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Marriage to hi so girl


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I find it amusing that typically bottom of the barrell guys in their home country seem to think they get so Hansum when they catch a plane that they are eligible for hi so society!!!!

I would love to marry taylor swift but its going to take another 6 zeros in my bank accountant and for all the stars allign 4 times over for her to even look at me

Are you suggesting women are in it only for the money?whistling.gif

A hi so farang woman wouldn't typically be interested in a lo so farang man. Hi so Thai women are no different.

agree with a possible exception; some are attracted to the young farang man that has a trendy, fashionable look that may resemble an artist or actor they are familiar with including university age guys.

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She and her family are not Hi-So.

If so, you'd be adding another one or two zeros to that sin sot amount.

He's going to start a business to support the new wife. Yeah right.

I think you and your kid are a little naive.

A sound Thai family will respect decisions prior to marriage.

PS: No foreigner in this country is married to Hi-So.

The first princess was married to an American for 20 years and lived there too. If that's not Hi-so married to a falang then what is...?

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A lot depends on how one defines "hi-so". Upper middle class? Wealthy? Filthy rich? Or the upper crust of the upper crust? I find a lot of foreigners are pretty casual with the term. Personally, I use it more as a way of describing one's appearance and tastes than their actual worth. Sometimes I used the term "hi-so wannabee." But I'll agree with 'Juice on this one: legit hi-so girls wouldn't be interested in a foreigner, and would probably be embarrassed to be seen with one. Unless your son is David Beckham or Adam Levine or something. Anyway, this is probably a middle-class girl we're talking about here. There's a fine line between honoring your partner's culture and getting taken for a ride. But as is the case in many situations here, I wouldn't proceed beyond anything that would be borderline ridiculous back home.

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She and her family are not Hi-So.

If so, you'd be adding another one or two zeros to that sin sot amount.

He's going to start a business to support the new wife. Yeah right.

I think you and your kid are a little naive.

A sound Thai family will respect decisions prior to marriage.

PS: No foreigner in this country is married to Hi-So.

The first princess was married to an American for 20 years and lived there too. If that's not Hi-so married to a falang then what is...?

When was that? And what was the general reaction? I sense TH has changed a bit in the last 20 to 30 years. Even in the last 5 to 10. I sense it might've been a little prestigious to have a foreigner bf/husband in the past. But there's enough people making big money in TH now. And the perception of foreigners seems to have degraded to the point that it's generally seen as a step down.

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She and her family are not Hi-So.

If so, you'd be adding another one or two zeros to that sin sot amount.

He's going to start a business to support the new wife. Yeah right.

I think you and your kid are a little naive.

A sound Thai family will respect decisions prior to marriage.

PS: No foreigner in this country is married to Hi-So.

The first princess was married to an American for 20 years and lived there too. If that's not Hi-so married to a falang then what is...?

Why do you guys keep bringing up this ONE exception-to-the-rule over and over again? Let's face facts: A Thai hi so girl will not be with a farang...with rare exceptions.

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I'm not really familiar with the practices of so-called hi-so ladies, so let me ask a question in that regard.

When they get tired of a farang husband, do they also have him beaten to death, cut up the body into pieces and then BBQ it?

Or, do they have their own special hi-so approach to dealing with those kinds of situations??? whistling.gif

Yeah that was a harsh end for that poor guy. Chained to a post and beaten to death..... :-( I would hope that the hiso Thai woman would chose a more human death such as a qualified hit man. That is the standard way business contracts are terminated here, I assume that a marriage to an actual hiso would take the form of a business contract.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have to laugh, that many farangs believe Thai girls with even the remotest of Chinese ancestry are Hi-so, especially considering probably the majority of Thai people have a Chinese ancestor in their family tree somewhere, including women of ill repute and the underclasses of Thai society.

Any decent middle to upper class Thai woman would never consider getting involved with a farang, in fact most Thais believe forming relationships with farangs is a step down the social ladder.

I think that if a farang has to buy his way into a relationship with a Thai woman, says a lot about the lack of amour propre regarding all parties concerned. Anyone willing to pay millions of bahts for the hand of a Thai woman, has to be a very sad individual indeed.

Most Thais most certainly do not have Chinese ancestors in their family. If they did, this probably wouldn't be a third world country. Any Chinese-Thai I've met (and there are many, purely on a professional basis I might add) are all diligent, intelligent, financially tuned in and ambitious.

Therefore, most Thais do not have Chinese ancestors.

No disrespect to you or the Thais intended.

Agh no disrespect to you but 40% Thai people part Chinese. wai2.gif
ethnic Thai 75%, Thai Chinese 14%, other 11%
approx 9,400,000
Thais of significant Chinese heritage (14% of the Thai population)[1]
up to 26,000,000
Thais of at least partly Chinese descent (around 40% of the Thai population) (2012)

Ah! some facts instead of opinions - very impressed thumbsup.gif

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I find it amusing that typically bottom of the barrell guys in their home country seem to think they get so Hansum when they catch a plane that they are eligible for hi so society!!!!

