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Bandido chief stranded in Thailand after Australian govt refuses to renew visa


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The events in Waco yesterday would come as no surprise to Australians: a similar thing happened in Sydney a number of years ago in the carpark of a pub/shopping centre, as well as the shooting of innocent bystanders in Melbourne in 2013.

These bikie gangs control large parts of the drug trade ( manufacture, importation, distribution), money laundering, "security", internet fraud.

They are not some old style rough'n'tough types but low-life scumbags

Really, in Australia! They must be Brits.

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"The man is alleged to have had involvement in a range of criminal activities, including drug offences, through his alleged association with an outlaw motorcycle gang in Victoria," the spokesman said."

So nothing proven then?

Ah well, I'm sure his wife and 2 kids understand this move. Who needs their dad, eh?

All he needs to do is move them with him back to England, the children don't have to be apart from him. Don't put the blame on the Australian government.

I dont. They brought it upon themselves.

Why should the children have to leave their country of birth because the govt decides a man convicted of nothing should be banned?

For crying out loud, read the reasons for his being refused re-entry. He doesn't have to be convicted of anything.

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However the point I am trying to make is that the reason for the refusal to renew his visa is legal AS LONG AS YOU ARE AN AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL! And by this I am refering to belonging to a Motorcycle Club.

1. Why would an Australian national need a visa to enter Australia.

2. Since when does belonging to an outlaw MC club grant you Australian nationality.


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I find it quite amusing that the Oz govt dont want this guy back, yet for the past however many months, have tried to save the lives of 2 REAL scumbags recently killed by firing squad in Indonesia.

The 2 in Indonesia were Australian citizens. This guy isn't.

I mean is it really that difficult for you to understand? Every country in the world acts like this. Australia is no different. (well maybe Thailand does welcome foreign criminals - but most countries don't_

No I understand perfectly, many in Oz wanted the lives to be spared of those to who bring nothing but despair to other peoples lives by dealing in Heroin, smack and anything else they could make money from, including Abbott, pleading with the Indo authorities to spare them??? <deleted>?

As already stated MANY times on here, this Roach guy has not been convicted of anything, he has only had his visa refused because the Aus govt seem to think it's best to take the easy way out and just refuse his visa. Fair enough, I have no real argument with that. After all, as again has been mentioned, being given a visa is a privilege not a right. But to say yeah keep this piece of scum out, then on the other hand want dirty smack dealers to be spared seems like double standards to me . . . and there we go generalising again. I bet there are many countries in the world that certainly do not act like that!! Anyway they got a bullet to the chest so good riddance, and Roach will probably not step foot on Ozzy soil again, so hey good riddance - everyones a winner thumbsup.gif

You really need to get better informed. Australia asked for the lives of the two drug dealers to be spared because Australia doesn't have the death penalty, and because they had already been in jail for 10 years and had shown very positive signs of rehabilitation. Didn't mean they wouldn't spend the rest of their life in jail, just wouldn't be executed. I believe the UK and other countries have also asked for their citizens to be spared death sentences as well. I'd like to know why you think Australia is taking "the easy way out" by refusing Roach re-entry into Australia?


Australia doesn't have the death penalty??? So what??? The offences happened in Indonesia where they do have the death penalty hahaha oh dear. Has anyone got a needle n thread to stitch my sides back up?!? Priceless. Maybe the UK have asked for lives to be spared also but my outlook on it is if you commit a crime in a country that has the death penalty for said crime, you get what you deserve, and to back my point up, there is a grandma about to be executed in Indo from England and I say the same thing, good riddance.

People have said Roach is getting what was coming to him, I also agree with that, it wont bother him too much, there are many other places in the world he can go.

Anyway, unlike those 2 smack dealers and the granny, I have a life so Im off out - goodnight cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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However the point I am trying to make is that the reason for the refusal to renew his visa is legal AS LONG AS YOU ARE AN AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL! And by this I am refering to belonging to a Motorcycle Club.

1. Why would an Australian national need a visa to enter Australia.

2. Since when does belonging to an outlaw MC club grant you Australian nationality.


Yeah, I know, the guy doesn't know what day it is. Then he suggests we can deport all the muslims for the same reason. Confused? I know I am.

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So, if he joined the club after arriving, has he broken the law? Is it actually illegal to belong to the Bandidos? If so why aren´t the rest of them being arrested and charged?

Can they show any of his conduct ¨is not of good character? Has he commited aany crimes?

