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Taxi driver fined for pretending car broke down to kick out passengers


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Excuse me for being a dim wit. What is the purpose of kicking out your fare. One would think, as long as the meter is ticking over, the driver is making money. What advantage does he gain by dropping his client short of their destination.

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It's got absolutely nothing to do with speaking thai or not. It's about providing a service to the public whereby the passenger is taken to his destination as required.

It's about authorities providing the necessary personal capable and able to communicate with the public should that service be considered less than adequate.

Edited by steven100
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Easiest way to get a joyful ride is to learn a couple of Isarn phrases.

Pathetic the complaints from those rich enough to be flying internationally.

These guys earn less than £20 for a 12 hour shift. Can you really begrudge them try to make £2 more of a jet setter?

These guys earn earn £20 + on a single round trip. And 300 Baht is NOT £2 and is more than 100% increase in price. By your ''logic'' next time I land at Heathrow I should be willing to pay double because I'm ''well off'' and the cabbies aren't?

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If I bitched and moaned as much as a Bangkok taxi driver, I'd be fired from my job. These guys are a bunch of pussies.

I live in Rangsit and you have no idea how many countless times I had been assigned to taxis from Suvarnabhumi Airport to Rangsit and all I here is complaints and crying about how much traffic there is there, in one case, one taxi driver tried even acting sick and he started driving a no more than 50 kmh after he previously was complaining how far I lived and how he will not be able to get a costumer on his return. I finally had it and told him that will report him after I took all of his details and all of sudden he was well again and finally got home.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I know the type. I had "the gasper" take me at Morchit in the metered taxi queue. All he did for 10 minutes before I finally told him to turn on the radio and shut his mouth was sigh and moan about the traffic he was going to enter. And the ironic thing was that traffic wasn't particularly bad that day. He just didn't want to use his meter. A few jiggles of the door handle got his attention. What is it with these knobs? I don't particularly enjoy every aspect of my job, but when the chips are down, I do the bit I don't enjoy because I'm an adult.

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We had this before with a taxi driver in Egypt. He tol dus the price was a litlle more up because we have the taxi just for the two of is, so we accept. After about one kilometer, he stop fot two other people to let them also in the taxi. When he was just driven away i cold the touristpolice and tell them wat the taxi driver was doing. About 5 minuten later the touristpolice stop the car, take the driverslicence from the cab driver, locked all the Doors and tell him that he have to go to the policy station, the waiting for him over there. First they bring us to our distanation for free.

So immidetly call the policy in the same situation in Thailand and make pictures as much If you can from the car, the driver etc.

But 500 Bath to pais much to much to LOW

if you are living in Thailand I advice you to be very careful to start taking pictures, many drivers have a short fuse and modt of them have some kind of weapon in their taxi. If you want to go into discussion, do it the Thai way, smile and make your point. If nothing helps walj away.

yes and always always lick his arse on the way out after giving him a 1000 baht tip.
what a rude remark. Go ahead, next time you are confronted with a driver in a bad mood go for it, yell at him and make him loose face. I will read the outcome in the newspaper :)
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I speak Thai but what on earth is Met Hair?

I'll take a guess: tangled hair resulting from the updraft from a metro stairwell?

555 .. yeah, i know.... That was my feeble attempt to try and get this guy to just say "meter"

As you well know, meter, computer, power, and similar words have the accent in the wrong place.

So, if you actually said "meet-hair" ... you would be specking lovely pigeon English.

Hey I tried right?


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We had this before with a taxi driver in Egypt. He tol dus the price was a litlle more up because we have the taxi just for the two of is, so we accept. After about one kilometer, he stop fot two other people to let them also in the taxi. When he was just driven away i cold the touristpolice and tell them wat the taxi driver was doing. About 5 minuten later the touristpolice stop the car, take the driverslicence from the cab driver, locked all the Doors and tell him that he have to go to the policy station, the waiting for him over there. First they bring us to our distanation for free.

So immidetly call the policy in the same situation in Thailand and make pictures as much If you can from the car, the driver etc.

But 500 Bath to pais much to much to LOW

if you are living in Thailand I advice you to be very careful to start taking pictures, many drivers have a short fuse and modt of them have some kind of weapon in their taxi. If you want to go into discussion, do it the Thai way, smile and make your point. If nothing helps walj away.

yes and always always lick his arse on the way out after giving him a 1000 baht tip.
what a rude remark. Go ahead, next time you are confronted with a driver in a bad mood go for it, yell at him and make him loose face. I will read the outcome in the newspaper smile.png

Exactly ... rude and stupid. I actually wonder if this guy lives in the Kingdom. When that new app came out to report on bad taxi drivers, I used it.

My GF and I got in a taxi, and he did not want to cross the bridge. I did my usual .. which is just sit there as if to say "I am not getting out of the cab." My GF said, "Let it go, we can get another taxi."

By then, he had already started driving. Then he started rattling on in Thai about how much this sucks.

