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Polish man assaulted by Pattaya Go-Go Bar Security Guards

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I was there. I saw the confrontation outside the bar. It was Sunday night sometime around 9:30 or so.

There were 3 Thai bouncers blocking a large foreigner from entering. His small canvas backpack was on the ground just behind him. He was yelling at the Thai guys. A crowd was forming to watch. Apparently they has just "escorted" him out of the bar. There were no marks on him.

The Thais were not aggressive at all. They stood in front of the door with their arms at their sides or folded. He tried to push his way past to go back in. They pushed him back. He tried to punch the Thai guys. They pushed him back. He swung at them again, hitting at least one of them, He threw several more punches. The Thais put their hands up to block his punches and push him back, and hit back to defend themselves but did not act aggressively toward him.

A female staff member ran to get the police. When the foreigner continued hitting the Thais they punched back, never leaving their place in front of the door. As the foreigner persisted, one of the Thai guys (smallest one) ran to a small "closet" outside the bar and grabbed a long thin metal rod that appeared to have a flexible end. I did not see a hook.

As the foreigner continued swinging at the two Thais at the door, the third struck him on the back of the head with the metal rod. It seemed to stun him for a moment (maybe 1 second), then he started punching the two Thais in front of the door again. He was struck on the back of the head again, seemingly stunned, his forehead showing some blood. He touched his forehead, saw the blood, pulled up his shorts and continued punching the two at the door. He never turned around to confront the guy hitting the back of his head. He was struck a third time on the back of the head stunning him again. This time a large gash opened up on his forehead. I did not see a hook but it looked like the flexible end of the metal rod whipped around and hit his forehead as the stiff shaft hit the back of his head.

At this point the foreigner turned around and tried to flick blood from his hands onto 3 female staff who were standing nearby. He aggressively approached the door guards again but did not throw any more punches. A Thai police woman arrived (about 5 ft. tall). He ignored her. He continued to act aggressively but did not touch anyone else. More police arrived and I left.

The Thai bouncers were much more tolerant than I would have been. I wish I had a video.

A very precise report of what happened. If you truly witnessed it this way well done to the Thai doormen. I'm not so impressed with the small guy using a weapon on the back of the Poles head but if he behaved in this way a small gash to the forehead was more than deserved.

Hopefully this area will be covered by cctv and the police now know what really happened.

How does one man get so drunk that he thinks he can take on all those staff. Does he have any connection with this bar?

I was in Walking St one night when a Russian couple (one male and one female) were asked to stop videoing the dancers on the stage. They were directed to look at the signs prohibiting cameras etc. The male Russian went out of the gogo and came back with a bottle which he smashed then 'bottled' one of the doorman. He did a lot of damage to his face before running off. He was chased by other doorman who brought him back and detained him until the police arrived. I was assisting the staff outside, yes, they did know me, and pointed out that his blood pressure was falling rapidly and urgent transfer to hospital was vital.

I went back in to wash my hands but they wouldn't let me leave immediately until they had finished washing all the blood away from the pavement and the road. I did the obvious and went back in for another drink.

The doormen who apprehended the assailant did not use extreme force at all. The police took him, hopefully to spend longer in Thailand than he expected.

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I knew some bouncers back home...

Their views was, if someone appears to want to take them down, they will quickly become predators and take that person down.... They want to hit first and finish it...


So, after they announced he was 86'd (that's an American restaurant industry term for banned, or taken off the menu) he refused to leave. So, instead of calling the police and having him trespassed, their security beats him up. The club owners should be permanently banned from operating nightclubs. Self-help evictions are not acceptable in the hospitality industry.

Remember though, the Pole might be one of these guys who turns into a major-league A-holevampire.gif when he's got the drink in him, plenty of 'em around!!

Then again, maybe not.

(Seen on a T-shirt a while ago: "Instant A-Hole - Just add alcohol").


so you prefer any time when you druncan,

to get a iron bar over your head like this guy ??

Is it complementary in your country ??

No, I am not having a go at Polish people, or any other nationality.

Just that after 50 years of being a happy drunk, I know for sure that some guys are not that way when they have drink in them.

I would walk away from my brother if he was in such a state with drink, he knows that I would, I would never apologize.


A happy drunk!

(Also, since my teens, someone who knows when I have had enough to drink, enough of vomiting down my nostrils at 14 years old)!


enough of vomiting down my nostrils at 14 years old)!

You should feel right at home in Thailand...

A great numbers of boys here also never had a father to take care of them,,,,


I could be wrong here but I have a feeling that many of these "new tourists" from Russia, Eastern Europe, China and the likes will remember Thailand not as "the land of SMILE" but rather as "the land of SURPRISE"!! Either you get hit by a tuk tuk, fall from a jetski or bus or get beaten up by the locals... Hurrah, for getting more liberated and the freedom to travel!! It's actually amusing wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cAPURFBv7bpcheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvISAZ3-


Why would you pick a hook that's going to cause a cut and lots of blood rather than something that incapacitates and doesn't cause a) scarring and B) blood loss?

