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Bandido chief stranded in Thailand after Australian govt refuses to renew visa


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The fact is, this man is according to the Australian Government, guilty by association. You, nor they have presented any factual evidence of criminality by this said man. Being tattooed and a member of an MC does not make a criminal, nor an undesirable. Spewing forth racial hate speeches by a Moslem Immam in downtown London does.

No, No, No, I hate to keep reiterating this, since (despite my other posts) I don't actually agree with banning people just for associating with a bikers club (for being an active member of a proscribed organization, yes, for associating with Nazi’s, KKK, al-Qadea, ISIS, etc., yes).

BUT, there is no evidence posted so far to prove that the Oz government have no evidence against him and are banning him for nothing, it's just bleeding heart supposition.

Since 2002, the Oz Government has maintained a list of terrorist organizations as per the Security Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Act 2002 and listing, de-listing and re-listing follows a protocol (standard procedure) that involves a lot of people and organizations ensuring that that this list is up to date.

No-doubt a similar protocol is used to ban undesirable bums. So, if there is nothing solid tying him to illegal / undesirable activities, he will have no problem appealing against his ban.

So much waffle by people who have not examined the facts.

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Wow! 24 pages! Who would have thought a scumbag that lived in Geelong would have deserved 24 pages! biggrin.png

I put it down to a tension between two aims:

(a) Effective government and protection against evil-doers.

(B) Protection against arbitrary acts by government.

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The fact is, this man is according to the Australian Government, guilty by association. You, nor they have presented any factual evidence of criminality by this said man. Being tattooed and a member of an MC does not make a criminal, nor an undesirable. Spewing forth racial hate speeches by a Moslem Immam in downtown London does.

No, No, No, I hate to keep reiterating this, since (despite my other posts) I don't actually agree with banning people just for associating with a bikers club (for being an active member of a proscribed organization, yes, for associating with Nazi’s, KKK, al-Qadea, ISIS, etc., yes).

BUT, there is no evidence posted so far to prove that the Oz government have no evidence against him and are banning him for nothing, it's just bleeding heart supposition.

Since 2002, the Oz Government has maintained a list of terrorist organizations as per the Security Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Act 2002 and listing, de-listing and re-listing follows a protocol (standard procedure) that involves a lot of people and organizations ensuring that that this list is up to date.

No-doubt a similar protocol is used to ban undesirable bums. So, if there is nothing solid tying him to illegal / undesirable activities, he will have no problem appealing against his ban.

So much waffle by people who have not examined the facts.

Wake up will you, it is not a bikers club as you misguidedly called it, the Bandidos is a criminal organisation. A brief Google search would have told you that. So no different than being a member of Al Qadea, KKK etc, you are guilty by association. Do you really think you could belong to the KKK but be tolerant of blacks? Of course not, any more than you can belong to the Bandidos and not be complicit in crime.

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Righty-o then. By the way what's Master at Arms? I don't keep my head in the sand, quite the opposite, i don't believe sensationalist press with bad journalism. Not very headline grabbing is it when a motorcycle club member comes home from a proper day's work to help change his child's nappies. Much better is rape, pillage, bite heads off chickens and drug deal/manufacture.I don't believe all that governments tell us. War in Vietnam because of those so bad commies and the "domino effect", all of SEA will fall. Well it did'nt but it cost the lives of 50k Americans and millions of Vietnamese. We are not or at war in Laos. How many million tons of ordnance? There are WMD in Iraq, Saddam has them, honest. Yeah right, and now look at the mess. Believe all that the press and governments spew out and want you to believe, because i don't and never have.

As for guilty by association, do not even get me started. How far have we fallen in freedom in the West? I had very very good friends in Germany in the early 80's do 5 years time, with no parole for exactly that. No crime, just guilty of association. Pathetic and disgusting.

Hey, I answered your question, I don't need a lecture on all the evils in the world. If you think this scumbag is squeaky clean and sings in the church choir, you're free to believe it. If I belonged to the KKK would you be justified in thinking I was a racist? I wonder how far your tolerance will extend once we reach a point of total anarchy. Will you then reflect that maybe we should have done a bit more with reigning in the bad guys before they took over?

