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Hillary Clinton declares 2016 Democratic presidential bid


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Only political junkies are really paying attention this early.

Wait until the final stretch when Hillary spends her billions.

Is it right that presidencies can be bought?

No, of course not, but where is the political will to change the rules.

I don't see it.

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If you jump over to the Rubio thread, you will notice our liberal friends trashing Rubio big time. One ad hominem attack begets another.

Calling out incidents about his wife's driving abilities, his gulping of water and his seeming untruths about his family's heritage, to name only a few silly criticisms.

Well, guess what? He isn't the only one with problems mis-speaking about his family's heritage.


Hillary Clinton Wrong On Family’s Immigration History, Records Show
Speaking in Iowa Wednesday, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that all her grandparents had immigrated to the United States, a story that conflicts with public census and other records related to her maternal and paternal grandparents.
The story of her grandmother specifically immigrating is one Clinton has told before. Clinton’s sole foreign-born grandparent, Hugh Rodham Sr., immigrated as a child.
“Her grandparents always spoke about the immigrant experience and, as a result she has always thought of them as immigrants,” a Clinton spokesman told BuzzFeed News. “As has been correctly pointed out, while her grandfather was an immigrant, it appears that Hillary’s grandmother was born shortly after her parents and siblings arrived in the U.S. in the early 1880s.”
posted on April 16, 2015, at 8:34 a.m.
Andrew Kaczynski

She has in the past even lied about her first name, claiming that she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary even though Sir Edumnd Hillary did not climb mount Everest until H was 6 years old.

Yes, that was a howler!

Never dull when the Clintons are around.

They are consummate performers and compulsive liars,

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Not many posts for Hillary"s thread of late. Her supporters have been too busy trashing Rubio, they don't have time to post any kind words about her candidacy.

Perhaps a few posts will reinforce her self esteem to even more historic levels.

First, the comedy.


April 17, 2015, 06:38 pm
DNC planning primary debates for Hillary
By Mark Hensch
Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) says she's still planning for primary debates, in expectation of a challenge to presidential contender Hillary Clinton.
“I expect the voters who believe we should have a Democratic primary will get their wish,” Wasserman Schultz told C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers” during a video interview from Manchester, N.H.
Party officials were thus mapping out a “series of sanctioned debates that we expect our presidential candidates to participate in,” she added.
Wasserman Schultz said she had already spoken with Clinton, the clear Democratic frontrunner, and other likely candidates about a possible primary down the road.
These debates will be "must watch" television for liberals. Much like SNL.
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Then there is the not-so-funny for Hillary section.


New Book, ‘Clinton Cash,’ Questions Foreign Donations to Foundation
The book does not hit shelves until May 5, but already the Republican Rand Paul has called its findings “big news” that will “shock people” and make voters “question” the candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
“Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” by Peter Schweizer — a 186-page investigation of donations made to the Clinton Foundation by foreign entities — is proving the most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle still in its infancy.
The book, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times, asserts that foreign entities who made payments to the Clinton Foundation and to Mr. Clinton through high speaking fees received favors from Mrs. Clinton’s State Department in return.
“We will see a pattern of financial transactions involving the Clintons that occurred contemporaneous with favorable U.S. policy decisions benefiting those providing the funds,” Mr. Schweizer writes.
Now just wait for the attacks on the author.
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Then there is the not-so-funny for Hillary section.


New Book, ‘Clinton Cash,’ Questions Foreign Donations to Foundation
The book does not hit shelves until May 5, but already the Republican Rand Paul has called its findings “big news” that will “shock people” and make voters “question” the candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
“Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” by Peter Schweizer — a 186-page investigation of donations made to the Clinton Foundation by foreign entities — is proving the most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle still in its infancy.
The book, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times, asserts that foreign entities who made payments to the Clinton Foundation and to Mr. Clinton through high speaking fees received favors from Mrs. Clinton’s State Department in return.
“We will see a pattern of financial transactions involving the Clintons that occurred contemporaneous with favorable U.S. policy decisions benefiting those providing the funds,” Mr. Schweizer writes.
Now just wait for the attacks on the author.

They uncorked a new scandal eh?

Whats a matter? Can't get the email scandal to stick? The muslim brotherhood infiltrating her office rumours won't fly?

The Clintons have been investigated constantly for decades and are watched like a hawk.

