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Holiday Traffic Nightmare!


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While you are sitting at that red light, wherever you are in Thailand, and you see the light turn green, start to count one thousand and one, one thousand and two, etc and see how many one thousands and you get to before you see the car in front of you move. Take that number and then multiply it by the number of cars that get though the intersection and you will have a guide to just how few cars are going to get through the intersection here in Thailand

Go out to the Land Transport Department and watch the number of people that have to take the "reaction test" twice because they don't put on the brakes or accelerate in the allotted time

Add one more variable and that is the number of piggy people that when they see traffic at a light feel that they are entitled to pull into the far left lane to get through the light because of the mai pen rai certainty that someone will let them back in once the light changes

These two factors multiplied by the number of cars on the road is why the traffic is so miserable. Yes. the infrastructure is poor, but the quality of drivers is what causes the most problems

It's people like you who wait at red lights who are the problem.


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While you are sitting at that red light, wherever you are in Thailand, and you see the light turn green, start to count one thousand and one, one thousand and two, etc and see how many one thousands and you get to before you see the car in front of you move. Take that number and then multiply it by the number of cars that get though the intersection and you will have a guide to just how few cars are going to get through the intersection here in Thailand

Go out to the Land Transport Department and watch the number of people that have to take the "reaction test" twice because they don't put on the brakes or accelerate in the allotted time

Add one more variable and that is the number of piggy people that when they see traffic at a light feel that they are entitled to pull into the far left lane to get through the light because of the mai pen rai certainty that someone will let them back in once the light changes

These two factors multiplied by the number of cars on the road is why the traffic is so miserable. Yes. the infrastructure is poor, but the quality of drivers is what causes the most problems

Absolutely on the money with that. KittenKong mentioned the same point about moving on the green yesterday. No question about that, and the points you mentioned, being a major problem. The "extra lanes" at turns thing REALLY pisses me off! That's one situation that the police could and should easily eliminate with a presence and fines!

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And let's not forget the idiot who can't wait behind you at a U turn but insists that his rightful place is on your left, blocking your line of sight of on coming traffic, not to mention preventing you from getting into the left lane that is usually the reason for the U turn in the first place

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The traffic along Thappraya/Jomtien 2nd Road seemed worse than ever last night. It looked like the jam was as far back as the new AD Condo, and from there presumably all the way to Pattaya. Luckily I was on foot.


What happened?

Just congestion or was there an accident or something?

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For that reason I don't have a car here in Pattaya. smile.png

Luckily i have"loads of money" and richer than you ,so i can sit in air conditioned splendour while you either sit sweating in the back of a baht bus , risk death on a motorbike or wear yourself out covered in sweat walking along beach road being accosted by Indians trying to sell you a suit or being told how handsom you are

ime only joking ,you do know that thumbsup.gif sweaty!!!biggrin.png

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For that reason I don't have a car here in Pattaya. smile.png

Luckily i have"loads of money" and richer than you ,so i can sit in air conditioned splendour while you either sit sweating in the back of a baht bus , risk death on a motorbike or wear yourself out covered in sweat walking along beach road being accosted by Indians trying to sell you a suit or being told how handsom you are

ime only joking ,you do know that thumbsup.gif sweaty!!!biggrin.png

I like being told how handsome I am! Gets better and better every year as I age! LOL

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For that reason I don't have a car here in Pattaya. smile.png

Luckily i have"loads of money" and richer than you ,so i can sit in air conditioned splendour while you either sit sweating in the back of a baht bus , risk death on a motorbike or wear yourself out covered in sweat walking along beach road being accosted by Indians trying to sell you a suit or being told how handsom you are

ime only joking ,you do know that thumbsup.gif sweaty!!!biggrin.png

I like being told how handsome I am! Gets better and better every year as I age! LOL

These days ,its only the wife who tells me that. but then she has to ,to keep me happy in my old age.biggrin.png

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The traffic along Thappraya/Jomtien 2nd Road seemed worse than ever last night. It looked like the jam was as far back as the new AD Condo, and from there presumably all the way to Pattaya. Luckily I was on foot.