All this is doing is making the chapter exclusive to Australian Nationals.

All he had to do was get Nationalised, or at least he should have renewed his PR visa while in Aus......

They got Capone on Tax fraud, at least he did something wrong they could convict him on! I am not saying this guy is a babe in the woods, but they don´t have anything on him they can use or they would have. Politicians always find loop holes in the law to justify their means and ends. Are they going down this path because they can´t convict them? Doesn´t say much for local law enforcement, maybe some of these so called lowlifes are smarter than a lot of you are giving them credit for......

The rules apply if he applied in or out of the country. In country, he could have appealed and delayed deportation.

You don't list membership of a criminal organisation as a character reference, and we have the right to refuse a visa to anybody where there is a RISK of criminal activity. That you don't like it is of little consequence.

Would he get a tourism visa to your country if it was known he was a Bandido?

he rules apply if he applied in or out of the country. In country, he could have appealed and delayed deportation.

EXACTLY, he would have had a beter chance of fighting it, and would have remained there while it was taking plaqce. Also more than one person would have made the decision.

That you don't like it is of little consequence.

It isn´t that I don´t like it I think the way and reasons used to do this is wrong, EVERYONE, regardless of race or creed should get a fair shake (read other posts for details).

Would he get a tourism visa to your country if it was known he was a Bandido?

Well seeing as how they (my country) are not letting him back in I doubt it.........

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"The man is alleged to have had involvement in a range of criminal activities, including drug offences, through his alleged association with an outlaw motorcycle gang in Victoria," the spokesman said."

So nothing proven then?

Ah well, I'm sure his wife and 2 kids understand this move. Who needs their dad, eh?

All he needs to do is move them with him back to England, the children don't have to be apart from him. Don't put the blame on the Australian government.

I dont. They brought it upon themselves.

Why should the children have to leave their country of birth because the govt decides a man convicted of nothing should be banned?

For crying out loud, read the reasons for his being refused re-entry. He doesn't have to be convicted of anything.

Did you read the post I was replying to and the callous attitude taken by the poster to this man's children?

I've already been through this with you.

I know what you say is correct.

I just don't think it is ever right to treat someone this way without any legal process being taken that results in a conviction.

If he's scum then prosecute and expel.

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So, if he joined the club after arriving, has he broken the law? Is it actually illegal to belong to the Bandidos? If so why aren´t the rest of them being arrested and charged?

Can they show any of his conduct ¨is not of good character? Has he commited aany crimes?

All this is doing is making the chapter exclusive to Australian Nationals.

All he had to do was get Nationalised, or at least he should have renewed his PR visa while in Aus......

They got Capone on Tax fraud, at least he did something wrong they could convict him on! I am not saying this guy is a babe in the woods, but they don´t have anything on him they can use or they would have. Politicians always find loop holes in the law to justify their means and ends. Are they going down this path because they can´t convict them? Doesn´t say much for local law enforcement, maybe some of these so called lowlifes are smarter than a lot of you are giving them credit for......

The rules apply if he applied in or out of the country. In country, he could have appealed and delayed deportation.

You don't list membership of a criminal organisation as a character reference, and we have the right to refuse a visa to anybody where there is a RISK of criminal activity. That you don't like it is of little consequence.

Would he get a tourism visa to your country if it was known he was a Bandido?

he rules apply if he applied in or out of the country. In country, he could have appealed and delayed deportation.

EXACTLY, he would have had a beter chance of fighting it, and would have remained there while it was taking plaqce. Also more than one person would have made the decision.

That you don't like it is of little consequence.

It isn´t that I don´t like it I think the way and reasons used to do this is wrong, EVERYONE, regardless of race or creed should get a fair shake (read other posts for details).

Would he get a tourism visa to your country if it was known he was a Bandido?

Well seeing as how they (my country) are not letting him back in I doubt it.........

You really just don't get it do you. All this talk of a fair shake etc as though he's some poor backpacker who the nasty Aussie government has thrown out without cause.

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"And yet Australia gave Johnny Depp a handful of hours to remove his dogs or they would face the death penalty".

Maybe the Depp dogs were of better character & had less flees than Roach.... you think !

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Did you read the post I was replying to and the callous attitude taken by the poster to this man's children?

I've already been through this with you.

I know what you say is correct.

I just don't think it is ever right to treat someone this way without any legal process being taken that results in a conviction.