No, you did'nt. Your proof is guilt by association. Only. My point was don't believe everything in the press or what governments tell us is the "right" thing. Being a member of the KKK means you believe in White Supremacy, and you are a racist. Being a member of the Bandidos MC means you ride a motorcycle and like the brotherhood/camaraderie of that lifestyle. It does not mean you are a criminal.

Now, back in the 70's and 80's the Federal Government of the USA tried the RICO act against the Hells Angels in California. The first case cost the government over 5 million dollars, a lot of money back then. Both cases failed, and all subsequent criminal organisation cases against them have failed. Now why is that?

# Good lawyers?

# Crap prosecution?

# Or just that, maybe, they were NOT a criminal organisation.

Lets go more recent. Last year in Australia, 700 various police raided 110 properties belonging to 70 members of a motorcycle club. 10 were charged with 100 illegal items, weapons, drugs, stolen whatevers. That means 60 were not charged. That to me signifies that those 70 were not part of a criminal organisation, but 10 were up to no good. If it was a criminal organisation, surely we would have seen 70 arrests. N'est pas?

Let's take a look at the AVERAGE outlaw motorcycle club (note the word club, not what the government wants us to say - "gang" - sounds nastier, right) charter's membership;

say there are 12 members. Employment would be broken down thus;

# 2 x mechanics, cars or bikes or buses or trucks.

# 1 x truck driver.

# 1 x bike shop owner/operator (may employ the above mechanics).

# 1 x nightclub security doorman.

# 1 x restaurant/nightclub owner/operator (may employ the above doorman).

# 1 x carpenter.

# 1 x construction worker.

# 1 x tattooist or tattoo shop owner.

# 1 x unemployed, claiming welfare for whatever.

# 1 x drug dealer.

# 1 x other naughty boy into whatever, selling the above's drugs, stealing vehicles, whatever.

As long as hard drugs ie heroin or crack cocaine are not used or peddled, kiddie fiddling or porn is not dealt in, LE, it is of no concern what your profession is to other members, be it legit or not.

Now 2, maybe 3 of the above are up to no good. Maybe one of the mechanics loans the drug dealer some money for a bigger drug deal. Maybe the drug dealer sells drugs to the restaurant owner.

But, i can guarantee you that the above is NOT organised crime between 12 people, and that motorcycle clubs do not work as a complete organised crime gang. It just does'nt happen. There are no orders from the top "officers" down to the "soldiers" to go out and become criminals for monetary gain. It just does not work like that. And hence no court in any country can prove otherwise. Do not believe all that sensasionalist documentary crap on the television about biker gangs. Or SOA.


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The fact is, this man is according to the Australian Government, guilty by association. You, nor they have presented any factual evidence of criminality by this said man. Being tattooed and a member of an MC does not make a criminal, nor an undesirable. Spewing forth racial hate speeches by a Moslem Immam in downtown London does.

No, No, No, I hate to keep reiterating this, since (despite my other posts) I don't actually agree with banning people just for associating with a bikers club (for being an active member of a proscribed organization, yes, for associating with Nazi’s, KKK, al-Qadea, ISIS, etc., yes).

BUT, there is no evidence posted so far to prove that the Oz government have no evidence against him and are banning him for nothing, it's just bleeding heart supposition.

Since 2002, the Oz Government has maintained a list of terrorist organizations as per the Security Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Act 2002 and listing, de-listing and re-listing follows a protocol (standard procedure) that involves a lot of people and organizations ensuring that that this list is up to date.

No-doubt a similar protocol is used to ban undesirable bums. So, if there is nothing solid tying him to illegal / undesirable activities, he will have no problem appealing against his ban.

So much waffle by people who have not examined the facts.

Wake up will you, it is not a bikers club as you misguidedly called it, the Bandidos is a criminal organisation. A brief Google search would have told you that. So no different than being a member of Al Qadea, KKK etc, you are guilty by association. Do you really think you could belong to the KKK but be tolerant of blacks? Of course not, any more than you can belong to the Bandidos and not be complicit in crime.

Er, I rather think it's you who needs to wake-up and read all the posts before you spout off.

