ddavidovsky Posted May 15, 2015 Posted May 15, 2015 Give them food and water and tow them back to where they came from. It's essential that the other people back there learn that migration is not possible. If just one boatload of people is allowed to settle, a never-ending stream will follow. The solution for these people is representation within their home countries. No doubt that will be a long hard struggle. The international community could have done more in the past to help improve their situation. Now they clearly need to do so.
dcutman Posted May 15, 2015 Posted May 15, 2015 Give them food and water and tow them back to where they came from. It's essential that the other people back there learn that migration is not possible. If just one boatload of people is allowed to settle, a never-ending stream will follow. The solution for these people is representation within their home countries. No doubt that will be a long hard struggle. The international community could have done more in the past to help improve their situation. Now they clearly need to do so. Are you aware of the desperate need that both Thailand and Malaysia have for semi and unskilled workers? We are talking hundreds of thousands. I am sure you are aware that both Thailand and Malaysia have both been downgraded to tier 3 by the US state department because of their human trafficking problems. Do you see how these two problems connect with each other? And how both of these problems can be solved very easily if these two govts weren't being so stupid and trying to save face. Because thats what all this comes down to, saving face. Neither country needs to build refugee camps or support these people, is all they have to do is give them a legal means to immigrate.
trogers Posted May 15, 2015 Posted May 15, 2015 'Human Rights Watch (HRW) has called on Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia to stop pushing back boats carrying Rohingya and Bangladeshi migrants and asylum seekers, and bring them ashore and provide desperately needed aid.' yeah sure boss ... we won't push them back ..... How is this different from african migrants trying to get into southern europe? Some are more equal than others...HRW is mainly financed by them...ssshhh...
zaZa9 Posted May 15, 2015 Posted May 15, 2015 Im a bit confused as to why the Rohinga are not heading for the Gulf Sates , where their Moslem brothers , with small populations and remarkable wealth are surely waiting to envelop them in the loving and peaceful arms of Allah !
AloisAmrein Posted May 15, 2015 Posted May 15, 2015 Where remains the solidaritiy of muslim countries to help theyr fellow muslim brothers from Myanmar? Malaysia and Indonesia could help but they refuse. Thailand exploits them or kills them.
simple1 Posted May 15, 2015 Posted May 15, 2015 These people are muslims from Myanmar and muslims from Bangladesh. They are not Saudi muslims therefore Saudi would certainly not take them. They are not even Asian oriental ... they are more Bangla / Indian muslim looking than even thai muslims in the South. This is why they are not wanted, because they not asian oriental. KSA took in hundreds of thousands of Rohingya in the late 1970s.
kiwikeith Posted May 15, 2015 Posted May 15, 2015 "Even Aung San Suu Kyi, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning democracy champion, has failed to come to their defense, with critics saying she is reluctant to alienate her supporters among the Buddhist majority." - yahoo news (today) Even she is disowning them now..? What chance have they got in Myanmar? She is a political victim herself, and has spent a long time under house arrest, there is no doubt she is only allowed to say certain things or disappear again. The Thai government has to rescue these people from the sea at the least and act now!. No good turning up after the British journalists found them and gave them all the water and food they had, then the Thai fishermen thank Buddha gave then food. Next the Thai Navy arrives and fixes the engine for them and heads them towards Malaysia without anyone on board who can navigate. They have not been seen since then-- unless any of you have an update? The Thai PM is being watched by the world now and the Navy's action was at the least pathetic. They need to go ashore now! Thailand has to rescue them for the time being or be seen as cruel and corrupt Snakehead sympathizers. What happens to them afterward should be a joint venture between Bangladesh, Thailand and Malaysia. It is obvious that to return then home would be suicide they would end up dead or re-trafficked. There is considerable shame on the regime in Myanmar for allowing corporate rapists to drive these people off their land. It just goes to show you how useless the United Nations are, and how corrupt politicians are, not only in Thailand and Myanmar but everywhere that the Snakeheads-- traffic poor people. America lets juveniles smuggled all the way from China have residence under an abuse clause. The corruption in people trafficking is disgusting and it is happening world wide, Snakeheads are trafficking people into New Zealand by financing them and then extorting money in repayments from them It is happening in Australia, Canada, America, England Africa, Russia and so on under the immigration policies that let trafficking become legal. Politicians call this growth, which suits banks and building suppliers and infrastructure contractors. It supplies cheap labour drives down wages and smashes workers conditions. Then supplies us with $2.00 shops full of plastic junk we don't need , thousands of takeaways and a flourishing sex parlor industry where the girls financed into countries end up as the last resort to pay back the Snakeheads because they are sick of working 12 to 14 hour shifts at below the minimum wage. It is a billion dollar slave industry supported by useless corrupt and twisted politicians world wide. . Snakehead is the name of the biggest and most feared people smuggling ring in Asia/Europe.
