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Tropical storms ravage Bangkok and several provinces


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What a surprise, we lost power again , the whole village, been out for 30 minutes so I'm on the 3G connection now. Heavy thunder and lightning, at least no need to water the plants for a while,

Edited by balo
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North Chonburi. Extreme heavy winds, the heaviest my family have seen for years, 1/2 to 3/4 hr's rain, (horizontal most of the time). A number of branches broken out of very large trees & several uprooted and water finding its way into the house in places not seen before or only seen before we installed 11 large metal awnings last year to stop this sort of rain damage. A broken section of new quality fibro cement roof ridging ended up in our courtyard, presumably from our roof but we cannot see from where. Water ingress all seems to be from windows & walls not roof so we are puzzled. Our builder arrives tomorrow to re-start work on a rental house build on our land so his first job will be to inspect our main house roof. All in all, quite a blow that will have damaged some houses less strong than ours in the district and a small but violent rain dump. Most of the new drains I had installed to protect a lime orchard performed very well. Two however failed catastrophically & will have to be replaced with much larger diameter drains. Win some, lose some.

Edited by The Deerhunter
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Internet didn't work till a few hours ago. Called WideXS the monopolist in my building around 9 AM. Once again their excuse: "No have internet. Raining in Bangkok". Or was it the other way around?

"Raining in Bangkok. No have internet"

Edited by FredNL
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To increase the overall happiness, some bright individual decided to close busy roads in Dusit with a fair. Today morning coupled with the rain and trucks parked so four lanes turned into one, it was happiness galore.

<deleted><deleted><deleted><deleted><deleted><deleted> idiots.

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Wondering also, If it rains during songkran, do they move the festivities indoors?

Perfect timing and delivery slipperylobster! I was at the pool with Mrs Unky, our son and some friends this afternoon. It started to bucket down and the pool emptied of people except us in the blink of an eye. Our friends were asking the missus "Why you swim in rain? You crazy! You catch cold!"

Aaahhhh I love Thailand.

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Ravaged? It rained. Not as hard as it has in the past. But it rained. No wind.

Amazing that those roofs flew off and trees went down with "no wind."

Considering that some of the roofs here are tin and palm fronds, not so amazing. Where do you live? Gilligan's Island?

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In American, the term "tropical storm" has a particular meaning, not the same as "a strong rainstorm that happens in a country located between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn." I think English has the same distinction. Apparently Thaiglish (Thanglish?) does not.

Edited by Acharn
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why is this news?

thailand is a tropical country, tropical rain storms like this happen with great regularity. in fact there was a bigger storm only last week...

nice to feel human for a few hours until the heat and humidity build up again.

Might not be news to you, but it was to the people living here.



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