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positive weed peepee check / jail / trial report


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I am writing this before I have seen any comments from other posters, I am not convinced you are telling the truth.

Using any kind of drug in this country, you deserve to get caught and punished. I have no sympathy for anyone who is

involved with any kind of drugs, especially here in Thailand.

If I'm being honest with you, I suspect you are trolling, everyone without connections who is caught and tested positive is

not going to avoid a very long prison sentence here, and rightly so.

I suppose I could be wrong, but that is the way I see it.

Well, at least you didn't assume he had facial hair and tattoos.

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Good story.

I think I understand where you are coming from ( I hope?) - this is a story- actually total bulls***t - judge saying ' you smoke ganja? ' - it's all made up.

Where did you get that crystal ball?

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Thaiguzzi and others of like mind should also be aware of these facts. Two Thai brothers, in early twenties, who are neighbours were rounded up, after a foot chase by the BIB

they both tested positive to Ya-Ba (they are long time habitual users). Their Mama declined to pay any money and they were transported to the provincial detention centre. Both returned home 4 days later after being "sentenced" to monthly tests at the local and attend re-habitation for six months. One week later the elder son was stopped at a routine check point and found to have one Ya-Ba tablet in his possession. Again away to the detention centre, this time returned home in two days 'as no room to house him". So far no further action, rehab. or community service nor routine testing.

The province was Ubon Ratchatani and obviously no elite card nor money.


Yaa baa is a totally different story. It's basically methamphetamine mixed with caffeine and is highly addictive and destructive, after only 1 try. Even after rehab 95% of the users relapse. Don't even begin to compare meth with weed. It is something completely different.

Do you think the PEAP may have been showing a more severe case in which the sentence was lenient too?

No, I guess not, it simply went over your head.

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First of all, thank you for the good messages "good luck", "good story", "good for you to quit", etc. It makes me feel good.

Then : no, I'm not trolling. But I know TV users are very easy to think other users are always trolling or faking stories. Why would I fake such a story ? But "up to youuuu".

Finally : No I'm not complaining about what happened to me, I'm not judging about laws, and I'm not looking for sympathy. I'm just reporting what happened to me, staying the most neutral as possible, because maybe I would have stopped before all of this if I could read such a story on TV before. And I think this could interest some people.

"The irony is that had you not been on an elite visa, you'd be entirely free from visa woes for 6 months due to law breaking biggrin.png"

Yeah, maybe we can call this the "ganja visa exemption" smile.png

"OP any thoughts on who would have wanted you to suffer? "

Yep !

But, not realy sure. Very hard to be sure about who is the snitch. The best for me, after a lot of thinking about it, is to stay out of every kind of drug now, and then I'll never have to worry again about who called them to give my name.

A drug dealer got caught and handed out a name or two.

neighbour, ice dealer. But not 100% sure though.

"Is kartom still illegal, i read no"

I read that marijuana, kratom, and magic mushrooms are in the same group of drugs in the thai law. "Category V drug".

Using any kind of drug in this country, you deserve to get caught and punished. I have no sympathy for anyone who is

involved with any kind of drugs, especially here in Thailand.

If I'm being honest with you, I suspect you are trolling, everyone without connections who is caught and tested positive is

not going to avoid a very long prison sentence here, and rightly so.

I suppose I could be wrong, but that is the way I see it.

I can promice you, you are very wrong about this.

First of all : ok, I could prove I'm not trolling, because I have a lot of papers from police, hospitals, drug tests, rehab-center, and everything. But I don't realy care (and I could photoshop-fake it, right ?).

But must of all : in the rehab/hospital center, there are A LOT of people, almost all thai, who got caught and didn't make any time in jail (just a few days), because it was their first time, they just got caught positive with weed or ice, not possession, and now they are taken care of by psychologists and doctors. If they got caught a second time, though, they are good to go to jail or military jail. It seems we have only one chance. It's the same for me : if EVER I get caught positive again to anything, even in 10 years, then I'll go directly to jail, and I'll not be considered as a sick people anymore, but as a criminal.

