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As a pharmacologist I speak with some expertise, but as with any advice on the 'net check with a doc!

How have you been storing your UK meds? The heat here can be detrimental to some drugs, which normally have a maximum storage recommendation of 25 Deg C. Keep them in the fridge (NOT FREEZER!) This may have caused your UK medication to stop working.

150/90 is considered mild to moderate hypertension and a common drug of choice is Ramipril (ACE inhibitor). I have been taking these for years without side effects, but stopped three weeks ago after giving up beer and my BP is now a normal 140/75.

If you start at 5 mg per day in your case, that should bring your BP into line, and only cost 600 Baht/100 at my pharmacy. A thiazide diuretic can reduce water retention if you have any.

As I said at the beginning, check with a doc first thing, especially if you are on any other meds!

Hi Brian.

I am on Ramipril and i got some Tritace in Pattaya 10mg and it cost be around 1300baht for 30 tablets, How did you get yours so cheap, I have asked around but the only place i could find them was on North Pattaya Road. Also i am on a Diuretic called Dichlotride.

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Thats a little bit high but not a great deal 140-90 is more or less is the the limit before Hypertension 1. Could be the hot weather , not drinking enough water, bit of stress


Do not rely on a pharmacist for serious meds especially if you have other conditions or take other meds. Phayathai Sriracha offers a comprehensive check up for 3,999 baht, offer good until June 5. I make the trip from Pattaya and then take the results to my regular cadiologist at Pattaya Memorial Hospital. My meds come from the Fascino Pharmacy outside Queen Sirikit Hospital as it saves me about 30% over local pharmacies. I buy every three months and the savings is about 6,000 each time. I have a supplemental insurance policy that has a $10 co-pay per item so I do manage to recover about half my med bill. Your BP is high but not that high - getting the right meds should control it. Good luck in any event.


As a pharmacologist I speak with some expertise, but as with any advice on the 'net check with a doc!

How have you been storing your UK meds? The heat here can be detrimental to some drugs, which normally have a maximum storage recommendation of 25 Deg C. Keep them in the fridge (NOT FREEZER!) This may have caused your UK medication to stop working.

150/90 is considered mild to moderate hypertension and a common drug of choice is Ramipril (ACE inhibitor). I have been taking these for years without side effects, but stopped three weeks ago after giving up beer and my BP is now a normal 140/75.

If you start at 5 mg per day in your case, that should bring your BP into line, and only cost 600 Baht/100 at my pharmacy. A thiazide diuretic can reduce water retention if you have any.

As I said at the beginning, check with a doc first thing, especially if you are on any other meds!

http://www.sukumvithospital.com/en_doctorprofile.php?id=32 (this doctor is also at Bangkok Christian in Saturday mornings, but Sukhumvit Hosp will be closer to you)

Hypertension can be genetic; it can also result from the natural increased resistance of blood vessels due to aging. Even with maximum good life style, weight control and diet, some people still need medication.

Most Hypertension cases occur with no know family history of the disorder....

Hypertension is a progressive disorder narrowing of arteries blah blah ,

Its all about the food you eat and daily intake of the rubbish surrounding us,

Eat well live well. avoid synthetics they not good for you.


If you wanted to know where to go for High Blood pressure I would suggest Todays Game at Upton Park ,. West Ham Everton


Hypertension, certainly in my case, is often hereditary. Working out and being "fit" or slim has nothing to do with it. I have been on BP meds since I was 25. See a doctor, get meds, take meds, live long.

wow, what part is hereditary ? if meds work for you good luck

my internal medicine steamed veggies daily . I have never taken meds, and will never need too . I wouldnt know the feeling of ever being sick cough, high blood pressure etc , thats for other people. My internals perfect order. biggrin.png


I work in Asok so I went to the pharmacy and bought a 2 month's supply of ramipril suggested by a previous poster. I will try to have a check up soon at a hospital.

