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Hat Yai immigration - Registration of alien report

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Sorry, if this is in the wrong forum, Its only relevant to Songkhla province residents. Mod's feel free to move.

On Thursday, I dropped into pick up a certificate of residence from HY immigration to register my bike, its not too hard, something I have done several times since October '14.

I have a multi-entry Non-O.

I was shoo'd away from the counter to the Information Technology Centre !! promptly to find it was a lunch room, one girl led me back out to the counter, took all my documents, she knew the procedure and informed me that the person who signs the papers wasn't in today, took all my paperwork and told me to come back the next day at 10.30. I was really impressed, no more conversations through the little window with the guy who always seems to shout at me.

I get to immigration the next day at 11.30, the girls out to lunch and she finally shows up at 1.30 - I then find out she has done nothing with my request and starts collecting papers. She then appears half an hour later and tells me that i haven't reported my whereabouts since I entered the country, nearly 3 months so there will be a fine and shows me a picture of me entering Thailand that the border guys take.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, so I got the "English speaking helper" to help the girl explain, and yes, I owe immigration 800B for failing to tell them of my whereabouts.

I did know of this rule, but I didnt know it was ever enforced. I don't know how the fine was calculated. I told them that I have been into collect 3x residents certificates within the last 8 months and no one had mentioned anything about this registration, never a question and was told, the reason is because we have a new girl in charge of these things. I asked if we could forget about the fine, and then finally for a discount and I will comply in the future. lol

In the end I payed up, even still they wanted my wife, who is a nursery nurse, to come to the office to sign the fine receipt !! Even after I payed, they still didnt explain what the procedure is or when Im next to check in, or even if im checked in at all. I didnt complete any more forms to declare myself.

So, warning, if you are an alien on a multi-entry visa, register yourself at an address with immigration.

Edited by recom273
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I assume they wanted you to complete a TM28 form. It is in the immigration act. But as you said not normally enforced.

Once should be enough if you don't move. If you did a TM28 you should of gotten the receipt for doing it that is on the bottom of the form. Just keep it to show later if needed.

The official maximum fine is 2000 baht so 800 baht was fair.

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I assume they wanted you to complete a TM28 form. It is in the immigration act. But as you said not normally enforced.

Once should be enough if you don't move. If you did a TM28 you should of gotten the receipt for doing it that is on the bottom of the form. Just keep it to show later if needed.

The official maximum fine is 2000 baht so 800 baht was fair.

Nope .. I didnt complete a TM28, I just got fined.

I thought I needed to check in every 90 days ? Within 48 hours of arriving in the country or something.

Anyway, I will send the wife in on Monday to see if we can stop this happening in the future, theres no reason to give these clowns any more money for the sake of filling in a form.

They seemed to infer it was my wives fault or the landlords - Laughably, they were demanding she drop everything at work and attended the office, I just paid the fine on my wives behalf and I signed her name in Thai.

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I would be inclined to proactively submit the T.M. 30 on your wife's behalf, to make sure that you are properly registered: http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/download/pdf/tm30.pdf

Doing that should net you an official receipt of notification (basically a tear-off of the bottom half of the first page of the T.M. 30). Or, alternatively a refusal to accept the form from you because it's already been done (in which case you really should have received the official receipt of notification). Either way you should have nipped further problems in the bud.

Might not be necessary, but no one ever lost their pants by wearing a belt and suspenders.

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If you are living in your wife's house they may want your wife to submit the form TM.30

Sure - Now, I have read the form, I have to take the form within 24 hours of arriving in the country - As i'm on a multi-entry non-O then technically I should complete this form every time I leave and depart ?

Also, we live in rented accommodation, should the landlords signature be on this or is it just another piece of paper that no one actually cares about after it has been logged into the computer.

The experience was quite an eye opener, my A4 immigration report had a scan of my passport, the picture that the border staff take, my address that I wrote on my TM6, visa number and there was a blank box where the details of my reported abode should be and a lot else ..

I will send her down on Monday to find out.

