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Extension of stay - about the 800K baht threshold

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As of about May 20 (in about 4 weeks time) I can apply for extension of stay based on retirement. I have made sure the 800,000 baht is in my Thai bank account since at least 2 months (it is my first extension), it is there actually since mid February, so long enough. Now what bothers me is the following. We are currently renovating a house (something we did not foresee to do a few months ago...), so our expenses will be more than usual, especially during the next 4 weeks. So, if we continue our normal spending, combined with the renovation cost, the balance on my Thai bank account will be somewhat less then 800K in 4 weeks time, which is not a wise thing to let happen, to put it mildly... So, action is required.

Can I just add 100K (or so) to my Thai bank account now, so that I can keep on renovating without the risk of getting below the 800K threshold during the coming 4 weeks, or is it not allowed to add any money to the account during the last 2 months before I apply for extension of stay?

So any thought and help on this are much appreciated!

Edited by thuisinthailand
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You must make sure that the balance of the account never falls below the 800k not even for one day ! smile.png

Is that all to worry about? So if the balance today is, say, 825,000 baht, I can add another 100,000 tomorrow without any problems (as this latest addition to the account was made 4 only weeks before the application?).

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Ok, that seems clear. And what exactly does the letter of certification by the bank then say? They confirm the account being above 800K on the day you ask for the letter I suppose. And do they also include the original transaction (coming from abroad) in the letter (in my case a good 3 months ago), or is that something that has to be taken from the copy of the bank book (that you ask the bank to provide the same day as the letter)?

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In my experience the bank letter does not say anything about the past 60 or 90 days or about the original deposit, it just says what your balance was at the close of business before the day the letter is issued. That's why you need the copy of your bank book, going back 60 or 90 (as applicable) days. You also usually need to do a transaction (e.g. ATM deposit) on the day you go to Immigration and make sure it shows in the copy of your bank book, so Immigration can see that you had at least B800K on the day you apply (since, as stated, the bank letter will normally state the balance as at the preceding day).

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The letter I get from my bank manager shows the current balance (make sure you update the passbook the same day you get the letter so that the amount shown in the passbook EXACTLY matches what the bank manager states as your balance) and the letter also shows all the foreign derived deposits made in the past 3 months or so. It has never indicated anything about deposits or withdrawals made locally). You'll need to also submit photocopies of your passbook ID page and other pages for at least the past three months activity (maybe just two for the first extension, about that I'm not sure). You should sign each photocopy page to certify that you are claiming them to be correct and true.

Obviously by looking at the photocopies of the passbook, they can see that your balance was always above Baht 800,000. In most cases people would be making withdrawals and deposits for living expenses etc, so that doesn't matter as long as the balance never drops below Baht 800,000 for the two (or 3) months prior to the application.

Get the letter no more than a day or so before you submit your application. Some offices are more lenient than others, but some expect the letter to be very current.

Hopefully the account is in your name only?? Some offices, maybe all, don't accept joint accounts.

Edited by Suradit69
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The funds needs to be seasoned for 3 months, not two


For the first (initial) application the funds need to be in the account for 2 months, for other extensions the funds must be there for a 3 month period.

Yes, once you meet the required amount. they will allow you to add more if you can...... just do not go below the minimum required in the period they want.

The bank letter will state the date the account began and the current balance on the date the letter is drafted.

If your passbook shows a consistent pattern of monthly deposits ..... especially monthly deposits from overseas..... that is what makes them really happy.

By the way, if you do the application at Chaengwattana most banks have offices on the 1st floor.

A token deposit there on the day that you apply will be well received by immigration .... as all they have to do is make a cell phone call downstairs to verify your exact balance at that exact point when you apply.


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Can I just add 100K (or so) to my Thai bank account now, so that I can keep on renovating without the risk of getting below the 800K threshold during the coming 4 weeks

yes you can :)

I had my 800 odd thousand in Bangkok bank in early march and my English pension of about 24 thousand goes directly in there every month as well and immigration will not have a problem with that

they may wonder how I live here without touching it but I have two other pensions and other income that I live on

in chiang mai if you drop one baht below 800 odd thousand for one day in the three months

your extension of stay is toast :(

other places may be different ?


pic ... view of doi suthep 20 minits ago !


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Yes, the account is in my name only. As for the passbook update (and the copies of it), is that something you ask the bank to do? At the same moment you ask for the letter?

At my bank, they sometimes take the book off me and update it.

It is no big deal, it happens when a teller puts the book in her machine, or you use one of the banks update machines yourself.

My routine... put book in machine to have it updated, get letter from bank, make copies of passbook last pages back 3 months.

Have a copy of the name/cover page too.

