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positive weed peepee check / jail / trial report


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Just a report, maybe it will be interesting for some.<deleted>

I am an ex-weed smoker. I don't use other drugs. I have been in Thailand for 3 years (first tourist visas, now I'm on the 5 years "elite" visa). I have been smoking weed as a discreet smoker for a very long time, and when I arrived in Thailand I didn't stop. From 3 to 5 light joints a day. Almost all the time I was smoking in my house, almost never outside. I was buying my weed in small quantities in a famous bar on my island, as a lot of people do.

Short report of my misadventure. (sorry for my poor english).

3 weeks ago, 7 police men came in my house. Knock-knock-knock, "we have a problem with you sir, we know you use drugs, we were told you sell drugs also, are you a drug dealer ?". And they gave me a glass where I had to pee, in front of all my curious neighbors. I told them I never-ever sold any drugs in my life (this is the truth), and fortunately I didn't have any weed in my house at this time, as I was smoking my last joint 10 minutes before they arrived (lucky me). I was very high at this time, and I was soooo scared, shacking.

I was not sure if I could refuse the pee-pee test. Anyway I knew I was screwed so I resigned to my lot and made peepee in the glass. The test was finished 2 minutes after, and without any surprise I was 100% positive to ganja (and negative to amphetamines).

I tried a few times to propose some money to them. I tried to speak with the boss of the police squad (in civil suits, unarmed, very polite men), as it's well known the policemen (on my island at least) are very corrupted. But they refused and told me they didn't want any money. (a few days later I learnt that the same story happened to some other farangs on the islands, they were tested positive to ganja/ice the same day, before me, and they were able to give them money to avoid any further problems : 50k bahts each. So I guess their pockets were full already, and the big boss wanted some true results)

They didn't have any search warrant, so they couldn't check my house. But I told them they could search my house, only if only one policeman came in, and under my watch, because I was scared that if they all came in my house, they could easily put some drugs somewhere and then accuse me. They accepted my conditions, and the boss of the group searched my house and didn't find anything. During the search (30 minutes) he told me that somebody called them and told them I was a dealer. whatever.

Then they took me in their car, to the hospital, and proceed to another ganja/amphetamine test. And I was (obviously) still positive. Then they drove me in the police station, where I had to sign some papers. They asked my some questions about where I buy, who are my friends, etc. but I didn't tell them interesting facts (in fact they knew already everything). A thai friend of mine was here with me to translate everything, and to try to calm me down. Basicaly I signed papers where was written that my house was searched and they didn't find something, and my pee was tested positive.

Then they put me in jail, where I spent one night. They let me in with my cellphone, and always stayed polite with me. That was a long night and I couldn't sleep more than a few hours, on the ground, as you guess.

The next day in the morning I was waken up in the morning, and they brought me to the mainland in a court where I had to wait a few hours before my sentence. In the waiting room, with my handcuffs, I was with other men (all thai) waiting also for their trial. The majority were ice smokers.

Then my trial last 2 minutes. The judge told me "mister you smoke ganja ? you are not a criminal, you are sick, and we will help you to heal". I was free to go, and 5 days later I had appointment in a rehab hospital, where I had to talk during 3 hours with a psychologist who had to decide about my case : keep me in hospital ? send me to jail ? Or let me free under certain conditions ? My pee was tested again and I was still 100% positive, although I didn't smoke any weed for almost one week.

As a regular long-time smoker, my pee was still positive, even 15 days after my last joint.

Yesterday I had another apointment, where I was told that I have to go in the rehab center every two weeks for 6 months, and I have to do 24 hours of community service. My pee was tested, and I was negative, as I didn't smoke for almost 1 month now, and do sports everyday.

I was told that I can not go out of Thailand for six months, can not miss any of the next 12 appointments. I was told also that the next time I'm checked positive, I will be sent directly to jail.

Now I feel very lucky to be free, not kicked out from Thailand, and I will never smoke again.

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Now I feel very lucky to be free, not kicked out from Thailand, and I will never smoke again.

So...... you could have avoided all these hassles by not breaking a law that you 100% knew about when you came to live in Thailand.

(I'm not saying that this law is a good law, only that you knew about it and knew the consequences of breaking that law).

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Now I feel very lucky to be free, not kicked out from Thailand, and I will never smoke again.

So...... you could have avoided all these hassles by not breaking a law that you 100% knew about when you came to live in Thailand.

(I'm not saying that this law is a good law, only that you knew about it and knew the consequences of breaking that law).

I agree with you 100%. I am not complaining about what happened to me, and I'm not saying this is a bad law (anyway, who cares about my judgment about the laws in LOS ?)

I'm just reporting, for all the other people smoking weed in Thailand. I know there are a lot.

If you find you cannot quit, there are Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholic Anonymous meetings in Thailand. Better than jail.

Thank's ! I have not been smoking for one month now. I feel good about it. I'm not going to smoke anymore. First that was a little bit hard, because I have been smoking weed for 10 years, but now I feel good. In fact I feel very happy about having stopped.

