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K Bank debit cards

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I renewed my debit card in January 2014, cost 800 baht. As far as I was concerned that was a one off charge. About 3 days ago I received a sms, (April 2015) notifying a yearly charge of 800 baht. Does anybody else get charged yearly and if so I would have thought it would be a year from the date of registration. Is there a consumer complaints department in Thailand?, I live in Chiang Mai. Thanks for any replies

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I withdrew millions from my money from Kasikorn and cut my card up ... I was getting charged regularly at 400 baht ... it seemed like every few months but I don't have time to check the fine print ...

Thieves ...... coffee1.gif Kasikorn is crap !!

Edited by steven100
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Yeap, sounds like you have the K bank SME debit card....annual fee Bt800. They have various debit cards with various annual fees...like their basic My Debit Card at an annual fee of Bt250. Unless your are a SME doing a lot of business transactions with your debit card, you have no need for the SME Debit card unless you just like paying a high annual fee. From various ThaiVisa posts I've seen some K-bank branches like to push their pricier debit cards on new customers due to the high annual fee (i.e., nice profit for the bank)...the branches might even say that's the only card they have right now...that's the card you "must" take...etc., but that is not true...that's just them signing you up for a pricey product/service you don't need when a lower priced product/service was available which met your needs. Banksters they are if they did such a thing. You might want to go back to the branch and get a cheaper debit card before the next annual renewal fee hits.

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thank you for all the replies and are enforcing in general what I have been thinking in a long time that the once good K Bank is now using very underhand methods to deprive you of your money! Any new ex-pats to Thailand avoid the once very good K Bank!

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I renewed my debit card last week and was charged nothing.

I was asked if I wanted the card that came with an insurance policy for 500 baht a year, but I declined.

I paid no cash for the new card nor was any amount debited from the account.

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I renewed my debit card last week and was charged nothing.

I was asked if I wanted the card that came with an insurance policy for 500 baht a year, but I declined.

I paid no cash for the new card nor was any amount debited from the account.

You sure you are not talking "replacement" of you card like maybe it was damaged or expired...If so that is not a renewal. Renewal cost just hits your account every year unless maybe the card came on promotion with the first few years being free for the pricier cards sometimes.
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thank you for all the replies and are enforcing in general what I have been thinking in a long time that the once good K Bank is now using very underhand methods to deprive you of your money! Any new ex-pats to Thailand avoid the once very good K Bank!

to be honest,if you have lived in various countries, banks are banks and will always try to push the premium services when opening an account - I remember the first time I was in the UK (Australia, South Africa, Malaysia etc...) and was opening a Natwest account - I just asked for and got the cheapest one available even if it meant the bank employee wasnt going to be my new best friend. Usually my annual bank fee with Kasikorn is 200, but last week I was charged 133 annual fee (not sure why)

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I noticed they set up with out my permission an sms system where they notify me when ever i withdraw etc, which was useful, but after a year they tried automatically withdrawing a fee for it, maybe 200b from memory, but at the time no money in that account so it didnt work for them. I found a way to cancel and never heard more, but they have set it up again and will try to automatically withdraw the fee in another year I guess. got a new card not long ago for 150b, but the first bank I went to wanted 400. may be cheaper at the bank where you opened the account.

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Got a wire transfer in last month.

Try to withdraw funds from a BBL and Krungsri ATM but it was declined,

Put the card in a K-Bank atm and was charged 500 Baht if I remember correct. I had to actually confirm via ATM if I approve the renewal.

Only after I approved it was the card able to use other bank branches.

Don't use now Kasikorn Bank more.

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I have been with Kasikorn bank for 10 years and never had the slightest problem or excess charges for my debit card .

One morning my step daughter came to see me crying , because all her college money had been stolen .

I said I would replace the bt20,000 lost , but she must have a bank account , not keep it in her wardrobe , where obviously her room mate had stolen it .

We went to the local high street and the first bank we came to was Kasikorn . A mature lady came by and asked if she could help , please come in , just before 8:30am .

I opened an account for my stepdaughter , with limited withdrawals each day . Later my wife opened an account at the same branch . When I came to live in Thailand all the time I opened an account their too ; I find the service particularly good , but evidently not all branches are so good and foreigners are easy to take advantage of .

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I had to pay 400baht for a new Kasikorn card (expiry date was up) last month. They said they didnt do the old style cards any more so i must have the new one.

Suprised as all the material and card is covered with red hello Kitty garb. very childish.

