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Russian FM: Israel's new settlement plans negatively affect talks on Palestinian issue


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Israel's New Settlement Plans Negatively Affect Talks on Palestinian Issue
Russian Foreign Ministry said that Israel’s new plans on constructing new settlements in occupied Palestinian territory are having a negative effect on the stable negotiations process.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Israel’s new plans on constructing new settlements in occupied Palestinian territory are having a negative effect on the stable negotiations process with the Palestinian Authorities, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Friday.

“According to reports received, the Israeli authorities have approved the construction of around 900 housing units in the village of Ramat Shlomo [on the outskirts of East Jerusalem], which is on the Israeli-occupied territory of the West Bank.

Moscow confirms its principle position based on the corresponding resolutions of the international community on the illegal Israeli settlement activity on Palestinian territory,” the statement reads.

Source: http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20150508/1021861956.html

-- Sputnik 2015-05-08

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Sounds good to me as we know Israel can do no wrong because their lobbyists told us so. There again there are stories like this that are best ignored as an inconvenient truth:


I particularly liked this Israeli soldiers comment: “War crime is a big word,” he said in an interview at a Tel Aviv apartment Sunday. “I didn’t rape and kill anybody, but yeah, I shot at random civilian targets sometimes, just for fun, so yeah.”

This was also inspiring: among the actions described by the soldiers are "reducing Gaza neighborhoods to sand, firing artillery at random houses to avenge fallen comrades, shooting at innocent civilians because they were bored and watching armed drones attack a pair of women talking on cellphones because they were assumed to be Hamas scouts."

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Sounds good to me as we know Israel can do no wrong because their lobbyists told us so. There again there are stories like this that are best ignored as an inconvenient truth:


I particularly liked this Israeli soldiers comment: “War crime is a big word,” he said in an interview at a Tel Aviv apartment Sunday. “I didn’t rape and kill anybody, but yeah, I shot at random civilian targets sometimes, just for fun, so yeah.”

This was also inspiring: among the actions described by the soldiers are "reducing Gaza neighborhoods to sand, firing artillery at random houses to avenge fallen comrades, shooting at innocent civilians because they were bored and watching armed drones attack a pair of women talking on cellphones because they were assumed to be Hamas scouts."

There you go....Your hateful antisemitism ignores the FACT that he didn't rape and kill anybody as they do in Syria. HE DID NO RAPING!!! So he's good, isn't he.

Why don't you complain about ISIS huh?

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Trade, good governance and goodwill towards your neighbours is what makes a country successful. But any country that constantly invades its neighbours is ultimately doomed to constant threat to its citizens and becomes a country dictated by military might and repression. Russia and Israel seem to relish military imperialism and xenophobia. The time has come when large swathes of democratic countries will seek to distance themselves from these countries, both in trade and goodwill.

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Sounds good to me as we know Israel can do no wrong because their lobbyists told us so. There again there are stories like this that are best ignored as an inconvenient truth:


I particularly liked this Israeli soldiers comment: “War crime is a big word,” he said in an interview at a Tel Aviv apartment Sunday. “I didn’t rape and kill anybody, but yeah, I shot at random civilian targets sometimes, just for fun, so yeah.”

This was also inspiring: among the actions described by the soldiers are "reducing Gaza neighborhoods to sand, firing artillery at random houses to avenge fallen comrades, shooting at innocent civilians because they were bored and watching armed drones attack a pair of women talking on cellphones because they were assumed to be Hamas scouts."

There you go....Your hateful antisemitism ignores the FACT that he didn't rape and kill anybody as they do in Syria. HE DID NO RAPING!!! So he's good, isn't he.

Why don't you complain about ISIS huh?

No he isn't good if he did indeed fire at random civilian targets for fun. He should face a court martial.

The difference is I believe the IDF will discipline soldiers who misbehave and court martial those who break military law. I do not believe Hamas, ISIS, or any other terrorist organization will.

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The words Crimea an Ukraine and soon Moldova comes to mind when a Russian FM open his gob

lecturing to others about being in places they have no business being there,,,,

Agree almost 100%, except:

* Russian politics is off-center in ME like everywhere else - they have between 1 to 1.5 million Russian speaking Israelis of various nationalities. Yet Russia supports Arabs ("Palestinians"). Wonder if they know why?