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Just a report, maybe it will be interesting for some. <deleted> I want to stay anonymous about this story.

I am an ex-weed smoker. I don't use other drugs. I have been in Thailand for 3 years (first tourist visas, now I'm on the 5 years "elite" visa). I have been smoking weed as a discreet smoker for a very long time, and when I arrived in Thailand I didn't stop. From 3 to 5 light joints a day. Almost all the time I was smoking in my house, almost never outside. I was buying my weed in small quantities in a famous bar on my island, as a lot of people do.

Short report of my misadventure. (sorry for my poor english).

3 weeks ago, 7 police men came in my house. Knock-knock-knock, "we have a problem with you sir, we know you use drugs, we were told you sell drugs also, are you a drug dealer ?". And they gave me a glass where I had to pee, in front of all my curious neighbors. I told them I never-ever sold any drugs in my life (this is the truth), and fortunately I didn't have any weed in my house at this time, as I was smoking my last joint 10 minutes before they arrived (lucky me). I was very high at this time, and I was soooo scared, shacking.

I was not sure if I could refuse the pee-pee test. Anyway I knew I was screwed so I resigned to my lot and made peepee in the glass. The test was finished 2 minutes after, and without any surprise I was 100% positive to ganja (and negative to amphetamines).

I tried a few times to propose some money to them. I tried to speak with the boss of the police squad (in civil suits, unarmed, very polite men), as it's well known the policemen (on my island at least) are very corrupted. But they refused and told me they didn't want any money. (a few days later I learnt that the same story happened to some other farangs on the islands, they were tested positive to ganja/ice the same day, before me, and they were able to give them money to avoid any further problems : 50k bahts each. So I guess their pockets were full already, and the big boss wanted some true results)

They didn't have any search warrant, so they couldn't check my house. But I told them they could search my house, only if only one policeman came in, and under my watch, because I was scared that if they all came in my house, they could easily put some drugs somewhere and then accuse me. They accepted my conditions, and the boss of the group searched my house and didn't find anything. During the search (30 minutes) he told me that somebody called them and told them I was a dealer. whatever.

Then they took me in their car, to the hospital, and proceed to another ganja/amphetamine test. And I was (obviously) still positive. Then they drove me in the police station, where I had to sign some papers. They asked my some questions about where I buy, who are my friends, etc. but I didn't tell them interesting facts (in fact they knew already everything). A thai friend of mine was here with me to translate everything, and to try to calm me down. Basicaly I signed papers where was written that my house was searched and they didn't find something, and my pee was tested positive.

Then they put me in jail, where I spent one night. They let me in with my cellphone, and always stayed polite with me. That was a long night and I couldn't sleep more than a few hours, on the ground, as you guess.

The next day in the morning I was waken up in the morning, and they brought me to the mainland in a court where I had to wait a few hours before my sentence. In the waiting room, with my handcuffs, I was with other men (all thai) waiting also for their trial. The majority were ice smokers.

Then my trial last 2 minutes. The judge told me "mister you smoke ganja ? you are not a criminal, you are sick, and we will help you to heal". I was free to go, and 5 days later I had appointment in a rehab hospital, where I had to talk during 3 hours with a psychologist who had to decide about my case : keep me in hospital ? send me to jail ? Or let me free under certain conditions ? My pee was tested again and I was still 100% positive, although I didn't smoke any weed for almost one week.

As a regular long-time smoker, my pee was still positive, even 15 days after my last joint.

Yesterday I had another apointment, where I was told that I have to go in the rehab center every two weeks for 6 months, and I have to do 24 hours of community service. My pee was tested, and I was negative, as I didn't smoke for almost 1 month now, and do sports everyday.

I was told that I can not go out of Thailand for six months, can not miss any of the next 12 appointments. I was told also that the next time I'm checked positive, I will be sent directly to jail.

Now I feel very lucky to be free, not kicked out from Thailand, and I will never smoke again.

Good to read you have give it up mate hop you stay like that never ever smoker that sh?t again please Good luck .

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The irony is that had you not been on an elite visa, you'd be entirely free from visa woes for 6 months due to law breaking biggrin.png - that said, I suspect your Elite status may have had some bearing on the outcome.

I think as others have said that the courts handled this very well. Personally I don't think it should be illegal, however you have to follow the rules, and the rules say it is.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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that the problem in thailand , very good weed is readily available and we cant smoke because too much shit

during these time most of the guys are getting stupid on cheap alcool

the justice seemed to have worked well, the police a little less something to do with your neighbour our your dealer or a quota ??

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Is kartom still illegal, i read no.

Still illegal though there was an effort to legalize it a couple of years ago.

Justice Minister Chaikasem Nitsiri is pushing senior officials to end a 70-year-old ban on kratom enacted under a dubious pretense: kratom once helped opium users kick addiction in an era when the government raked in lucrative opium taxes.

In interviews with the domestic press, the minister has said the leaf could help wean Thais off meth, which has exploded in popularity across Southeast Asia.