Thai laws changed a lot, in the past years, about drugs and how to deal with drug addict people (that's what I read on google, I'm obvisouly not an expert about thai laws). The "you are not criminal, you are sick" is a new thing in thailand, it seems so.

"The other suckers had to pay 50K you got a free trip to the mainland and also has made you stop smoking. Good luck in your future man. "

First, when I was in jail, I was sooooooo angry. It felt so unfair to me, I was all like "oooh, why they could pay, and I couldn't ? Why only me go to jail and they could pay and stay out ? so unfair". Then I understood I was lucky smile.png Because now, finaly, 1/ I didn't have to pay ANYTHING (hospital is free, jail is free, etc.). 2/ I was so scared that it was easy for me to quit. And I don't have choice anyway. The other ones .. they are free to continue using drugs. Until next police team.

"Wonder what the most severe penalty they could hand out in a case like this?"

On google I could read this :

"imprisonment of up to one year and/or a fine of up to twenty thousand baht if you test positive for a Category V drug, like marijuana or Kratom. There are laws protecting you If you take drugs and feel like you are dangerously disoriented or at risk for overdose and then choose to check yourself into a medical facility. If you are able to check into a medical facility before being caught by a law enforcement official and you have not broken any Thai laws other than consuming drugs, you are eligible to be excused from penalties. "

Source : http://www.thailawforum.com/tourst-guide-laws-Thailand-4.html

But I don't know if it's up to date.

"Looks to me that the Police actions were positive to you..if you ery seriREALLY wants to be free of addiction to any drugs."

It looks the same to me. First I was scared and angry. But now I feel thankful and lucky.

So the police are well-known to be corrupt but refused your attempted bribe and didn't even charge you with attempted bribery.

But of course you heard tales of them taking bribes, which in your ganja-addled mind meant that they do take bribes but not from you ... and no one planted drugs in your house and they didn't put you away in some nasty prison although we all know (from more tales) that they treat all farang badly.

The Farang Fantasy Factory's top post of the season. A friend knows some guy who said ...

It's not tale. My best friend (realy.) had to pay 50k and is now paying 2k/month for stay out of trouble.

And I didn't directly try to corrupt them, I just asked "how much I have to pay for my mistake ?", then the boss looked at me, very seriously, and told me slowly "we don't want any money". I didn't ask more.

"I think I understand where you are coming from ( I hope?) - this is a story- actually total bulls***t - judge saying ' you smoke ganja? ' - it's all made up. "
I think the judge said "marijuana", but I'm not sure about this. The only two things that she told me were
"so mister, you smoke marijuana ?", I answered something like "yes sometimes, but I'm very sorry I will never do again".
Then she talked to my thai friend during 5 minutes. I didnt understand.
Then, seeing I was geting nervous because nobody told me a thing and explained me something, she asked :
"what is your problem mister ?"
"I want to know what will happen to me, can I stay in Thailand or not ?"
And she answered :
"You have a visa, yes or not ?"
"Then you can stay in Thailand, you are not a criminal, you are sick, and we can help you to heal".
Something like that.
She looked on a very good mood, I'm prety sure she had an orgasm on the last night. 555

"what do you mean, "light joint" ?"

I meant low quantity of weed. Around 3 or 5 everyday, 6 or 7 joints maximum in my hard days, sometimes only 1 or 2, but I never put as much weed as other people I know.
Overall I was a very regular smoker, but not a very high one. I was just all the time a little bit high/stone. A "pot head" as some people say in english maybe.
Now I stopped everything for 1 month, and I don't feel the need of smoking anymore (I make sport everyday for compensate, sometimes I'm a little bit nervous, more than before). The number one difficulty was to lose the habit you know. In the morning, first thing I was thinking was "where is my joint with this coffee ? Oh yeah, I quit already :(". Or the last joint before sleep. This were the 2 most difficult to forget about.
I'm very happy to have stopped this. I'm just sad to have been so stupid to need this story for decide to quit. I should have quit before by myself. But, hey.
But, at the end, it's not so hard to quit smoking weed.