If he's scum then prosecute and expel.

He's gone and Australia is a better place for it. Australia has acted within the law whether you think it's right or not.

Edited by giddyup
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However the point I am trying to make is that the reason for the refusal to renew his visa is legal AS LONG AS YOU ARE AN AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL! And by this I am refering to belonging to a Motorcycle Club.

1. Why would an Australian national need a visa to enter Australia.

2. Since when does belonging to an outlaw MC club grant you Australian nationality.


1. Why would an Australian national need a visa to enter Australia.

OBVIOUSLY he wouldn´t and who said he would?

I simply stated that the reason they are giving for his expulsion are legal as long as you are an Australian, if not it can get you expelled. If it is legal then what is the REAL reason for his expulsion? If it is illegal (if not pass laws so it is) then lock ´em all up!!

2. Since when does belonging to an outlaw MC club grant you Australian nationality.

I don´t understand where you get this from at all....

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However the point I am trying to make is that the reason for the refusal to renew his visa is legal AS LONG AS YOU ARE AN AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL! And by this I am refering to belonging to a Motorcycle Club.

1. Why would an Australian national need a visa to enter Australia.

2. Since when does belonging to an outlaw MC club grant you Australian nationality.


Yeah, I know, the guy doesn't know what day it is. Then he suggests we can deport all the muslims for the same reason. Confused? I know I am.

Well if you understood those 2 questions then you must be confused!!! (see previous post)

The visa ¨rules¨ as posted earlier could (and some would say should) be used just as equally to deport every Muslim in the country. They all belong to a (much bigger) ¨club¨. READ THEM.

So if this applys to this guy why doesn´t it apply to Muslims?

Because someone is selectively applying it when it suits themselves, this s WRONG. Laws, rules and regulations should (I think) be applied equally to all, regardless...

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However the point I am trying to make is that the reason for the refusal to renew his visa is legal AS LONG AS YOU ARE AN AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL! And by this I am refering to belonging to a Motorcycle Club.

1. Why would an Australian national need a visa to enter Australia.

2. Since when does belonging to an outlaw MC club grant you Australian nationality.


1. Why would an Australian national need a visa to enter Australia.

OBVIOUSLY he wouldn´t and who said he would?

I simply stated that the reason they are giving for his expulsion are legal as long as you are an Australian, if not it can get you expelled. If it is legal then what is the REAL reason for his expulsion? If it is illegal (if not pass laws so it is) then lock ´em all up!!

2. Since when does belonging to an outlaw MC club grant you Australian nationality.

I don´t understand where you get this from at all....

Probably because what you say makes no sense. Example "I simply stated that the reason they are giving for his expulsion are legal as long as you are an Australian, if not it can get you expelled. If it is legal then what is the REAL reason for his expulsion? If it is illegal (if not pass laws so it is) then lock ´em all up!!"

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Did you read the post I was replying to and the callous attitude taken by the poster to this man's children?

I've already been through this with you.

I know what you say is correct.

I just don't think it is ever right to treat someone this way without any legal process being taken that results in a conviction.

If he's scum then prosecute and expel.

He's gone and Australia is a better place for it. Australia has acted within the law whether you think it's right or not.

Possibly you're right if he is guilty of criminal activity, possibly Australia has acted within the law, allegedly he's got a lawyer to argue that case.

As for it not mattering what I think about the law, yep that's true.

It's still wrong though.

Everyone should have the right to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.

Even scum.

Edited by Bluespunk
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However the point I am trying to make is that the reason for the refusal to renew his visa is legal AS LONG AS YOU ARE AN AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL! And by this I am refering to belonging to a Motorcycle Club.

1. Why would an Australian national need a visa to enter Australia.

2. Since when does belonging to an outlaw MC club grant you Australian nationality.


1. Why would an Australian national need a visa to enter Australia.

OBVIOUSLY he wouldn´t and who said he would?

I simply stated that the reason they are giving for his expulsion are legal as long as you are an Australian, if not it can get you expelled. If it is legal then what is the REAL reason for his expulsion? If it is illegal (if not pass laws so it is) then lock ´em all up!!

2. Since when does belonging to an outlaw MC club grant you Australian nationality.

I don´t understand where you get this from at all....

I got it from your post. " the reason for the refusal to renew his visa is legal AS LONG AS YOU ARE AN AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL! And by this I am refering to belonging to a Motorcycle Club."