The legal status of kratom is now under review in Thailand. “There’s never been a single death associated with kratom,” said Pascal Tanguay, a program director with the Thailand offices of PSI, a Washington DC-based global health organization that promotes harm reduction among drug users. “People have been chewing this for thousands of years with no cases of overdose, psychosis, murder, violent crime. Never in all of recorded history.”

More here - globalpost.com

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Now I feel very lucky to be free, not kicked out from Thailand, and I will never smoke again.

So...... you could have avoided all these hassles by not breaking a law that you 100% knew about when you came to live in Thailand.

(I'm not saying that this law is a good law, only that you knew about it and knew the consequences of breaking that law).

I agree with you 100%. I am not complaining about what happened to me, and I'm not saying this is a bad law (anyway, who cares about my judgment about the laws in LOS ?)

I'm just reporting, for all the other people smoking weed in Thailand. I know there are a lot.

If you find you cannot quit, there are Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholic Anonymous meetings in Thailand. Better than jail.

Thank's ! I have not been smoking for one month now. I feel good about it. I'm not going to smoke anymore. First that was a little bit hard, because I have been smoking weed for 10 years, but now I feel good. In fact I feel very happy about having stopped.

Good for you...Thanks for sharing your story.

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I am writing this before I have seen any comments from other posters, I am not convinced you are telling the truth.

Using any kind of drug in this country, you deserve to get caught and punished. I have no sympathy for anyone who is

involved with any kind of drugs, especially here in Thailand.

If I'm being honest with you, I suspect you are trolling, everyone without connections who is caught and tested positive is

not going to avoid a very long prison sentence here, and rightly so.

I suppose I could be wrong, but that is the way I see it.

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Now I feel very lucky to be free, not kicked out from Thailand, and I will never smoke again.

So...... you could have avoided all these hassles by not breaking a law that you 100% knew about when you came to live in Thailand.

(I'm not saying that this law is a good law, only that you knew about it and knew the consequences of breaking that law).

Oh if we were all made perfect! If only the world was full of people like you!

Alcohol and tobacco will cause much more harm than smoking weed - It was an interesting and honest post, and an amazing outcome from the court.

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"Using any kind of drug in this country, you deserve to get caught and punished. I have no sympathy for anyone who is

involved with any kind of drugs, especially here in Thailand."

Alcohol and tobacco are the two big killers...and yes they are drugs, just not illegal.

I believe the OP is not in the wrong at all, just at the bad end of crooked laws.

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The justice system worked well because the OP has an Elite Visa which gives more leverage as someone on a tourist visa. They are totally aware that the OP paid at least 500k for his visa so his Elite visa really saved his ass.

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This guy smokes a plant peacefully in his house and gets treated like a criminal. Meanwhile, others drink man-made beers and spirits and cause GBH to others, abuse their families and become a general menace to society, day in, day out.

One is illegal. One isn't. This is the same in most countries.

What a joke.

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I think it should be legal, but one issue that comes to mind is that because it needs to be used responsibly in the same way as not using alcohol if driving. With alcohol they can test current levels, whereas with smokes the test appears to take a long time to test negative, making a guilty/not guilty decision very difficult. I'm not a weed smoker btw, I just don't seem to get on with the stuff, but if others like it and it doesn't cause bar brawling 'weaponised' idiots, then why not.

As for Kratom, I think that too should be legal, especially if it has uses in getting off things like Meth which is nasty nasty stuff for not only the user, but all their family, all other relationships, and financial viability, literally betting the farm on a near unwinnable health gamble. Also because it (Kratom) is legal in most of the rest of the world, and it grows so readily here, it would be a great crop for export, to help the economy by helping others.

If they don't want to legalise either of the above, then perhaps they should look into Baclofen and low dose Naltrexone as I mentioned in another thread. Both are patent expired, and the Gov't could get proactive about this if they wanted to.

Edited by Shiver
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You are a luck man This is not Europe or the United States You got off very lightly Slap on the wrist

Good luck with the rest of your life

In the Uk, the police don't care, smoke as much as you want.

They don't even take small amounts off you if discovered.

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Why would anyone use illegal drugs inside Thailand? If you got that severe issues with drugs then maybe you should live in a nation where you can legally use say marijuana or do the sensible thing: quit using.

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No pity from me.

Do drugs, do time.

What is your opinion on alcohol then? If someone should do time for weed then what punishment is suitable for causing harm to society through drinking?

In the UK...

Alcohol costs the taxpayer £19 billion a year to enforce in courts and police time, public clean ups and repairs, and cost to the NHS which is around £7 billion alone according to the NHS Alcohol Statistics of 2011 paper.

The British Medical Journal on 27th of July 2012 published an extensive study scaling the harm caused to ones self and to others due to substance use. The study looked at the 19 most commonly used drugs both legal and illicit. Heroin was ranked at number 1 whilst Alcohol sat in 4th place and cannabis came bottom being deemed least harmful in all 3 tables.

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