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Chavalit predicts more coups


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Chavalit Friday said Thailand was trapped in a cycle of political conflict, and whether or not the country could achieve national reconciliation was up to the people and not how well the charter was written.

He's perfectly correct but this has nothing to do with national reconciliation it's about removing the corrupt elite and finding a gov who can't be corrupted. I'm afraid in Thailand that looks to be an impossible dreams as nearly everyone is on the take or looking to get in on the take.

To eradicate corruption takes a serious change in the law.

1. Minimum 25 years in prison

2. Removal of all assets

Alas what we have now is the system of transferring criminals to inactive posts or transferring them to other provinces to carry on their criminal behavior.

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Back to the future ?

Imagine PM Chavalit AGAIN , little wonder the country can't move forward with the dinosaurs hanging around and refusing to let go.

Does anyone else feel there's always that air of right and entitlement around ?

Some problems time will solve.....Chavalit is 83.....

let's join hands and contact the living.

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The reason there will continue to be coups is simply, the Democrats cannot win an election and cannot accept the results of any other party winning.

Wow, some people are so dumb. Did you even visit Thailand ?.

Did you miss the amnesty bill and the government terrorism against the subsequent protests ?.

Did you miss the rice scheme and all the lies ?. The MASSIVE corruption which was going to bankrupt the country when massive OFF-BUDGET loans got taken out to fill the gaps (and pockets) ?.

Do you REALLY think this last coup happened because the Democrats ordered it ?. Jeez, Thailand has no chance with such monstrous ignorance and this peculiar Thai ability to refuse to see what is right in front of their eyes if it doesn't suit them.

Another coup is guaranteed. No 'reforms' can change people like this.

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Didn't he sell his MPs to Thaksin?

Not really. NAP moved to TRT and they got a couple of portfolios. When the army removed Chatchai the little boy Korbsak (Moved from CTP to Democrat Party) and he got a portfolio in the Chuan Lekpai government.

In 2008 Abhidit bring ob board BJT (Newin from Buriram) and they got portfolios in exchange for supporting the generals which cost them dearly as they lost most of the seats.

Now it is Chavalit. PTP is dead but new parties will be launched as soon the General allows Political gatherings.

The Generals also will be very careful to move against Chavalit. They try to pin him to the Samui bombing (still no findings by the way who is behind) but the North and Northeast vote for anyone as long they are not from the South or Bangkok so if Chavalit runs for the election and combines the red shirts and as well the Newin Group he will win and beat the democrats by 2 to 1.5 and he is right a coup will come up again in a few years time but he might change some laws that coup leaders will be send to the firing squad next time and executed on the spot.

I have seldom read such rubbish on this forum. I can't understand why it's not deleted by the moderators

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Good to hear that dinosaurs can enjoy a long trouble-free life in Thailand; everywhere else this hog would be hunted for his tremendous damages he inflicted on people and monetary economy.

Next please (and don't let the TAT jump the queue again with something like "Visit Pi Chavalit"-tours please)!

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Thomas Jefferson said the US should throw out it's government every 10 years....

Maybe Thailand has the right idea, according to Jefferson.


Ever consider that in a democratic system that "throwing out the government" can be accomplished through elections? Most recent example is Greece. If the US were a parliamentary system, the Democarts would have been thrown out of government in the last elections. Fortunately for the Democrats, it wasn't.

But when you have an aristocratic system where minority groups have extra-constitutional powers like in Thailand, they must literally throw out the elected government along with the constitution and its attendant rule of law to KEEP power. Jefferson unquestionably supported a pluralist government and not an aristcratic government. There is nothing in his writing that suggests support for the use of coups or even revolutions to change a government.

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Didn't he sell his MPs to Thaksin?

Not really. NAP moved to TRT and they got a couple of portfolios. When the army removed Chatchai the little boy Korbsak (Moved from CTP to Democrat Party) and he got a portfolio in the Chuan Lekpai government.

In 2008 Abhidit bring ob board BJT (Newin from Buriram) and they got portfolios in exchange for supporting the generals which cost them dearly as they lost most of the seats.

Now it is Chavalit. PTP is dead but new parties will be launched as soon the General allows Political gatherings.