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So, if he joined the club after arriving, has he broken the law? Is it actually illegal to belong to the Bandidos? If so why aren´t the rest of them being arrested and charged?

Can they show any of his conduct ¨is not of good character? Has he commited aany crimes?

All this is doing is making the chapter exclusive to Australian Nationals.

All he had to do was get Nationalised, or at least he should have renewed his PR visa while in Aus......

They got Capone on Tax fraud, at least he did something wrong they could convict him on! I am not saying this guy is a babe in the woods, but they don´t have anything on him they can use or they would have. Politicians always find loop holes in the law to justify their means and ends. Are they going down this path because they can´t convict them? Doesn´t say much for local law enforcement, maybe some of these so called lowlifes are smarter than a lot of you are giving them credit for......

The rules apply if he applied in or out of the country. In country, he could have appealed and delayed deportation.

You don't list membership of a criminal organisation as a character reference, and we have the right to refuse a visa to anybody where there is a RISK of criminal activity. That you don't like it is of little consequence.

Would he get a tourism visa to your country if it was known he was a Bandido?

he rules apply if he applied in or out of the country. In country, he could have appealed and delayed deportation.

EXACTLY, he would have had a beter chance of fighting it, and would have remained there while it was taking plaqce. Also more than one person would have made the decision.

That you don't like it is of little consequence.

It isn´t that I don´t like it I think the way and reasons used to do this is wrong, EVERYONE, regardless of race or creed should get a fair shake (read other posts for details).

Would he get a tourism visa to your country if it was known he was a Bandido?

Well seeing as how they (my country) are not letting him back in I doubt it.........

You really just don't get it do you. All this talk of a fair shake etc as though he's some poor backpacker who the nasty Aussie government has thrown out without cause.

Yes I do get it. No I don´t think he is a poor back packer.

I do however think he should be entitled to the same rights and treatment as any / every other person on the planet and being deported from a country (no matter what country) that you have resided in for 15 years (legally) and have a family in should require more than a ¨rubber stamp¨ from some beurocrat that hasn´t even heard both sides of the story!

If he is guilty of something, fair enough. But to expel someone just because ¨ÿou don´t like him¨ or his (her) belifs (example...Muslims) is wrong.

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Come too OZ break laws, GET OUT AND DON'T COME BACK!!!

Should be a lot more of this for all visa holders,

Only one problem, it could be appealed and rescinded as to proof of character or crimes committed in OZ to be confirmed.

Seems a rather cowardly move by the Aussies to wait until he went on holiday. Why didn't they confront him face to face and deport him back to the UK?

Not really! I guess his name just appeared on the Fed Police list when he applied for his return visa. Just unfortunate for him that Abbott has decided to do something about these scum, now i hope that they start persueing the Middle Eastern and Southern Med names. Plenty of them.

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So no evidence this guy has done something wrong other than be a member of an MC Club and using the excuse that refusal is based on his alleged charachter because he is in an MC club what an ignorant and bigoted approach

If he was committing crimes where there is proof OK no problem but when there is NO EVIDENCE of that then it is just a sad reflection on Australia and as for all you saddo's that are prepared to hang a guy because of the way he looks or your bigoted views on Bikers and Biker clubs well I wont say what I really want since i am coming off a months holiday already.

You dont even know the guy but are happy to have him removed from his family and kids on nothing more than made up crap.

If you & dumbspunk & others are sooooo concerned...... maybe you would like to adopt him. I'm sure your family & neighbors would be happy to have him in the community.

At last, Australia has a government with enough balls to start thinking of the overall good of the country / community in relation to unwanted & undesirables.

There are millions of Aussies that have tatts that aren't on the radar. There's thousands of Aussies that are members of "clubs", not "gangs", that aren't on the radar. Why do you think the likes of this critter, Sergent at Arms of a notorious outlaw bike gang is on the radar ???? Oh, for what it's worth, I have several tatts & ride a bike. Wonder why I'm not on the radar.

Yes, yes, I know... civil liberties & human rights... blah blah.

Yeah, I'm waiting for your response...... give it your best shot.

Civil liberties, human rights and I might add the rule of law are not blah, blah. They are fundamental aspects of a civilised democratic society.

The guy may well be scum, but it still has to be proven by the rule of law.

NO! his poof of being a member of an outlawed criminal organistion is enough.

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The rules apply if he applied in or out of the country. In country, he could have appealed and delayed deportation.