As much as anything else it's just silly. Kick him in the thigh, punch him in the solar plexus, hit him on the head with a rubber mallet if you absolutely have to......but a metal hook?


The incident occurred at the newly-opened Skyfall Go-Go Bar...

This is a dirty business.

Skyfall? Perhaps he ordered a Martinus shaken not stirred. "Don't you mean a Martini, Ivan?" Martini? When I want more than one at a time I will order them Just the one for now you F-wit" And it all went down hill from there.................


I think the Thai people do not understand the meaning of being drunk. At first they come to gogo bar, drink and drink and make money on the poor guy then when he gets drunk and is in a situation that he doesn't know what he is doing or saying get beaten up. It is really strange.

The fault is the owner of the business. They should train their security guard that they are not suppose to beat up the guest because they are drunk. Just like Europe they can hold his hand in a way that he can not do anything and then take him out. Or at the most call for tourist police or police.

Such entertainment places should be closed down for at least 6 months to give a message to the rest.


There are some people, drunk or sober, that only get the message when they are hit over their head with a 2 X 4. If it is true, that the Bouncers showed restraint during most of the time of confrontation, then they were doing their job of protecting the club, other patrons, dancers and staff. This guy from what I've read was a drunken jerk and a serious potential threat. Good Job and a High Five to the Bouncers! They should have put him head first into the nearest large rubbish bin when it was over. I have no sympathy for aggressive drunken jerks, where ever they are from. Every one here who has been here any length of time knows that a serious ass-beating will be coming your way when you start trouble here especially in a bar. This guy learned a serious lesson. Send this Fool out on the next plane back home. thumbsup.gif

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I think the Thai people do not understand the meaning of being drunk. At first they come to gogo bar, drink and drink and make money on the poor guy then when he gets drunk and is in a situation that he doesn't know what he is doing or saying get beaten up. It is really strange.

The fault is the owner of the business. They should train their security guard that they are not suppose to beat up the guest because they are drunk. Just like Europe they can hold his hand in a way that he can not do anything and then take him out. Or at the most call for tourist police or police.

Such entertainment places should be closed down for at least 6 months to give a message to the rest.

just like europe????

because som nannystate in europe training there staff that dosen't mean all european countries do, been to spain,portugal,bulgaria or grecce? much violence from the secuirty staff,

but there is allways a reason why the staff will do this...


To add to blitzfix's outside report, I can add something of an inside report. The gf has a sister and 3 friends who work at Skyfall.

Problems started when the Pole tried to bring his own vodka bottle into the bar.

I'm sure many of us have experienced gogo bars and know that when you sit with a girl/girls and buy a few drinks, things can get quite 'friendly'. Well, the already drunk Polish headliner apparently skipped the buying drinks and just started getting 'friendly' with the girls, which wasn't welcome and he was asked to leave.

It would appear he was being a first class a-hole and sounds like he got what he deserved. Up to the point he was assaulted with a weapon.

Thai Travel Bug's post carries some common sense (survival) information, but it would be lost on most of the idiots (worldwide) that drink and become bigger idiots.

12 years of 'bouncing' taught me that for every unit of alcohol consumed a comparable unit of logic/common sense is lost. When some of the morons enter a club with little grey matter functioning, it's only a matter of time...

At least nobody died on this occasion.

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Lots of hot air.

Removing an unruly and abusive patron using appropriate force is not against any laws.

Hitting the guy on the head with a metal pole is way out of line.

If 2 of them, could not handle and subdue 1 man, both of them should not be working the door and club deserves to be closed down for 30 or so days.


Always get a laugh out of these " bouncers". The same guys that are

waiing and saying welcome to you as you enter the gogo bar, are the

same guys that will be kicking the shit out of you if things go wrong.

Whether or not he was an a hole, and no matter how he acted, the

job of the bouncer is to escort the patron outside and be done with

the issue. Grabbing weapons and really hurting the patron is simple

and pure viciousness. This lunatic bouncer should be charged with

assault and thrown in jail for five years. That will surely send a message

to the other lunatic bouncers who think it is fun to beat up a customer.

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The victim's shirt might have enraged Pattaya's bouncers. wink.png

Most likely thet the thugs couldn't read what was on the T shirt - whether it was in English or Thai!

"thet" is not a word in English or Thai either. coffee1.gif


1. FYI - Just for everyone's info., I read another article that described the metal rod as a common tool used to pull the metal door down in front of a business at closing time. Having read that I realized that is what I saw. At the time I did not see the hook on the end because it was in motion most of the time but it most certainly had one.

