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Prayuth Asks Media to Expose Redshirt Violence in 2010 Crackdown

Lite Beer

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Many photographs - as well as video footage - of Red Shirts and Black Shirts armed with guns were taken during the violence of April-May 2010.. A number of these are reproduced in an interesting article on the anniversary of the bloodbath which the PM and Thai Visa members may well have missed.


Tony Catalucci is about as biased as Michael Yon,when it comes to Thialand and openly supports Regimes such as the Syrian one. He's far from balanced and impartial.

If you say so. However it is backed up by others as well, for instance : http://www.th4u.com/reds_riots.htm

Anybody who invokes Cartalucci immediately disqualifies himself from serious consideration.The other reference you gave is mostly trash but seems to be anonymous.

As to the events of 2010 there is already a decent report namely that of HRW, not perfect but still trustworthy.

The PM's remarks are of course disgraceful.It is known that he has a limited intellect but the lack of self awareness is equally striking.

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Many photographs - as well as video footage - of Red Shirts and Black Shirts armed with guns were taken during the violence of April-May 2010.. A number of these are reproduced in an interesting article on the anniversary of the bloodbath which the PM and Thai Visa members may well have missed.


Tony Catalucci is about as biased as Michael Yon,when it comes to Thialand and openly supports Regimes such as the Syrian one. He's far from balanced and impartial.

If you say so. However it is backed up by others as well, for instance : http://www.th4u.com/reds_riots.htm

Rob, I'm not dismissing rhese reports, I don't go with they were all peaceful as its not true, and there was red shooters shooting at the army, and vice versa, but so want to see evidence beyond all reasonable doubt that these Red gunmen turned their weapons on each other to blame the army.

Not photos, as these can be manipulated, but video, again that can be edited and manipulated with today's technology, but the Junta have several alleged MIBs in custody, they made a big show about it, and then it all went quiet, no big name arrests were made, no huge weapons caches found, no testimony from them to say they shot at their own people. Why would they not have done this?

The Reds shot at the army, the army shot back, 90 people from both sides died, some of those were unarmed civilians, that is not BS this facts, both sides are accountable, the Reds insrigated it, they're to blame, no doubts about that, but the actions of the army was less than professional too.

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Don't forget crime of red shirt terrorist : Children murders......

Short and selective memory from some posters here.

Thugs are sadly on both sides:attachicon.gifTHAILAND-master675.jpg


This Sutheps peaceful whistle blowers attacking the police 2014

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Many photographs - as well as video footage - of Red Shirts and Black Shirts armed with guns were taken during the violence of April-May 2010.. A number of these are reproduced in an interesting article on the anniversary of the bloodbath which the PM and Thai Visa members may well have missed.


Tony Catalucci is about as biased as Michael Yon,when it comes to Thialand and openly supports Regimes such as the Syrian one. He's far from balanced and impartial.

If you say so. However it is backed up by others as well, for instance : http://www.th4u.com/reds_riots.htm

Anybody who invokes Cartalucci immediately disqualifies himself from serious consideration.The other reference you gave is mostly trash but seems to be anonymous.

As to the events of 2010 there is already a decent report namely that of HRW, not perfect but still trustworthy.

The PM's remarks are of course disgraceful.It is known that he has a limited intellect but the lack of self awareness is equally striking.

Speaking of limited intellect, look in the mirror.

Here is the HRW report which backs up what both the previous posted reports say. :


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Slow down a sec guys..........

This thread is not about the violent red thugs (there are 100's of threads about that already)

This is about Mr P asking/begging/ordering the press to report his "truth".

Normally countries where that happens are called (you know what I mean).................whistling.gif

He just ask media to report True.

Media have pictures and videos of this night who clearly show that red shirt always denied : Violence come from red camps.......

The Thai media was controlled by the army during the crackdown and were rarely at the business end of the action (live on the scene Ch 7...2km away). The guys on the scene were Aljazeera (Hay), CNN etc whose images did not potray the slaughter in a way that was favourable to the army. For their troubles the foreign media were targeted by the army. Canadian journalist shot more than once in the leg, Japanese photographer assasinated, Italian journalist shot from behind fleeing from a scence( his camera was then stolen immediately by an army guy...took some damaging photographs I presume) and a missile was fired into the journalists hotel to get them to take cover in the basement.

Our beloved leader will go down in infamy and when the time comes this not so glorious chapter of Thai history ( like many other army indiscretions) will be removed from the history books.

I was at the Yellow Shirt riots taking photos. They were calling to deport all foreign journalists.


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So many of you haven't got a clue what happened... It was ugly almost beyond belief. You just spew out that same old crap about democracy and a police state, with never a mention of morons threatening to explode a propane tanker truck in the squalor of Din Daeng Flats...