Plus please read my last post carefully again. In the first paragraph I wasn't actually refering to the Bandido's specifically, but to bikers clubs in general (which might include for instance "the Jesters" or "Bikers for Christ") and of course if the Bandidos is listed as a criminal organisation it would be proscribed wouldn't it! Thus, I said, I think members of proscribed organisations should be banned.

Also, if you had bothered to read my other posts, you would see what else I said about the KKK etc.

Sigh, If you struggle so badly with English comprehension I am sure that there are many good ESL courses recommended in TVF that will assist you to assimilate and understand the contents of other posts.

Have a nice day.

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Righty-o then. By the way what's Master at Arms? I don't keep my head in the sand, quite the opposite, i don't believe sensationalist press with bad journalism. Not very headline grabbing is it when a motorcycle club member comes home from a proper day's work to help change his child's nappies. Much better is rape, pillage, bite heads off chickens and drug deal/manufacture.I don't believe all that governments tell us. War in Vietnam because of those so bad commies and the "domino effect", all of SEA will fall. Well it did'nt but it cost the lives of 50k Americans and millions of Vietnamese. We are not or at war in Laos. How many million tons of ordnance? There are WMD in Iraq, Saddam has them, honest. Yeah right, and now look at the mess. Believe all that the press and governments spew out and want you to believe, because i don't and never have.

As for guilty by association, do not even get me started. How far have we fallen in freedom in the West? I had very very good friends in Germany in the early 80's do 5 years time, with no parole for exactly that. No crime, just guilty of association. Pathetic and disgusting.

Hey, I answered your question, I don't need a lecture on all the evils in the world. If you think this scumbag is squeaky clean and sings in the church choir, you're free to believe it. If I belonged to the KKK would you be justified in thinking I was a racist? I wonder how far your tolerance will extend once we reach a point of total anarchy. Will you then reflect that maybe we should have done a bit more with reigning in the bad guys before they took over?

No, you did'nt. Your proof is guilt by association. Only. My point was don't believe everything in the press or what governments tell us is the "right" thing. Being a member of the KKK means you believe in White Supremacy, and you are a racist. Being a member of the Bandidos MC means you ride a motorcycle and like the brotherhood/camaraderie of that lifestyle. It does not mean you are a criminal.

Now, back in the 70's and 80's the Federal Government of the USA tried the RICO act against the Hells Angels in California. The first case cost the government over 5 million dollars, a lot of money back then. Both cases failed, and all subsequent criminal organisation cases against them have failed. Now why is that?

# Good lawyers?

# Crap prosecution?

# Or just that, maybe, they were NOT a criminal organisation.

Lets go more recent. Last year in Australia, 700 various police raided 110 properties belonging to 70 members of a motorcycle club. 10 were charged with 100 illegal items, weapons, drugs, stolen whatevers. That means 60 were not charged. That to me signifies that those 70 were not part of a criminal organisation, but 10 were up to no good. If it was a criminal organisation, surely we would have seen 70 arrests. N'est pas?

Let's take a look at the AVERAGE outlaw motorcycle club (note the word club, not what the government wants us to say - "gang" - sounds nastier, right) charter's membership;

say there are 12 members. Employment would be broken down thus;

# 2 x mechanics, cars or bikes or buses or trucks.

# 1 x truck driver.

# 1 x bike shop owner/operator (may employ the above mechanics).

# 1 x nightclub security doorman.

# 1 x restaurant/nightclub owner/operator (may employ the above doorman).

# 1 x carpenter.

# 1 x construction worker.

# 1 x tattooist or tattoo shop owner.

# 1 x unemployed, claiming welfare for whatever.

# 1 x drug dealer.

# 1 x other naughty boy into whatever, selling the above's drugs, stealing vehicles, whatever.

As long as hard drugs ie heroin or crack cocaine are not used or peddled, kiddie fiddling or porn is not dealt in, LE, it is of no concern what your profession is to other members, be it legit or not.

Now 2, maybe 3 of the above are up to no good. Maybe one of the mechanics loans the drug dealer some money for a bigger drug deal. Maybe the drug dealer sells drugs to the restaurant owner.