What happened?

Just congestion or was there an accident or something?

Seconds road to top of hill out of jomtien

No accident

17:30- 20:15 and more , Jam packed with traffic. as I saw it last night.

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And let's not forget the idiot who can't wait behind you at a U turn but insists that his rightful place is on your left, blocking your line of sight of on coming traffic, not to mention preventing you from getting into the left lane that is usually the reason for the U turn in the first place

Why should everyone all que up behind you and block the road? If everyone ques to your left then when there is an opening in traffic EVERYONE can easily make their way out at once. When the person to your left goes you are free to go out an move to the left. If you can't manage that maneuver then maybe you shouldn't be driving.

All of this is dependent on the U turn intersection but the ones I que on the left have plenty of room for cars and since I'm 99% more likely to pull out first I que furthest to the left.

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And let's not forget the idiot who can't wait behind you at a U turn but insists that his rightful place is on your left, blocking your line of sight of on coming traffic, not to mention preventing you from getting into the left lane that is usually the reason for the U turn in the first place

Why should everyone all que up behind you and block the road? If everyone ques to your left then when there is an opening in traffic EVERYONE can easily make their way out at once. When the person to your left goes you are free to go out an move to the left. If you can't manage that maneuver then maybe you shouldn't be driving.

All of this is dependent on the U turn intersection but the ones I que on the left have plenty of room for cars and since I'm 99% more likely to pull out first I que furthest to the left.

The typical "Me first" attitude which is the major reason why there is this traffic mess in Thailand.

Try it on with me and I assure you that you will not move on first.

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I love the ones who pass you on the left on the shoulder just to get a few cars ahead. Which totally screws up the traffic. What's worse is when it's a huge bus! Very dangerous....and very inconsiderate.

Easy to prevent.

This morning when I drove into Pattaya right on the bridge over the railway the queue started, and cars were passing on the left, but where the entrance from the railway road enters the highway there are plastic poles, so all cars have to go to the right again thereby blocking traffic on that lane.

I just put my truck with 2 wheels little over the border line, so no car is able to pass on the left because of lack of space. Let them get wild behind you, I'm deaf.

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And let's not forget the idiot who can't wait behind you at a U turn but insists that his rightful place is on your left, blocking your line of sight of on coming traffic, not to mention preventing you from getting into the left lane that is usually the reason for the U turn in the first place

Why should everyone all que up behind you and block the road? If everyone ques to your left then when there is an opening in traffic EVERYONE can easily make their way out at once. When the person to your left goes you are free to go out an move to the left. If you can't manage that maneuver then maybe you shouldn't be driving.

All of this is dependent on the U turn intersection but the ones I que on the left have plenty of room for cars and since I'm 99% more likely to pull out first I que furthest to the left.

Because they block my view and could cause me to have an accident. Plus, many will just make a tight right turn as you can't see to turn and pull out ahead of you. Plus, I'd bet it's illegal. Get into an accident and your insurance might have to pay up.

At the Thepprasit junction (and many others), they block the thru lanes, causing even more problems.

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When are you all going to learn - on w/ends (especially long holiday w/ends) stay out of Pattaya and never take the car out.

Simple wai2.gif

Unfortunately, I've got quite a few friends who work during the week. Weekends are the only time they can go out! sad.png

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While you are sitting at that red light, wherever you are in Thailand, and you see the light turn green, start to count one thousand and one, one thousand and two, etc and see how many one thousands and you get to before you see the car in front of you move. Take that number and then multiply it by the number of cars that get though the intersection and you will have a guide to just how few cars are going to get through the intersection here in Thailand

Go out to the Land Transport Department and watch the number of people that have to take the "reaction test" twice because they don't put on the brakes or accelerate in the allotted time

Add one more variable and that is the number of piggy people that when they see traffic at a light feel that they are entitled to pull into the far left lane to get through the light because of the mai pen rai certainty that someone will let them back in once the light changes

These two factors multiplied by the number of cars on the road is why the traffic is so miserable. Yes. the infrastructure is poor, but the quality of drivers is what causes the most problems

Absolutely on the money with that. KittenKong mentioned the same point about moving on the green yesterday. No question about that, and the points you mentioned, being a major problem. The "extra lanes" at turns thing REALLY pisses me off! That's one situation that the police could and should easily eliminate with a presence and fines!