You don't list membership of a criminal organisation as a character reference, and we have the right to refuse a visa to anybody where there is a RISK of criminal activity. That you don't like it is of little consequence.

Would he get a tourism visa to your country if it was known he was a Bandido?

he rules apply if he applied in or out of the country. In country, he could have appealed and delayed deportation.

EXACTLY, he would have had a beter chance of fighting it, and would have remained there while it was taking plaqce. Also more than one person would have made the decision.

That you don't like it is of little consequence.

It isn´t that I don´t like it I think the way and reasons used to do this is wrong, EVERYONE, regardless of race or creed should get a fair shake (read other posts for details).

Would he get a tourism visa to your country if it was known he was a Bandido?

Well seeing as how they (my country) are not letting him back in I doubt it.........

You really just don't get it do you. All this talk of a fair shake etc as though he's some poor backpacker who the nasty Aussie government has thrown out without cause.

Yes I do get it. No I don´t think he is a poor back packer.

I do however think he should be entitled to the same rights and treatment as any / every other person on the planet and being deported from a country (no matter what country) that you have resided in for 15 years (legally) and have a family in should require more than a ¨rubber stamp¨ from some beurocrat that hasn´t even heard both sides of the story!

If he is guilty of something, fair enough. But to expel someone just because ¨ÿou don´t like him¨ or his (her) belifs (example...Muslims) is wrong.

When was he deported ?

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What about his Wife and family. Think their could be a human rights case looming. They need to allow him access to his family , not residency but access

No problem his family can go to Thailand.

But will the Thais allow the poor man to stay ?

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Yes I do get it. No I don´t think he is a poor back packer.

I do however think he should be entitled to the same rights and treatment as any / every other person on the planet and being deported from a country (no matter what country) that you have resided in for 15 years (legally) and have a family in should require more than a ¨rubber stamp¨ from some beurocrat that hasn´t even heard both sides of the story!

If he is guilty of something, fair enough. But to expel someone just because ¨ÿou don´t like him¨ or his (her) belifs (example...Muslims) is wrong.

For the umpteenth time, he doesn't have to be guilty of anything. He's an undesirable who is a senior member of a criminal enterprise. He left Australia under his own volition, now he's been refused entry back in. He's not an Australian citizen. Can you grasp it?

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However the point I am trying to make is that the reason for the refusal to renew his visa is legal AS LONG AS YOU ARE AN AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL! And by this I am refering to belonging to a Motorcycle Club.

1. Why would an Australian national need a visa to enter Australia.

2. Since when does belonging to an outlaw MC club grant you Australian nationality.


1. Why would an Australian national need a visa to enter Australia.

OBVIOUSLY he wouldn´t and who said he would?

I simply stated that the reason they are giving for his expulsion are legal as long as you are an Australian, if not it can get you expelled. If it is legal then what is the REAL reason for his expulsion? If it is illegal (if not pass laws so it is) then lock ´em all up!!

2. Since when does belonging to an outlaw MC club grant you Australian nationality.

I don´t understand where you get this from at all....

Probably because what you say makes no sense. Example "I simply stated that the reason they are giving for his expulsion are legal as long as you are an Australian, if not it can get you expelled. If it is legal then what is the REAL reason for his expulsion? If it is illegal (if not pass laws so it is) then lock ´em all up!!"

The reason they are using (he hasn´t got a criminal record in Aus) is because he is a member of the Bandido´s!! Nothing else.

If you are an Australian this is legal, so why are they expelling him? If being a member of the Bandidos is illegal, then lock ´em all up. If it not illegal then they haven´t got a reason to expell him (IMO).

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So no evidence this guy has done something wrong other than be a member of an MC Club and using the excuse that refusal is based on his alleged charachter because he is in an MC club what an ignorant and bigoted approach

If he was committing crimes where there is proof OK no problem but when there is NO EVIDENCE of that then it is just a sad reflection on Australia and as for all you saddo's that are prepared to hang a guy because of the way he looks or your bigoted views on Bikers and Biker clubs well I wont say what I really want since i am coming off a months holiday already.

You dont even know the guy but are happy to have him removed from his family and kids on nothing more than made up crap.

If you & dumbspunk & others are sooooo concerned...... maybe you would like to adopt him. I'm sure your family & neighbors would be happy to have him in the community.

At last, Australia has a government with enough balls to start thinking of the overall good of the country / community in relation to unwanted & undesirables.