She's been aiming for the presidency for years and some bozos actually think she is taking payments from foreign governments now?

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Then there is the not-so-funny for Hillary section.


New Book, ‘Clinton Cash,’ Questions Foreign Donations to Foundation
The book does not hit shelves until May 5, but already the Republican Rand Paul has called its findings “big news” that will “shock people” and make voters “question” the candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
“Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” by Peter Schweizer — a 186-page investigation of donations made to the Clinton Foundation by foreign entities — is proving the most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle still in its infancy.
The book, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times, asserts that foreign entities who made payments to the Clinton Foundation and to Mr. Clinton through high speaking fees received favors from Mrs. Clinton’s State Department in return.
“We will see a pattern of financial transactions involving the Clintons that occurred contemporaneous with favorable U.S. policy decisions benefiting those providing the funds,” Mr. Schweizer writes.
Now just wait for the attacks on the author.

Now just wait for the attacks on the author.

You betcha thumbsup.gif (wink) and youknowit clap2.gif

The author Peter Schweizer was once on Sarah Palin's payroll to advise her on foreign policy, a direct result of which was that Sarah could suddenly see Russia....I'm checking out a report that Tina Faye hired him to write her Sarah Palin lines, such as that one laugh.png so if I find anything on the Faye stuff I'll let youse guyz know, and right away.

Schweizer is editor in chief of the right wing Breitbart media "Big Peace" website. He was a GW Bush ventriloquist speechwriter.

He specializes in writing attacks agains Democratic party women, Nancy Pelosi while speaker of the House being a recent one. Schweizer also helped Glenn Beck write his Broke book.

The guy has no creds but the right defends him against HRC because Schweizer does what the far out right always does, i.e., takes some facts and goes into moon orbit with those few and partial facts, spinning yarns from here to wishing on a star.

That this delivery man is the best the Republican travelling circus can call up to sell tickets speaks to their issue bankruptcy, because the more the R party attacks HRC the more everyone sees the R party has nothing to stand for, no issues to present, nothing it can say about itself that appeals to the political and cultural center of American politics and voters.

Bush, Beck, Breitbart, Palin: Schweizer's Deep Right-Wing Ties

November 13, 2011


The right is already trying to peddle the swindle Schweizer is a facts guy laugh.png

So thanks for calling attention to this Hoover institution in-house expert.

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Then there is the not-so-funny for Hillary section.


New Book, ‘Clinton Cash,’ Questions Foreign Donations to Foundation
The book does not hit shelves until May 5, but already the Republican Rand Paul has called its findings “big news” that will “shock people” and make voters “question” the candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
“Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” by Peter Schweizer — a 186-page investigation of donations made to the Clinton Foundation by foreign entities — is proving the most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle still in its infancy.
The book, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times, asserts that foreign entities who made payments to the Clinton Foundation and to Mr. Clinton through high speaking fees received favors from Mrs. Clinton’s State Department in return.
“We will see a pattern of financial transactions involving the Clintons that occurred contemporaneous with favorable U.S. policy decisions benefiting those providing the funds,” Mr. Schweizer writes.
Now just wait for the attacks on the author.

They uncorked a new scandal eh?

Whats a matter? Can't get the email scandal to stick? The muslim brotherhood infiltrating her office rumours won't fly?

The Clintons have been investigated constantly for decades and are watched like a hawk.

She's been aiming for the presidency for years and some bozos actually think she is taking payments from foreign governments now?

Americans know that indeed the Muslim Brotherhood stew was always flat, just as they know the moonbeam Birthers madcap nonsense is long gone, that neither Obamacare nor the minimum wage are destroying the economy and that neither will harm it in any way, along with much more about the howling at the moon Republican right.

The lunar right didn't get the email about Ben Ghazzi or whoeve he/it is that that too is a political ruse, just as the right wing hysteria is a fraud that Prez Obama would declare himself emperor president for life....etc etc etc.

Now comes yet another Clinton 'scandal' that some voters are already laughing at while most voters ignore it, same as most voters are ignoring the Republican Presidential Primary Campaign Bubba Buses and the GOP Official Clown Cars sputtering around and about.

GOP.....Goner of an Old Party.

The Republican party and its many far out right wing crackpot constituencies have lost disastrously and big time in their lunar moon madness since 2008.


