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No attempt to counter US influence in the region: Medvedev


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No attempt to counter US influence in the region: Medvedev


Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev talks to The Nation

BANGKOK: -- RUSSIA, which is now considered by Thailand as a true friend after its ties with the United States and other countries in the West soured in the wake of the military coup, is not trying to counter American influence in this region, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said yesterday.

In an interview with Suthichai Yoon, chairman of Nation Multimedia Group, Medvedev said every country has the independence to conduct its own foreign policy. If Moscow does not intervene in the US, then Washington should not do it to Russia either, he said.

Asked if the military coup affected relations between Thailand and Russia, Medvedev said, "We try to behave in a civilised way. This is an internal process happening in Thailand and we pay attention to it and we do it with respect.

"At the same time, there are a number of countries that are worried about different events that happen in different parts of the world. All sovereign countries must solve their domestic tasks on their own," he said.

Medvedev aims to cement ties and forge cooperation in various fields, including security, economic, tourism and combating narcotic trafficking. "This friendship should create a good relationship for another 120 years," he said.

Thai officials are looking at striking security deals with Moscow in the wake of the strong reaction from western countries, notably the US, after the military coup in May last year. An adviser to Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwan said the current government is looking at the possibility of buying some military aircraft and defence equipment from Russia. Medvedev said Moscow was ready to talk on that matter. "If you want that, we will supply the equipment to you," he said.

Asked if Moscow is interested in having a free-trade agreement with Thailand, he said, "Thailand is not a small country. It is a large country with 65 million people. The best way to do things is through joint investment. I think this should be the best way to develop our relation. Thailand invests in Russia and vice versa."

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/No-attempt-to-counter-US-influence-in-the-region-M-30257718.html

-- The Nation 2015-04-09

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It just may be time for Thailand and the US to amicably separate. The US clearly does not appreciate Thai culture and governance. And the Thais equally have no understanding of US standards of accountability, transparency, and quality control. Let the Thais rule themselves as they want, with no interference from the US. And the US should simply shut its door to trade with Thailand. This doesn't mean Thais cannot go to the US or vice versa. But the two countries apparently no longer share any similar political values, defense concerns, or economic needs. I'm sure trade with Russia, China, and North Korea will make up for it all, anyway.

I'm confused as to how you can say that the US does not appreciate Thai Culture, can you please explain that statement?

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"...No attempt to counter US influence in the region: Medvedev..."

Maybe not...maybe a better word is "take advantage" of the situation. OK, so what, who can blame Russia or China. The US and other western countries are not dumb, they knew this was a possibility. As a westerner I don't like it, but it's an inevitable result given the current leadership in Thailand. Any blame should be directed at Thailand for actually turning in this direction thinking they will be better off...uh huh...think again Thailand.

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It just may be time for Thailand and the US to amicably separate. The US clearly does not appreciate Thai culture and governance. And the Thais equally have no understanding of US standards of accountability, transparency, and quality control. Let the Thais rule themselves as they want, with no interference from the US. And the US should simply shut its door to trade with Thailand. This doesn't mean Thais cannot go to the US or vice versa. But the two countries apparently no longer share any similar political values, defense concerns, or economic needs. I'm sure trade with Russia, China, and North Korea will make up for it all, anyway.

I'm confused as to how you can say that the US does not appreciate Thai Culture, can you please explain that statement?

I suspect strongly it was said tounge-in-cheek.

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In the future:

No more Chevies, no more Toyota, no more lambhos, no more BMW, no more VW, no

more Mercedes.....no more Apple products, no more GPS devices, no more etc.

Only ladas and broken Russian/Chinese stuff.

Keep going "oh so full of opportunism" general,

In a few years, if you are still around, you will come back on your knees

begging for help.

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Ok maybe it is better said that the US doesn't understand Thai culture. But we do understand democracy not as a concept but a reality. So maybe when someone says there a democracy on one hand yet facts show otherwise. But I'm an American who loves Thailand for it's rich history Culture and customs. But I also understand my position as a guest here too I don't attend protests here I don't comment on politics I do voice concerns out of love for my friends who are Thai's, If I see a bad move I say something same as I would if I seen a person running toward a cliff but that is only human but I strongly feel that all Thai's should decide there future not one power drunk person or some Elite with only what's in for me view. Put it to the people Let them decide I do understand the need for what happened but things are clam now allow free will control Thailand's future But if violence return's step in to restore calm.

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"Medvedev said, "We try to behave in a civilised way."

Putin says he was ready to go to nuclear weapons to gain annexation of the Crimea.

Putin invades two sovern nations Ukraine and Georgia for territory.

Putin uses Russian military and supplies pro-Russian insurgents in Ukraine to continue its expansionist.

Putin threatens to invade eastern European nations for wanting to join the EU and NATO.

If Russian foreign policy is the behavior of a civilized nation, democracy in Europe and Asia is on a one-way street to a deadend.

Maybe you should read something different than propaganda.

I don't want to start an Ukraine discussion here, but what you write is either complete wrong or out of context.