I think my high blood pressure is caused by stress from my ex girlfriend. After 3 years of her two-timing me with an Italian guy, she was killing me. So I decided to leave her and found another girl. Within a month my ex got married! Not even to the Italian guy, but some other guy! Good luck to him!

My new girl lives in Chaeng Wattana, hence all the driving.. But we are looking for a house in chatuchak area, so, hopefully, the driving should reduce soon.

Thanks for everyone's input


As a pharmacologist I speak with some expertise, but as with any advice on the 'net check with a doc!

How have you been storing your UK meds? The heat here can be detrimental to some drugs, which normally have a maximum storage recommendation of 25 Deg C. Keep them in the fridge (NOT FREEZER!) This may have caused your UK medication to stop working.

150/90 is considered mild to moderate hypertension and a common drug of choice is Ramipril (ACE inhibitor). I have been taking these for years without side effects, but stopped three weeks ago after giving up beer and my BP is now a normal 140/75.

If you start at 5 mg per day in your case, that should bring your BP into line, and only cost 600 Baht/100 at my pharmacy. A thiazide diuretic can reduce water retention if you have any.

As I said at the beginning, check with a doc first thing, especially if you are on any other meds!

Hi Brian.

I am on Ramipril and i got some Tritace in Pattaya 10mg and it cost be around 1300baht for 30 tablets, How did you get yours so cheap, I have asked around but the only place i could find them was on North Pattaya Road. Also i am on a Diuretic called Dichlotride.

I bought 30 Tritace from a pharmacy in BKK last week and I think they were 650 baht. I think it was something like the South East Asia pharmacy, not far from Terminal 21 towards Nana.

I also take Amlodipine 5mg which I think were 30 baht for 10 tablets.


For some people if may be useful to buy the blood pressure meters on sale at the pharmacies of department stores

They are very easy to use and I use them twice a day to have a good idea if I need to adjust my blood pressure medication.

I can provide brand name of what I use to people contacting me directly

I read that some TV member consider 140/90 as OK but my doctor says that it should not be above 130/80 for several hours a day..(I am 71 years old)

Some good info can be found on the internet :



Just because your slim doesnt mean your fit, working out 2 to 3 times a week means nothing. Sounds like your torturing yourself as opposed to helping yourself

You would be well advised to speak to a doctor re: exercise program

My thoughts would be at least 60 minutes a day of continual exercise every day ie Hikiing , walking mix it with swimming lengths is ok , forget weights.

stop all alcohol until you get your pressure down or stop altogether

stop sodium salts oils crisps etc

eat more green veg, nuts oats fish etc

Its really common sense , what you have been putting into your body for so long is now paying you back.

There are many $10 books that can help your life if you prepared to read.

You may also consider the thought that an ingredient in alcohol or something your eating may have an adverse reaction to your body intestinal tract somewhere. You may not even know it. Just because its sold in shops doesnt mean you can drink it and be safe.

Alcohol and many foods especially in asia are full of artificial additives that are harmful.

Hope this helps.

exercise program is good if it come from a qualified instructor. Also it's not a big deal to buy a blood pressure monitor (Omron) in a pharmacy. Take one for your upper arm.

To see a

Doc might be the right way: after you monitored your BP for at least one month. Check BP every day at least 3 times always at the same time, first in the morning directly after wake up.


Thank you to everyone for taking the time time to give your advice. I work weekends so any Saturday clinics are out I'm afraid.

I love Thai food, and eat it every day, although I try to always choose the least salty. So I will have to find some kind of medicine to bring my high blood pressure down.

I will read the messages and try to follow your advice and get back to you all later. Thanks again

I can recommend Dr. Aram Chusid from Bumrungrad, easy to get there from On Nut by Skytrain (Phloen Chit or Nana stops). He works 5 days a week and knows his stuff. fair prices. he even recommended me some Generic drugs (produced under licence from SANDOZ) to keep costs down after I used up the initial package I got from Bumrungrad.