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The Republican party and its many far out right wing crackpot constituencies have lost disastrously and big time in their lunar moon madness since 2008.

That is why they control both the Senate AND the House. cheesy.gif

Take a picture cause it will last longer.

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Then there is the not-so-funny for Hillary section.


New Book, Clinton Cash, Questions Foreign Donations to Foundation


The book does not hit shelves until May 5, but already the Republican Rand Paul has called its findings big news that will shock people and make voters question the candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, by Peter Schweizer a 186-page investigation of donations made to the Clinton Foundation by foreign entities is proving the most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle still in its infancy.

The book, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times, asserts that foreign entities who made payments to the Clinton Foundation and to Mr. Clinton through high speaking fees received favors from Mrs. Clintons State Department in return.

We will see a pattern of financial transactions involving the Clintons that occurred contemporaneous with favorable U.S. policy decisions benefiting those providing the funds, Mr. Schweizer writes.

Entire article here: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/20/us/politics/new-book-clinton-cash-questions-foreign-donations-to-foundation.html


Now just wait for the attacks on the author.

You only mention the author because you already know he has a very tainted history.

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More on the "swiftboating" of Hillary. Then a couple on what her problems within the Dems will be. They don't trust her for real reasons, not right wing batshit crazy delusions. Personally I think she will be a terrible choice and a disaster for the working middle class. A typical neocon/neoliberal. On the other hand, the lessor of 2 evils, again. http://crooksandliars.com/2015/04/swiftboat-2016-why-buy-ad-when-you-can-get?utm_source=Crooks+and+Liars+Daily+Newsletter&utm_campaign=4cf06fb5c1-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_d4904be7bc-4cf06fb5c1-327017065 http://ourfuture.org/20150421/populism2015s-upshot-hillary-clinton-has-her-challenger-it-is-us?utm_source=progressive_breakfast&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=pbreak


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I for one do not like Clinton in the slightest and certainly don't trust her. 2016 could be a walkover for the Republican party because of the deep seated distrust in Clinton from both sides but they need to put forward someone who is not clinically insane. The fact that Clinton is a habitual liar doesn't cut the mustard because the same can be said of all the potential Democrat or Republican candidates. How many swing votes are going to be willing to vote for someone who shows such obvious signs of mental issues and or obvious signs of being away with the mixer due to peyote flavoured communion wafers?

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It will be interesting to see who the Republicans come up with. Methinks Hillary will shred the guy to pieces in public debates. He'll start out talking in platitudes ('a car in every garage, a chicken in every pot' sort of thing), then try valiantly (but fail, for all but hard right-wingers) to try and tar Ms Clinton.

I wouldn't mind seeing a 3rd party. Last time I signed up, I checked the 'Green Party' box. I know it can be a spoiler, like how it in advertedly handed Bush Jr. the top spot in 2000, but Americans should be given a choice between die-hard corporation boot lickers, and lukewarm boot lickers.

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I for one do not like Clinton in the slightest and certainly don't trust her. 2016 could be a walkover for the Republican party because of the deep seated distrust in Clinton from both sides but they need to put forward someone who is not clinically insane. The fact that Clinton is a habitual liar doesn't cut the mustard because the same can be said of all the potential Democrat or Republican candidates. How many swing votes are going to be willing to vote for someone who shows such obvious signs of mental issues and or obvious signs of being away with the mixer due to peyote flavoured communion wafers?

"don't trust her" she is clinically insane" "habitual liar" "mental issues" "peyote flavoured communion wafers"

Who knows? This crazy talk might just win the Republicans the White House. blink.png

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I for one do not like Clinton in the slightest and certainly don't trust her. 2016 could be a walkover for the Republican party because of the deep seated distrust in Clinton from both sides but they need to put forward someone who is not clinically insane. The fact that Clinton is a habitual liar doesn't cut the mustard because the same can be said of all the potential Democrat or Republican candidates. How many swing votes are going to be willing to vote for someone who shows such obvious signs of mental issues and or obvious signs of being away with the mixer due to peyote flavoured communion wafers?

"don't trust her" she is clinically insane" "habitual liar" "mental issues" "peyote flavoured communion wafers"

Who knows? This crazy talk might just win the Republicans the White House. blink.png

I said Clinton is a habitual liar (they all are) but I did not say she is clinically insane.

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