But, i can guarantee you that the above is NOT organised crime between 12 people, and that motorcycle clubs do not work as a complete organised crime gang. It just does'nt happen. There are no orders from the top "officers" down to the "soldiers" to go out and become criminals for monetary gain. It just does not work like that. And hence no court in any country can prove otherwise. Do not believe all that sensasionalist documentary crap on the television about biker gangs. Or SOA.

No it isn't so!

your logic is based on false premises and you appear to live in cloud cuckoo land if you think that some of the other 60 biker gangs were not associated with organised crime just because they were not indicted at that particular time.

Please, pretty please, explain how you are going to GUARANTEE that a Danish/Australian/NZ/Norwegian/Japanese/Mexican/etc biker gang selling drugs is not part of organised crime?

Edited by MiKT
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I'm not really a Thai-centric forum type guy, i have better things to do with my short life on this beautiful planet. I'm tired of arguing my corner to a bunch of people i have never met in person. Not my kind of thing. We will agree to disagree. Y'all stay safe out there.


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I'm not really a Thai-centric forum type guy, i have better things to do with my short life on this beautiful planet. I'm tired of arguing my corner to a bunch of people i have never met in person. Not my kind of thing. We will agree to disagree. Y'all stay safe out there.


Possibly the most positive & sane post for many pages.

Yes, do agree to disagree. Well done Mike.

And safe riding to you.

Cheers..... Mal.

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Are the guys wife and kids Aussy citizens....?

If the guy ain't a citizen and is KNOWN to be involved in stuff, is on Aussy RADAR then they have every right to deny entry back to Auss, one less to spend tax payers money on.

I don't know HIS story, was he employed, paid taxes etc..Any one know...?

He was a Bandido, yes, he had a job flipping burgers at Burger King. Part-time he bashed people and helped manufacture and distribute speed.

Proof? Re the bashing people and drugs bit. I mean real proof he personally did those things. Thought so. You, and all the rest, inc the Federal Australian Government have no proof he personally is a criminal. Just an "undesirable" in today's Nanny Conformist state.

Keep your head in the sand if you want. His role was "Master at Arms", ie an enforcer. Do you think he asked his victims "pretty please"? The Bandidos are also a major manufacturer and distributor of amphetamines, even if he didn't sell personally, he is guilty by association. I don't need any more proof than that. The Aussie government calls him an undesirable, I call him a low-life scumbag.

Righty-o then. By the way what's Master at Arms? I don't keep my head in the sand, quite the opposite, i don't believe sensationalist press with bad journalism. Not very headline grabbing is it when a motorcycle club member comes home from a proper day's work to help change his child's nappies. Much better is rape, pillage, bite heads off chickens and drug deal/manufacture.I don't believe all that governments tell us. War in Vietnam because of those so bad commies and the "domino effect", all of SEA will fall. Well it did'nt but it cost the lives of 50k Americans and millions of Vietnamese. We are not or at war in Laos. How many million tons of ordnance? There are WMD in Iraq, Saddam has them, honest. Yeah right, and now look at the mess. Believe all that the press and governments spew out and want you to believe, because i don't and never have.

As for guilty by association, do not even get me started. How far have we fallen in freedom in the West? I had very very good friends in Germany in the early 80's do 5 years time, with no parole for exactly that. No crime, just guilty of association. Pathetic and disgusting.

Just one word for you: focus.

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anyhows, it's now front page news the federal gov't is announcing changes to how they can remove Citizenship of Nationalised citizens, both Dual Citz and those who had swap citizenship over to OZ completely.

They're going so deep, as to amend the Oath of Allegiance, to cover the point of Swearing to Obey and Follow the Laws of of Aust.

This will cover:

Terrorists; Unlawful scumbags like the subject of this Thread; wayward Imans etc etc

It must be true, as it's on the front cover of The Herald Sun... smile.png

Edited by tifino
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Well if doco's are to be believed then to be the leader of the roughest gangs you have to basically be a cold blooded murderer, no-one ever says anything against them because that would warrant a death sentence with added slow pain in which they use drips to keep the person alive while they are bleeding them out.

There is little doubt at all that this man should be locked away but this also is typical of the Australian government in the way they they seem to have so much problem with facing up to responsibility, if this man committed terrible crimes here then prove it, if you cant but you know from others but cant take them to court then do a sniper job, but DEAL with it, don't ALWAYS run from responsibility.