Beng Posted May 15, 2015 Posted May 15, 2015 For a start. No way MR PM do not put them on islands in National Parks they will destroy the islands and the surrounding sea. Right now, something does have to be done but it is not an easy problem to resolve. As we see from previous reports a fair proportion of these people, while they are victims of the traffickers, did get on these boats voluntarily looking for better economic conditions, work, jobs, a better chance at life. That makes them economic migrants rather than refugees and there is a difference. Fair enough if they are real refugees treat them as such under international convention but if they are just here looking for a better life then why treat them any different to someone from Lao or Cambodia who has come here looking for a job. An additional problem with these people is their adherence to the so called religion of peace which has been stigmatized by some and has now tainted all its adherents to the extent that there will always be suspicion that their presence will either cause problems or increase those the country already has. That one of course doesn't apply to the countries to the south of TL. Agreed, most of them appear to be on the boats for economic reasons.
Praematura Posted May 16, 2015 Posted May 16, 2015 If the purpose of not letting them in is deterrence than parking them on an island will encourage more boats, more misery. Look at the temp shelters in Rome, Calais, Malta, etc they are basically permanent now. Aljazeera did a show on the Africans on Sicily in the camps. They just play football and bitch about not getting their pocket money every week. If they were let out of the camps after growing up unemployed with hands out you can't realistically expect them to do anything once they get out of the camps but pump out more kids. More mouthes on the EU welfare teet. These migrants are the same no skill no work ethic types that may never contribute to society. Can't blame these ASEAN countries for not wanting them.
steven100 Posted May 16, 2015 Posted May 16, 2015 These people are muslims from Myanmar and muslims from Bangladesh. They are not Saudi muslims therefore Saudi would certainly not take them. They are not even Asian oriental ... they are more Bangla / Indian muslim looking than even thai muslims in the South. This is why they are not wanted, because they not asian oriental. KSA took in hundreds of thousands of Rohingya in the late 1970s. Right, I didn't know that. Well, they don't want anymore obviously ..
steven100 Posted May 16, 2015 Posted May 16, 2015 I have previously said .. the only solution to the refugee problem is allow and make 3-4 islands in the Indian ocean become there permanent home. Build cabins, water treatment plants, power, roads, transport. Have them work to establish a viable community with the long term goal of self sufficiency. They can grow there own food, farm there own animals, fish & whatever else is needed to feed them. Each country puts in say 2% of their GDP to funds this project for the first two years and then after that it stops and they have to become self sufficient. After 2 years you would have viable communities living and supporting themselves. This is the way to go imo..... OK After providing for their basic needs and they become independent and self sufficient are they then allowed to integrate and become useful and contributing members of Thai society or do they have to be live in a permanent apartheid system imprisoned on tiny islands with no real future for their children? Yes, permanently on the island. Not integrated into Thai society, that wouldn't work. What's wrong with there children having schools on the island ? no real future you say ... ? It's a damn site better future than the one they had before ....
simple1 Posted May 16, 2015 Posted May 16, 2015 These people are muslims from Myanmar and muslims from Bangladesh. They are not Saudi muslims therefore Saudi would certainly not take them. They are not even Asian oriental ... they are more Bangla / Indian muslim looking than even thai muslims in the South. This is why they are not wanted, because they not asian oriental. KSA took in hundreds of thousands of Rohingya in the late 1970s. Right, I didn't know that. Well, they don't want anymore obviously .. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2009/oct/12/burma-muslims-rohingya-saudi-prisons
Linzz Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 they will build mosques first and start with the kill all the infidels BS like they always do. Extremely sick and dangerous people who need to be deprogrammed from their cult. Give them some water and a bag of rice and tow their boat OUT OF HERE. It is disgusting what they have done to Thailand. Most are not risking their necks getting on a leaky boat to find a better job, Most are fleeing terror and persecution and have no where to go. Who really is sick and dangerous and who needs deprogramming? This poster right here with his bitter paranoid and xenophobic hate speech! Sir, you are the mirror image of and no better than the extreme Muslims you despise...... you are wrong. you don't know the complete story and as most here are not aware of the facts. I know what some of these people are capable of, I have been to their villages and seen what goes on. Some of these are radical muslims and they will burn down your Buddhist house or your Christian house. I am not saying that all of them are as some choose not to do the same, but there are those who will. Fighting has been going on between these group for years & years ... so please don't try to say they they are not all dangerous. It was a similar scenario with the Afghanistan, Sri Lankans & Pakistan illegal boat people trying to get to Australia in the last 5 years, folks like you see people in a leaky boat and you all bleat ! oh poor souls, poor families ... bla .. bla .. bla .., but you don't know all the facts, some are extremists and dangerous. They pay $10,000 to a smuggler to get them to a wealthier country so they can seek refuge and benefits. So your answer is? You just told us who you presume they are with mass generalizations. As with the previous poster you would tow them out to sea knowing they would probably all drown on the premise that "some" of them may be dangerous or have evil intent? And the innocent, the children? Folks like you think 'oh well too bad they're inferior, come to steal our jobs etc, blah blah blah. How simple your solution is when it's not your life that you so easily dispense with. Sure people fleeing terror are thinking about benefits! Try thinking how these people can be screened, there will always be people with dishonest or dangerous intent and there will always be genuine refugees. How do you separate the innocent from the others? No? Don't bother? So tow them all out to sea then...if they drown then brave people like you will not be watching so you'll be OK....out of sight, out of mind. So do you have an answer? Maybe it's "don't even bother with that, waste of diesel, put them out of their misery and sink the boats now because some of them may be dangerous?" But you said that not all of them are! There is no difference between that and towing them to their deaths. Same result. Just keep protecting yourself by turning away your eyes. You need to keep a check on your simplistic thinking with it's genocidal tendencies or prove me wrong and come up with a better solution.