... Either way you should have nipped further problems in the bud.

Might not be necessary, but no one ever lost their pants by wearing a belt and suspenders.

Exactly, thanks for the link - I will take this to the computer, add my details and run a couple of years supply off and file them for later use.

If your organised and equipped in Thailand is no need to give any of these outfit's any money.

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Section 37 Para 5 of the Immigration Act reads;

If the alien stays in the Kingdom longer than 90 days, such alien must notify the competent official at the Immigration division, in writing, concerning his place of stay, as soon as possible upon expiration of ninety days.

The alien is required to do so every ninety days. Where there is an Immigration office, the alien may notify a competent official of that office.

In making notification under this Section, the alien may make notification in person or send a letter of notification to the competent official, in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the Director General.

I would say submit a TM30 (one off) and submit a TM28. At least you'll get a receipt as proof of address reporting.

Edited by Faz
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Section 37 Para 5 of the Immigration Act reads;

If the alien stays in the Kingdom longer than 90 days, such alien must notify the competent official at the Immigration division, in writing, concerning his place of stay, as soon as possible upon expiration of ninety days.

The alien is required to do so every ninety days. Where there is an Immigration office, the alien may notify a competent official of that office.

In making notification under this Section, the alien may make notification in person or send a letter of notification to the competent official, in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the Director General.

I would say submit a TM30 (one off) and submit a TM28. At least you'll get a receipt as proof of address reporting.

It sounds like you're mixing up the requirements for the 90 report which is done on the TM.47(or it was until the recent use of computer record keeping & internet reporting) and the different requirements for the TM.28 and TM.30

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Section 37 Para 5 of the Immigration Act reads;

If the alien stays in the Kingdom longer than 90 days, such alien must notify the competent official at the Immigration division, in writing, concerning his place of stay, as soon as possible upon expiration of ninety days.

The alien is required to do so every ninety days. Where there is an Immigration office, the alien may notify a competent official of that office.

In making notification under this Section, the alien may make notification in person or send a letter of notification to the competent official, in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the Director General.

I would say submit a TM30 (one off) and submit a TM28. At least you'll get a receipt as proof of address reporting.

It sounds like you're mixing up the requirements for the 90 report which is done on the TM.47(or it was until the recent use of computer record keeping & internet reporting) and the different requirements for the TM.28 and TM.30

No, I originally stated maybe a TM47, but after thought edited my post to a TM28.

The OP is on a multi entry Non O, so is never in Thailand beyond 90 days. He should never have to complete a TM 47

His problem was for not reporting his address after returning to Thailand.

She then appears half an hour later and tells me that i haven't reported my whereabouts since I entered the country, nearly 3 months so there will be a fine and shows me a picture of me entering Thailand that the border guys take.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, so I got the "English speaking helper" to help the girl explain, and yes, I owe immigration 800B for failing to tell them of my whereabouts.

Immigration are being pedantic in my opinion, but a TM28 is the only other form available to report an address and get a receipt.

Other than the above section I quoted of the Immigration Act and your quite correct it is really about 90 day reporting, but I fail to see any other part of the Act that would apply.

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"tells me that i haven't reported my whereabouts since I entered the country, nearly 3 months so there will be a fine"

​Assuming that you have not changed your address since your last entry, and the address used for the certificate of residence is the same as the address you gave on the arrival card, then they must be fining you because nobody submitted a TM30 to comply with section 38 of the immigration act.

Immigration Act

Section 38 : The house – master , the owner or the possessor of the residence , or the hotel manager where the alien , receiving permission to stay temporary in the Kingdom has stayed , must notify the competent official of the Immigration Office located in the same area with that hours , dwelling place or hotel, within 24 hours from the time of arrival of the alien concerned.

Section 4 : “ House Master ” means any persons who is the chief possessor of a house , whether in the capacity of owner , tenant , or in any other capacity whatsoever , in accordance with the law on people act.