They seem to have no problems at all in inflicting more pain on the poor and innocent, but the REALLY bad people they run away from.

Edited by HowardH
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I just think it is very clever of the Ozztrailerian Government.... Just wait until he is out of the country and then shut the door. Superb! Cheap (at a time of budgetary restraints) and cuts the costs of banging him up in a detention centre while he exhausts the appeal route. Maybe they should sponsor a huge great bikie meet in let's say, Bali, and then ban all of those who haven't converted to citizenship. Jetstar would probably go broke though.

Edited by tolsti
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Doubt he would be allowed into UK if refused entry in AUS.

UK Immi first question, "why were you refused entry into AUS?" ......Answer:"Cos, I roughed up a few geysers, caught wif a bit of Ice & ride me Harley wif me mates. An' I'm married wif wife & 2 kids OK??"

UK Immi, "Sure, you sound like a fine upstanding citizen compared to last lot from Africa.....don't know what's wrong with the old penal colony!!!" Hahaha

If he's a UK citizen, which I assume he is then they can't refuse him entry unless there's been a rule change. He may be able to go anywhere in the EU as well.

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I just think it is very clever of the Ozztrailerian Government.... Just wait until he is out of the country and then shut the door. Superb! Cheap (at a time of budgetary restraints) and cuts the costs of banging him up in a detention centre while he exhausts the appeal route. Maybe they should sponsor a huge great bikie meet in let's say, Bali, and then ban all of those who haven't converted to citizenship. Jetstar would probably go broke though.

This has to be the greatest load of clap trap I've ever read. An apprentice troll are we? I don't know what country you're from, obviously not from Oz but it you want to reference my country then do so by using the correct name, Australia. If he can't abide by the rules, stiff, he played the game, new the risks, now he's enjoying the consequences. 24 years and still on a visa, now wants to complain. Had enough chances for citizenship but never took them, all I can say is thank heavens for small mercies. Yes, let him run his appeal with his own money, not that of the taxpayer, as this would be what he'd get up to if he was allowed re-entry.

Why are you playing up to people like him, trying to make him a hero, he's far from it. Your pin up boy, of the same ilk are we? Can't even pass the character test. Just remember, this is our country and our government, who we elected, will determine who comes and goes, not someone such as yourself. And with 85% of the population behind such action being taken then no matter what clap trap you go on with, thank god, you will never have any input. And after reading your little spiel, maybe you would be another who we wouldn't want because you couldn't past the test. Ad lastly, if and when you know anything relating to our security policies and the way the country is governed, then may someone, I don't know who, will take you seriously.

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Doubt he would be allowed into UK if refused entry in AUS.
UK Immi first question, "why were you refused entry into AUS?" ......Answer:"Cos, I roughed up a few geysers, caught wif a bit of Ice & ride me Harley wif me mates. An' I'm married wif wife & 2 kids OK??"
UK Immi, "Sure, you sound like a fine upstanding citizen compared to last lot from Africa.....don't know what's wrong with the old penal colony!!!" Hahaha

If he's a UK citizen, which I assume he is then they can't refuse him entry unless there's been a rule change. He may be able to go anywhere in the EU as well.

He must be still using his British passport as he us not entitled to a Australian one, so straight back to the old blighty, or become a gangster in Pattaya.

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I just think it is very clever of the Ozztrailerian Government.... Just wait until he is out of the country and then shut the door. Superb! Cheap (at a time of budgetary restraints) and cuts the costs of banging him up in a detention centre while he exhausts the appeal route. Maybe they should sponsor a huge great bikie meet in let's say, Bali, and then ban all of those who haven't converted to citizenship. Jetstar would probably go broke though.

This has to be the greatest load of clap trap I've ever read. An apprentice troll are we? I don't know what country you're from, obviously not from Oz but it you want to reference my country then do so by using the correct name, Australia. If he can't abide by the rules, stiff, he played the game, new the risks, now he's enjoying the consequences. 24 years and still on a visa, now wants to complain. Had enough chances for citizenship but never took them, all I can say is thank heavens for small mercies. Yes, let him run his appeal with his own money, not that of the taxpayer, as this would be what he'd get up to if he was allowed re-entry.