I have a clue. I remember the events you're talking about, because I was here. The violence and the destruction of public places was frightening and more than troubling. And, the GOVT AT THE TIME was more than patient. I totally agree with that. And I never felt any support for the violence, either.

But - if you want to talk about who has a clue - you speak as if history began at the moment of your choosing (a few years ago), and only involves the things you choose to consider. That's just not a rational view.

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Prayuth loose lips did it again. Really unnecessary remark which are thoughtless and careless. Why dont he engage his brain before he talk. Perhaps drunk with absolute power. The damage from his unnecessary remark will made reconcilation harder as he try to exonerate the military from the 2010 atrocity of overwhelming civilian casualties from excessive and indiscriminating fire power and poor command of the situation.

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So many of you haven't got a clue what happened... It was ugly almost beyond belief. You just spew out that same old crap about democracy and a police state, with never a mention of morons threatening to explode a propane tanker truck in the squalor of Din Daeng Flats...

I have a clue. I remember the events you're talking about, because I was here. The violence and the destruction of public places was frightening.

It's your conclusions and your hatreds here which a clue, though. I don't respect 'the' red shirt approach in 2010, it was destructive and violent. But, the military in Thailand has shown incredible violence many many times in its history. Do you even know that? It doesn't sound like it.

If you don't support the red shirt party, fine with me. I don't either. But, it's everything else in your posts which is so offensive. It's not a game of football in the sports bar, and there are complex and long reaching historical reasons for all these things, and you seem completely uneducated on those matters.

Edited by No Apologist
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He means he wants the media to tell the "sanitized" version of events according to him. Never mind what the actual truth is.

no there are videos which are very hard, I have seen them. But they never went mainstream because we want to make a group hug and love each other again.

That change is interesting and he could order TV to send them them if he want, but he does not.....also interesting.

Your avatar is really so fitting.

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I see the yellow shirted troll Costas is up way past his bedtime.

What makes you think, that a man living on a Greek pension can afford a bed??whistling.gif

That's a cheap shot. You're not capable of arguing your point of view from the perspective of logic of which those from Greece can claim as their birthright; so therefore you insult a TV member because of his origin and your erroneous and unfounded opinion of his wealth.

THAT's what you call a cheap shot, suddenly? Wow. You've been throwing out bigoted, hateful nonsense here all day.

Edited by No Apologist
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@JOC...None of your insults invalidates anything I've posted. They're immature, they aren't constructive and at the end of the day you aren't the PM of Thailand. Try offering a solution in your posts in the future. We'd all love to hear your plan for Thailand.

Your own lack of historical knowledge and black and white views invalidate your posts, actually.

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He means he wants the media to tell the "sanitized" version of events according to him. Never mind what the actual truth is.

No he doesn't!! He wants them to reveal the truth - proves he knows what happened and is unafraid that the army will come out tainted as a result of this.

I hope the press has the decency to show some nice pics of the red shirts indulging in violent actions and some revealing pics of Thaksin's 'black shirt' mercenaries shooting at soldiers (thus precipitating the deaths of so many from both sides plus journalists and innocent victims)!!

Just sick and tired of your hate speech against red shirts every day, because it only deepens the problems. And that I say as someone who's been here a good while, and has never thought the reds were a good party for Thailand. Some of us just have the maturity to understand that there's a lot more behind it historically, than you do.

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He means he wants the media to tell the "sanitized" version of events according to him. Never mind what the actual truth is.

No he doesn't!! He wants them to reveal the truth - proves he knows what happened and is unafraid that the army will come out tainted as a result of this.

I hope the press has the decency to show some nice pics of the red shirts indulging in violent actions and some revealing pics of Thaksin's 'black shirt' mercenaries shooting at soldiers (thus precipitating the deaths of so many from both sides plus journalists and innocent victims)!!

I see somebody has not done their homework.

And I don't mean reading old copies of The Nation again.blink.png

Check the stuff they don't want you to see. So interesting.

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there is no way he can shut up the press. For him it will be counterproductive to do so. He can threaten and intimidate, it will all work against the good

man. Even when he uses his tanks.

I just worry that he'll completely sell this beautiful culture away to China and Russia first. He's so short sighted that I'm sure he would, if it meant that he could strut around another year or two. And Then poor Thailand would be left to deal with all that, long after he's gone. I disagree with SO many things about the US. But Russia and China? Forget about it; the most oppressive authoritarian regimes around. Thailand under their control would be a disaster. Especially at the whim of this self elected man.

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He means he wants the media to tell the "sanitized" version of events according to him. Never mind what the actual truth is.

No he doesn't!! He wants them to reveal the truth - proves he knows what happened and is unafraid that the army will come out tainted as a result of this.