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Ok maybe it is better said that the US doesn't understand Thai culture. But we do understand democracy not as a concept but a reality. So maybe when someone says there a democracy on one hand yet facts show otherwise. But I'm an American who loves Thailand for it's rich history Culture and customs. But I also understand my position as a guest here too I don't attend protests here I don't comment on politics I do voice concerns out of love for my friends who are Thai's, If I see a bad move I say something same as I would if I seen a person running toward a cliff but that is only human but I strongly feel that all Thai's should decide there future not one power drunk person or some Elite with only what's in for me view. Put it to the people Let them decide I do understand the need for what happened but things are clam now allow free will control Thailand's future But if violence return's step in to restore calm.

First of all, I think there is a big difference between the ruling elites in USA and the normal Americans. It is not the Americans who understand or don't understand Thai culture. They mostly don't care. It is the politicians.

Democracy is nice extra if it works. But not a must have. Important is that the country develops, people have food, electric medical care, etc.

Than Democracy is difficult: Is a 2 party system which share country a Democracy? Or do we need many different parties....so many till there are no majorities anymore and nothing get done? What do we do if the Democratic elected party tries to take direct control of police, courts armies like in a Dictatorship? Should we watch it as it is democratic or stop it before many people die (specially when it comes to wars, Second Worldwar, Vietnam, Iraq.....all started by elected governments).

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It just may be time for Thailand and the US to amicably separate. The US clearly does not appreciate Thai culture and governance. And the Thais equally have no understanding of US standards of accountability, transparency, and quality control. Let the Thais rule themselves as they want, with no interference from the US. And the US should simply shut its door to trade with Thailand. This doesn't mean Thais cannot go to the US or vice versa. But the two countries apparently no longer share any similar political values, defense concerns, or economic needs. I'm sure trade with Russia, China, and North Korea will make up for it all, anyway.

They have a very nice understanding of their second homes and children being educated and being brought up there!

The US with its allies could crush Thailand if they were bothered about it, the same way they have done with Russia, and dare i say it could do with China if they wanted to.

The simple facts are that more people prefer or recognize the benefits of not living under oppressive regimes which the western style of living, education, style of life offer which their home countries do not.

I have never met a well heeled Asian or Russian who does not aspire to Western country convenience, security and ease of business.

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"Medvedev said, "We try to behave in a civilised way."

Putin says he was ready to go to nuclear weapons to gain annexation of the Crimea.

Putin invades two sovern nations Ukraine and Georgia for territory.

Putin uses Russian military and supplies pro-Russian insurgents in Ukraine to continue its expansionist.

Putin threatens to invade eastern European nations for wanting to join the EU and NATO.

If Russian foreign policy is the behavior of a civilized nation, democracy in Europe and Asia is on a one-way street to a deadend.

Maybe you should read something different than propaganda.

I don't want to start an Ukraine discussion here, but what you write is either complete wrong or out of context.

Ahh yes, things were better when Russia controlled East Germany, right?

Longing for the good old days when those "immigrants" weren't allowed in and the Stasi kept order with children spying on their parents etc. are we?

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There is no need to counter US influence in the area,it's fading by the day all by itself.

Not really. The US is intertwined with the EU and advanced Asian societies on many levels particularly in science and engineering. US influence in many areas is tied into this. It is a bit of a misnomer to try and slice out the USA, particularly when it is the EU that has been the main force behind the advocacy of elections and human rights in Thailand. The USA has been rather restrained and far less vocal that Germany, France, Norway etc.

When Thais need the benefits of science and engineering they rely on western & advanced asian societies. They don't look to China, Russia or India. When Thailand has a major engineering project requiring advanced skills, it doesn't look to China, even if China has the money to seduce them with. Keep pissing on the shoes of the advanced countries and Thailand may have no choice but to make do with the lower quality unreliable Chinese copied technology and the Chinese dictating to Thailand how things will be. Right now, Thai males have a significantly longer life expectancy than Russian males. The reason is due in large part to the investments in health and social infrastructure by the USA and other countries such as Japan and Germany. If Thailand wants a male life expectancy of 60 years like Russia, then by all means embrace the diseased Russian model.

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All sovereign countries must solve their domestic tasks on their own," he said.

So I guess the Ukraine and Georgia do not count as sovereign countries?

There is a growing population of Russians in Thailand, Could it happen here?

Unlikely. Georgia and the Ukraine share a border with Russia.

Mr Putins "unmarked uniforms militias" would have to move a very long way, through or over a lot of countries that are not that enamored of Russia, to pull the same stroke here.

No,this is just the Russians poking the US. Even if they do swap some military kit for rubber or chickens it will be the crap export versions, and will be broken within the year.

By the way, I wonder if the customary kickbacks for those doing the procurement will be paid in chickens or rubber - I doubt if the Russians will part with hard cash that easily!

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"Medvedev said, "We try to behave in a civilised way."

Putin says he was ready to go to nuclear weapons to gain annexation of the Crimea.

Putin invades two sovern nations Ukraine and Georgia for territory.

Putin uses Russian military and supplies pro-Russian insurgents in Ukraine to continue its expansionist.

Putin threatens to invade eastern European nations for wanting to join the EU and NATO.