I would love to marry taylor swift but its going to take another 6 zeros in my bank accountant and for all the stars allign 4 times over for her to even look at me

Shakira declined my marriage proposal because although i can play guitar i can not sing.

I had a chance with Taylor but when I realised how tall she was I cancelled the date whistling.gif

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Marriage to a Hi-So girl should definitely be worth it. But chances of his girl being hi-so is slim to none.

2 million baht is chump change for your typical hi so. Add another zero to that then we can call it hi-so.

If I had the chance to marry an hi-so I'd definitely jump at the opportunity. You'll be pretty much set if you get marry into a hi-so family, the parents will shower you with gifts, you can use their connections etc etc

Pretty much a lavish lifestyle guaranteed forever.

Replace the words 'hi-so' with 'farang' in your post......sound familiar?

Unless you're completely taking the p155!

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Conflicting definitions of HI-So

# female friend uni grad working for multinational company says hi-so means anyone with a lot of money regardless of education or lack thereof.

# male friend working for major thai airline refers to hi-so also as those with high education example; doctor / lawyer

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Conflicting definitions of HI-So

# female friend uni grad working for multinational company says hi-so means anyone with a lot of money regardless of education or lack thereof.

# male friend working for major thai airline refers to hi-so also as those with high education example; doctor / lawyer

There should be no conflict, being a member of high society certainly does not require you to be educated.

( And getting into law/med school is expensivethumbsup.gif )

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Conflicting definitions of HI-So

# female friend uni grad working for multinational company says hi-so means anyone with a lot of money regardless of education or lack thereof.

# male friend working for major thai airline refers to hi-so also as those with high education example; doctor / lawyer

I go with the money. Thais think rich people are special.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Why does everyone here seem to think that thais having Chinese lineage is a good thing? I don't get it. Last I saw China is still a developing country, even after 5,000 years of culture. Famously responsible only for inventing chopsticks, their greatest achievements seem limited to copying other people's good work. They even had a copy of the iwatch before it was released. Australia has been settled for just over 200 years and is a far more advanced society than the Chinese.

Indeed a bunch of copycats, they even managed to copy paper, gunpowder and alcohol before it was released in the west.

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I think as a father you have to set yourself a figure and stick to it. 2M isn't an excessively large amount for a dowry in my opinion.

I married into a well off chinese thai family. Luckily they helped pay for most of the wedding as I didn't have the available money due to a recent family loss/funeral expenses etc. They aren't the Mercedes driving, skin whitening types either

Being good to their daughter is the most important thing for them, and knowing i have asset wealth

Edited by fish fingers
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  • 4 weeks later...

He's being taken for a ride. My wife's family didn't ask me for money, per se, and they are far from hi-so. If they are loaded they could easily pay for the wedding themselves, and if they are decent people, they should offer to do so. If they are demanding money now, it is going to continue after marriage. But in this country, face is everything. If you want a rich girl, you gotta pay to show you are 'worthy'. But there must me some well-to-do women out there that are not so demanding. I'd hope so anyway!

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This sin sot is a Thai thing! Not applicable to expats. Of course, a contribution is considered worthwhile

Hi-So - to me BS. Compatibility is everything.

My lady is not Hi-So but university educated. She is an only child - reduces future problems.

Best to take a step back; consider the ramifications of a cross-cultural marriage.

Lastly, when in doubt, DON'T!

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  • 2 weeks later...

On certain…ahem….occasions I run into thai working girls in bars etc…..one of my first ice breakers is ….. so are you from Udon, Bulilam, Soolin?

Many fess up….but some will assume a look of outraged indignation, gather themselves up and firmly say….no, I from bangkok…..then I say to them…..Ohhhh, you hi-so…..and we all have a good laugh.

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The sin sod was supposed to be for show to save face so my son could invest in the business. The family agreed to this plan, but later changed their minds.

Latest I was told was 2 mill.thb.

A lot of changing of the minds going on. If boy doesnt ditch this girl, he gets what he deserves. A family of leeches.

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You are being rinsed out. Learn thai and do not tell them. Listen the conversations.

I would recommend putting the tracker software on her computer to watch as they possibly already have a boyfriend and are just rinsing your son out. Do not trust anyone who says they are hi-so and puts on a act of it. Real hi so dont need to tell you, they are loaded and overly generous with it. I'm talking endlessly having money to just throw out.

I have had several real hi so woman want me but they where too crazy and obsessive with money, they would not support my religion or faith and ultimately god showed me that they where using me and a trick.

A major test would be allow your son to grow a beard and his hair. If she looses all interest you will see - he is just a trophy on her arm and as he ages and grows into adulthood she will be chasing another baby face white boy.

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From my understanding all Thai girls think they are Hi so?.?

Yes, sooooo true. even the ones who's grandfathers were peasant rice farm workers, and are working as bar girls in Pattaya. I see them in Central shopping for brand name clothes with their temporary BFs and their noses so stuck up they can't see where they are going.

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