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Between ciggies, beer and car (services/tyres etc not included) Iam at 1400b per day.

Daily food for me and the missus as well as the sunday shop at Foodland comes in at Bt800 per day.

Rent, Electric and water comes in at 700b per day.

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For the two of us i average about less than 600 baht a day. This includes house rental, meals, travel, hotel, gas for bike, misc. Totally possible and it is a good life. Learning to speak Thai can save you a great deal of money.

How would learning to speak Thai reduce my rent/electric/water/shopping at foodland/car repayments etc etc etc ?


about 3400 baht a day ,son in university , so have to support him in a condo in bkk,plus everything else ,i have no included what my wife earns


I meant as far a shopping at a market or small shop. Besides it helps lessen rip offs . The Thai understands your not a typical stupid foreigner being pulled around like a water buffalo by your bar girl girlfriend.

For the two of us i average about less than 600 baht a day. This includes house rental, meals, travel, hotel, gas for bike, misc. Totally possible and it is a good life. Learning to speak Thai can save you a great deal of money.

How would learning to speak Thai reduce my rent/electric/water/shopping at foodland/car repayments etc etc etc ?

about 3400 baht a day ,son in university , so have to support him in a condo in bkk,plus everything else ,i have not included what my wife earns ,this covers all expenses plus running our car .


Average 8 bottles of beer a day500ml,at 65 b+ about a pack of smokes a day,about 610 b,cannot really calculate food into it as i do a shop probably every 2 months at Makro,maybe 4000b for food,but sometimes i go to the local tesco,it would probably be around 800 to a thousand a day.


For the two of us i average about less than 600 baht a day. This includes house rental, meals, travel, hotel, gas for bike, misc. Totally possible and it is a good life. Learning to speak Thai can save you a great deal of money.

How would learning to speak Thai reduce my rent/electric/water/shopping at foodland/car repayments etc etc etc ?

I meant as far a shopping at a market or small shop. Besides it helps lessen rip offs . The Thai understands your not a typical stupid foreigner being pulled around like a water buffalo by your bar girl girlfriend.

Yeah I rarely do markets or small shops so that does not really affect me, saying that Iam not an idiot and have a fair idea of what prices are so when I feel a stooging attempt I simply walk away.

Good to hear you learnt Thai to avoid the locals seeing you as a buffalo being led around by your bar girlfriend, great idea.


My living expenses for myself and the family are 800 Baht a day.

My personal spending (fun money) can be anything from 0 to 3,000 Baht a day, depending upon whether I am staying at home, out with the family, or out to play with my friends.


Do not drink or smoke. have a very good relationship with awesome girlfriend ... (So no extra curricular expenses)

I would say about 1,000 a day for good lunch, dinner and massage.


50 baht for fried rice ? yikes

5 - 600 a day on average.

That would include my 110 Baht breakfast, 4 or 5 large beers at 60 Baht each and a packet of ciggies. Sometimes I even go overboard and buy American fried rice @ 50 Baht!

Other days, depending on where I go or what I need maybe 1,000 Baht. My needs are simple and the g/f only ever drinks one beer when (if) I take her out laugh.png

So expensive !!

But chicken fried rice if I am feeling like a cheapo laugh.png


Well now that i am back in the land of the free...$100-150/day depending on mood of wife. that is taking into consideration i am making 30x more money. Must say living on $12/dayin Thailand makes me shudder. Also surprisingly costs are about even with the one big exception being a place to live.

To the OP i see people scrapping by just like you only the weather is better in Thailand. So if you have no goals, ambition, or a desire for a better lifestyle, hang out in Thailand. Life here for the less motivated can be terrible.


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Well now that i am back in the land of the free...$100-150/day depending on mood of wife. that is taking into consideration i am making 30x more money. Must say living on $12/dayin Thailand makes me shudder. Also surprisingly costs are about even with the one big exception being a place to live.
To the OP i see people scrapping by just like you only the weather is better in Thailand. So if you have no goals, ambition, or a desire for a better lifestyle, hang out in Thailand. Life here for the less motivated can be terrible.

