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Baht suddenly jumped against sterling

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AUD ended where it started after sharp dip at midday:


GBP ended where it started after sharp dip at midday and another later in the day:


EUR ended a little above where it started at midday:


Finally, even the mighty greenback experienced similar dips to the GBP but appears to be back on par with its starting price:


Pib and a few others here follow the market announcements - clearly someone made an announcement at midday and the market reacted only to pull back later in the day - it happens.

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The main move is a weak $ on the back of bad jobs data on Friday. hence $ weak, Oil, Gold and other commodities up.

OK, but that still doesnt explain the sudden drop in those other currencies at midday - perhaps the BoT did buy a few trillion baht just to see how it felt. A drop like that would have crashed straight through a lot of stops and collected some automated buy orders on the upswing - I'll leave it to Pib to fill us in on trading volumes though as the best I can manage is a few graphs from xe.com. Currency speculation is for people with much sterner constitutions than my own.

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The "blip" was due to US jobs data being weaker than expected thus delaying an interest rate rise, currencies responded positively as USD weakened slightly. http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/04/06/us-markets-global-idUSKBN0MX0ZE20150406

But the more interesting news perhaps is the rate at which Asian countries are dipping into and reducing their foreign currency reserves, not just Thailand:


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I am always amused when released data is the excuse for misunderstandings.

In this case it is a major holiday where most markets are either closed or so illiquid that they can and do move in a very irrational way.

Stop running and easy lunch temptation for the few market makers who don't love their wives enough to restrain from work.

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baht against the pound? there has been no movement since 30th march,3,30pm.=47.96,

31st.9.30am.=47.82,11.30am.-47.69, 2nd and 3rd 47.70,and 47.77.

dont forget its been a long weekend in the uk.with easter hols.and i have always found from as far back to the earlier 80s

it always dropped on a weekend.

all above rates are TT SCB.BANK.

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and to the USD?

Still 31 / 1.00

So, what is going on?

Where are you seeing $31. it's been $32.42 to $32.46 for days.

When I first read the OP yesterday, I just googled " baht vs usd" and it listed 31.0. ( no site name or source listed )

I just googled the same a minute ago and now it lists:

" 1 US Dollar equals

32.31 Thai Baht"
I refuse to cry over 1.31 baht!
Edited by willyumiii
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baht against the pound? there has been no movement since 30th march,3,30pm.=47.96,

31st.9.30am.=47.82,11.30am.-47.69, 2nd and 3rd 47.70,and 47.77.

dont forget its been a long weekend in the uk.with easter hols.and i have always found from as far back to the earlier 80s

it always dropped on a weekend.

all above rates are TT SCB.BANK.

hols.over back to work, scb bank 8.16am. TT rate=47.95 to the gbp.its up,up, and --.

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The main move is a weak $ on the back of bad jobs data on Friday. hence $ weak, Oil, Gold and other commodities up.

And most major markets were closed for a long Good Friday weekend and local markets were closed for Chakri Day so there may have been a backlog of orders that hit at one time somewhat erratically.

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Wo is me.. I have uk pension

Me too - and it's not a "sudden drop" £ has been declining against the baht for the last 12 months - see


Today is up slightly at 48.398.

scb.bank who useually have the best TT.rate at 10.49am.=48.06.

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