The Generals also will be very careful to move against Chavalit. They try to pin him to the Samui bombing (still no findings by the way who is behind) but the North and Northeast vote for anyone as long they are not from the South or Bangkok so if Chavalit runs for the election and combines the red shirts and as well the Newin Group he will win and beat the democrats by 2 to 1.5 and he is right a coup will come up again in a few years time but he might change some laws that coup leaders will be send to the firing squad next time and executed on the spot.

So, the former PM Gen Chavalit of "1997 disaster" fame did sell his MPs to Thaksin, who was Minister of Interior under Chavalit (and know for his cleanup of Bangkok's traffic problem in merely six months).

Wasn't Gen Chavalit a Dept. PM or Minister of Interior in 2008? Wasn't Gen. Chavalit appointed commanding General of the People's Army in 2010 ?

Makes you wonder why he thinks people would be interested in him as democratic Prime Minister. Mind you, may be he insinuated he was contemplating staging a coup ?

Edited by rubl
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This topic reminded me of a short paragraph from a report I was reading recently on Chalerms son murdering the cop : http://www.geocities.ws/chainat_prov/4412/THA-chalerm.html

Worries that the case would not be allowed to proceed by the book intensified since one of Mr Chalerm's closest political allies, Defence Minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, is in command of the police department. And he is very, very corrupt.

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This topic reminded me of a short paragraph from a report I was reading recently on Chalerms son murdering the cop : http://www.geocities.ws/chainat_prov/4412/THA-chalerm.html

Worries that the case would not be allowed to proceed by the book intensified since one of Mr Chalerm's closest political allies, Defence Minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, is in command of the police department. And he is very, very corrupt.

Geocities? What year are you in? 1997?

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Back to the future ?

Imagine PM Chavalit AGAIN , little wonder the country can't move forward with the dinosaurs hanging around and refusing to let go.

Does anyone else feel there's always that air of right and entitlement around ?

Some problems time will solve.....Chavalit is 83.....

If you want to know what sort of person you were in your last life look at your social position now, if you want to know what your social position will be in your next life look at your behaviour now. One new snail coming up.

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During the Thai Laos Border War (87-88), the pesky Laos inflicted heavy casualties on the Thais, and could not be defeated. There was also diplomatic deadlock. It finally got too much for Chavalit, then Army Chief, not because of the casualties, but because it was wrecking his budget.

He kissed the arse of the Lao General.....problem solved! Everyone friends again.

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This topic reminded me of a short paragraph from a report I was reading recently on Chalerms son murdering the cop : http://www.geocities.ws/chainat_prov/4412/THA-chalerm.html

Worries that the case would not be allowed to proceed by the book intensified since one of Mr Chalerm's closest political allies, Defence Minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, is in command of the police department. And he is very, very corrupt.

Geocities? What year are you in? 1997?

Ah yes it is said that history can be a great teacher.

And we have somewhat of a problem on this site with those who would attempt to alter history for their own, usually political, ends.

So to go back and read reports of things as they actually happened can help to sort out what is real and what is bovine excrement. It helps even more to keep a data base of URL's under various headings that can be referred back to, then those who would chance things can be pointed to actual true reports to help them understand the error of what they post (choose to believe).

Doesn't always help though for there are those who refuse to believe reports of things as they happen. But in my case it does help me to know that I am right in what I post and I can refer back before I hit the 'Add reply' button to be sure.

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Vise man, one of few.

Sure, he was PM when Thailand lost all its foreign reserve...

Perhaps the good general could look into who was buying vast amounts of $US just before the devaluation. This could clamp shut the old boy's mouth once & for all along with a few others like his good buddy in Dubai.

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Didn't he sell his MPs to Thaksin?

Not really. NAP moved to TRT and they got a couple of portfolios. When the army removed Chatchai the little boy Korbsak (Moved from CTP to Democrat Party) and he got a portfolio in the Chuan Lekpai government.

In 2008 Abhidit bring ob board BJT (Newin from Buriram) and they got portfolios in exchange for supporting the generals which cost them dearly as they lost most of the seats.

Now it is Chavalit. PTP is dead but new parties will be launched as soon the General allows Political gatherings.