I took out my phone and took a picture of his assigned number. OK, then he just lost it and pulled over. He and my GF had a long talk and the deal was "Delete the photo and I will drive you."

I said sure, no problem. I did NOT delete the photo, and reported him.

My GF was like "Is it really worth this? Now he not only knows what building we live in, he can get your information from the complaint report if he pays tea money"

I gave that a lot of thought. i am not the taxi police. I rarely have any problems with taxis, and speak enough Thai that they get it ... I live here, know my way around, and really don't take a lot of crap from people.

So let me tell you. It is simply not worth it to get up in it with a Thai driver. They are at the wheel. They are local, you are not. They are surrounded by like minded drivers who will swarm you in a fight. They have little to lose and are often armed. (I drove taxi to get through college. I had two weapons in easy reach at all times .. so really get that)

You, have a lot to lose.

The trick is .. get it right before the taxi goes more than a block.

OK, the real trick is ... try and use the yellow and green taxis. They are privately owned. Then tip them. A lot of us do this, and over time, have trained these private owned, clean, air conditioned taxis, where the driver is the owner .. and it is his profession ... that if they pick up a Farang who speaks some Thai, we know the game, and if we make them go where it is hard to get another fare, will throw them some gas money to get back to where the action is.

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one of the rip-off taxi rank places is out-side soi cowboy. allways want 300 baht to take me home (fare to my condo is 50 baht) i just walk up to sukhumvit road get a taxi no problem, i always give 100, before i go out i put a 100 bill in my back pocket,

Why do you give 100 baht if the fare is 50 baht ?

Don't you think this will give a message to the taxi drivers?

Are you just trolling or are you really the unpleasant, self-centered know-it-all you come across as?

Wow I thought flaming was against forum rules. I've a good mind to report you.

Do you pay 100 baht for 50 baht things?

Report me if you want, but first tell me if you are trolling.

Where I come from, you can complain about bad service in English and you con't need to learn the "home"- language first!

As someone else pointed out, if you don't want to be a taxi- driver- con't become one!

How is it, that you have the absurd idea, that a taxi- driver is not "at your service", but should be able to decide willy-nilly, if and where he wants to go?

And if you must know: I tip taxi-drivers, if they are nice, welcoming and friendly!

Not 100% of the fare, but 20 Baht on top from time to time!

So: are you trolling?

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Ah, that wonderful figure rears its head again as a fantastic deterrent against wrongdoing of all kinds by all manner of Thais!

"500 BAHT"! But if I get caught dropping a cigarette butt, the fine is 2000 baht. Oh, sorry, I've just read the bit that says he

was disciplined as well! cheesy.gif "Naughty boy, now don't do that again!"? bah.gif

Edited by sambum
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Easiest way to get a joyful ride is to learn a couple of Isarn phrases.

Pathetic the complaints from those rich enough to be flying internationally.

These guys earn less than £20 for a 12 hour shift. Can you really begrudge them try to make £2 more of a jet setter?

These guys earn earn £20 + on a single round trip. And 300 Baht is NOT £2 and is more than 100% increase in price. By your ''logic'' next time I land at Heathrow I should be willing to pay double because I'm ''well off'' and the cabbies aren't?

Round trip to where?

I don;t know of any drivers who earn 20 quid a day - that's 30,000 a month! Most of them rent their cars for at least 1000baht a day.

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if you speak Thai you can stop them from ripping you off. couple of weeks ago i took a cab from Safari world to Victory Monument, The guy drove up north on Kanchabisek and turn back into Raminthra express way, rather than going straight on ram-inthra and getting on the express way. so i do a round trip and meter is already close to 200. if taken the proper route should not have been more than 50 bhat. so i asked him why he took the longer route. he said because there is traffic. i told him bullshit its a sunday and there wasn't any traffic and i showed him live traffic on google maps. and he was just about to stop the car in the motor-way and ask me to get out, so i took a picture of his taxi license and pretend to call the police. so he came off the express way and drop me off and i didn't give him a penny. he knows better he was wrong and i got his license. moral of the story is if they don't turn the meter on or goes on a longer route just don't pay. call their cab company the numbers are clearly displayed in the taxi's

Edited by DevZerO
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Easiest way to get a joyful ride is to learn a couple of Isarn phrases.

Pathetic the complaints from those rich enough to be flying internationally.

These guys earn less than £20 for a 12 hour shift. Can you really begrudge them try to make £2 more of a jet setter?

Can you really begrudge them try to make £2 more of a jet setter?

Emphatically, YES! Especially since he is being dishonest and discriminatory. I tip well for good service but I don't like my 'tip' secretly included in the bill. I spend plenty on the Thai economy and really don't like taxi drivers wanting to 'up' their share. It is my money, I earned it honestly, and I get to decide how to spend it and not some wily taxi driver looking to cheat me. Thailand is full of people who earn less than I and if I were to over-pay every one the same as you think I should over-pay taxi drivers, Thailand would become too expensive for my tastes; especially since I have to fly half-way around the world and then six more hours south to get here (27 hours travel time). You must be wealthy; I'm not. I work for a living and I don't try to weasel extra money from my clients, either. Why do you think it is OK to reward dishonest behavior?

