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Why frown, the social-media generation are a product of their times

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Why frown, the social-media generation are a product of their times
Veena Thoopkrajae

BANGKOK: -- If you feel there is a serious problem with present-day kids, count me among those who share your thoughts. Many children are becoming obsessed with taking photos and videos of themselves.They look for Wi-Fi everywhere, as if it is oxygen required to breathe. When they gather as a group anywhere, all they do is stare at their own smartphones rather than chatting with each other.

Like you, I'm annoyed, too. But let's just calm down and see things in perspective. The thing is this is a generation that has grown up with hero lists like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg while their routine "outings", unlike that of their parents, is to browse the Internet and connect with others via social media. They chat with circles of friends without leaving the comfort of their homes, and when they step out, they had better make sure they are equipped with their smartphone. To this generation, forgetting to take their phone along may be a greater pain than leaving behind their wallet.

I'm in favour of technology too, and consider it a friend. Many times I feel thankful to Zuckerberg for giving me a chance to reconnect with my long-lost primary school friends. Think about it, I share with kids out there a dependence on social media and smart devices. But should I pat myself on the back because I'm in a better position to be in control of these technologies instead of letting them control my life?

Kids can argue, too. They are social media addicts as it is the just-in thing of their era. Their lifestyle is pretty much dictated - or should we say assisted - by technology. Their "strange" behaviours may be an eyesore when we compare them to our times. No wonder many adults recently enjoyed the viral illustration series "#This Generation" by artist Ajit Johnson. The mocking of teens heading to a sign showing Internet instead of water in the desert, or using a selfie stick to take a photo in a toilet has struck a chord with adults. The illustrations make us laugh, as we are judging them based on our pre-Internet era.

It's true that they love taking selfies. But why not? The cameras and smartphones offer that function and their peers love looking at them. "Would you have done the same if the selfie facility and social media had been available during your teens?" kids may ask. No kidding, my answer would be absolutely yes.

In the absence of technology, we used to pen letters using a writing instrument, talk on landline phones and meet at shopping malls. Today's kids can enjoy a group chat without leaving their homes. They can tweet their whereabouts by checking in the places and then friends in the nearby area can come to meet. We actually did the same. In our teens, we would do anything to gather with friends and in that sense the new generation is no exception. They just do it faster.

At times, I feel jealous as these kids have greater opportunities to do anything faster and better. But really that is a result of the rapid mushrooming of new technologies, and you can't fault them for that. There are jokes about their excessive dependence on smartphones and Wi-Fi. But hey, who isn't in today's world? Maybe we are unfair in picking on the kids when we give them iPhones and iPads as presents.

That’s right. They are not born with these gadgets. We are the generation that create them and hand them to the kids. Now, if they are turning into narcissists, and becoming addicted to smartphones, the blame shouldn't be pinned entirely on them. We adults should at least be honest enough to accept that we are a part of the problem - if it's a problem at all.

Or, maybe there is no problem at all. We probably think the kids have a problem because we are using our generation's yardstick to measure them. We did not have access to the technologies they enjoy now from early in childhood. Before handing them a harsh verdict, we should ask ourselves whether we would have followed a similar course if we too could indulge ourselves with all the smart devices and speedy Wi-Fi.

This article was motivated by a viral cartoon series poking fun at teen behaviour. But come to think of it, without smart devices, Facebook and Wi-Fi, the funny cartoons would not have reached us in the first place.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/Why-frown-the-social-media-generation-are-a-produc-30257369.html

-- The Nation 2015-04-04

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Two reasons; firstly because of the instant gratification social media technology encourages with the subsequent effect of the shortening of attention spans and secondly the widening of the 'generation gap' which had narrowed prior to the introduction of this curse.

Edited by piersbeckett
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At my time, a young man back in the 60' having a radio transistor made me happy over the

moon listing to the top 40 songs and that era's music, but my parents made sure that this will

be kept to certain hours after I have finished my homework and done the house chores,

Nowadays, parents turn a blind eye to their kids engaging in early sexting, drinking and misbehaving,

not wanting to be seen as ' not cool ' old fashioned parents, and social media is one of today's ills,

All would be well if they would have learned anything from all day selfies and facebooking each other,

but no apart from gossip and idle chat, there's no value to all those social media devises, only

the advertisers and the app owners are profiting from that, not the users, and definitely not society...

Edited by ezzra
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A few years back a youngster told me his phone bill was AUD700 for the month, driven by text and online messages like .Q: Hey what you doing to day. A: Not much

... yeah, or rather like A.: Not much, just texting a bit ...

Pretty sure i've met broomsticks with more savvy ...

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BANGKOK: -- If you feel there is a serious problem with present-day kids, count me among those who share your thoughts. Many children are becoming obsessed with taking photos and videos of themselves.They look for Wi-Fi everywhere, as if it is oxygen required to breathe. When they gather as a group anywhere, all they do is stare at their own smartphones rather than chatting with each other

This is not just about kids.................look at the groups of adults or couples who are out together but all just staring at a phone!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

BANGKOK: -- If you feel there is a serious problem with present-day kids, count me among those who share your thoughts. Many children are becoming obsessed with taking photos and videos of themselves.They look for Wi-Fi everywhere, as if it is oxygen required to breathe. When they gather as a group anywhere, all they do is stare at their own smartphones rather than chatting with each other

This is not just about kids.................look at the groups of adults or couples who are out together but all just staring at a phone!

Agree, even now extends to university final exams: phone rings (should be in her bag and turned off and bag at the back of the room). She quickly takes the call and talks at normal volume and continues to talk, I run to her exam desk and she says 'but my sister has a new dog and it's so lovely and I want to talk to her about how it plays etc.'