Why are you playing up to people like him, trying to make him a hero, he's far from it. Your pin up boy, of the same ilk are we? Can't even pass the character test. Just remember, this is our country and our government, who we elected, will determine who comes and goes, not someone such as yourself. And with 85% of the population behind such action being taken then no matter what clap trap you go on with, thank god, you will never have any input. And after reading your little spiel, maybe you would be another who we wouldn't want because you couldn't past the test. Ad lastly, if and when you know anything relating to our security policies and the way the country is governed, then may someone, I don't know who, will take you seriously.


I believe, if you read my post slowly, that I totally support the action of the government in the action they have taken and that I support further actions against these bikers. The fact that he, and Alex Vella are currently locked out of your country is, in my opinion, a win situation for Australia.

The spelling of Ozztrailier was simply an allusion to the poor standards of literacy displayed in so many posts..... by the way, knew starts with a K and not an N.

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I just think it is very clever of the Ozztrailerian Government.... Just wait until he is out of the country and then shut the door. Superb! Cheap (at a time of budgetary restraints) and cuts the costs of banging him up in a detention centre while he exhausts the appeal route. Maybe they should sponsor a huge great bikie meet in let's say, Bali, and then ban all of those who haven't converted to citizenship. Jetstar would probably go broke though.

This has to be the greatest load of clap trap I've ever read. An apprentice troll are we? I don't know what country you're from, obviously not from Oz but it you want to reference my country then do so by using the correct name, Australia. If he can't abide by the rules, stiff, he played the game, new the risks, now he's enjoying the consequences. 24 years and still on a visa, now wants to complain. Had enough chances for citizenship but never took them, all I can say is thank heavens for small mercies. Yes, let him run his appeal with his own money, not that of the taxpayer, as this would be what he'd get up to if he was allowed re-entry.

Why are you playing up to people like him, trying to make him a hero, he's far from it. Your pin up boy, of the same ilk are we? Can't even pass the character test. Just remember, this is our country and our government, who we elected, will determine who comes and goes, not someone such as yourself. And with 85% of the population behind such action being taken then no matter what clap trap you go on with, thank god, you will never have any input. And after reading your little spiel, maybe you would be another who we wouldn't want because you couldn't past the test. Ad lastly, if and when you know anything relating to our security policies and the way the country is governed, then may someone, I don't know who, will take you seriously.


I believe, if you read my post slowly, that I totally support the action of the government in the action they have taken and that I support further actions against these bikers. The fact that he, and Alex Vella are currently locked out of your country is, in my opinion, a win situation for Australia.

The spelling of Ozztrailier was simply an allusion to the poor standards of literacy displayed in so many posts..... by the way, knew starts with a K and not an N.

So we're not allowed to call it Oz? That right is reserved for yourself is it? And "and" has an "n" in the middle!

As for your last line :- " then may someone, I don't know who, will take you seriously." Huh?

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I just think it is very clever of the Ozztrailerian Government.... Just wait until he is out of the country and then shut the door. Superb! Cheap (at a time of budgetary restraints) and cuts the costs of banging him up in a detention centre while he exhausts the appeal route. Maybe they should sponsor a huge great bikie meet in let's say, Bali, and then ban all of those who haven't converted to citizenship. Jetstar would probably go broke though.

This has to be the greatest load of clap trap I've ever read. An apprentice troll are we? I don't know what country you're from, obviously not from Oz but it you want to reference my country then do so by using the correct name, Australia. If he can't abide by the rules, stiff, he played the game, new the risks, now he's enjoying the consequences. 24 years and still on a visa, now wants to complain. Had enough chances for citizenship but never took them, all I can say is thank heavens for small mercies. Yes, let him run his appeal with his own money, not that of the taxpayer, as this would be what he'd get up to if he was allowed re-entry.