Bumrungrad is somehow a turn-off for me nowadays, an anonymous medical factory and as busy as Suvarnabhumi a day before new-years-eve, plus large crowds of Arab medical tourists who sometimes lack manners and civilized behaviour, but once you are inside his consulting room, it doesn't matter much. He speaks English fluently, knows his stuff and is very straightforward, which is appreciated but not always the case with Thai doctors


Can someone tell me why most blood pressure mashines in thailand need so long to calculate and then show error one time in Pattaya I visit 5 pharmacy and only one mashine can show a result all others callculate wrong then show error

Bought one Panasonic on amazon calculate in 20 secounds while the mashines in thailand need more then one minute!

I change my lifestyle and food now not need any medicine at moment


Not sure what you are talking about as the BP monitors are the same here as anywhere else in the world and once pressure is down immediately show readings. Are you talking total time to inflate/deflate or just to calculate the result? Perhaps there was a problem with cuff placement if you have errors?

From start push to result was just 40 seconds using my local Omron unit and believe that is about normal - but would be longer if cuff not tight or correctly placed - this is for normal blood pressure of below 120/80 - it would take longer if my pressure were higher and it had to inflate tighter.

It is important to place the arrow or whatever indicator along middle on inside arm - my Omron HEM-7130 even has an indicator light to help insure you do so.


Just because your slim doesnt mean your fit, working out 2 to 3 times a week means nothing. Sounds like your torturing yourself as opposed to helping yourself

You would be well advised to speak to a doctor re: exercise program

My thoughts would be at least 60 minutes a day of continual exercise every day ie Hikiing , walking mix it with swimming lengths is ok , forget weights.

stop all alcohol until you get your pressure down or stop altogether

stop sodium salts oils crisps etc

eat more green veg, nuts oats fish etc

Its really common sense , what you have been putting into your body for so long is now paying you back.

There are many $10 books that can help your life if you prepared to read.

You may also consider the thought that an ingredient in alcohol or something your eating may have an adverse reaction to your body intestinal tract somewhere. You may not even know it. Just because its sold in shops doesnt mean you can drink it and be safe.

Alcohol and many foods especially in asia are full of artificial additives that are harmful.

Hope this helps.

The alcohol issue is an important one to which I will attest.

I was in Pattaya Memorial ICU last month, having collapsed with a massive loss of blood (needed 6 units). As my blood pressure was by then low, I stopped taking my Ramipril (BP meds) until my BP came up. I was also off alcohol! I have not had to take Ramipril and I'm still off the alcohol and my BP has remained normal since. I conclude that for years my high BP was due to my alcohol intake!


As a pharmacologist I speak with some expertise, but as with any advice on the 'net check with a doc!

How have you been storing your UK meds? The heat here can be detrimental to some drugs, which normally have a maximum storage recommendation of 25 Deg C. Keep them in the fridge (NOT FREEZER!) This may have caused your UK medication to stop working.

150/90 is considered mild to moderate hypertension and a common drug of choice is Ramipril (ACE inhibitor). I have been taking these for years without side effects, but stopped three weeks ago after giving up beer and my BP is now a normal 140/75.

If you start at 5 mg per day in your case, that should bring your BP into line, and only cost 600 Baht/100 at my pharmacy. A thiazide diuretic can reduce water retention if you have any.

As I said at the beginning, check with a doc first thing, especially if you are on any other meds!

Since I bought and started taking the Tritace (Ramipril) at 5 Mg per day (only 3 days ago) my BP has dropped from a regular 150/90 to around 125/75. So I want to thank Brian Robson for his advice.

The pharmacy in Asok, near work, charged me 1500 baht for 30 10 Mg tablets, which I cut in half, so 2 months' supply. I will try the cheaper pharmacies across the other side of Sukhumvit next time, but I didn't have a lot of time that day... But don't think I will be able to find them at 600 baht for 100!