Section 77 : Whoever fails to comply with the provision of Section 38, shall be punished with a fine not exceeding 2,000 Baht. If said person is a hotel manager, he shall be punished with a fine from 2,000 Baht to 10,000 Baht.

"I don't know how the fine was calculated"

Basically, either you, your wife or your landlord must submit the TM30. If none of you do then any of you can be fined. I assume that because your wife had to sign the receipt that it is her that they fined. Not sure how they calculate the 800 baht but they could have charged up to 2,000 baht!

"As i'm on a multi-entry non-O then technically I should complete this form every time I leave and depart ?"

IMO yes, technically you should because every time you re-enter the permission to stay resets and section 38 applies. If you are going to need more residency certificates you might want to start otherwise they might fine you again.

What I object to is that immigration do not inform aliens, on entry, of this or any other requirements relating to the place they stay, so how can you comply with something you don't know about!

Thanks for posting. It's information people should know.

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Thanks for your post - It makes perfect sense to me, a term that another poster made - "pedantic"

So, It was always a bit confusing, the law was never enforced and technically I complete a TM6 with my proposed address in Thailand - Is this not reporting to the immigration service.

So, yes, I agree with you, by exiting the country I have pressed reset and re-enter the kingdom. In future, I will use the TM30 and and every time I enter drop down to the one-stop counter.

They did fine my wife as the immigration office led with the idea that my wife was the householder, it was easier to let then carry on than complicate matters, sometimes better to play the dumb expat and look like you are ready for deportation.

They expected me to pay for the house masters mistake, and I when I asked them to forget it ! but they wouldn't issue my certificate of residence.

EXACTLY !! Why do are multi-entry visa holders not given a slip of paper telling them of their duty - or even a TM30 on arrival and told to return this to the immigration office in their locality within 24 hours of reporting ? Especially, when I entered the border staff gave me a lecture about staying out of the country for 24 hours before re-entering ( something that isn't required ).

I always enter into Thailand after a days ride + shopping in Malaysia. I will mount my helmet camera on the chest mount and will ask the IO at the border if there is anything i need to do .. I bet he will say give me a smile, laugh and say 'main been rai'

"tells me that i haven't reported my whereabouts since I entered the country, nearly 3 months so there will be a fine"

​Assuming that you have not changed your address since your last entry, and the address used for the certificate of residence is the same as the address you gave on the arrival card, then they must be fining you because nobody submitted a TM30 to comply with section 38 of the immigration act.

Immigration Act

Section 38 : The house – master , the owner or the possessor of the residence , or the hotel manager where the alien , receiving permission to stay temporary in the Kingdom has stayed , must notify the competent official of the Immigration Office located in the same area with that hours , dwelling place or hotel, within 24 hours from the time of arrival of the alien concerned.

Section 4 : “ House Master ” means any persons who is the chief possessor of a house , whether in the capacity of owner , tenant , or in any other capacity whatsoever , in accordance with the law on people act.

Section 77 : Whoever fails to comply with the provision of Section 38, shall be punished with a fine not exceeding 2,000 Baht. If said person is a hotel manager, he shall be punished with a fine from 2,000 Baht to 10,000 Baht.

"I don't know how the fine was calculated"

Basically, either you, your wife or your landlord must submit the TM30. If none of you do then any of you can be fined. I assume that because your wife had to sign the receipt that it is her that they fined. Not sure how they calculate the 800 baht but they could have charged up to 2,000 baht!

"As i'm on a multi-entry non-O then technically I should complete this form every time I leave and depart ?"

IMO yes, technically you should because every time you re-enter the permission to stay resets and section 38 applies. If you are going to need more residency certificates you might want to start otherwise they might fine you again.

What I object to is that immigration do not inform aliens, on entry, of this or any other requirements relating to the place they stay, so how can you comply with something you don't know about!

Thanks for posting. It's information people should know.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I found the receipt that I was issued by immigration, and sure enough - 800B for failure to report my whereabouts with 24 hours of entering the country - a word for word translation.

So I came back from a burn round Malaysia, and headed straight to the immigration office with the prepared paper.

