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Prayut to get names of 100 corrupt officials next week

Lite Beer

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Well, its a start. But I wonder if there is enough ink and paper in the Kingdom to finish the list!

No of course not , the budget for the new ink and paper was divyed up amongst government officials long ago.

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I did not read further than this: 100 government officials suspected of being involved in corruption, for consideration of how to act against them.

Maybe it’s a surprise for Thais but according to the law, corruption is a serious crime. In what state is this country in, if punishment for law breakers is taken in consideration? And how does it appear to Thais that only one person is privileged to consider? They will probably never discover how big the mess is they created.

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This is how the purge begins.

Corruption! Corruption!

Mr. Prime Minister will save us.

Who cares about due process, anyway?

It was taking too much time.

Thank goodness for Article 44.

Mr. Prime Minister shall make the decisions based on evidence.

He is a just and beloved leader.

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It would appear that this Bonanza owner is the son of former red shirt leader Paiwong Taechanarong. LINK

It would appear that Paiwong began accumulating this land in 2004.

I wonder how many reds are on this list of 100. I hope the list is both sides of the aisle.

Well with the Shinawatra clan so long in power, who will have their cronies promoted, automatically there will be more reds than yellows who have the chance to be corrupt.

(If it is a list of high level corruption....not some low level who take 1000 Baht)

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Wait, let me guess. Exactly zero of the corrupt officials will be military. Even though the military is the most corrupt organization in Thailand.

I would think the military has a lot of competition for the number 1 spot although being something of a closed shop it must be hard to get into what actually going on.

I would take a brave soul to hand the PM with a list including military names unless they've been double and triple checked to make sure they're not a pal.

Self-preservation for the investigators.

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Only 100? That's the first thought that came to mind and I see many have beaten me to it.

I wonder if they can spell the word 'FARCE' let alone comprehend its meaning.

Once again the issue of who is and who is not corrupt is reasonable easy to determine ... hold a public inquiry run by the free press to examine the financial interests, bank accounts etc of all those who have served in gov. If Prayut is interested in transparency and fairness let him be the first to be subjected to a full investigation. Anyone who has nothing to hide would openly welcome the move in order to unite the people and it would be a positive step in the right direction to heal the wounds this country has suffered for so long.

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It would appear that this Bonanza owner is the son of former red shirt leader Paiwong Taechanarong. LINK

It would appear that Paiwong began accumulating this land in 2004.

I wonder how many reds are on this list of 100. I hope the list is both sides of the aisle.

Well with the Shinawatra clan so long in power, who will have their cronies promoted, automatically there will be more reds than yellows who have the chance to be corrupt.

(If it is a list of high level corruption....not some low level who take 1000 Baht)

Given the good general's less than brilliant personality, should this exercise look like a witch hunt of political foes, it will reflect poorly on him and the country. He has a naughty list. Does he have a nice list ? Could a red shirt possibly make the nice list ? Could people with apposing views to his and the Thai elite actually be good for the country ?

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It would appear that this Bonanza owner is the son of former red shirt leader Paiwong Taechanarong. LINK

It would appear that Paiwong began accumulating this land in 2004.

I wonder how many reds are on this list of 100. I hope the list is both sides of the aisle.

"I hope the list is both sides of the aisle". Agreed, that would be fair, but given the history of past transgressors, IMO 'ruddy' is likely to be the colour of more than 50%.

Edited by NeilSA1
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A quick look then " not him or him or her and definitely not him, the rest are yours so get on with it. "

The headlines will read that the PM has ordered action against corrupt officials but without any report on how many have ' escaped ' and why except maybe ' insufficient evidence ' despite the Justice Minister saying there is.

For Gods sake , give this man a chance.... All journeys begin with the first step... wai.gif

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