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GOP spokesman: Benghazi report may slip into 2016


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That's all they got, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, Let It Go...

And all the rest. The corruption is only just starting to come out now.

E mails, Clinton Foundation donations, lying about being under fire, claiming to be for the "people" when she's a 1%er. I can't wait for the debates when she'll be exposed for the lying hypocrite she is.

I saw Goudi on Fox this morning saying he'd like to wind it up this year, if the Obama administration stop hiding the documents. Hope he's not holding his breath.

. You Watch Faux News, You Have Lost all Validity... My god who watches that Diatribe of Foolishness.
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That's all they got, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, Let It Go...

And all the rest. The corruption is only just starting to come out now.

E mails, Clinton Foundation donations, lying about being under fire, claiming to be for the "people" when she's a 1%er. I can't wait for the debates when she'll be exposed for the lying hypocrite she is.

I saw Goudi on Fox this morning saying he'd like to wind it up this year, if the Obama administration stop hiding the documents. Hope he's not holding his breath.

. You Watch Faux News, You Have Lost all Validity... My god who watches that Diatribe of Foolishness.

Let's stop the personal attacks. They prove nothing and are flaming, which is against forum rules.

On the evidence, HRC has peddled influence for money while Sec State and destroyed information related to her time at State. On both of those charges she is stonewalling. A person with nothing to hide would produce the documents. ie she is guilty of something. Therefore, is she someone that US citizens want as president?

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That's all they got, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, Let It Go...

And all the rest. The corruption is only just starting to come out now.

E mails, Clinton Foundation donations, lying about being under fire, claiming to be for the "people" when she's a 1%er. I can't wait for the debates when she'll be exposed for the lying hypocrite she is.

I saw Goudi on Fox this morning saying he'd like to wind it up this year, if the Obama administration stop hiding the documents. Hope he's not holding his breath.

. You Watch Faux News, You Have Lost all Validity... My god who watches that Diatribe of Foolishness.

Let's stop the personal attacks. They prove nothing and are flaming, which is against forum rules.

On the evidence, HRC has peddled influence for money while Sec State and destroyed information related to her time at State. On both of those charges she is stonewalling. A person with nothing to hide would produce the documents. ie she is guilty of something. Therefore, is she someone that US citizens want as president?

"Guilty of something....." cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

She's the most investigated person on planet earth. Can you be more specific?

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There were 13 Bengazi type incidents under Bush and how many investigations have been held regarding these events?

How many of these "incidents" falsely blamed a YouTube video for the death of an ambassador while top officials - including the president and Secretary of State - lied about it for weeks afterwards, because of an election they wanted to win?

How soon we forget. bah.gif

Funny that, as the Republican report said it was the Intelligence information upon which they were relying that was at fault, not that they were lying.

Immediately after the attack, intelligence about who carried it out and why was contradictory, the report found. That led Susan Rice, then U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, to inaccurately assert that the attack had evolved from a protest, when in fact there had been no protest.

But it was intelligence analysts, not political appointees, who made the wrong call, the committee found. The report did not conclude that Rice or any other government official acted in bad faith or intentionally misled the American people.

How soon you forget.

Sorry, but - as usual - you roll out the false spin. That is NOT what the committee said:

Even as some news reports stated that Republicans had in essence “exonerated” the Obama administration on all counts, Chairman Rogers attempted to correct the mischaracterizations.

In an op-ed published Dec. 10, Rogers stated, “Some have said the report exonerates the State Department and White House. It does not.”

He went on to state that his committee looked only at narrow questions as they pertain to the intelligence community. For that reason, he said, the committee did not interview key eyewitnesses from the Department of Defense and the State Department.


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That's all they got, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, Let It Go...

And all the rest. The corruption is only just starting to come out now.

E mails, Clinton Foundation donations, lying about being under fire, claiming to be for the "people" when she's a 1%er. I can't wait for the debates when she'll be exposed for the lying hypocrite she is.

I saw Goudi on Fox this morning saying he'd like to wind it up this year, if the Obama administration stop hiding the documents. Hope he's not holding his breath.

. You Watch Faux News, You Have Lost all Validity... My god who watches that Diatribe of Foolishness.

The New York Times is headlining some of the stories mentioned along with several major media sources ... Do you have any other thing to say on the subject or do you prefer to just blabber on about news sources... ?

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The actual report does not say what you insinuated. That is called spinning. The report did not conclude that Rice or any other government official acted in bad faith or intentionally misled the American people. However, It did not conclude that they did NOT act in bad faith or intentionally misled the American people either. That was not their focus. The committee did not even interview key eyewitnesses from the Department of Defense and the State Department.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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You sound like a Fox Anchor.