I am one of those annoyances at the front of the queue who, when the light turning green, waits maybe... one-thousand, two-thousand, three-thousand... before moving off. Over the past dozen years, that has resulted in my avoiding well over 100 potentially fatal, high-speed, t-bone style accidents due to the 'other driver', typically in much larger vehicle with many more wheels, ignoring the flashing amber and the... one-thousand, two-thousand, three-thousand... red light.

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When are you all going to learn - on w/ends (especially long holiday w/ends) stay out of Pattaya and never take the car out.

Simple wai2.gif

I work fulltime. Are you suggesting I sit at home on the weekends and take annual leave during the week so that I can go and buy my groceries and perform any other chores I need to do ?

Edited by Don Mega
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And let's not forget the idiot who can't wait behind you at a U turn but insists that his rightful place is on your left, blocking your line of sight of on coming traffic, not to mention preventing you from getting into the left lane that is usually the reason for the U turn in the first place

Why should everyone all que up behind you and block the road? If everyone ques to your left then when there is an opening in traffic EVERYONE can easily make their way out at once. When the person to your left goes you are free to go out an move to the left. If you can't manage that maneuver then maybe you shouldn't be driving.

All of this is dependent on the U turn intersection but the ones I que on the left have plenty of room for cars and since I'm 99% more likely to pull out first I que furthest to the left.

Because they block my view and could cause me to have an accident. Plus, many will just make a tight right turn as you can't see to turn and pull out ahead of you. Plus, I'd bet it's illegal. Get into an accident and your insurance might have to pay up.

At the Thepprasit junction (and many others), they block the thru lanes, causing even more problems.

I find it incredible that anyone is ignorant enough to acknowledge such driving behavior! There is a reason why the roads are MARKED for a single lane to make u-turns, you JERK! In addition to the totally valid points made by other posters, when you, and others, queue up to the left of the cars in the legal u-turn lane, you block the traffic that is trying to legally drive through that intersection. I am infuriated by anyone who feels that rules, signs, and road markings have no place in their lives. Damn selfish anarchists!! ... The right turn from Suk onto Khao Talo is a spot infamous for this "make a new lane" behavior. Khao Talo has only ONE LANE going east. So the cars in that "screw the rules" lane have to cut off the drivers who are making a legal turn. This, of course, means that other drivers who are obeying the rules, and are queued up in the legal turn lane, will miss the light change because of the cluster flick in front of them caused by you JERKS who think you have a right to ignore the law!! NOBODY who is to my left when making that turn gets in front of me!!! There should regularly be a cop at that intersection to fine everyone in that illegal lane.

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Seriously people. I don't sit at the light and count the seconds till I move. I am talking about how long it takes for the drivers in front of me to react and start moving because they are either texting, applying make up, changing the song on the radio / CD player or something else that has nothing to do with safe driving. Some what similar to seeing a lighting flash and then counting till you hear the
thunder to determine how far away it was . When I am first in line I will move as soon as the light turns green and it is safe to do so

And if you block my view of oncoming traffic at a U turn because your so special that you can't wait, don't be surprised if I hit you because I am watching out for traffic coming at me, not you sneaking up on my blind spot

Edited by Langsuan Man
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The 'red means drive faster than ever' mentality here makes even Australian red light runners look like boy scouts out working on a new merit badge. It really is quite spectacular to see just how stupid some of the drivers here are on a light that has been solid red for several seconds by the time they barrel into the intersection with absolutely no hope of stopping even if there was a woman in a wheelchair and two others with prams trying to cross - I've seen unsuspecting tourists repeatedly caught out by these idiots at the intersection of Second Road and Klang.