* On the other hand we are all very lucky they are not coming to help and protect the "Russian speaking" population in both Gaza and Israel.

* Having lost substantial markets in Asia and ME on one hand and in view of their economic (production) difficulties they are taking care of smaller customers - Gaza Arabs?

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Moscow confirms its principle position based on continued shipping of weapons and munitions to the Asaad military so that it can decimate a rebellious population. If only Russia chose instead to send building materials.

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I know Israel has relations with Russia but am wondering how much the Israeli government would care about such critical words coming from Russia compared to similar words coming from the USA.

As far as disrupting negotiations.

What negotiations?

With what entity?

The Palestinians are divided.

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I know Israel has relations with Russia but am wondering how much the Israeli government would care about such critical words coming from Russia compared to similar words coming from the USA.

As far as disrupting negotiations.

What negotiations?

With what entity?

The Palestinians are divided.

Since when did Isreal care what the US says?

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I know Israel has relations with Russia but am wondering how much the Israeli government would care about such critical words coming from Russia compared to similar words coming from the USA.

As far as disrupting negotiations.

What negotiations?

With what entity?

The Palestinians are divided.

Since when did Isreal care what the US says?

It's all relative. I think the U.S. does have some limited leverage there, depending on the state of U.S-Israel relations, which are currently unusually bad.

As far as the recent statement from Russia, yes very similar statements have come from the U.S. over the years.

It is obviously true ... building more settlements there obviously does not advance the peace process. Also in breaking news, hot water is hot.

Edited by Jingthing
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There is no negotiation process and there has not been one for a while.

And when there was one , it was Palestinian demands with no concessions.

Yes, exactly, that's what I find weird about the statement. There are no negotiations now that I am aware of.

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I know Israel has relations with Russia but am wondering how much the Israeli government would care about such critical words coming from Russia compared to similar words coming from the USA.

As far as disrupting negotiations.

What negotiations?

With what entity?

The Palestinians are divided.

Since when did Isreal care what the US says?

Since they got weapons from them.

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I know Israel has relations with Russia but am wondering how much the Israeli government would care about such critical words coming from Russia compared to similar words coming from the USA.

As far as disrupting negotiations.

What negotiations?

With what entity?

The Palestinians are divided.

Since when did Isreal care what the US says?

Since they got weapons from them.

and 75% of the US overseas aid budget.

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It could be argued that Israel has wanted to take more aggressive action against Iran, and even though talking big about being willing to do it alone if called for, the reality is U.S. involvement would really be needed. On settlements, Israel knows the U.S. is against more settlements ... and no, that hasn't stopped Israel, but one could argue there would already be a lot MORE settlements without U.S. pressure against them.

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So....it's recognised as illegal activity almost everywhere except in Israel....so why is direct pressure not put upon these criminals?

They could try a UN resolution.


The U.N. is obsessed with demonizing Israel way out of balance to every other country. So nice try, no cigar.

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So....it's recognised as illegal activity almost everywhere except in Israel....so why is direct pressure not put upon these criminals?

They could try a UN resolution.


No....Whatever the UN says will be, as in the past, ignored by Israel because it has Big Daddy Uncle Sam with a veto on the UNSC...and rulings are useless without enforcement.

It actually comes down to the US making the right choice and NOT using it's power of veto. But lobby money speaks louder than morals.

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So....it's recognised as illegal activity almost everywhere except in Israel....so why is direct pressure not put upon these criminals?

They could try a UN resolution.


The U.N. is obsessed with demonizing Israel way out of balance to every other country. So nice try, no cigar.

It's this attitude (Negraponte) that is a big part of the problem. Integral.

An analogy could be found on Thailand's roads; Other people break the rules, so I should be able to also, and don't pull me over to give me a ticket, because you need to pull the others over first.

It's a fallacy that is never ending and circular.

The Syrians et al that you claim should be condemned could say the same thing..."Don't sanction us...look at Israel first ....while we continue to commit our crimes."

It really is a hollow and baseless argument, and is in reality no reason not to take action against a criminal element.

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No....Whatever the UN says will be, as in the past, ignored by Israel because it has Big Daddy Uncle Sam with a veto on the UNSC...and rulings are useless without enforcement.

Good. The UN are completely unfair to Israel and The US is enforcing justice.