Pretty much, just had the expected.

First - Straight to the "One stop" counter -

"ahh, hello - you again! What can I do for you" and I handed over the TM30 - that I had printed off from the helpful link above.

"Why bring this - What is it ?"

"Well last time I came in you told me I hadn't reported my address and fined me 800B, so I thought this time I would"

"I don't know" she asks the cleaner, the cleaner doesnt know and says "Well, it all depends on the visa you have - go over there"

"Look, unofficial government Thai helper lady, it says on this form in English and Thai that i have to report my address"

"OK, go over there"

Boom! theres the one-stop service gone.

A hatch opens and #1 girl takes the form, looks puzzled and asks where the tabian baan and ID card are ..

"Well, it doesnt really mention it on the form, and last time you fined me 800B, they weren't needed."

"Go get them"

Back 20 mins later, same queue - I show the rude ignorant guy with glasses the forms "mia roo" and throws them back at me.

"Where to then ?"


OK - So thats 3 stops already.

The one stop woman says, go back to rude ignorant man, I tell her he's just sent me to her.

She takes the forms, takes them to #1 girl who's busy doing paperwork.

Returns then fills the form in, asks to see my passport, looks at the cover - doesnt open it - then hands it back.

She then says ok, thanks - "err, can you complete the receipt on the bottom and give back to me ?"

She completes the info, then I point out to her she should write my TM6 and details on the other blank sheet, but its OK, I printed it on the back of the TM30 form and competed all the details and my wives already signed it.

"Tham tii nai"

"Tham ti baan" and I headed out the door.

So, yeah - total waste of time - it was like I was the first person who had ever done this before - the only reason is to apply for another cert-res in August. After that no need to bother them.

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A royal pain indeed...don't you just wish Thais living in the west went through this type of run around...

I am Thai !

Name me one "Western" country that I can enter "visa exempt" or with an EASILY obtained 1000 Bht tourist visa

I rather fancy the USA or the UK

Answers and Details please ! smile.png

Edited by nzexpat
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Certainly not the UK or USA bah.gif

Maybe a Schengen Visa for a Thai citizen married to an EU citizen would be the easiest, least administrative and cheapest option available to visit 26 EU Countries, but even then the UK isn't one of them.

Hoops, balls, swings, clean underwear, patience and plenty of cash to get through UK Immigration policies.

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Certainly not the UK or USA bah.gif

Maybe a Schengen Visa for a Thai citizen married to an EU citizen would be the easiest, least administrative and cheapest option available to visit 26 EU Countries, but even then the UK isn't one of them.

Hoops, balls, swings, clean underwear, patience and plenty of cash to get through UK Immigration policies.

Single , unmarried Western "persons" can enter Thailand with little or no formality .

I demand equal treatment !

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Recom273, I saw reports from members about Hat Yay being a bit funny about this address report a year ago but it was the TM.28 they wanted, not the TM.30. It would be the "house master" from whom they would want the TM.30

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I found the receipt that I was issued by immigration, and sure enough - 800B for failure to report my whereabouts with 24 hours of entering the country - a word for word translation.

So I came back from a burn round Malaysia, and headed straight to the immigration office with the prepared paper.

Pretty much, just had the expected.

First - Straight to the "One stop" counter -

"ahh, hello - you again! What can I do for you" and I handed over the TM30 - that I had printed off from the helpful link above.

"Why bring this - What is it ?"

"Well last time I came in you told me I hadn't reported my address and fined me 800B, so I thought this time I would"

"I don't know" she asks the cleaner, the cleaner doesnt know and says "Well, it all depends on the visa you have - go over there"

"Look, unofficial government Thai helper lady, it says on this form in English and Thai that i have to report my address"

"OK, go over there"

Boom! theres the one-stop service gone.

A hatch opens and #1 girl takes the form, looks puzzled and asks where the tabian baan and ID card are ..

"Well, it doesnt really mention it on the form, and last time you fined me 800B, they weren't needed."