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While you are sitting at that red light, wherever you are in Thailand, and you see the light turn green, start to count one thousand and one, one thousand and two, etc and see how many one thousands and you get to before you see the car in front of you move. Take that number and then multiply it by the number of cars that get though the intersection and you will have a guide to just how few cars are going to get through the intersection here in Thailand

Go out to the Land Transport Department and watch the number of people that have to take the "reaction test" twice because they don't put on the brakes or accelerate in the allotted time

Add one more variable and that is the number of piggy people that when they see traffic at a light feel that they are entitled to pull into the far left lane to get through the light because of the mai pen rai certainty that someone will let them back in once the light changes

These two factors multiplied by the number of cars on the road is why the traffic is so miserable. Yes. the infrastructure is poor, but the quality of drivers is what causes the most problems

Absolutely on the money with that. KittenKong mentioned the same point about moving on the green yesterday. No question about that, and the points you mentioned, being a major problem. The "extra lanes" at turns thing REALLY pisses me off! That's one situation that the police could and should easily eliminate with a presence and fines!

I am one of those annoyances at the front of the queue who, when the light turning green, waits maybe... one-thousand, two-thousand, three-thousand... before moving off. Over the past dozen years, that has resulted in my avoiding well over 100 potentially fatal, high-speed, t-bone style accidents due to the 'other driver', typically in much larger vehicle with many more wheels, ignoring the flashing amber and the... one-thousand, two-thousand, three-thousand... red light.

I have to respectfully disagree with you here. The fairly obvious response to this is that the proper procedure is to look to right and left before accelerating, then accelerate quickly to the legal speed limit. It's equally foolish to either jump into the intersection without checking traffic in both directions; or to sit and wait for 3 seconds before proceeding. And, again, when you move, MOVE. Most Thai drivers, as KittenKong said yesterday, just creep into the intersection (and beyond), accelerating no faster than I can walk.

Now let me add on the "reverse logic" of Thai traffic management for motorbikes. In the USA, when a motorcyle moves in front of you, don't worry about it. It will be long gone in front of you by the time you reach cruising speed. Here, most motorbikes travel more slowly than most cars. So, when dozens of them creep up in front of cars, the movement of that lane when the light changes is very slow. Once across the intersection, the cars then have to navigate around the damn motorbikes, which are all moving more slowly. Motorbikes should either remain in a lane beside cars; or queue up in the same lane, with no greater priority than cars. ... Thai "traffic management" furthers this problem by actually marking some intersections with a section for motorbikes in front of where cars must stop. INSANITY!

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What encourages red light jumpers is that at many cross sections in Pattaya the far left lane is allowed to continue when red. This in it self is already a life threatening situation created by the government, but of course the cars in the lane next to the far left lane also will go straight through.

The intercity buses are the worst offenders. I have yet to see one that stops for a red traffic light.

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What encourages red light jumpers is that at many cross sections in Pattaya the far left lane is allowed to continue when red. This in it self is already a life threatening situation created by the government, but of course the cars in the lane next to the far left lane also will go straight through.

The intercity buses are the worst offenders. I have yet to see one that stops for a red traffic light.

I disagree with that, Anthony. Left turn on red helps keep traffic flowing ... when done SAFELY. The problem here is that so many drivers don't know how to make such a turn safely. The worst offenders are, without a doubt, motorbikes. They rarely look to their right when making a left turn into moving cross traffic. And, of course, they frequently make such a turn inside a car that is legally making a left turn. Infuriating and dangerous.

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My dream job here in Pattaya would be to put in full command of traffic control, including command of traffic police, for 6 months. I guarantee you that life on the road would be easier for everyone at the end of that period ... if I wasn't assassinated by the anarchists first. :-)

It's really very simple. Use the media to prominently display the rules; and warn of penalties for failing to obey them. Then strictly enforce the traffic laws, signs, and road markings; imposing painful fines for violations.