Linzz Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 I have previously said .. the only solution to the refugee problem is allow and make 3-4 islands in the Indian ocean become there permanent home. Build cabins, water treatment plants, power, roads, transport. Have them work to establish a viable community with the long term goal of self sufficiency. They can grow there own food, farm there own animals, fish & whatever else is needed to feed them. Each country puts in say 2% of their GDP to funds this project for the first two years and then after that it stops and they have to become self sufficient. After 2 years you would have viable communities living and supporting themselves. This is the way to go imo..... OK After providing for their basic needs and they become independent and self sufficient are they then allowed to integrate and become useful and contributing members of Thai society or do they have to be live in a permanent apartheid system imprisoned on tiny islands with no real future for their children? Yes, permanently on the island. Not integrated into Thai society, that wouldn't work. What's wrong with there children having schools on the island ? no real future you say ... ? It's a damn site better future than the one they had before .... Perhaps it's better than their previous life, and surely better than drowning, you are right. In your scheme they are permanent, so it's not long before it becomes Prison Island. Integration is eventually the only answer. Most people have families and most just want to live in peace, there are exceptions but most just want to get on with their lives.
BSJ Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 I know where the perfect island is for these criminals wanting to illegally enter another country (masquerading as poor abused boat people)....Cheduba Island of the coast of Rekhine state. Put them all there.
Linzz Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 Yeah really look like criminals, especially the children? What does BSJ stand for? Bull Sh-t Jerk? I know where the perfect island is for these criminals wanting to illegally enter another country (masquerading as poor abused boat people)....Cheduba Island of the coast of Rekhine state. Put them all there.
biggles45 Posted May 18, 2015 Posted May 18, 2015 ". Sure people fleeing terror are thinking about benefits! " In the case of australia this is absolute rubbish and a common fallacy used by the bleeding hearts. The illegals have not come directly from where they MAY have had safety concerns. They have all been living in malaysia or indonesia for a long time and there is no terror involved anymore. When they leave for Australia they are only too well aware of the benefits available, dont you think that is why they want to go there rather than stay in safe muslim countries.
dragonfly94 Posted May 18, 2015 Posted May 18, 2015 give them food and tow them back out, not Thailand's probelm
2fishin2 Posted May 18, 2015 Posted May 18, 2015 give them food and tow them back out, not Thailand's probelm Now that is a Thai answer. Like I said before why not go and live them for a while and see what you say when you return. Spend a day in their shoes....
Linzz Posted May 18, 2015 Posted May 18, 2015 ". Sure people fleeing terror are thinking about benefits! " In the case of australia this is absolute rubbish and a common fallacy used by the bleeding hearts. The illegals have not come directly from where they MAY have had safety concerns. They have all been living in malaysia or indonesia for a long time and there is no terror involved anymore. When they leave for Australia they are only too well aware of the benefits available, dont you think that is why they want to go there rather than stay in safe muslim countries. It's beside the point whether they are fleeing terror or not. You have paranoia, they have real fear.Do you think people would really risk their family and children and their own necks in an overcrowded leaky boat because they're thinking "can't wait to get on a benefit !"? Their only entitlement they would be thinking about would be a right to life and probably not even that, just to survive poverty.If you were in their shoes you would do exactly the same.Just consider how lucky you are that you're not, a result not of your own making.
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