The Generals also will be very careful to move against Chavalit. They try to pin him to the Samui bombing (still no findings by the way who is behind) but the North and Northeast vote for anyone as long they are not from the South or Bangkok so if Chavalit runs for the election and combines the red shirts and as well the Newin Group he will win and beat the democrats by 2 to 1.5 and he is right a coup will come up again in a few years time but he might change some laws that coup leaders will be send to the firing squad next time and executed on the spot.

I have seldom read such rubbish on this forum. I can't understand why it's not deleted by the moderators

So you don't believe in free speech?

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"The ex-premier wanted as his birthday present peace in the Kingdom"

​How ironic that he said that considering they tried to make peace at the barrel of a gun grenade launcher last year were half the people at his party committed terrorist acts and were responsible for over 25 dead and 700 injured over a 7 month period while the other half at the party let them do it by not arresting a single person for those criminal acts.

The UDD / PTP idea of peace is by "silencing" or simply ignoring or denouncing anyone and everyone that disagrees with them. The PTP ex PM proved this by saying "I have always served the people that voted for me". the PTP ex DPM proved it by saying "You will get a convention centre in Phuket when you vote for us".

I wonder if there were little chocolate M79 grenade launchers forming the words "PEACE" adorning his birthday cake?

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Didn't he sell his MPs to Thaksin?

Not really. NAP moved to TRT and they got a couple of portfolios. When the army removed Chatchai the little boy Korbsak (Moved from CTP to Democrat Party) and he got a portfolio in the Chuan Lekpai government.

In 2008 Abhidit bring ob board BJT (Newin from Buriram) and they got portfolios in exchange for supporting the generals which cost them dearly as they lost most of the seats.

Now it is Chavalit. PTP is dead but new parties will be launched as soon the General allows Political gatherings.

The Generals also will be very careful to move against Chavalit. They try to pin him to the Samui bombing (still no findings by the way who is behind) but the North and Northeast vote for anyone as long they are not from the South or Bangkok so if Chavalit runs for the election and combines the red shirts and as well the Newin Group he will win and beat the democrats by 2 to 1.5 and he is right a coup will come up again in a few years time but he might change some laws that coup leaders will be send to the firing squad next time and executed on the spot.

So you think Chavalit is from NE do you? It may interest you to know that he is from Nonthaburi, which is a whole lot closer to Bangkok than it is to Isaan, according to my map. He may have stood as an MP in Nakhon Phanom and created an impression that he is a son of Isaan, with his Green Isaan Project disaster, but then that is what Thai politics is all about, eh? Myth over reality, form over substance.

Chuan from Trang, interestingly can speak the Isaan dialect a whole lot better than Big Jiew, and more importantly, tried to communicate with Northeasterners back in the days when the Democrats had a bit of a foothold in the region, before the Red Shirt thugs chased them out with threats (and occasionally, acts) of violence.

Chavalit is a corrupt political dinosaur of the worst variety, who inexplicably has somehow managed to avoid any legal proceedings over the years, despite some committing some acts and making open threats against the state that in any other country would have been classed as treason. I can only guess his immunity must be down to having some friends in very high places and also knowing where too many bodies are buried (both figuratively, and literally). whistling.gif

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Vise man, one of few.

Sure, he was PM when Thailand lost all its foreign reserve...

Perhaps the good general could look into who was buying vast amounts of $US just before the devaluation. This could clamp shut the old boy's mouth once & for all along with a few others like his good buddy in Dubai.

And after the economic crisis / crash and massive devaluation of the Baht his answer was to open thousands of Thai restaurants across the world and send the profits back to Thailand to rebuild the economy.

Such a wonderful idea:

- Thousands of restaurants run by a gov't beaurocracy, sure to be highly profitable and generate billions of Baht quickly. No.

- Thousands of restaurants run by a gov't beaurocracy outside of Thailand where it would be super easy to divert funds, buy supplies at inflated prices etc., and way too costly to have any real on the ground audit process.

- This plan (if implemented) would have generated many jobs outside of Thailand but very few jobs in Thailand. Great way to tackle mass unemployment at home. Not a good idea

This is the pm who told his minions to arrange big local concerts across Essan when there was any sign of trouble. His answer - give them a big concert, they will forget about the problems.

Edited by scorecard
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