There are millions of Aussies that have tatts that aren't on the radar. There's thousands of Aussies that are members of "clubs", not "gangs", that aren't on the radar. Why do you think the likes of this critter, Sergent at Arms of a notorious outlaw bike gang is on the radar ???? Oh, for what it's worth, I have several tatts & ride a bike. Wonder why I'm not on the radar.

Yes, yes, I know... civil liberties & human rights... blah blah.

Yeah, I'm waiting for your response...... give it your best shot.

Civil liberties, human rights and I might add the rule of law are not blah, blah. They are fundamental aspects of a civilised democratic society.

The guy may well be scum, but it still has to be proven by the rule of law.

NO! his poof of being a member of an outlawed criminal organistion is enough.

Is there any proof he's committed a crime? The OP talks about allegations not convictions.

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However the point I am trying to make is that the reason for the refusal to renew his visa is legal AS LONG AS YOU ARE AN AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL! And by this I am refering to belonging to a Motorcycle Club.

1. Why would an Australian national need a visa to enter Australia.

2. Since when does belonging to an outlaw MC club grant you Australian nationality.


1. Why would an Australian national need a visa to enter Australia.

OBVIOUSLY he wouldn´t and who said he would?

I simply stated that the reason they are giving for his expulsion are legal as long as you are an Australian, if not it can get you expelled. If it is legal then what is the REAL reason for his expulsion? If it is illegal (if not pass laws so it is) then lock ´em all up!!

2. Since when does belonging to an outlaw MC club grant you Australian nationality.

I don´t understand where you get this from at all....

I got it from your post. " the reason for the refusal to renew his visa is legal AS LONG AS YOU ARE AN AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL! And by this I am refering to belonging to a Motorcycle Club."

Read previous post (I hope this helps).....

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1. Why would an Australian national need a visa to enter Australia.

2. Since when does belonging to an outlaw MC club grant you Australian nationality.


1. Why would an Australian national need a visa to enter Australia.

OBVIOUSLY he wouldn´t and who said he would?

I simply stated that the reason they are giving for his expulsion are legal as long as you are an Australian, if not it can get you expelled. If it is legal then what is the REAL reason for his expulsion? If it is illegal (if not pass laws so it is) then lock ´em all up!!

2. Since when does belonging to an outlaw MC club grant you Australian nationality.

I don´t understand where you get this from at all....

I got it from your post. " the reason for the refusal to renew his visa is legal AS LONG AS YOU ARE AN AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL! And by this I am refering to belonging to a Motorcycle Club."

Read previous post (I hope this helps).....

Given your association with these clubs Iam concerned you may be under the influence of the shit they peddle, hence your posts are of complete fantasy and way out of line of the actual facts.

Edited by Don Mega
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Is there any proof he's committed a crime? The OP talks about allegations not convictions.

If you'd actually bothered to read any of the posts you'd know that he doesn't have to commit a crime to be refused entry into Australia..

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Is there any proof he's committed a crime? The OP talks about allegations not convictions.

If you'd actually bothered to read any of the posts you'd know that he doesn't have to commit a crime to be refused entry into Australia..

I assume that's aimed at me.

I've read all the posts.

You know my view.

Oldsailor35 seems to be saying he has proof.

Edited by Bluespunk
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However the point I am trying to make is that the reason for the refusal to renew his visa is legal AS LONG AS YOU ARE AN AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL! And by this I am refering to belonging to a Motorcycle Club.

1. Why would an Australian national need a visa to enter Australia.

2. Since when does belonging to an outlaw MC club grant you Australian nationality.


Yeah, I know, the guy doesn't know what day it is. Then he suggests we can deport all the muslims for the same reason. Confused? I know I am.

Well if you understood those 2 questions then you must be confused!!! (see previous post)

The visa ¨rules¨ as posted earlier could (and some would say should) be used just as equally to deport every Muslim in the country. They all belong to a (much bigger) ¨club¨. READ THEM.

So if this applys to this guy why doesn´t it apply to Muslims?

Because someone is selectively applying it when it suits themselves, this s WRONG. Laws, rules and regulations should (I think) be applied equally to all, regardless...

He doesn't just belong to a club, he belongs to a criminal enterprise. Muslims can't be deported for just being muslim, besides, they are all smart enough to get Australian citizenship, something that Mr Roach failed to do, otherwise he probably wouldn't be in this predicament.

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