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Depending on the immigration office you may need the money in for 3 months, I know it stipulates 2 for the first application but I've had to do this twice now, once for leaving the country for family emergency, no time to get exit visa, had to go throught the whole sysyem again, and both times they wanted the money in for 3 months. This is at Krabi immigration,

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I have an 800,000 baht account that I never touch, except to update every year for the bank letter and that year's interest is added. One year the Immigration officer asked me what money I use to live since I never touch that money. Fortunately, I had a good story in saying that Hubby's pension was adequate to support both of us and would he like to see our joint bank account -- as I pulled out another Bangkok Bank passbook to show him. He just waved it away, not interested in looking.

So, yes, sometimes they are interested in seeing activity in your 800,000 baht account or a good story about how you're supporting yourself in retirement.

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For my last extension in february, I got a preprinted form from my bank (BBL), just stating that the 800ks have been in the account for more then three months. Previously, every year it was somewhat different. The official rule is that the last update has to be not longer than two days ago, but to be sure on every immigration office, do it just one day before or at the same day if you make the extension on monday or after official holidays.

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You must make sure that the balance of the account never falls below the 800k not even for one day ! smile.png

The 800 k value does not need to be available for an entire year, it is needed as follows ...

For the first yearly retirement application the 800 k sum must be in the A/c prior to 2 months

For applications in following years the 800 k sum must be in the A/c prior to 3 months.

The updated copy of the needed A/c booklet will outline the 800 k time duration in the account.

The letter from the bank will only state the current sum of 800 k but not the time set of the 800 k.

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By the way, if you do the application at Chaengwattana most banks have offices on the 1st floor.

A token deposit there on the day that you apply will be well received by immigration .... as all they have to do is make a cell phone call downstairs to verify your exact balance at that exact point when you apply.

So after getting the bank letter that is probably two days old at most, AND the updated bank book that is probably less than a day old, AND the ATM deposit slip which is probably only hours or minutes old.... they STILL call the bank and confirm it all?

Why don't they just call the <deleted>' bank and be done with it?

Who else can call the bank, claiming to be Immigration Officer Somchai from upstairs and ask about account balances of a third party?

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The funds needs to be seasoned for 3 months, not two


For the first (initial) application the funds need to be in the account for 2 months, for other extensions the funds must be there for a 3 month period.

Yes, once you meet the required amount. they will allow you to add more if you can...... just do not go below the minimum required in the period they want.

The bank letter will state the date the account began and the current balance on the date the letter is drafted.

If your passbook shows a consistent pattern of monthly deposits ..... especially monthly deposits from overseas..... that is what makes them really happy.

By the way, if you do the application at Chaengwattana most banks have offices on the 1st floor.

A token deposit there on the day that you apply will be well received by immigration .... as all they have to do is make a cell phone call downstairs to verify your exact balance at that exact point when you apply.


Note: I was asked to do this only once ...... in 2011 when I made my first (initial( application for a retirement extension.

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If you have not made a transaction on the day you update your bank book, it won't update to a date beyond your last transaction using the updating machines, therefore you won't get the same day update which is required. The chance that a busy immigration official will phone your bank to confirm the amount for you at any busy immigration office is effectively zero.

A simple strategy , which I always do, to ensure that my bank book and bank letter agree exactly in amount, and that bank book is updated on the same day as the application (mine made at Chaengwattana, Bangkok):

1. Get letter from bank stating amount on deposit. I usually do this the day before doing the extension application

2. Deposit 1000 baht on day of letter using deposit machine.

3. On day of extension withdraw 1000B, update book, photocopy the last page showing the transaction (the rest of the bank book you can do days before in your preparations). This is very easy in Chaengwattana because of all the 1B copy shops.

Do extension.

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Im on my first year, my initial O/S visa was granted last September 2014.... but I believe I can effectively extend this an extra year before I need to apply for an extension based on retirement by leaving and re entering the country just before September this year? Please correct me if I'm wrong. That way I can extend the need to have the 800k THB in the bank with the exchange rate so poor at the moment.

Things change so rapidly here though I hope this is still the case? Can anyone confirm?

By the way, how soon before your O/A visa expires do you have to apply for extension?

Its such a shame you can't show the funds in your own country. I can only imagine the money some must lose transferring a large sum here with fees and poor exchange rates and something unexpected happening where maybe you need to return to your home country and lose a big swag transferring it back again.

Edited by Kenny202
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Im on my first year, my initial O/S visa was granted last September 2014.... but I believe I can effectively extend this an extra year before I need to apply for an extension based on retirement by leaving and re entering the country just before September this year? Please correct me if I'm wrong. That way I can extend the need to have the 800k THB in the bank with the exchange rate so poor at the moment.

Things change so rapidly here though I hope this is still the case? Can anyone confirm?

By the way, how soon before your O/A visa expires do you have to apply for extension?