Regrets to the many falangs who come to Pattaya because they deeply hate authority, and prefer anarchy. The rest of us would, I believe, prefer the safety and peace of mind of living in a respectful and orderly society.

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What encourages red light jumpers is that at many cross sections in Pattaya the far left lane is allowed to continue when red. This in it self is already a life threatening situation created by the government, but of course the cars in the lane next to the far left lane also will go straight through.

The intercity buses are the worst offenders. I have yet to see one that stops for a red traffic light.

I disagree with that, Anthony. Left turn on red helps keep traffic flowing ... when done SAFELY. The problem here is that so many drivers don't know how to make such a turn safely. The worst offenders are, without a doubt, motorbikes. They rarely look to their right when making a left turn into moving cross traffic. And, of course, they frequently make such a turn inside a car that is legally making a left turn. Infuriating and dangerous.

You should read my post again as I wasn't talking about left turns, in fact left turns are not allowed lately at most traffic red lights. I am talking about the traffic lights on Sukhumvit where the left lane can go straight when red.

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What encourages red light jumpers is that at many cross sections in Pattaya the far left lane is allowed to continue when red. This in it self is already a life threatening situation created by the government, but of course the cars in the lane next to the far left lane also will go straight through.

The intercity buses are the worst offenders. I have yet to see one that stops for a red traffic light.

I disagree with that, Anthony. Left turn on red helps keep traffic flowing ... when done SAFELY. The problem here is that so many drivers don't know how to make such a turn safely. The worst offenders are, without a doubt, motorbikes. They rarely look to their right when making a left turn into moving cross traffic. And, of course, they frequently make such a turn inside a car that is legally making a left turn. Infuriating and dangerous.

You should read my post again as I wasn't talking about left turns, in fact left turns are not allowed lately at most traffic red lights. I am talking about the traffic lights on Sukhumvit where the left lane can go straight when red.

Apologies, Anthony! You're right on the left lane through traffic. BAD idea!

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I have to respectfully disagree with you here. The fairly obvious response to this is that the proper procedure is to look to right and left before accelerating, then accelerate quickly to the legal speed limit. It's equally foolish to either jump into the intersection without checking traffic in both directions; or to sit and wait for 3 seconds before proceeding. And, again, when you move, MOVE. Most Thai drivers, as KittenKong said yesterday, just creep into the intersection (and beyond), accelerating no faster than I can walk.

Now let me add on the "reverse logic" of Thai traffic management for motorbikes. In the USA, when a motorcyle moves in front of you, don't worry about it. It will be long gone in front of you by the time you reach cruising speed. Here, most motorbikes travel more slowly than most cars. So, when dozens of them creep up in front of cars, the movement of that lane when the light changes is very slow. Once across the intersection, the cars then have to navigate around the damn motorbikes, which are all moving more slowly. Motorbikes should either remain in a lane beside cars; or queue up in the same lane, with no greater priority than cars. ... Thai "traffic management" furthers this problem by actually marking some intersections with a section for motorbikes in front of where cars must stop. INSANITY!

Well pat, I respectfully thought that you would but never mind. Maybe you were blessing me with the local's dire habits of buggering about with phones or squeezing zits and stuff when the lights change such as Langsuan suggests? So, keeping in mind that like yourself, I did get a drivers license in a country where driving tests were only passed when you showed ability and proficiency and like yourself, I have driven 'all over the world'; even if I did first look left right and left (like the Americans) or left and right (like the UK and Thailand) as soon as the light turned green, there would STILL be some <deleted> barreling through, well after THEIR red light has been on. Thus there is no way to "accelerate quickly to the legal speed limit" without wearing another bit of another persons vehicle or motorbike. Pulling away promptly AND SAFELY on a green light isn't really possible at any of the light-controlled intersections in Pattaya because of people ignoring their own ambers and reds. In fact, with the locals penchant for running their red lights, it is rather dangerous.