I hope the press has the decency to show some nice pics of the red shirts indulging in violent actions and some revealing pics of Thaksin's 'black shirt' mercenaries shooting at soldiers (thus precipitating the deaths of so many from both sides plus journalists and innocent victims)!!

What you do here though, daily, is seek to incite more hatred and division. I've never supported the red shirt, personally. But what you express here daily is simply hatred, and I have enough experience in the world to understand what individuals like yourself are motivated by. And, it sure isn't a desire for peace and reconciliation.

Spot on!!

But sadly you are wasting your time trying to "debate" with haters.

What their hatred is based on, I don't know. Maybe something as simple as "hate the rich" aka Mr T, not realizing that the people they are supporting are way more rich and powerful (backed by the institution) than Thaksin ever was. And not realizing that the very people they are supporting, wouldn't piss on them, if they (the haters) were on fire!!

A lot of those posters remind me of the people in the former DDR, who for some obscure reason support parties on the extreme right!!

And never a word about, how we move forward from here.................

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He means he wants the media to tell the "sanitized" version of events according to him. Never mind what the actual truth is.

Oh please tell me, JV, what is the actual truth?

That the reds and the blacks were shooting at the army?

That the reds were burning everything on their path?

That the reds had BKK ransomed for weeks?

I also don't agree with the army shooting back, but that had to stop somehow.

Now, as the PM wisely said, let the courts find out the truth and deliver justice to the wrongdoers.

But don't try to hide behind your little finger.....it doesn't work.

Do you mean this ransom of BKK and international flights? http://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/nov/26/peoples-alliance-for-democracy

Edited by Alwyn
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He means he wants the media to tell the "sanitized" version of events according to him. Never mind what the actual truth is.

Oh please tell me, JV, what is the actual truth?

That the reds and the blacks were shooting at the army?

That the reds were burning everything on their path?

That the reds had BKK ransomed for weeks?

I also don't agree with the army shooting back, but that had to stop somehow.

Now, as the PM wisely said, let the courts find out the truth and deliver justice to the wrongdoers.

But don't try to hide behind your little finger.....it doesn't work.

Now, as the PM wisely said, let the courts find out the truth and deliver justice to the wrongdoers.

You conveniently are forgetting that in the undemocratic Thailand of today, the legislative, the executive and judiciary branches are in the hands of one man!!

With the help of Art 44, Mr P is the court!!

So now he is going to judge his own part in this tragic event. Sure it will be a fair trial.................

Just to make sure nothing can go wrong, he now orders media to give the version of the events, that puts the army (and the crackdown architect Mr P) in a better light!!

Rewriting history is the privilege of the man with the gun.

No one is rewriting history here. Many of us were there. So you should be happy for us sharing the experience. Because, in the end that what is the truth... is not what you believe.

They tell me that perception is reality. The studies coming out seem to confirm that the brains and need for rules/regulations versus those who deal with the uncertainties/changing realities may never meet. Ah, well, let the conversation continue but, methinks, a conclusion might never be reached satisfactorily.

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Yes tell the truth. The death of those 90 unarmed, peace loving soldiers slaughtered as they played guitars and sang, 'Blowing in the Wind,' is a national tragedy.

You ask yourself : how could 90 soldiers getting killed if there were only peacefull protesters?

May I suggest you goggle: sarcasm.................

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Tony Catalucci is about as biased as Michael Yon,when it comes to Thialand and openly supports Regimes such as the Syrian one. He's far from balanced and impartial.

If you say so. However it is backed up by others as well, for instance : http://www.th4u.com/reds_riots.htm

Anybody who invokes Cartalucci immediately disqualifies himself from serious consideration.The other reference you gave is mostly trash but seems to be anonymous.

As to the events of 2010 there is already a decent report namely that of HRW, not perfect but still trustworthy.

The PM's remarks are of course disgraceful.It is known that he has a limited intellect but the lack of self awareness is equally striking.

Speaking of limited intellect, look in the mirror.

Here is the HRW report which backs up what both the previous posted reports say. :


It is odd that you refer to the HRW report which I had commended and yet you do not seem to be au fait with its contents.

You would be advised to study it carefully rather indulge in the sucks to you approach which merely defines you as childish.

The HRW report makes it clear there was violence on both sides including some out of control and undisciplined action by the security forces.I mention it because unaccountably the usual suspects such as yourself always condone or neglect to refer to the army's murderous behaviour.

The redshirts also do not get off lightly and the report refers to violent behaviour from part of that grouping.

One cannot with any honesty or intellectual rigour cherry pick parts of the report one likes and parts one doesn't.This is why Prayuth's comments were disgraceful.

As to Tony Cartalucci my initial comments stand.Anyone who invokes his deranged reports is beyond the pale.Proof is the type of person who quotes him - the huckster Michael Yon et al.

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