So far I have not needed a diuretic. What exactly is water retention? Swelling of ankles? What should I look for?

As I said I do not eat any crap. Nothing in the 7/11 is edible for me. I eat fruit, salad, veg, wholemeal bread, but some Thai food, and I must admit I do enjoy French cheese. I go to the gym and do not have any other health issues. I am 54 and the last time I was admitted to a hospital was when I was 18. for appendicitis.

I use an Omron upper arm BP meter which I bought for 10 pounds in Asda in the UK.


Tritace is an imported brand and will be expensive anywhere. However they are many locally made generic equivalents. Next time, ask for it by generic name.

This pharmacy on On Nut has inexpensive generics:

Roong Rote Pharmacy (รุ่งโรจน์เภสัช). Coming from Sukhumvit it is on the right side, just 50 meters or so down.


As a pharmacologist I speak with some expertise, but as with any advice on the 'net check with a doc!

How have you been storing your UK meds? The heat here can be detrimental to some drugs, which normally have a maximum storage recommendation of 25 Deg C. Keep them in the fridge (NOT FREEZER!) This may have caused your UK medication to stop working.

150/90 is considered mild to moderate hypertension and a common drug of choice is Ramipril (ACE inhibitor). I have been taking these for years without side effects, but stopped three weeks ago after giving up beer and my BP is now a normal 140/75.

If you start at 5 mg per day in your case, that should bring your BP into line, and only cost 600 Baht/100 at my pharmacy. A thiazide diuretic can reduce water retention if you have any.

As I said at the beginning, check with a doc first thing, especially if you are on any other meds!

Since I bought and started taking the Tritace (Ramipril) at 5 Mg per day (only 3 days ago) my BP has dropped from a regular 150/90 to around 125/75. So I want to thank Brian Robson for his advice.

The pharmacy in Asok, near work, charged me 1500 baht for 30 10 Mg tablets, which I cut in half, so 2 months' supply. I will try the cheaper pharmacies across the other side of Sukhumvit next time, but I didn't have a lot of time that day... But don't think I will be able to find them at 600 baht for 100!

So far I have not needed a diuretic. What exactly is water retention? Swelling of ankles? What should I look for?

As I said I do not eat any crap. Nothing in the 7/11 is edible for me. I eat fruit, salad, veg, wholemeal bread, but some Thai food, and I must admit I do enjoy French cheese. I go to the gym and do not have any other health issues. I am 54 and the last time I was admitted to a hospital was when I was 18. for appendicitis.

I use an Omron upper arm BP meter which I bought for 10 pounds in Asda in the UK.

Thanks. I'm glad it worked, but at some point have a doc look you over and check for known side effects on the internet.

Swollen feet or ankles, are a sign of water retention, so first off, cut down on salt. Thai diet is full of it!

Bendroflumethiazide 2.5mg is the drug of choice and inexpensive.

Upper arm BP meters are more accurate than wrist ones. Try and take you BP under the same conditions each time.

Every time I had mine taken in the UK at my doc, it was always very high, compared to when I took it at home. So last time I took my BP meter to check the calibration against the UK surgery one and the readings agreed. White coat effect!

My BP is still normal 140/75 without medication and I'm still off the booze. So another boring remedy there!


I strongly advice against selfprescribing a diuretic. For one thing, fluid retention is often a sign of cardiac or kidney problems which need to be assessed and if present treated by a specialist. For another, diuretics cause electrolyte imbalances which can be serious and need to be monitored. This is especially a concern in hot weather when there are already heavy losses due to sweat....especially among us farang.


As a pharmacologist I speak with some expertise, but as with any advice on the 'net check with a doc!

How have you been storing your UK meds? The heat here can be detrimental to some drugs, which normally have a maximum storage recommendation of 25 Deg C. Keep them in the fridge (NOT FREEZER!) This may have caused your UK medication to stop working.