"Go get them"

Back 20 mins later, same queue - I show the rude ignorant guy with glasses the forms "mia roo" and throws them back at me.

"Where to then ?"


OK - So thats 3 stops already.

The one stop woman says, go back to rude ignorant man, I tell her he's just sent me to her.

She takes the forms, takes them to #1 girl who's busy doing paperwork.

Returns then fills the form in, asks to see my passport, looks at the cover - doesnt open it - then hands it back.

She then says ok, thanks - "err, can you complete the receipt on the bottom and give back to me ?"

She completes the info, then I point out to her she should write my TM6 and details on the other blank sheet, but its OK, I printed it on the back of the TM30 form and competed all the details and my wives already signed it.

"Tham tii nai"

"Tham ti baan" and I headed out the door.

So, yeah - total waste of time - it was like I was the first person who had ever done this before - the only reason is to apply for another cert-res in August. After that no need to bother them.

Seems the poster is an expert in Hyperbole !

" "I don't know" she asks the cleaner, the cleaner doesnt know and says "Well, it all depends on the visa you have - go over there"

"Look, unofficial government Thai helper lady"
Really ?
Total BS ?
Anecdote which can never be proved ?
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She then appears half an hour later and tells me that i haven't reported my whereabouts since I entered the country, nearly 3 months so there will be a fine and shows me a picture of me entering Thailand that the border guys take.

I did know of this rule, but I didnt know it was ever enforced.

It is not a rule it is the law under the Immigration Act.

There is a requirement to report you residence when entering Thailand using the TM6 Arrivals card.

There is then a requirement for the House Master where an alien takes residence to notify your residence to Immigration within 24 hours.

Section 38 : The house – master , the owner or the possessor of the residence , or the hotel manager where the alien , receiving permission to stay temporary in the Kingdom has stayed , must notify the competent official of the Immigration Office located in the same area with that hours , dwelling place or hotel, within 24 hours from the time of arrival of the alien concerned. If there is no Immigration Office located in that area , the local police official for that area must be notified. In case the house , dwelling place , or hotel where the alien has stayed under provision of Para.1 is located within the Bangkok area , such notification must be reported to the competent official at the Immigration Division. Making notification , in reference to the Para 1 and 2 of this Section , must comply with regulations prescribed by the Director General.

Section 4 : In this Act :

“ Alien” means any person who is not of Thai nationality under the nationality Act.

“ House Master ” means any persons who is the chief possessor of a house , whether in the capacity of owner , tenant , or in any other capacity whatsoever , in accordance with the law on people act.

Section 37 : An alien having received a temporary entry permit into the Kingdom must comply with the following :

2. Shall stay at the place as indicated to the competent official. Where there is proper reason that he cannot stay at the place as indicated to the competent official, he shall notify the competent official of the change in residence , within 24 hours from the time of removing to said place.

3. Shall notify the police official of the local police station where such alien resides, within twenty – four hours from the time of arrival. In the case of change in residence in which new residence is not located the same area with the former police stations , such alien must notify the police official of the police station for that area within twenty – four hours from the time of arrival.

You stated you were on a multi entry Visa and you crossed the border.

I presume you completed a new TM6 on each crossing, but you failed to supply a TM30 each time you entered.

Again according to the Immigration website: Notification of Residence of Foreigners.

According to section 38 of the 1979 immigration act, "House owners, heads of household, landlords or managers of hotels who accommodate foreign nationals on a temporary basis who stay in the kingdom legally, must notify the local immigration authorities within 24 hours from the time of arrival of the foreign national." If there is no immigration office in the province or locality of the respective house or hotel, the notification is made to the local police station. In Bangkok the notification is made to the Immigration Bureau. The notification of residence of foreign nationals is made by the manager of licensed hotels according to the hotel act, owners of guesthouses, mansions, apartments and rented houses using the form TM. 30.