Exam monitor now arrived at her desk and quickly grabs the phone and turns it off and escorts the student out of the exam room and she's informed her grade is 'fail'.

Student telephones me to say: 'your unfair'.

The really sad part - the other students agree, the exam regulations are too serious and unfair.


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I was in a bar with a friend of mine just last night and for the best part of the hour and a half we were there two girls across from us never spoke to one other and just looked down admiringly at their sacred electronic devices...pretty bloody sad if you ask me!

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BANGKOK: -- If you feel there is a serious problem with present-day kids, count me among those who share your thoughts. Many children are becoming obsessed with taking photos and videos of themselves.They look for Wi-Fi everywhere, as if it is oxygen required to breathe. When they gather as a group anywhere, all they do is stare at their own smartphones rather than chatting with each other

This is not just about kids.................look at the groups of adults or couples who are out together but all just staring at a phone!

I agree sapson.

Some of the so-called mature adults I know in Thailand and Australia are obsessed with Facebook etc, to the point where it is just plain annoying.

A Thai lady my wife and I know in Chiang Mai used to socialise with us quite often when we had a meal/get-together and all she did the whole time was talk to friends online and post pics of the food we were eating. Could not imagine what this woman would do if she lost her tab or internet connection.

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I was in a bar with a friend of mine just last night and for the best part of the hour and a half we were there two girls across from us never spoke to one other and just looked down admiringly at their sacred electronic devices...pretty bloody sad if you ask me!

And the funny thing is they call it "social media" ! Try having a face to face conversation with a teenage girl these days. It is hard work, you have to answer most of the questions you ask yourself.

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I was in a bar with a friend of mine just last night and for the best part of the hour and a half we were there two girls across from us never spoke to one other and just looked down admiringly at their sacred electronic devices...pretty bloody sad if you ask me!

If they enjoyed.. who are you to complain. Fact is this is how it is now.. bet you did some things your parents thought were sad.

Every generation is different and does things different, its like music choice.. just fact of life. The more you moan against it the more it shows your left behind.

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Why frown, the social-media generation are a product of their times

Well let's see, now that the general is in absolute power, how much longer can these kids enjoy the internet and social media..... ???

Edited by MaxLee
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I was in a bar with a friend of mine just last night and for the best part of the hour and a half we were there two girls across from us never spoke to one other and just looked down admiringly at their sacred electronic devices...pretty bloody sad if you ask me!

And the funny thing is they call it "social media" ! Try having a face to face conversation with a teenage girl these days. It is hard work, you have to answer most of the questions you ask yourself.

Maybe your just not interesting enough anymore, have you considered that.

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I was in a bar with a friend of mine just last night and for the best part of the hour and a half we were there two girls across from us never spoke to one other and just looked down admiringly at their sacred electronic devices...pretty bloody sad if you ask me!

And the funny thing is they call it "social media" ! Try having a face to face conversation with a teenage girl these days. It is hard work, you have to answer most of the questions you ask yourself.

Maybe your just not interesting enough anymore, have you considered that.

So what is interesting Thai style..............witty banter? amusing stories etc etc, ............ useless when someone is in a trance staring down at a smartphone, but if you where to put on a jester suit and goof around you might get their attention for a few moments!

Social media...................is breeding anti social tendancies!

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I was in a bar with a friend of mine just last night and for the best part of the hour and a half we were there two girls across from us never spoke to one other and just looked down admiringly at their sacred electronic devices...pretty bloody sad if you ask me!

And the funny thing is they call it "social media" ! Try having a face to face conversation with a teenage girl these days. It is hard work, you have to answer most of the questions you ask yourself.

Maybe your just not interesting enough anymore, have you considered that.

So what is interesting Thai style..............witty banter? amusing stories etc etc, ............ useless when someone is in a trance staring down at a smartphone, but if you where to put on a jester suit and goof around you might get their attention for a few moments!

Social media...................is breeding anti social tendancies!

Ehh.. they will only stare at their phone when you can't get their attention. I can't say it has been a problem with me. The only time it happened the girl was clearly not interested and used the phone as an excuse.

I don't see a problem if someone checks their phone and plays a bit with it.. but when its the only thing they do.. then they just don't want your company.. then move on.

I check my phone too and use social media.. so what its the new times and you either join it or get left behind.

Rock and roll was the devils work too... guess what...

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I was in a bar with a friend of mine just last night and for the best part of the hour and a half we were there two girls across from us never spoke to one other and just looked down admiringly at their sacred electronic devices...pretty bloody sad if you ask me!

And the funny thing is they call it "social media" ! Try having a face to face conversation with a teenage girl these days. It is hard work, you have to answer most of the questions you ask yourself.

I stopped having anything in common with teenage girls around the time of my 20th birthday. Never were the greatest of conversationists.

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A great thread for the biggest generation of all - the baby boomers. Celebrate your awesomeness and look down on those scumbag teens! Remind us of how much "better it was" when you were a kid! Then look around and realize that it is your generation that had screwed the planet environmentally. Thanks baby boomers...now where is my boat...

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A great thread for the biggest generation of all - the baby boomers. Celebrate your awesomeness and look down on those scumbag teens! Remind us of how much "better it was" when you were a kid! Then look around and realize that it is your generation that had screwed the planet environmentally. Thanks baby boomers...now where is my boat...

Well the word above your avatar gives it away, but I'll say this anyway.

Environmental destruction is driven by our rampant consumerism as in Iphone 5 closely followed by Iphone 6 and all the techno geeks line up to get their hands on the latest even though the one they have is perfectly OK. The latest big flatscreen TV seems to need to replace the superceeded big flatscreen in a matter of weeks, nothing lasts like it should and many items have become fashion accessories with a lifespan governed by the most shallow of values Fashion.

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