150/90 is considered mild to moderate hypertension and a common drug of choice is Ramipril (ACE inhibitor). I have been taking these for years without side effects, but stopped three weeks ago after giving up beer and my BP is now a normal 140/75.

If you start at 5 mg per day in your case, that should bring your BP into line, and only cost 600 Baht/100 at my pharmacy. A thiazide diuretic can reduce water retention if you have any.

As I said at the beginning, check with a doc first thing, especially if you are on any other meds!

Hi Brian.

I am on Ramipril and i got some Tritace in Pattaya 10mg and it cost be around 1300baht for 30 tablets, How did you get yours so cheap, I have asked around but the only place i could find them was on North Pattaya Road. Also i am on a Diuretic called Dichlotride.

I bought Ramapril at THB 600 for a packet of 100 5mg tablets at a pharmacy next to Tesco opposite the Soi Khao Talo market.


I strongly advice against selfprescribing a diuretic. For one thing, fluid retention is often a sign of cardiac or kidney problems which need to be assessed and if present treated by a specialist. For another, diuretics cause electrolyte imbalances which can be serious and need to be monitored. This is especially a concern in hot weather when there are already heavy losses due to sweat....especially among us farang.

Have to agree with you there, and any advice I give, carries the rider to see a doctor in any event, because I am not a doctor, dammit!!

I have had the problem of low Potassium levels since being on diuretics even in the UK, and hot weather with certainly exacerbate Potassium loss also diarrhea, which is all too common here .

The first symptom is usually cramp and weakness.

I have a box or Oreda powders handy, but most electrolyte powders over the pharmacy counter will have about 200mg of Potassium salt, and should be kept handy in any case.

  • 1 month later...

A recent study has shown that a sodium free diet can be as harmful as a high one. It was suggested people with high blood pressure simply cut their sodium intake by half. Along with exercise stopping smoking and reduction or elimination of alcohol, of course.

Another study into the Japanese diet showed that those eating around two servings of Miso soup were 3.5 times LESS likely to suffer a heart attack/stroke than their Japanese counterparts. The scientists concluded that although Miso has a high sodium content it also supports the ingestion of potassium, calcium and magnesium essential to maintaining healthy levels of blood pressure, whilst anti HBP meds simply flush everything out.

Living in Thailand is impossible to eat the local food unless prepared by yourself. Bottle of nam pla in everything, and I love their takeaways sad.png


I don't think your BP is so high yet, and white coat syndrome is a common cause.

When BP is high, posters come on advising eradicating salt but this is not good advice in a hot country imho.

Besides any change effected by diet is likely to have a small effect, and BP does naturally increase with age.


As an update to my previous posts. The ACE Inhibitors stopped working after a few weeks even though I increased the dose to 10 mg and my blood pressure was constantly at 150+/90+ so I went to Mayo hospital near my home in Phahonyothin. At the first appointment I was given 5mg of Amlopine to be taken once daily. I was asked to come back 2 weeks later and have various tests including having to take a sample of my stool in and blood tests.

The results were no blood in my stool. which is good (my dad died at 64 of bowel cancer). I had changed my diet after searching on Google for best ways to lower BP and had been eating garlic and drinking apple cider vinegar and honey as well as coconut water and taking Benecol yoghurt drinks. I also used apple cider vinegar to get rid of corns on my feet. It seems like a wonder liquid!

My blood Pressure that day was 120/80 and is now averaging 130/80. So I am very happy.

My cholesterol was a little high at 204 and my triglycerides were also a little high at 225. Everything else was fine. She gave me 3 more months of Amlopine and told me to stop drinking alcohol. I have never been a heavy drinker but liked a big bottle of Chang 3 or 4 times a week. But I have now virtually stopped drinking. And she told me to come back in 3 months.

Altogether, it cost me 3600 Baht including medicine, so, as I have no insurance, I was very pleased with the service and outcome.