Since the account was started up north, a 15baht ATM fee was formerly applied to every withdrawal made in BKK, but since being issued with the new card this is no longer the case.

So i guess i will look out for the yearly renewal fee now. I think it was 4 or 500 baht before.

Edited by ozzieovaseas
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I had one of the SME cards after losing my old style one. I protested and they said it was the only one available to me and that it had insurance. Anyway I wasn't going to push it for 800 thb and took it. 4 days later I left the new one in an ATM!!

Off I went to the bank and walked up to the counter and the same girl just looked at me and said ' I told you you needed insurance!!'...... we both burst out laughing and I walked out with an new card FOC.

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I have 2 accounts with the same bank. One account is a no fee account and the card is 200 baht/year but there is no interest paid. The other account has a card at 500 baht/year but I declined to have the card, that account pays interest every 6 months.

I had to open the second account to pay the electricity, the electric people would not accept an account from another city even in the same province.

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If you go here: https://mycard.kbankcard.com/TH/KMyDebitCard/Pages/Feature.aspx you can see the various debit cards available. You will need to open in Chrome or another browser that translates automatically if you cannot read Thai. Click on "Feature" and at the bottom are a] the charge for a new/replacement card and b] the yearly charge.

The cheapest available is K-Debit, which is a] 100 Baht and b] 200 Baht.

As others have said, many branches will not offer you the choice, simply issue an "SME" card first time, the cost of which is 150 Baht to issue and 800 Baht p.a. It has a few additional features, like the chance to win a saleung of gold and money back if you use it frequently enough to buy goods and services. Most of these are pretty useless for foreigners.

As said, a neat little rip off.

Edited by asdecas
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thank you for all the replies and are enforcing in general what I have been thinking in a long time that the once good K Bank is now using very underhand methods to deprive you of your money! Any new ex-pats to Thailand avoid the once very good K Bank!

All the banks are crooks, not just in Thailand, Kasikorn stole 5000Bt from me, I won't go in to all the details.

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Got a wire transfer in last month.

Try to withdraw funds from a BBL and Krungsri ATM but it was declined,

Put the card in a K-Bank atm and was charged 500 Baht if I remember correct. I had to actually confirm via ATM if I approve the renewal.

Only after I approved it was the card able to use other bank branches.

Don't use now Kasikorn Bank more.

It does not matter what bank you use, you will still get cheated in some way.

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I have been with Kasikorn bank for 10 years and never had the slightest problem or excess charges for my debit card .

One morning my step daughter came to see me crying , because all her college money had been stolen .

I said I would replace the bt20,000 lost , but she must have a bank account , not keep it in her wardrobe , where obviously her room mate had stolen it .

We went to the local high street and the first bank we came to was Kasikorn . A mature lady came by and asked if she could help , please come in , just before 8:30am .

I opened an account for my stepdaughter , with limited withdrawals each day . Later my wife opened an account at the same branch . When I came to live in Thailand all the time I opened an account their too ; I find the service particularly good , but evidently not all branches are so good and foreigners are easy to take advantage of .

please refrain from using bold type .... now I have a headache .. !

Edited by steven100
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Yes they are swines.

My old card expired so I went to the local branch to get a replacement.

I was told the cheap card didn't exist anymore and I had to get the 800baht one.

When I got home I rang the k support line to complain and was told that they definitely hadn't stopped the old cheaper cards.

Went back to the branch and complained and magically the old cards became available again....

Good idea that, when I get back to Thailand I'll try and switch from the sme 800 baht con card
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For heavens sake- the bank gives you basically free banking and use of ATM, shopping, Internet banking etc.

They are not a charity.

800 baht is just absolute peanuts .

you could have that same attitude about anything in Thailand.

You shouldn't pay more in Thailand for banking than it cost you back home. labour costs are far cheaper in Thailand plus Thais mostly pay for cheaper bank account. Plus bank pays very low interest rate so has the money for almost free.

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The various posts are correct about Thai banks ripping off. Bangkok bank charge us 200 baht per annum per account for debit card plus now charging 15 baht per withdrawl. No charge if money withdrawn by book and not have a card.

They keep taking the 200baht until the money runs out and then close the account automatically.

Our Pound Sterling account originally paid 4% interest. Now no interest and up to this year demanded 1% fee to deposit money. This year demanded 2% to deposit our money into our account, for them to use free of charge. I laughed and left issuing a UK slang expletive.

Charge 500 baht to accept baht into account from UK. Was 1% previously.

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