What encourages red light jumpers is that at many cross sections in Pattaya the far left lane is allowed to continue when red. This in it self is already a life threatening situation created by the government, but of course the cars in the lane next to the far left lane also will go straight through.

The intercity buses are the worst offenders. I have yet to see one that stops for a red traffic light.

I think there's only 4 such intersections and they are (were) on Sukhumvit at SSCC headed north, Sukhumvit at Klang headed south and (possibly) Sukhumvit at Theprasit headed south and (possibly) Sukhumvit at Kaotalo headed north. That's the only ones I recall with the nearside lane, straight ahead solid-line markings because they are staggered t-junctions. I know that there are plenty clowns that treat the likes of the Highway 7 exit onto Sukhumvit the same way as the SSCC junction but the lane markings don't allow this (no solid line on the nearside). That in itself makes turning into the PTT station at that junction all a bit hairy especially when another arse on a bike decides he wants to undertake (LOL) you so he can get down to Klang quicker.

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Look right, look left, look right again is when crossing a road where the traffic drives on the left. The procedure is reversed when traffic drives on the right. Kinda obvious I'd have thought - especially to people who claim to have driven all over the world.

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And let's not forget the idiot who can't wait behind you at a U turn but insists that his rightful place is on your left, blocking your line of sight of on coming traffic, not to mention preventing you from getting into the left lane that is usually the reason for the U turn in the first place

Why should everyone all que up behind you and block the road? If everyone ques to your left then when there is an opening in traffic EVERYONE can easily make their way out at once. When the person to your left goes you are free to go out an move to the left. If you can't manage that maneuver then maybe you shouldn't be driving.

All of this is dependent on the U turn intersection but the ones I que on the left have plenty of room for cars and since I'm 99% more likely to pull out first I que furthest to the left.

The typical "Me first" attitude which is the major reason why there is this traffic mess in Thailand.

Try it on with me and I assure you that you will not move on first.

It has to do with the fact that the average driver will wait until every car on the road clears out before they are willing to merge onto a multi lane road. If any of the drivers ahead of me knew how to merge I would wait my turn.

To date I am the only driver I have ever seen who has used the merge lane in a u turn maneuver.

By the way as I stated before I only do this in intersections where many cars can que side by side. I'm not going to block the u turn lane next to one car.

So to your point about trying it on you... What do you plan on doing? Going to block all lanes of traffic to prove your point? Going to get out of your truck and threaten violence? Sounds like you have a great attitude for thailand. Good luck with that.

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And let's not forget the idiot who can't wait behind you at a U turn but insists that his rightful place is on your left, blocking your line of sight of on coming traffic, not to mention preventing you from getting into the left lane that is usually the reason for the U turn in the first place

Why should everyone all que up behind you and block the road? If everyone ques to your left then when there is an opening in traffic EVERYONE can easily make their way out at once. When the person to your left goes you are free to go out an move to the left. If you can't manage that maneuver then maybe you shouldn't be driving.

All of this is dependent on the U turn intersection but the ones I que on the left have plenty of room for cars and since I'm 99% more likely to pull out first I que furthest to the left.

Because they block my view and could cause me to have an accident. Plus, many will just make a tight right turn as you can't see to turn and pull out ahead of you. Plus, I'd bet it's illegal. Get into an accident and your insurance might have to pay up.

At the Thepprasit junction (and many others), they block the thru lanes, causing even more problems.

Your points are valid. 95% of the drivers here don't even bother to think that way. I mainly am referring to on particular u turn near mum aroi on sukhumvit. If you sit in the que you are often in the right lane with traffic flying past ( because they don't have adequate space for people to que safety for the u turn. I make this u turn everyday and a lot of the time I go and no one else does. Vision blocked or not they would just sit there.

What you described on theprassit is a completely different problem. That is people crowding to turn right blocking thru lanes of traffic.

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