Total Cholesterol of 204 is of no importance provided the LDL and HDL are both within normal range. It is the LDL and HDL that are important, what were they?

Triglycerides are too high. Try diet + lifestyle changes, wt loss but if unsuccessful may need meds.


As an update to my previous posts. The ACE Inhibitors stopped working after a few weeks even though I increased the dose to 10 mg and my blood pressure was constantly at 150+/90+ so I went to Mayo hospital near my home in Phahonyothin. At the first appointment I was given 5mg of Amlopine to be taken once daily. I was asked to come back 2 weeks later and have various tests including having to take a sample of my stool in and blood tests.

The results were no blood in my stool. which is good (my dad died at 64 of bowel cancer). I had changed my diet after searching on Google for best ways to lower BP and had been eating garlic and drinking apple cider vinegar and honey as well as coconut water and taking Benecol yoghurt drinks. I also used apple cider vinegar to get rid of corns on my feet. It seems like a wonder liquid!

My blood Pressure that day was 120/80 and is now averaging 130/80. So I am very happy.

My cholesterol was a little high at 204 and my triglycerides were also a little high at 225. Everything else was fine. She gave me 3 more months of Amlopine and told me to stop drinking alcohol. I have never been a heavy drinker but liked a big bottle of Chang 3 or 4 times a week. But I have now virtually stopped drinking. And she told me to come back in 3 months.

Altogether, it cost me 3600 Baht including medicine, so, as I have no insurance, I was very pleased with the service and outcome.

I doubt that vinegar + some sugar (honey) will help. Yoghurt is surely healthy if it reduce the blood pressure? I doubt it.

On the other side 1 large bottle Chang 3 or 4 times a week. (1 bottle not 3-4 bottles) won't hurt, small amounts of alcohol seem to be healthy and some tell beer in small amounts is good against blood pressure.

(even Chang tastes terrible).

If you are overweight, than reducing weight often reduces blood pressure very good.

Reduce the bad fats and junk food.

Regular exercise should also help.

Of course everyone is different and on some people that all doesn't help while at others it does wonders.


Hypertension, certainly in my case, is often hereditary. Working out and being "fit" or slim has nothing to do with it. I have been on BP meds since I was 25. See a doctor, get meds, take meds, live long.

wow, what part is hereditary ? if meds work for you good luck

my internal medicine steamed veggies daily . I have never taken meds, and will never need too . I wouldnt know the feeling of ever being sick cough, high blood pressure etc , thats for other people. My internals perfect order. biggrin.png

What wonderful news ! I'm going to be sniggering a little when an obviously marvelously healthy person such as yourself actually dies of 'nothing'.


Hypertension, certainly in my case, is often hereditary. Working out and being "fit" or slim has nothing to do with it. I have been on BP meds since I was 25. See a doctor, get meds, take meds, live long.

wow, what part is hereditary ? if meds work for you good luck

my internal medicine steamed veggies daily . I have never taken meds, and will never need too . I wouldnt know the feeling of ever being sick cough, high blood pressure etc , thats for other people. My internals perfect order. biggrin.png

What wonderful news ! I'm going to be sniggering a little when an obviously marvelously healthy person such as yourself actually dies of 'nothing'.

Everyone dies......


Hypertension, certainly in my case, is often hereditary. Working out and being "fit" or slim has nothing to do with it. I have been on BP meds since I was 25. See a doctor, get meds, take meds, live long.

wow, what part is hereditary ? if meds work for you good luck

my internal medicine steamed veggies daily . I have never taken meds, and will never need too . I wouldnt know the feeling of ever being sick cough, high blood pressure etc , thats for other people. My internals perfect order. biggrin.png

What wonderful news ! I'm going to be sniggering a little when an obviously marvelously healthy person such as yourself actually dies of 'nothing'.

dumb comment, we all die, Just note I enjoy my food and as result i have zero down time with anything medical. My comment was to reinforce the fact that you can successfully navigate most sickness known.

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