"So...what happens if u refuse the urine test? "

"Possession aside, if a law enforcement official has grounds to believe you have taken a Category I, II or V narcotic, he or she can detain you and request authorization to test you. Refusing a test or examination can result in imprisonment for up to six months and/or a fine of up to ten thousand baht."

Source : http://www.thailawforum.com/tourst-guide-laws-Thailand-4.html

I asked the police men (very naively) "can I refuse the test ?". I think they just said "up to you, but more easy for you if you accept". Or something like that. My thai friend on the phone told me the same. So I accepted, knowing I was "only" positive to THC, and not possessing any in my house.

First thread for the OP.........I smell a troll.

As I said, I made an account for this, because I wanted to stay anonymous about this story. I know a lot of people on my island read TV, and I don't want everybody to know what happened to me.

It's not troll, just preservation.

Well, at least you didn't assume he had facial hair and tattoos.
Lol smile.png
This day I was all shaved ! And I have no tatoo sir. But I think some of the policemen had some tatoos.
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I am curious as to what you did to piss someone off that they would rat you out as a dealer. My guess would be an exgf.

What about a simple police stake-out of the well-known tourist bar in which the OP bought the weed . . . nah, too easy, there must be a conspiracy.

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Sometimes I smoke weed in my country, because it is legal. What if they make me do make the drug test here and the weed is still in my system? I did not break any laws in Thailand but I can go to jail anyway. This is very stupid law!

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Sometimes I smoke weed in my country, because it is legal. What if they make me do make the drug test here and the weed is still in my system? I did not break any laws in Thailand but I can go to jail anyway. This is very stupid law!

If you think about it you did import THC into the country which is illegal. biggrin.png

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Sometimes I smoke weed in my country, because it is legal. What if they make me do make the drug test here and the weed is still in my system? I did not break any laws in Thailand but I can go to jail anyway. This is very stupid law!

If you think about it you did import THC into the country which is illegal. biggrin.png

haha :D

The doctors and psychologists are very curious about how it is legal/illegal to smoke/buy/sell weed in Europe countries. They asked me a lot of questions about what happen if police catch me smoking in my country, etc. And They repeated me many times "maybe in your country it's ok, but you need to understand that Thailand has different rules, etc." (they treated me and talked to me same like a sick baby, first).

"what happens to me if I smoke in my country, then fly to Thailand, and get tested positive in Thailand ?" is a real question though, I have no idea also. Maybe the law text is clear about it.

By the way, any idea of what kind of work "community service" can be ? They couldn't / didn't want to tell me. (the doctor lady said it depends on the day, never the same, but she couldn't give me any exemple).

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Can't see anything that would make this a troll post, specially after the OP's reply in post #96.

The thread has certainly highlighted certain aspects with some posters their ignorance of the law, or rather the judicial system's response to 1st offenders.

While drugs are illegal here, it is not, and never has been, a mandatory long term prison sentence for proving positive to a urine test. That the courts are taking a position of the choice of rehab can only be a good thing.

OP, thanks for your story, hope it helps others...........................thumbsup.gif

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Now I feel very lucky to be free, not kicked out from Thailand, and I will never smoke again.

So...... you could have avoided all these hassles by not breaking a law that you 100% knew about when you came to live in Thailand.

(I'm not saying that this law is a good law, only that you knew about it and knew the consequences of breaking that law).

What a bunch of BS. Just don't break the law eh? Like don't pay for sex. Don't purchase beer from a willing mini mart during off hours or banned dates. Beeee-Essss!!!!! Wish that I got along with reefer. It does a lot less damage than the booze. Whoever made trouble for this guy with the cops should have his sacks pulled up over his nose!!!
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In Thailand someone will always know what you are doing no matter how discreat you think you are being. Someone will always, sooner or later grass you up for a myriad of reasons (usualy, but not always for financial reasons).

You were lucky that the judge used his logic to hand down an appropriate sentence and course of action.

Good luck with kicking the habit and thanks for relating your story.

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Kind of ironic that all this drug enforcement was at the bidding of the US and other Western powers.

Now it's becomiing legal in the US, state by state. Meanwhile this kind of thing happens to you.