The notification of residence of foreign nationals within 24 hours can be made in a number of ways to make the notification as convenient as possible:

  • In person at the respective office, or
  • Through an authorised person at the respective office, or
  • By registered mail, or
  • Via internet

Please fill in all requested information according to the foreign national's passport, as often arriving passengers do not fill in the correct data on the arrival card. The form can be typed or handwritten in clear block letters. Leave a space between name, middle name, and surname.

  • If the passport number is preceded or followed by a letter, fill in the letter too.
  • Write the arrival card number (TM. 6) in the respective field. The arrival card is stapled into the passport. Both letters and numbers of the arrival card number must be filled in.
  • Arrival date means the date of arrival in Thailand. Date of accommodation must be filled in on the front page of the notification sheet.

After the officer in charge has verified the information on the notification sheet (TM. 30), he accepts the notification and hands over the lower part of the form to the person making the notification. This part must be kept for further checking.

Your wife had to sign the form because she is the Housemaster in your particular circumstances and the fine actually appertained to her failure to complete the TM30.

Because you leave the Country this process should be repeated each time you enter according to the law.

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Your wife had to sign the form because she is the Housemaster in your particular circumstances and the fine actually appertained to her failure to complete the TM30.

Because you leave the Country this process should be repeated each time you enter according to the law.

Where does it say that in the immigration act. There is nothing that says the report would have to be done every time the alien leaves the residence including leaving the country. Once is enough until the alien moves to another residence.

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I find this situation to be strange. Up until April 28, 2015 for the previous 15 months I was on a Multi Entry 'O' Visa - but not for marriage. I made 4 mandatory Exits and Rentries during that time - and of course always filled out a Departure Card. Once I visited local immigration to file for a Certificate of Residence - thinking I was going to buy a motorcycle. Nothing was said about not filing 48 hours after any of the 2 prior exits and reentries. I paid 200 Baht - an unofficial charge, When I went to apply for my Extension of Stay based on Retirement in late April 2015 everything went well - nothing was said about not filing any notice of address 48 hours about entering on the 4 Entries I made in the prior 15 months. During that time I was under the impression that passing through Border Immigration was all that was required along with a proper Departure Card.

Reading this OP makes we wonder - did I just get lucky or is their a difference in not being married? The Non Imm Multi "O" status would seem to be identical - having to exit and reenter every 90 days .... so ???

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Recom273, I saw reports from members about Hat Yay being a bit funny about this address report a year ago but it was the TM.28 they wanted, not the TM.30. It would be the "house master" from whom they would want the TM.30

Cheers - they don't know what they want, this is the first time they mentioned it in 7 years or various extensions and visits to the office.

I took the TM.30 on behalf of the housemaster,my wife who completed the form ( as we established that the responsible person on the contract is the house master ) they didn't complain or question it.

This all came about because I applied for a cert-res, and was fined. This current stamp/TM.30 will expire on the 15th August and I must apply for another cert-res on the 9th August to get a 5-year driving licence.

So we will see what happens on this occasion and if I need to submit at TM.28 in the future.

Thanks for the help tho'

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Seems the poster is an expert in Hyperbole !

" "I don't know" she asks the cleaner, the cleaner doesnt know and says "Well, it all depends on the visa you have - go over there"

"Look, unofficial government Thai helper lady"

Really ?

Total BS ?

Anecdote which can never be proved ?

You seem a bit full of yourself ?

Have you nothing better to do than troll posts here ?

Everyone of your posts in this forum your calling someone out and I for one, have never seen a constructive post from you.

Go get a hobby, enjoy life.

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Your wife had to sign the form because she is the Housemaster in your particular circumstances and the fine actually appertained to her failure to complete the TM30.

Because you leave the Country this process should be repeated each time you enter according to the law.

Where does it say that in the immigration act. There is nothing that says the report would have to be done every time the alien leaves the residence including leaving the country. Once is enough until the alien moves to another residence.

Section 39. After having received permission for temporary entry into the Kingdom, if the alien leaves the Kingdom, it is considered that his temporary entry permit has expired

Section 37. An alien having received a temporary entry permit to enter the Kingdom must comply with the following.......................