If Russian foreign policy is the behavior of a civilized nation, democracy in Europe and Asia is on a one-way street to a deadend.

Maybe you should read something different than propaganda.

I don't want to start an Ukraine discussion here, but what you write is either complete wrong or out of context.

Ahh yes, things were better when Russia controlled East Germany, right?

Longing for the good old days when those "immigrants" weren't allowed in and the Stasi kept order with children spying on their parents etc. are we?

Russia never controlled East Germany. It was the Soviet Union, which got attacked by Germany and controlled by Stalin who was from Georgia not Russia.

Beside that, I have 2 East German friends, one they got twice trying to cross to West Germany, the third time he crossed successful from Hungary to Austria but useless as than the DDR collapsed.

Both when looking back, see advantages but not as huge as we may believe in the West. More luxury items, yes, but on the other hand, less security and harder work.

His words: "Before we could vote for 1 idiot, now we have the choice between several idiots".

But Russia is not communist anymore, Soviet ALLOWED all the countries and areas to split away peaceful with only one condition that the won't get NATO members and put troops close to the border.

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"Medvedev said, "We try to behave in a civilised way."

Putin says he was ready to go to nuclear weapons to gain annexation of the Crimea.

Putin invades two sovern nations Ukraine and Georgia for territory.

Putin uses Russian military and supplies pro-Russian insurgents in Ukraine to continue its expansionist.

Putin threatens to invade eastern European nations for wanting to join the EU and NATO.

If Russian foreign policy is the behavior of a civilized nation, democracy in Europe and Asia is on a one-way street to a deadend.

Maybe you should read something different than propaganda.

I don't want to start an Ukraine discussion here, but what you write is either complete wrong or out of context.

No it's not. It's a concise list of cr@p the Russians have pulled in the last few years. We should also add "being instrumental in shooting down an airplane full of kids".

Funny you mention the airplane: Explain me why the results/details/blackbox from that airplane aren't public, they are still secret, why....

If there is evidence that Russia did it, it would be public already.

It is sure that they got the order to change a bit to the south

There was an Ukraine fighter airplane somewhere in the area

A short time before Putin fly over the same area

Both sides had the weapons and would lie about it.

We just got the voice records from the Poland flight in public....Poland blamed Russia.....Now it is clear that it wasn't Russias fault.

And hear the things from Ukraine:

Wipe Out these people

War crimes from the right wing troops in Ukraine

Rockets on cities

Hitler is an liberator

Nazis get an own part of the army

I believe that Russia supports the freedom fighter...In a similar case, USA, UK, France would do the same.

The ideas....have states, allow Russian language (should have been illegal to speak it, can you imagine USA tells it is illegal to speak Spanish?), everyone pulls the weapons back, etc sounds very reasonable.

Russia could take Ukraine in 2 weeks, but the don't do it....

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"Medvedev said, "We try to behave in a civilised way."

Putin says he was ready to go to nuclear weapons to gain annexation of the Crimea.

Putin invades two sovern nations Ukraine and Georgia for territory.

Putin uses Russian military and supplies pro-Russian insurgents in Ukraine to continue its expansionist.

Putin threatens to invade eastern European nations for wanting to join the EU and NATO.

If Russian foreign policy is the behavior of a civilized nation, democracy in Europe and Asia is on a one-way street to a deadend.

Maybe you should read something different than propaganda.

I don't want to start an Ukraine discussion here, but what you write is either complete wrong or out of context.

Ahh yes, things were better when Russia controlled East Germany, right?

Longing for the good old days when those "immigrants" weren't allowed in and the Stasi kept order with children spying on their parents etc. are we?

Russia never controlled East Germany. It was the Soviet Union, which got attacked by Germany and controlled by Stalin who was from Georgia not Russia.

Beside that, I have 2 East German friends, one they got twice trying to cross to West Germany, the third time he crossed successful from Hungary to Austria but useless as than the DDR collapsed.

Both when looking back, see advantages but not as huge as we may believe in the West. More luxury items, yes, but on the other hand, less security and harder work.

His words: "Before we could vote for 1 idiot, now we have the choice between several idiots".

But Russia is not communist anymore, Soviet ALLOWED all the countries and areas to split away peaceful with only one condition that the won't get NATO members and put troops close to the border.

I guess nobody from western countries know about this agreement... or just prefer to forget.

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Is there anything hypocritical about chastising Thailand's situation while sucking up to the Mullah's in Iran that bastion of freedom?

Medvedev is Putin's sock puppet from the land of oligarchs. Edited by BadBouy
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It just may be time for Thailand and the US to amicably separate. The US clearly does not appreciate Thai culture and governance. And the Thais equally have no understanding of US standards of accountability, transparency, and quality control. Let the Thais rule themselves as they want, with no interference from the US. And the US should simply shut its door to trade with Thailand. This doesn't mean Thais cannot go to the US or vice versa. But the two countries apparently no longer share any similar political values, defense concerns, or economic needs. I'm sure trade with Russia, China, and North Korea will make up for it all, anyway.

The problem lies in the fact that the Thai people are not being permitted to govern themselves. If they were, western powers would be fine with it.
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