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I am writing this before I have seen any comments from other posters, I am not convinced you are telling the truth.

Using any kind of drug in this country, you deserve to get caught and punished. I have no sympathy for anyone who is

involved with any kind of drugs, especially here in Thailand.

If I'm being honest with you, I suspect you are trolling, everyone without connections who is caught and tested positive is

not going to avoid a very long prison sentence here, and rightly so.

I suppose I could be wrong, but that is the way I see it.

I think it depends on many variables. My ex girlfriend moved in with a friend and got caught up in YaBa. She got so crazy that she finally checked herself into a hospital for treatment. The hospital contacted the police. She spent one night in jail, then three weeks in a "halfway house" with no phone and no contact with the outside world. This was intended to "dry" her out. Once out of the halfway house, she was on probation for some number of months.

But she never really did real jail time.

The approach, as best as I could understand it, was that first time users need to be dried out and made aware that they will go to jail if this is ever repeated, but that they deserved a chance to get their life in order. Clearly, this does not apply to everyone, for instance someone selling or someone who caused serious social damage while doing the drugs, but seemed to be applied to relatively innocent first time users.

I think it is a smart approach that avoids filling up prisons, which in turn typically harden the prisoner.

We can all debate the drug laws, but I think that most people would agree that drug users arrested for the first time, and who are clearly not a threat (dealing, violent, etc.), deserve a chance to set things right and move forward with their life.

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I think every reggae bar in Phuket sells weed. A couple of weeks a couple of cops busted a farang who they saw buy at the bar as they were sitting there drinking.

They busted the farang, just the farang.

Just be careful where you buy it.

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No pity from me.

Do drugs, do time.

So you don't smoke cigarettes, or drink coffee or alcohol then?

Last time i checked they were drugs, and not benign in the slightest.

Good on you Mate.


As an aside, I'm wondering why a substance is demonized by those who often prefer cigarettes and alcohol ( more harmful substances to humans) to sustain-improve their mood.

I guess people engage in the more harmful, destructive activities because they are legal.


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Sometimes I smoke weed in my country, because it is legal. What if they make me do make the drug test here and the weed is still in my system? I did not break any laws in Thailand but I can go to jail anyway. This is very stupid law!

It may be a stupid law, but this is Thailand and they can have any laws they want.

If you know that you are coming to Thailand and smoke mj within the period that thc will be in your system when you arrive in Thailand you are very foolish.

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No pity from me.

Do drugs, do time.

So you don't smoke cigarettes, or drink coffee or alcohol then?

Last time i checked they were drugs, and not benign in the slightest.

Good on you Mate.


As an aside, I'm wondering why a substance is demonized by those who often prefer cigarettes and alcohol ( more harmful substances to humans) to sustain-improve their mood.

I guess people engage in the more harmful, destructive activities because they are legal.


You know very well the discussion is about ILLEGAL drugs. However, given the harm that alcohol does, perhaps it should be illegal too. Tobacco is on the way out, and a good thing too.

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Clearly in this guys case, the weed made him stupid

If he knew there was no drugs or weed in his house and a search would turn up cleans why oh why, would he be so damned stupid to agree to a piss test?

The term why do you think they call it dopez applies here

And the weed in Thailand is garbage grown in Cambodia

It should be called what it really is,


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Clearly in this guys case, the weed made him stupid

If he knew there was no drugs or weed in his house and a search would turn up cleans why oh why, would he be so damned stupid to agree to a piss test?

The term why do you think they call it dopez applies here

And the weed in Thailand is garbage grown in Cambodia

It should be called what it really is,


What made you stupid?

If he refused the test the judge can think he do that because of heroin, ice, yaba,...

Weed in Cambodia is much better.

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No. Not stupid. Aware of the law. You do not consent to invasive blood or urine test outside the presence of a lawyer. Simple stupid.

No evidence means no judge , stupid to offer evidence when the house was clean.

You tell the police, whoever told you I sell drugs is a liar. Then say goodbye I have to jerk off now, if you want some semen, see my lawyer

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