So where did you go back to? I thought you were American until you mentioned land of the free and I realised you cant be


Around THB1.5m per year. Fortunately house is mine and the car and motorbikes are paid for or it would be a lot more.

Same Same but i give half of that away, because i am a lovely person


a question i cant answer, some days 10k thb, some days nothing.

today about 2000 baht, after fixed expenses


Add all the expenses and divide by 30. He asked for an average. Thats how you calculate averages.


a question i cant answer, some days 10k thb, some days nothing.

today about 2000 baht, after fixed expenses


Add all the expenses and divide by 30. He asked for an average. Thats how you calculate averages.

Can you explain how HooHaa spending some days 10k and some days 2k divided by 30 will give a daily average please.

Also even if a monthly total is known simply diving by30 is not an accurate method to get a daily average. you would multiply by 12 then divide by 365.


Nice to be travelling with a bunch of high rollers. I tend to be on the frugal side so my young wife can move on with some dignity after I snuff it. After I am gone she might get lucky and snag one of the moneyed gentry above.


the big problem

Fellas, comes when we swagger around like john Wayne impressing the GF(sic) with how far we can pi:: , then the money runs dry and the loyal honest gf has done a runner and you realise your balls were never that big to begin with !! Basically stop the pissing contest as it impresses no one other then your bar girl gf .


why are so many farangs obsessed with how much money it costs to live here? it seems like most only come here to be as tight as possible.

"oh if i eat over there i save 5bt" ......

oh if put extra large ice cubes in my chang i can make it last a month".......i was surrounded by them in pattaya and most of them are multi millionaires!

i put my hand in my pocket and spend,i never count it, i never sit round worrying about how to save another 20bt by washing my own socks.......and im very far from being wealthy.


Many on this site have seen it, done it and ticked it off. It seems rather sad to me therefore to be counting pennies each day at this stage in our lives.


120 bahts a day.


fuel for scooter


total around 4000 bahts a month

I never have more than 200 bahts in my pocket really. if you have more, you need to come back to basic and forget your lazy western lifestyle a little. you will lose weight and you will feel free.

it s a win win situation, you will be a better person and in your next life you will get more.(this is my VIP advice)


120 bahts a day.


fuel for scooter


total around 4000 bahts a month

I never have more than 200 bahts in my pocket really. if you have more, you need to come back to basic and forget your lazy western lifestyle a little. you will lose weight and you will feel free.

it s a win win situation, you will be a better person and in your next life you will get more.(this is my VIP advice)

Standard mantra from broke foreigners who couldn't make it their own country.


Why does immigration need the proof of 800.000 baht for a retirement visa?

So easy to have a good and happy life for a lot less in Thailand.

I'd guess, i) if they have to save your life in hospital, or fine you in court, they'd like there to be money, and ii) they want to select people who have resources, even if they can't make you spend it (as the old Eastern bloc did with compulsory daily money changing), because they assume that - given time - you will start spending.


120 bahts a day.


fuel for scooter


total around 4000 bahts a month

I never have more than 200 bahts in my pocket really. if you have more, you need to come back to basic and forget your lazy western lifestyle a little. you will lose weight and you will feel free.

it s a win win situation, you will be a better person and in your next life you will get more.(this is my VIP advice)

Standard mantra from broke foreigners who couldn't make it their own country.

Is that necessarily the case? I mean, there are lot's of people who don't read books, couldn't write one if their life depended on it, and so all that they have as a self-understanding is, "Went to.....I bought......I went to.....I bought.....Then I went to....I bought..."

I probably save 80% of my income in the UK. I've just finished reading the biography of the mathematician Simon Phillips Norton.

It might sound flippant, but it's a serious question. Take two groups. i) Foreigners who could live on little in Thailand. ii) Foreigners who couldn't live on little in Thailand. What do you think the level of educational attainment would be in the two groups? If someone is single and has no real responsibilities, and absolutely couldn't live in Thailand on 15,000 baht a month, what do you think their answer would be to the following question: "How many pull-ups can you manage, and what was the last book you read?" smile.png

Mega workout, stuff face in food court, re-read Martin Amis's London Fields - it doesn't cost much.

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