Edited by rametindallas
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We had this before with a taxi driver in Egypt. He tol dus the price was a litlle more up because we have the taxi just for the two of is, so we accept. After about one kilometer, he stop fot two other people to let them also in the taxi. When he was just driven away i cold the touristpolice and tell them wat the taxi driver was doing. About 5 minuten later the touristpolice stop the car, take the driverslicence from the cab driver, locked all the Doors and tell him that he have to go to the policy station, the waiting for him over there. First they bring us to our distanation for free.

So immidetly call the policy in the same situation in Thailand and make pictures as much If you can from the car, the driver etc.

But 500 Bath to pais much to much to LOW

if you are living in Thailand I advice you to be very careful to start taking pictures, many drivers have a short fuse and modt of them have some kind of weapon in their taxi. If you want to go into discussion, do it the Thai way, smile and make your point. If nothing helps walj away.

yes and always always lick his arse on the way out after giving him a 1000 baht tip.
what a rude remark. Go ahead, next time you are confronted with a driver in a bad mood go for it, yell at him and make him loose face. I will read the outcome in the newspaper smile.png

Exactly ... rude and stupid. I actually wonder if this guy lives in the Kingdom. When that new app came out to report on bad taxi drivers, I used it.

My GF and I got in a taxi, and he did not want to cross the bridge. I did my usual .. which is just sit there as if to say "I am not getting out of the cab." My GF said, "Let it go, we can get another taxi."

By then, he had already started driving. Then he started rattling on in Thai about how much this sucks.

I took out my phone and took a picture of his assigned number. OK, then he just lost it and pulled over. He and my GF had a long talk and the deal was "Delete the photo and I will drive you."

I said sure, no problem. I did NOT delete the photo, and reported him.

My GF was like "Is it really worth this? Now he not only knows what building we live in, he can get your information from the complaint report if he pays tea money"

I gave that a lot of thought. i am not the taxi police. I rarely have any problems with taxis, and speak enough Thai that they get it ... I live here, know my way around, and really don't take a lot of crap from people.

So let me tell you. It is simply not worth it to get up in it with a Thai driver. They are at the wheel. They are local, you are not. They are surrounded by like minded drivers who will swarm you in a fight. They have little to lose and are often armed. (I drove taxi to get through college. I had two weapons in easy reach at all times .. so really get that)

You, have a lot to lose.

The trick is .. get it right before the taxi goes more than a block.

OK, the real trick is ... try and use the yellow and green taxis. They are privately owned. Then tip them. A lot of us do this, and over time, have trained these private owned, clean, air conditioned taxis, where the driver is the owner .. and it is his profession ... that if they pick up a Farang who speaks some Thai, we know the game, and if we make them go where it is hard to get another fare, will throw them some gas money to get back to where the action is.

you have a very good point on the yellow and green taxis, indeed they are privately owned. The rented taxis have one color. And yes it can be frustrating to back off knowing you are right but nothing is worth a fight, I mean a real fight and you don't see it coming. One moment they smile and the next you have a knife between your ribs. This doesn't mean you need to lick their arse (as one of our TV poets mentioned) but you have to watch out what you say and how you behave and try to make your point. If this doesn't work drop it.
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I only can repeat. Download the app to report bad taxi drivers and use that app. More people use that app, faster the bad ones will lose their license.

The app is called DLT check in.

By the way, its bilingual.

Links to app are here:


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If you have a smartphone, when you move off in the taxi, just take pictures of the meter, and his ID and taxi details.

It will show him you are not a sucker.

If only the 2 week millionaires grew some balls, and not pay double what it should be, maybe things would change.

I hear many comments on here about the failure of "2 week millionaires" failing to know the price of the journey. Who is telling them the right charge? How are they to know? Is it published at the airports?
Its called RESEARCH mate, google is definitely your friend if you have never been to a country you know nothing about....YouTube has many posts from people who are experienced, and pass on their knowledge to help others. Why should you even ask that?
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I only can repeat. Download the app to report bad taxi drivers and use that app. More people use that app, faster the bad ones will lose their license.

The app is called DLT check in.

By the way, its bilingual.

Links to app are here:


I tried to download but my Samsung Note 2 (Android version 4.4.2) did not qualify! Any assistance welcomed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just another joke on the Thai system, it fails, it breaks, and it does not work, that's why Thailand will always pedal backwards, which explains the IQ levels

What a disgusting racial comment.

When all you have left in your hand is the race card, it's time to fold 'em... "IQ levels" was a poor choice of words, but there is a dysfunctional cultural perspective at work that's holding the nation back, no question.

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