Its such a shame you can't show the funds in your own country. I can only imagine the money some must lose transferring a large sum here with fees and poor exchange rates and something unexpected happening where maybe you need to return to your home country and lose a big swag transferring it back again.

If you mean O/A visa, and that was a typo, you can get an extra year permission to stay by leaving the country and re-entering a day or more before the "enter before" date on your visa.

You are NOT extending the visa, you are merely getting a one year permission to stay allowed by the visa, which will expire on the "enter before" date.

So since you won't have a valid visa (permission to enter the country) after the "use before" date, if you want to leave and re-enter, and still keep your one year permission to stay intact you must buy a re-entry permit.

If you don't get a re-entry permit before leaving you will be given a 30 day permission to stay when you return that will cancel your one year permission.

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Im on my first year, my initial O/S visa was granted last September 2014.... but I believe I can effectively extend this an extra year before I need to apply for an extension based on retirement by leaving and re entering the country just before September this year? Please correct me if I'm wrong. That way I can extend the need to have the 800k THB in the bank with the exchange rate so poor at the moment.

Things change so rapidly here though I hope this is still the case? Can anyone confirm?

By the way, how soon before your O/A visa expires do you have to apply for extension?

Its such a shame you can't show the funds in your own country. I can only imagine the money some must lose transferring a large sum here with fees and poor exchange rates and something unexpected happening where maybe you need to return to your home country and lose a big swag transferring it back again.

If you mean O/A visa, and that was a typo, you can get an extra year permission to stay by leaving the country and re-entering a day or more before the "enter before" date on your visa.

You are NOT extending the visa, you are merely getting a one year permission to stay allowed by the visa, which will expire on the "enter before" date.

So since you won't have a valid visa (permission to enter the country) after the "use before" date, if you want to leave and re-enter, and still keep your one year permission to stay intact you must buy a re-entry permit.

If you don't get a re-entry permit before leaving you will be given a 30 day permission to stay when you return that will cancel your one year permission.

Yes sorry O/A visa. How do you "buy" a re entry permit? Is it something you do at the airport or apply immigration before you go?

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Im on my first year, my initial O/S visa was granted last September 2014.... but I believe I can effectively extend this an extra year before I need to apply for an extension based on retirement by leaving and re entering the country just before September this year? Please correct me if I'm wrong. That way I can extend the need to have the 800k THB in the bank with the exchange rate so poor at the moment.

Things change so rapidly here though I hope this is still the case? Can anyone confirm?

By the way, how soon before your O/A visa expires do you have to apply for extension?

Its such a shame you can't show the funds in your own country. I can only imagine the money some must lose transferring a large sum here with fees and poor exchange rates and something unexpected happening where maybe you need to return to your home country and lose a big swag transferring it back again.

If you mean O/A visa, and that was a typo, you can get an extra year permission to stay by leaving the country and re-entering a day or more before the "enter before" date on your visa.

You are NOT extending the visa, you are merely getting a one year permission to stay allowed by the visa, which will expire on the "enter before" date.

So since you won't have a valid visa (permission to enter the country) after the "use before" date, if you want to leave and re-enter, and still keep your one year permission to stay intact you must buy a re-entry permit.

If you don't get a re-entry permit before leaving you will be given a 30 day permission to stay when you return that will cancel your one year permission.

Yes sorry O/A visa. How do you "buy" a re entry permit? Is it something you do at the airport or apply immigration before you go?

You can apply at immigration or at airport, if you are not in a hurry it's less hassle to do it at immigration. You can get a single trip permit for 1000B or a multi for 3800B that allows you an indefinite number of in and out trips.

You do it by filling in a form : need passport photo and photocopy of your passport ID page and your visa page. They ask for dates of prospective trips on the form but you can put anything as you are not held to any particular dates.

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If you have not made a transaction on the day you update your bank book, it won't update to a date beyond your last transaction using the updating machines, therefore you won't get the same day update which is required. The chance that a busy immigration official will phone your bank to confirm the amount for you at any busy immigration office is effectively zero.

A simple strategy , which I always do, to ensure that my bank book and bank letter agree exactly in amount, and that bank book is updated on the same day as the application (mine made at Chaengwattana, Bangkok):

1. Get letter from bank stating amount on deposit. I usually do this the day before doing the extension application

2. Deposit 1000 baht on day of letter using deposit machine.

3. On day of extension withdraw 1000B, update book, photocopy the last page showing the transaction (the rest of the bank book you can do days before in your preparations). This is very easy in Chaengwattana because of all the 1B copy shops.

Do extension.

Sorry, sent it before writing. Try it again.. If you don't use the update machine, you can ask them for a check up on the current date at the counter. I have done this many times, no problem,

Edited by ubonjoe
removed quote coding for clarity
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