How about quotes from the actual report:

Their exoneration of the White House was sweeping and nearly absolute. So sweeping that I want to quote directly from the report's summary, rather than paraphrasing it. Here it is:

  • The Committee first concludes that the CIA ensured sufficient security for CIA facilities in Benghazi....Appropriate U.S. personnel made reasonable tactical decisions that night, and the Committee found no evidence that there was either a stand down order or a denial of available air support....
  • Second, the Committee finds that there was no intelligence failure prior to the attacks. In the months prior, the IC provided intelligence about previous attacks and the increased threat environment in Benghazi, but the IC did not have specific, tactical warning of the September 11 attacks.
  • Third, the Committee finds that a mixed group of individuals, including those affiliated with Al Qa'ida, participated in the attacks....
  • Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate....There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke)....
  • Fifth, the Committee finds that the process used to generate the talking points HPSCI asked for—and which were used for Ambassador Rice's public appearances—was flawed....
  • Finally, the Committee found no evidence that any officer was intimidated, wrongly forced to sign a nondisclosure agreement or otherwise kept from speaking to Congress, or polygraphed because of their presence in Benghazi. The Committee also found no evidence that the CIA conducted unauthorized activities in Benghazi and no evidence that the IC shipped arms to Syria.

So ALL of those Fox News LIES that you keep clinging on to have been debunked by your own party.

The report is there for you to read.

Feel free to come back to me if you want to contradict any of the above.

This is another fake scandal, I'm sure you'll get over it after the election.

Edited by Chicog
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Another red herring. I have never heard Fox News claim ANY of those things as factual, but if you really believe that the CIA was not conducting COVERT activities in Benghazi, I have a bridge to sell you.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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That's all they got, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, Let It Go...

And all the rest. The corruption is only just starting to come out now.

E mails, Clinton Foundation donations, lying about being under fire, claiming to be for the "people" when she's a 1%er. I can't wait for the debates when she'll be exposed for the lying hypocrite she is.

I saw Goudi on Fox this morning saying he'd like to wind it up this year, if the Obama administration stop hiding the documents. Hope he's not holding his breath.

. You Watch Faux News, You Have Lost all Validity... My god who watches that Diatribe of Foolishness.

The New York Times is headlining some of the stories mentioned along with several major media sources ... Do you have any other thing to say on the subject or do you prefer to just blabber on about news sources... ?

. They need Ratings Too, Geez
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That's all they got, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, Let It Go...

And all the rest. The corruption is only just starting to come out now.

E mails, Clinton Foundation donations, lying about being under fire, claiming to be for the "people" when she's a 1%er. I can't wait for the debates when she'll be exposed for the lying hypocrite she is.

I saw Goudi on Fox this morning saying he'd like to wind it up this year, if the Obama administration stop hiding the documents. Hope he's not holding his breath.

. You Watch Faux News, You Have Lost all Validity... My god who watches that Diatribe of Foolishness.

The New York Times is headlining some of the stories mentioned along with several major media sources ... Do you have any other thing to say on the subject or do you prefer to just blabber on about news sources... ?

. President Hillary Clinton, Get Used To It...
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You sound like a Fox Anchor.

How about quotes from the actual report:

Their exoneration of the White House was sweeping and nearly absolute. So sweeping that I want to quote directly from the report's summary, rather than paraphrasing it. Here it is:

  • The Committee first concludes that the CIA ensured sufficient security for CIA facilities in Benghazi....Appropriate U.S. personnel made reasonable tactical decisions that night, and the Committee found no evidence that there was either a stand down order or a denial of available air support....

  • Second, the Committee finds that there was no intelligence failure prior to the attacks. In the months prior, the IC provided intelligence about previous attacks and the increased threat environment in Benghazi, but the IC did not have specific, tactical warning of the September 11 attacks.

  • Third, the Committee finds that a mixed group of individuals, including those affiliated with Al Qa'ida, participated in the attacks....

  • Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate....There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke)....

  • Fifth, the Committee finds that the process used to generate the talking points HPSCI asked for—and which were used for Ambassador Rice's public appearances—was flawed....

  • Finally, the Committee found no evidence that any officer was intimidated, wrongly forced to sign a nondisclosure agreement or otherwise kept from speaking to Congress, or polygraphed because of their presence in Benghazi. The Committee also found no evidence that the CIA conducted unauthorized activities in Benghazi and no evidence that the IC shipped arms to Syria.

So ALL of those Fox News LIES that you keep clinging on to have been debunked by your own party.

The report is there for you to read.

Feel free to come back to me if you want to contradict any of the above.

This is another fake scandal, I'm sure you'll get over it after the election.

1. The Executive Summary puts out their mission objective in the opening paragraph:

"The nearly two-year investigation focused on the activities of the Intelligence Community ("IC") before, during and after the attacks."

2. Your comment concerning the adequate security the CIA provided for the CIA facility is not really pertinent to the attack. The attack on the Ambassador was undertaken at the largely unprotected US Consulate...NOT the CIA facility. The State Department was responsible for security at the Consulate, where two of the murders took place.

The CIA facility was never breached by the attackers although two Americans lost their lives defending the facility.

3. The Executive summary makes the following reference to the State Department:

"The Committee, however, received evidence that the State Department security personnel, resources and equipment were unable to counter the terrorist threat that day and required CIA assistance."

4. The Committee report was exclusively dedicated to the actions of the Intelligence Community and did not investigate the actions of either the Administration or the State Department.

In short, there has been no exoneration of anybody from the Administration or State Department.

This Congressional Investigation did not target either entity and it certainly did not exonerate them.

RepresentativeTrey Gowdy is leading the current Congressional Investigation into the role of the Administration and State Department.

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