Why are you playing up to people like him, trying to make him a hero, he's far from it. Your pin up boy, of the same ilk are we? Can't even pass the character test. Just remember, this is our country and our government, who we elected, will determine who comes and goes, not someone such as yourself. And with 85% of the population behind such action being taken then no matter what clap trap you go on with, thank god, you will never have any input. And after reading your little spiel, maybe you would be another who we wouldn't want because you couldn't past the test. Ad lastly, if and when you know anything relating to our security policies and the way the country is governed, then may someone, I don't know who, will take you seriously.

Lighten up digger. I'm as true blue as you but I don't find anything crook with referring to us as Ozztrailerian. Struth, this bloke is agreeing with you.

Maybe he should have referred to us as Ozztralian, but stone the crows, his spellin is near enuff for an ol codger like me.

Fair suck of the sav cobber, if you are fair dinkum you'll answer to just about anything.

Just remember, you can call me anything you like.... just don't call me late for me tucker.

So, it's time to hop in the tilly & off down to me local waterin hole for a coupla skooners b4 I head off to the footy.


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I just think it is very clever of the Ozztrailerian Government.... Just wait until he is out of the country and then shut the door. Superb! Cheap (at a time of budgetary restraints) and cuts the costs of banging him up in a detention centre while he exhausts the appeal route. Maybe they should sponsor a huge great bikie meet in let's say, Bali, and then ban all of those who haven't converted to citizenship. Jetstar would probably go broke though.

This has to be the greatest load of clap trap I've ever read. An apprentice troll are we? I don't know what country you're from, obviously not from Oz but it you want to reference my country then do so by using the correct name, Australia. If he can't abide by the rules, stiff, he played the game, new the risks, now he's enjoying the consequences. 24 years and still on a visa, now wants to complain. Had enough chances for citizenship but never took them, all I can say is thank heavens for small mercies. Yes, let him run his appeal with his own money, not that of the taxpayer, as this would be what he'd get up to if he was allowed re-entry.

Why are you playing up to people like him, trying to make him a hero, he's far from it. Your pin up boy, of the same ilk are we? Can't even pass the character test. Just remember, this is our country and our government, who we elected, will determine who comes and goes, not someone such as yourself. And with 85% of the population behind such action being taken then no matter what clap trap you go on with, thank god, you will never have any input. And after reading your little spiel, maybe you would be another who we wouldn't want because you couldn't past the test. Ad lastly, if and when you know anything relating to our security policies and the way the country is governed, then may someone, I don't know who, will take you seriously.


I believe, if you read my post slowly, that I totally support the action of the government in the action they have taken and that I support further actions against these bikers. The fact that he, and Alex Vella are currently locked out of your country is, in my opinion, a win situation for Australia.

The spelling of Ozztrailier was simply an allusion to the poor standards of literacy displayed in so many posts..... by the way, knew starts with a K and not an N.

My apologies for my misinterpretation Knew with a K, . And anuffa, ad, should have had an N for and, gee, my spelling is fallun away, ain't it

Edited by Si Thea01
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This don't look good for OZ it is your problem and you dump it on Thailand could let him return to Oz then deported him back to the UK if that is where he is from.Funny a prison colony refusing a criminal, now that is classiccheesy.gif

SB, the prison colony thing has been done to death and there would be some Australiams who would find it offensive because that hasn't applied for 200 years.

I suppose some would argue, igmoring the intervening 200 years, that Australians have had enough of receiving the UK's plentiful criminals

One is as silly as the other!

This PoS isn't being 'dumped on Thailamd'. He's been refused a visa to enter Australia, so will have to make his own arrangements to return to his country of origin.

Consider a person from the UK living in Thailand on a tourist visa doing a border run and being refused re-entry to Thailand. Thailand is 'dumping him' on Laos, or Vietnam, or.....?

Edited by F4UCorsair
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I'm sick of arguing the point with people who have no first hand knowledge of MC clubs and can only quote Wiki-garbage passed on down by people with an agenda. No, i cannot grasp guilty by association. I grew up in the West, not N. Korea or Russia. And the points i made about criminal organisations, average membership of MC clubs, lack of successful worldwide court cases as clubs rather than individuals has gone completely over your head. Believe the FBI and CIA and federal governments all you like, i don't.

All the claptrap about who or what the bandidos are or were is irrelevant

He doesn't pass the 'character test' required for a visa.

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