by. You also have been out of Canada to long or you are the faults of your bad marriages there as well. Sounds to me like you have grown accustomed to paying families off so giving the registrar a little tea money won't kill you at all.

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i like that my kid plays outside with his friends until long after its gone dark. He couldnt do that back where Im from.

I understand what your saying, how old is your kid? Please don't become complacent.

There are perverts everywhere. I hope your kid stays safe.

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If its just because its hot here all the time lessens the aches and pains

or the fact you can sleep with women 40 or 50 years younger than yourself> I love my wife 37 years my junior as she is as crazy as me.No kids wanted or needed.

Or the fact you can eat and drink for less than 300 baht a day, Give me good ice cold cola.

maybe you cant afford to go back to the home land so are just trying to make the best of what you have. best of both worlds Go back every 6 months for a medical check up at the Pace Maker Clinic

Please don't be shy. If Costas is not Shy then neither am I; in fact I doubt there is a shy person to be found on TVF

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The weather, the food, the culture, the people, the experience of living in a completely different part of the world, the challenge of learning a new language and adapting to a new lifestyle, the ease with which one can travel to a whole host of cool places, the fact that people don't take life too seriously, the way things are simpler than they were back where I'm from, the lower cost of living, the craziness of it all, beer with ice outdoors on a warm evening, weekends at the beach etc. etc.

keep posting like this and you'll be the kool kid once again......Nicely and simply stated.

Agreed. Nice summation.

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Its a cheap hot corrupt shithole what is there to not kike?

It sounds like it is past time for you to pull up your stakes and go home. And here I was enjoying all the positive comments (up until yours).

ANYONE who thinks Thailand is a shit hole doesn't know a shit hole from their shit hole. Evidently he has never been to Nigeria or Bangladesh. I stayed 24 hours in each place which was 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 second too long. If you like shit then pack your shit, go, stay and enjoy. Because you can find cheaper beer there.

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You can look at a girl and give her a compliment without being charged with sexual harassment, the possibility of loss of employment and or a lawsuit like in the states.

Because we are allowed to be men without being made to feel guilty about it.

Listeinng to you two, anyone would think that the only thing that stood between you and the women/girls of your dreams was the fact that the typical Western woman prefers NOT to see saliva dripping from a man's mouth while he talks to her cleavage.

Hundreds of millions of Western men do perfectly well with Western women despite the "handicap" that evidently frustrated your efforts

Nothing wrong with the game.

You may just have been crap players

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The weather, the food, the culture, the people, the experience of living in a completely different part of the world, the challenge of learning a new language and adapting to a new lifestyle, the ease with which one can travel to a whole host of cool places, the fact that people don't take life too seriously, the way things are simpler than they were back where I'm from, the lower cost of living, the craziness of it all, beer with ice outdoors on a warm evening, weekends at the beach etc. etc.

Everything you said plus how cheaply you can live. I retired here at age 42 with a military pension and it's more than enough to live on doing what I want and still put money into savings every month.

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You can look at a girl and give her a compliment without being charged with sexual harassment, the possibility of loss of employment and or a lawsuit like in the states.

Because we are allowed to be men without being made to feel guilty about it.

Listeinng to you two, anyone would think that the only thing that stood between you and the women/girls of your dreams was the fact that the typical Western woman prefers NOT to see saliva dripping from a man's mouth while he talks to her cleavage.

Hundreds of millions of Western men do perfectly well with Western women despite the "handicap" that evidently frustrated your efforts

Nothing wrong with the game.

You may just have been crap players

I don't know about the hundreds of millions, but my 2 siblings have 5 marriages between them -- I was never married and I guess not good at the game but, when I came here for work, I found that, to Thai women who spoke no English, I had a lot going for me.

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Village Farang. I admire very much what you have done and achieved in Thailand, I know Thai teachers must retire at 60 on a pension, but what about you?

Unless you have been paying into a pension scheme in your own country, how do you live now?

I was an English teacher and met young Farangs who were settled and married here, but they were not concerned about their old age.

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Here, my vices cost me $7 per day.

Back home, $40.

Here, I can live ok off the rent of my house back home.

There, I'd have to work.

Back "home", Wifey gets homesick, and no way to make gaeng som fish stomach curry.

Here, she gets NZ-longings but there's fish stomach curry just around the corner to compensate.

No brainer.

I thought that was a typo then you mentioned it again "fish stomach curry". Guess I've not been here as long as I thought.

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I don't know about the hundreds of millions, but my 2 siblings have 5 marriages between them -- I was never married and I guess not good at the game but, when I came here for work, I found that, to Thai women who spoke no English, I had a lot going for me.

If you're not bothered that Thai women are far more attracted to your money than they are to you, who's to say you're wrong?

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You can look at a girl and give her a compliment without being charged with sexual harassment, the possibility of loss of employment and or a lawsuit like in the states.

Because we are allowed to be men without being made to feel guilty about it.

Listeinng to you two, anyone would think that the only thing that stood between you and the women/girls of your dreams was the fact that the typical Western woman prefers NOT to see saliva dripping from a man's mouth while he talks to her cleavage.

Hundreds of millions of Western men do perfectly well with Western women despite the "handicap" that evidently frustrated your efforts

Nothing wrong with the game.

You may just have been crap players

You're very good at making a complete house with only three bricks, aren't you?

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Home is for coming from and going to. between if you are lucky you will find a place with nice people, good wheather, beautiful scenery, wonderful food , places to go & things to do . I have found that place. :-)

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I don't know about the hundreds of millions, but my 2 siblings have 5 marriages between them -- I was never married and I guess not good at the game but, when I came here for work, I found that, to Thai women who spoke no English, I had a lot going for me.

If you're not bothered that Thai women are far more attracted to your money than they are to you, who's to say you're wrong?

How the f--ck do you know what they are attracted to or not?

I DON'T but given the speed with which you resort to using profanity, I doubt it'll be your sparkling personality they're interested in.

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I don't know about the hundreds of millions, but my 2 siblings have 5 marriages between them -- I was never married and I guess not good at the game but, when I came here for work, I found that, to Thai women who spoke no English, I had a lot going for me.

If you're not bothered that Thai women are far more attracted to your money than they are to you, who's to say you're wrong?

How the f--ck do you know what they are attracted to or not?

I DON'T but given the speed with which you resort to using profanity, I doubt it'll be your sparkling personality they're interested in.

Well you sure weren't willing to indicate in your previous post that you don't know, just that you were relying on your worldly expertise..

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My inner peace and happiness travels with me regardless of where I live.

To elaborate on the material, hedonistic and other similar subjects is not in my realm of expertise.

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I don't know about the hundreds of millions, but my 2 siblings have 5 marriages between them -- I was never married and I guess not good at the game but, when I came here for work, I found that, to Thai women who spoke no English, I had a lot going for me.

If you're not bothered that Thai women are far more attracted to your money than they are to you, who's to say you're wrong?

How the f--ck do you know what they are attracted to or not?

The English language has many alternative words that can express one's disdain without resorting to the use of ---.

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I don't know about the hundreds of millions, but my 2 siblings have 5 marriages between them -- I was never married and I guess not good at the game but, when I came here for work, I found that, to Thai women who spoke no English, I had a lot going for me.

If you're not bothered that Thai women are far more attracted to your money than they are to you, who's to say you're wrong?

How the f--ck do you know what they are attracted to or not?

The English language has many alternative words that can express one's disdain without resorting to the use of ---.

Have you ever listened to 'Cypress Hill'?

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