Section 38. The Housemaster, the owner or the possessor, or hotel manager where the alien, receiving permission to stay temporarily in the Kingdom has stayed, must notify a competent official of the Immigration Office .............................................

According to the OP.

I have a multi-entry Non-O.

She then appears half an hour later and tells me that i haven't reported my whereabouts since I entered the country, nearly 3 months so there will be a fine and shows me a picture of me entering Thailand that the border guys take.

By leaving Thailand his current 90 day permission to stay expires and on re-entry he receives a new permit (or stamp) for another 90 days.

The OP can only complete a TM6 on entry as to his place of residence and much of section 37 is irrelevant to the OP, but section 38 will still apply to the Housemaster.

The fine was for the fact that his whereabouts hadn't been reported since he re-entered Thailand.

The OP presumably completed a new TM6 and that was the only requirement he had to fulfil.

The Housemaster however didn't report his presence at her address.

I believe the form his wife had to sign was indeed a TM30.

You are twisting around various clauses to fit your opinion. The phrase " permission to stay temporarily in the Kingdom" is used throughout the act to define that it does not apply to permanent residents.

Section is 38 is the only one that applies. There is nothing that says it must be made every time a person returns home.

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You are twisting around various clauses to fit your opinion. The phrase " permission to stay temporarily in the Kingdom" is used throughout the act to define that it does not apply to permanent residents.

Section 39. After having received permission for temporary entry into the Kingdom, if the alien leaves the Kingdom, it is considered that his temporary entry permit has expired

Section 37. An alien having received a temporary entry permit to enter the Kingdom must comply with the following.......................

Section 38. The Housemaster, the owner or the possessor, or hotel manager where the alien, receiving permission to stay temporarily in the Kingdom has stayed, must notify a competent official of the Immigration Office .............................................

According to the OP.

I have a multi-entry Non-O.

She then appears half an hour later and tells me that i haven't reported my whereabouts since I entered the country, nearly 3 months so there will be a fine and shows me a picture of me entering Thailand that the border guys take.

By leaving Thailand his current 90 day permission to stay expires and on re-entry he receives a new permit (or stamp) for another 90 days.

The OP can only complete a TM6 on entry as to his place of residence and much of section 37 is irrelevant to the OP, but section 38 will still apply to the Housemaster.

The fine was for the fact that his whereabouts hadn't been reported since he re-entered Thailand.

The OP presumably completed a new TM6 and that was the only requirement he had to fulfil.

The Housemaster however didn't report his presence at her address.

I believe the form his wife had to sign was indeed a TM30.

Section is 38 is the only one that applies. There is nothing that says it must be made every time a person returns home.

I fail to see how I can twist any of the clauses around.........they all apply.

Chapter 4 of the Immigrant Act Temporary Stay in the Kingdom.

Section 34 to 39 inclusive apply to us all regardless of Visa status or extensions. (PR status exempted)

Parts 1 and 2 of Section 37, still apply to the OP's circumstances. 3,4,5 are irrelevant in his case.

There is nothing that says it must be made every time a person returns home.

The fact he has a wife and permanent home is irrelevant. He didn't just leave his home, he left the Country.

He was granted a new 'temporary permission stay in the Kingdom'.

He therefore took up a new residence (albeit the same residence)

Section 38. The Housemaster etc,etc, must notify the Immigrantion of an alien receiving permission to stay temporarily in the Kingdom

taking up residence.

On extensions we don't receive a 'new' permission to stay, our permission is extended.

Leaving the Country means you receive a 'new' permission to stay and you therefore trigger ALL the requirements again.

This new girl at Immigration was very keen and sharp and I believe used the law above as a failure for the housemaster to report his address and subsequently had his wife complete a TM30 and fined for not reporting the address of an alien who had received a new permission of stay.

My opinion is based on the facts given by the OP and the laws within the Immigration Act.

If you have a different opinion of the situation Joe I'd look forward to reading it as this is an interested debate and possibly the first I've heard of a Housemaster being fined.

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