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I know Israel has relations with Russia but am wondering how much the Israeli government would care about such critical words coming from Russia compared to similar words coming from the USA.

As far as disrupting negotiations.

What negotiations?

With what entity?

The Palestinians are divided.

Since when did Isreal care what the US says?

Since they got weapons from them.

and 75% of the US overseas aid budget.

Not only 'Palestinians' are divided - they are even not Palestinians.

There are no negotiations and there can be none. That is unless Israelis are prepared to lay down and die to please Arabs.

The situation with weapons is - Israel is self sufficient. It will not be long before it will be selling hi-tech weapons and components to the West.

As to American money - most of it comes from American Jews. The money from US Gov't aid budget goes back to US subsidizing their military complex.

Israelis need US support not more than US needs to support Israel. Alternative? Maybe US can start supporting ISIS? Everybody else they already tried with no dividends.

Speaking of Russians - they have tried the same and to no avail.

Edited by ABCer
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No....Whatever the UN says will be, as in the past, ignored by Israel because it has Big Daddy Uncle Sam with a veto on the UNSC...and rulings are useless without enforcement.

Good. The UN are completely unfair to Israel and The US is enforcing justice.

The real problem is not that UN is corrupt or unfair to Israel (though both statements are true).

The real problem is that UN has outlived its usefulness. It is not what it was. And it does not correspond to the original idea of UN.

UN of today is totally irrelevant.

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It is ironic to see the current Jewish situation. The Jewish suffered brutalities in WW11. After liberating/defeating Germany, the Allies gave the countries they overrun back to the owners. Russia, another country just as brutal as Germany during the war imposed their control over all countries they overrun. Israel now has adopted this Russian principle. Shame on Israel, shame on the US, shame on every country that sees Israeli land grabbing aggression. And don't talk about the UN. A hamstrung organisation that costs millions to support and delivers zip.

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Sounds good to me as we know Israel can do no wrong because their lobbyists told us so. There again there are stories like this that are best ignored as an inconvenient truth:


I particularly liked this Israeli soldiers comment: “War crime is a big word,” he said in an interview at a Tel Aviv apartment Sunday. “I didn’t rape and kill anybody, but yeah, I shot at random civilian targets sometimes, just for fun, so yeah.”

This was also inspiring: among the actions described by the soldiers are "reducing Gaza neighborhoods to sand, firing artillery at random houses to avenge fallen comrades, shooting at innocent civilians because they were bored and watching armed drones attack a pair of women talking on cellphones because they were assumed to be Hamas scouts."

There you go....Your hateful antisemitism ignores the FACT that he didn't rape and kill anybody as they do in Syria. HE DID NO RAPING!!! So he's good, isn't he.

Why don't you complain about ISIS huh?

No he isn't good if he did indeed fire at random civilian targets for fun. He should face a court martial.

The difference is I believe the IDF will discipline soldiers who misbehave and court martial those who break military law. I do not believe Hamas, ISIS, or any other terrorist organization will.

Here is 1 canditate for a court martial then:


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War crimes are committed during war by thugs. Israel has condoned the thuggery committed by their "soldiers"/ murderers. They should not compare the outrageous efforts of their enemy to them. Israel is supposed to be the upright, righteous civilised people in a sea of barbarity. Instead they have lowered themselves down below the enemy, they still vote in ultra right wing extremists that leave Hitler and his land grabbing morons wondering where they went wrong. To all of the international airlines that may fly over Israel. Beware, you may be shot down.

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War crimes are committed during war by thugs. Israel has condoned the thuggery committed by their "soldiers"/ murderers. They should not compare the outrageous efforts of their enemy to them. Israel is supposed to be the upright, righteous civilised people in a sea of barbarity. Instead they have lowered themselves down below the enemy, they still vote in ultra right wing extremists that leave Hitler and his land grabbing morons wondering where they went wrong. To all of the international airlines that may fly over Israel. Beware, you may be shot down.

It is well known that suggesting an equivalency of modern Israel to Nazi Germany is very nasty, extremely inflammatory, lying tactic. But you just stepped up that sick game, accusing Israel of being WORSE than Nazi Germany. Maybe you can apply for a free trip to Tehran?

As far as the BS item about the dangers of commercial airlines flying over Israel ... did you catch the news that a Saudi airplane landed in Tel Aviv the other day (even though there are no formal relations between Israel and Saudi)?

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