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Why are the prices of dairy products rising continuously? Almost weekly. The price of a 2,500 cc container of milk has risen to 91 Baht. Yoghurt is now 52 baht for a pack of 4. It was only 48 baht very recelty. It's the same for other locally made dairy products. Why? I assume that it is because CP provides feed for cows, and that the company is gouging the public again.

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One thing for sure the prices will never return to normal

when the drought is over,Milk is more expensive here than

in the UK, also expect the prices of imported food products

to increase now that the THB has lost some of its value,as

they seemed to be increasing regularly even when the THB

was very strong.

regards worgeordie


Eggs are about to go up as well due to the heat wave . The news said chooks are under stress.

OH NO!!!! not more expensive eggs again....Bloody Unions !!!! We gave the chooks a rise last year, what more do they want?...biggrin.png


Eggs are about to go up as well due to the heat wave . The news said chooks are under stress.

OH NO!!!! not more expensive eggs again....Bloody Unions !!!! We gave the chooks a rise last year, what more do they want?...biggrin.png

Its to be egg-spected gigglem.gif


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One thing for sure the prices will never return to normal

when the drought is over,Milk is more expensive here than

in the UK, also expect the prices of imported food products

to increase now that the THB has lost some of its value,as

they seemed to be increasing regularly even when the THB

was very strong.

regards worgeordie

Same as beer... In my home country much cheaper...


What an eggs- asperating reply, Charlie H. giggle.gif

Eggs are about to go up as well due to the heat wave . The news said chooks are under stress.

OH NO!!!! not more expensive eggs again....Bloody Unions !!!! We gave the chooks a rise last year, what more do they want?...biggrin.png

Its to be egg-spected gigglem.gif


Are you one of those people who complain about baht being too strong? Well if you are, let's just say when the baht gets weaker, prices of things go up, especially on imports.

Luckily I like LEO- not imported...


Are you one of those people who complain about baht being too strong? Well if you are, let's just say when the baht gets weaker, prices of things go up, especially on imports.

No, I'm not such a person. I'm not actually complaining about it, just asking if anyone has any thoughts about why? After all, it's made locally from local cows. I've lived here 31 years so far. I don't recall dairy products becoming more expensive continuously like this. I stopped buying yoghurt when it had gone up to 37 Baht for 4 cartons, and that wasn't that many months ago. Maybe 6-8 months. I can't remember. Now the price has risen about 40% to 52 Baht, and it hasn't stopped rising. A week ago it was 48 Baht. I rarely drink milk now because of the hormones and chemicals it contains anyway - just with coffee sometimes. The price of the 2,500 cc containers was about 70 Baht not so long ago. Maybe 6 months ago. Now it's 91 Baht. 10 days ago it was 89 Baht. If the Thai cost of living went up at this rate, there would be demonstrations - maybe not now with Section 44 though. CP is known for exploiting people, so I naturally assumed that this was CP doing it again.


Are you one of those people who complain about baht being too strong? Well if you are, let's just say when the baht gets weaker, prices of things go up, especially on imports.

No, I'm not such a person. I'm not actually complaining about it, just asking if anyone has any thoughts about why? After all, it's made locally from local cows. I've lived here 31 years so far. I don't recall dairy products becoming more expensive continuously like this. I stopped buying yoghurt when it had gone up to 37 Baht for 4 cartons, and that wasn't that many months ago. Maybe 6-8 months. I can't remember. Now the price has risen about 40% to 52 Baht, and it hasn't stopped rising. A week ago it was 48 Baht. I rarely drink milk now because of the hormones and chemicals it contains anyway - just with coffee sometimes. The price of the 2,500 cc containers was about 70 Baht not so long ago. Maybe 6 months ago. Now it's 91 Baht. 10 days ago it was 89 Baht. If the Thai cost of living went up at this rate, there would be demonstrations - maybe not now with Section 44 though. CP is known for exploiting people, so I naturally assumed that this was CP doing it again.

yes it is high inflation. However, comparing the yoghurt prices in USA , - about $2 for 4, I'd say that 52 baht in thailand is a cheap deal.


Are you one of those people who complain about baht being too strong? Well if you are, let's just say when the baht gets weaker, prices of things go up, especially on imports.

