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Supreme Court rejects appeal by female teenager in fatal van fall from the expressway


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Every time I read something about this miscarriage of justice I am reminded of the iconic photo of her texting immediately after the crash, her body language just says it all


When questioned about it the family spokesman (don't they all have one) said she was texting her father. Facebook members say she was updating her Facebook profile (since deleted) so who are you going to believe

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Every time I read something about this miscarriage of justice I am reminded of the iconic photo of her texting immediately after the crash, her body language just says it all


When questioned about it the family spokesman (don't they all have one) said she was texting her father. Facebook members say she was updating her Facebook profile (since deleted) so who are you going to believe

Ohh so that isn't her who's FB profile comes up when you search her name? Could just be a girl with a similar name though.

This family can afford to pay even middle class families off. A drop in the ocean for them. If they'd of done it in the first place then things would of settled by now.

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Every time I read something about this miscarriage of justice I am reminded of the iconic photo of her texting immediately after the crash, her body language just says it all


When questioned about it the family spokesman (don't they all have one) said she was texting her father. Facebook members say she was updating her Facebook profile (since deleted) so who are you going to believe

Ohh so that isn't her who's FB profile comes up when you search her name? Could just be a girl with a similar name though.

This family can afford to pay even middle class families off. A drop in the ocean for them. If they'd of done it in the first place then things would of settled by now.

The update done at the time of the accident was deleted, not the entire facebook profile. I stay far away from facebook so I can't verify, I am just reporting what was posted at the time of the incident

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Why could they not determine whether or not she used her mobile phone.

1) After the incident her phone would have retained usage details.

2) The Network provider should be able to supply this.

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This report is garbled. Has the court sentenced her to prison or reaffirmed the Appeals Court commutation? If the latter she is free .

I agree.

Were the victims' families crying because this girl got off without facing any real punishment other than losing her legal ability to drive for 4 more years. I assume she'll have no criminal record as she was a teen? Or were they tears of relief that it opens the doors for civil litigation seeking compensation?

Also what was she appealing? She basically got off with a slap on the wrist. After all, nine people died from her actions.

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This report is garbled. Has the court sentenced her to prison or reaffirmed the Appeals Court commutation? If the latter she is free .

She's out.

Original sentence = two years imprisonment and banned her to drive until she turns 25 years old.

Latest sentence = four years probation + 48 hrs of charity work for one year + ban until 25 years old

Despite all the talk about changes, reforms, corruption etc ... this one case shows that absolutely nothing has fundamentally changed in Thailand, and likely never will for decades to come. Those with power, the right name and/or money can do whatever they want with very few serious consequences, whilst those without power, the right name and/or money get < deleted > over every time.

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Perhaps it's time to consider the withdrawal of honorifics for those convicted of crimes in the same way bestowed honours are withdrawn in the west, eg Rolf Harris and many others. Some of these families are an embarrassment to Thailand.

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Why could they not determine whether or not she used her mobile phone.

1) After the incident her phone would have retained usage details.

2) The Network provider should be able to supply this.

You can only find what you go looking for and how much of that was done ?

No charges against anyone for ' causing or permitting ' her to drive without a licence etc and i can't remember reading whose car it was.

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Why could they not determine whether or not she used her mobile phone.

1) After the incident her phone would have retained usage details.

2) The Network provider should be able to supply this.

There has to be a will for a full investigation to be carried out. Remember as a minor she was handled by the juvenile authorities

I am sure that if this case had involved lese majeste there would have been a full investigation of the records you list

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Unbelievable. Add it to the doctor who chopped up his wife and is walking free and the others mentioned. This is just one reason in a long list as to why Thailand remains a third World country, although perhaps an upper tier one.

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"The statement rejecting the teenager’s appeal, now turns 21, was read at the Central Juvenile and Family Court late this afternoon at the appearance of the teenager, whose name was upheld as the fatal accident happened when she was an underaged or 17 years old, her parents and families of the nine victims killed in the December 27, 2010 incident" ... can anyone make head or tail of this garbage?

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People wonder why the farmers and poor are so easily manipulated by the Crook in Dubai and his cohorts. They can point to things like this and show them the inequality. You can bet if this was some 30 old farmer from Surin that killed these folks, he would never see the light of day. Until the justice system is equal (or as equal as cane be) for everyone, you'll have these populist crook politicians coming in to power.

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Unbelievable. Add it to the doctor who chopped up his wife and is walking free and the others mentioned. This is just one reason in a long list as to why Thailand remains a third World country, although perhaps an upper tier one.

Not much upper tier about it!

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What the Hell !!!!! She must have a very powerful family to get away with 9 counts of man slaughter. WOW !!!!!

Does anyone know how old this kid was when this happened ?

OK I think I see 17 when this happened.

Edited by ToddinChonburi
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So she kills 9 innocent people, ends up with a bit of probation and appeals even that? Am I correct here or have I misread the OP?

You are correct. She's brat that doesn't want wait until 25 to drive again. sad sad world we live in.

I agree as well, does she know no shame.

She should serve her time, and do the work on the roads for accident victims, she would have done big time in other countries and possibly been banned for driving for life.

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Is this what the PM had in mind about getting tough on murders on the Thai highways? If so, perhaps he needs to go into dark closet by himself and think about it again.

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Plenty of confusion here.

Whatever the outcome, it's obvious that the penalty did not match the crime, by a long way.

I'm not too sure if the penalty whatever it is will do anything for the girl, 17 at the time, but an aspect that should be a part of this case, given her tender age (at the time) is that the parents and the car owner (if they are different) have to be included in the legal process, for they are both partially responsible for the 9 deaths.

9 people died!!

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"The statement rejecting the teenager’s appeal, now turns 21, was read at the Central Juvenile and Family Court late this afternoon at the appearance of the teenager, whose name was upheld as the fatal accident happened when she was an underaged or 17 years old, her parents and families of the nine victims killed in the December 27, 2010 incident" ... can anyone make head or tail of this garbage?

No, this a perfect example of intentional Thai double speak that is designed to do exactly what it did, confuse anyone who reads it.

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So she kills 9 innocent people, ends up with a bit of probation and appeals even that? Am I correct here or have I misread the OP?

You are correct. She's brat that doesn't want wait until 25 to drive again. sad sad world we live in.

I think it's fair for us to assume that she will still be driving as people like her have no regard for rules and regulations and very often have no need to as the they are ' protected ' one way or another.

I would suggest she simply he wanted her face back by having the ban reversed, the actual ban will have no practical application for her.

Agreed, and I also believe this terrible young woman is treating this whole sorry affair as an "inconvenience" and just wishes it will all go away so she can get on with her blessed life.

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the accident happened at time X

her phone records would show if she was driving/texting/talking at time X

this is not brain surgery folks

if civil action by class then I would be requesting these records

This is not the 1st time the police absolutely and resolutely refused to look at phone records in a case involving scions of the elite. It happened also last september with a double beach murder, where phone records could have saved the necks of a couple of migrant workers.

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Now that the court cases are settled, I hope the relatives of those killed sue the asses off her and her parents, and leave them without a stang.

In the other paper we are not allowed to mention by name there was a similar article and part of it said that the lawyers will be suing the driver who is a daughter of the Na Ayudhya's family for 120 million baht.

As she was under age and had no licence no insurance company is involved to pay that bill.

I hope that the lawyers wins and the courts triple the damages claim.

Next target must be the Red Bull son.

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