2. It's obvious some people don't read existing comments and just post ill-informed comments on an article. Oh well.

3. The article said the incident occurred in the early hours of Monday. It most certainly did not. It was around 9:30 or so Sunday night. The article also said "2 Thai bouncers". there were 3. They were very tolerant and the foreigner threw many punches before one of the bouncers went and got the weapon. As several people have pointed out, there should be a better way to handle drunks than with a metal rod. Agreed. Tasers? Aikido training? Any other ideas?

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1. FYI - Just for everyone's info., I read another article that described the metal rod as a common tool used to pull the metal door down in front of a business at closing time. Having read that I realized that is what I saw. At the time I did not see the hook on the end because it was in motion most of the time but it most certainly had one.

2. It's obvious some people don't read existing comments and just post ill-informed comments on an article. Oh well.

3. The article said the incident occurred in the early hours of Monday. It most certainly did not. It was around 9:30 or so Sunday night. The article also said "2 Thai bouncers". there were 3. They were very tolerant and the foreigner threw many punches before one of the bouncers went and got the weapon. As several people have pointed out, there should be a better way to handle drunks than with a metal rod. Agreed. Tasers? Aikido training? Any other ideas?

Thanks for the clarification. Most Police are taught basic joint locks and submissions for restraining a suspect - in this case, the problem would appear to be that they couldn't get close enough to him without being punched in the face, but technically there were 3 of them vs one man. If you watch bouncers take someone down there will usually be one bouncer who goes in hard and the others rapidly pile on after their target is on the ground. That first guy has to be prepared to cop at least one punch or kick going in but they're normally big enough and ugly enough to handle that.

Most of the Aikido I've seen demonstrated online features a compliant partner who isnt trying to take the instructor's head off - I'll leave it to the board's resident martial arts experts to assess how feasible some of these joint locks would have been in this situation.

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So, after they announced he was 86'd (that's an American restaurant industry term for banned, or taken off the menu) he refused to leave. So, instead of calling the police and having him trespassed, their security beats him up. The club owners should be permanently banned from operating nightclubs. Self-help evictions are not acceptable in the hospitality industry.

Assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, a weapon was used that could have killed the man.

That might make some think twice before they act the thought of 15 years in the BK Hilton but this these guys will get off light.

Any one know if the Aussie if off the hook yet.


So, after they announced he was 86'd (that's an American restaurant industry term for banned, or taken off the menu) he refused to leave. So, instead of calling the police and having him trespassed, their security beats him up. The club owners should be permanently banned from operating nightclubs. Self-help evictions are not acceptable in the hospitality industry.

Assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, a weapon was used that could have killed the man.

That might make some think twice before they act the thought of 15 years in the BK Hilton but this these guys will get off light.

Any one know if the Aussie if off the hook yet.

Are you referring to Mark Pendlebury ?


That initial report was completely contradicted by several eyewitness accounts of what actually happened but it's all covered in the thread in the Phuket forum. All I know is that he was granted bail, but as I pointed out before there is rarely any court reporting here - the only way we will know the outcome is if someone connected to Mark makes it public.




What the bars need to do is as soon as there looks to be a problem, send one of their staff to grab the cops. I see a lot more police on Walking Street than I used to (back when they would maybe have a couple at the top end to enforce the "no vehicles" rule in the evenings). Now I see they have a couple tables set up at various points along WS and foot patrols going back and forth. Unless there is a safety issue (like a customer starting an altercation in the bar) the staff should be mainly concerned with preventing it from escalating any further. (Of course, that would take training and discipline so probably never going to happen.) If someone needs to be thumped, let the cops do it.

In fact most of the WS bars and restaurants already do get someone from the TPV to intervene before any situation gets worse. For every unfortunate event like the one in the subject matter, there are probably dozens of nightly 'interventions' where contested bills and the like get quietly resolved or miscreants get equally quietly driven off to Soi 9.

But non-events generally never get news coverage anywhere.

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All I ask is to show a little respect...

He is in a foreign country, and yes Thailand does have laws.

My guess is he got his ass kicked for being a total a**hole....

Seen this many times before, and from what I ever witnessed, most of them deserved it.!

Maybe their embassies could give them a little,

Training on how to act in Thailand.....

Just a thought.....rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

This should have started some 20 odd years back with their upbringing. Some just can not behave themselves and does not know the difference between having a good time and being disrespectful and a complete idiot. So yes, some of these tourists needs a good hiding now and again.


Spoke to one of the gf's mates today and she says Skyfall closed for 10 days.

Unfortunately I failed to ask if that was 10 days from today or from the incident.


"charged with assault."

Same old story, slap on the wrist and 500 bath fine.

Why not punish this so called "security guards" they are all thugs and crooks.

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