No, I'm not such a person. I'm not actually complaining about it, just asking if anyone has any thoughts about why? After all, it's made locally from local cows. I've lived here 31 years so far. I don't recall dairy products becoming more expensive continuously like this. I stopped buying yoghurt when it had gone up to 37 Baht for 4 cartons, and that wasn't that many months ago. Maybe 6-8 months. I can't remember. Now the price has risen about 40% to 52 Baht, and it hasn't stopped rising. A week ago it was 48 Baht. I rarely drink milk now because of the hormones and chemicals it contains anyway - just with coffee sometimes. The price of the 2,500 cc containers was about 70 Baht not so long ago. Maybe 6 months ago. Now it's 91 Baht. 10 days ago it was 89 Baht. If the Thai cost of living went up at this rate, there would be demonstrations - maybe not now with Section 44 though. CP is known for exploiting people, so I naturally assumed that this was CP doing it again.

Not sure where you are getting your price memories from.

Yoghurts were 48baht at some point earlier last year and I saw them at over 50 in Makro/Big C towards the end of the year - also depends on brand?

The smaller bottles of milk have been around 42 baht to 46 baht in the last year 18 months and last week when I bought 45 baht so yes I had noticed them increasing but not in the short time frames you mention.

With the reasons stated earlier in the thread seems fairly logical to me.


12.50 baht/200ml since they announced the price rise a while back. no change since then. thing that annoys me is the 50 satang in the change.


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Price of the milk I buy went up to 91/92 baht late last year as evidenced by this Thai Visa quote from December 23 2015, so if it has only gone up recently for some then you're fortunate to be shopping somewhere cheaper than the rest of us.

I noticed yesterday that a liter of milk in Foodland is 91.25 baht compared to 89.5 baht last week

That must have been a 2 litre bottle then.


In Thailand milk is only mass production, or? I never saw freerange cows with big......(what is the english word?)

Udders in the US. Dairy cows aren't free range. They are fed some grass because cows can convert that to protein and then milk. But they need extra protein and carbohydrates from sugars in the form of grain to produce a max amount of milk. There are also only a few breeds in the world that are considered milk cows due to production of milk to feed ratio.

They also, like a human, only come fresh when "with child" LOL and for a time after birth. There is a pretty good span of down time for them as a result. Dairy breeds give a lot more milk than is needed by a calf.


I do not agree with the OP .

Milk only went up once all the years that I've been living here. I used to pay 89 baht for Meiji milk , it's now 92 baht . So don't find that hard to accept really. Only 3 baht raise after 5 years.


In Thailand milk is only mass production, or? I never saw freerange cows with big......(what is the english word?)

Udders in the US. Dairy cows aren't free range. They are fed some grass because cows can convert that to protein and then milk. But they need extra protein and carbohydrates from sugars in the form of grain to produce a max amount of milk. There are also only a few breeds in the world that are considered milk cows due to production of milk to feed ratio.

They also, like a human, only come fresh when "with child" LOL and for a time after birth. There is a pretty good span of down time for them as a result. Dairy breeds give a lot more milk than is needed by a calf.

Well in Austria they are still partially. In the morning they go out for eating some grass. In the evening they go back and get some additional special food. I think soya.

I thought for a country like Thailand it would be great to have them free range....no winter, they convert grass into milk and produce meat with very little care.

(even not as much as low tech approach)


General Happiness has made it a requirement that all cattle in the country study "Cowness". Cattle self-criticism sessions are time-consuming, often not affording the participants sufficient leeway to be milked.

That is your answer.


It's simple a small group of companies like CP are taking huge profits, no competition, no organised consumers and most of them can even compare prices.

CP owns all steps in the chain from the animal food, feritlsers, etc. to the store where they sell the products and for example 100% made by CP processed meat like saussages are up to 3 times the price of similar products in premium supermarkets in Europe!

Thailand is robbed dry by a handfull of family conglommerates and as soon as the masses wake up, we've seen what happens...


It's simple a small group of companies like CP are taking huge profits, no competition, no organised consumers and most of them can even compare prices.

CP owns all steps in the chain from the animal food, feritlsers, etc. to the store where they sell the products and for example 100% made by CP processed meat like saussages are up to 3 times the price of similar products in premium supermarkets in Europe!

Thailand is robbed dry by a handfull of family conglommerates and as soon as the masses wake up, we've seen what happens...

Price must be high, because these families like CP must pay waste amounts of money to all the political parties (also the opposition and demonstrators...just in case)


Much of the pretty green grass you see in the Thai countryside is of very low nutrient value. And most of the high producing dairy breeds come from temperate, not tropical, climate so outside all day for those girls is a big No-no. A sunburned cow is highly stressed = little milk.

And making your own yogurt from dry powered milk is very simple, any child could do it. If you like to eat yogurt, learn to make your own, save bags of money and don't despoil the rubbish heap with throw-away plastic tubs from OZ, or UK.

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