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SURVEY: Should Thailand and other SE Asian countries allow boat people temporary asylum?

Should the Rohingya and Bangladeshi boat people be given temporary asylum?  

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In your opinion, should the countries in the region allow the Rohinghya and Bangladeshi boat people to land and give them temporary asylum?

Yes, but only with assurance from the UN and the international community for assistance and resettlement options.

Yes, they should be allowed to remain, regardless of how long it takes to find a solution.

No, they should not be allowed to land, but should be given supplies and sent back to sea.

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I voted for the first option.

Whilst I don't think it is Thailand's job to just welcome these people with open arms, I do think Thailand, along with the like of Malaysia, Indonesia and Myanmar, have a humanitarian duty to offer assistance to these people in their time of need, before resettlement can be arranged.

Let's face it, I don't think it is unfair to assume that some of these boat people probably found themselves in this situation having been at the mercy of Thai human trafficking gangs.

With Thailand being heavily criticised for the conditions in which people work in its fishing industry, helping these boat people would send out a positive message politically to foreign govt's who have been critical of Thailand.

However, it seems that Thailand is less than interested in this given that they didn't even bother to attend the meeting last week held to discuss this issue with the neighboring states.


The more I read about the situation the more I realize how Thailand, as a country, is partly responsible for the human trafficking.

If it happened on a small scale while Thai authorities did their best to stop it, then they could wash their hands clean and decide if they want to be seen as a humanitarian country or not. But the government has been taking part in this human trade (explicitly by not intervening of local government, local police, local military - aka taking bribes -, but also implicitly by never taking action or demanding a crackdown by the central government).

A country should not be held responsible for the criminal actions of a few, but if those few become whole communities and the central government makes the conscious decision to not act then they should be held responsible as a whole (the country).


These people have to be in contact with people smugglers who have access to boats. This is done to make bulk money not try to help anyone. The only way to stop it is to not let anyone land, give them the means to return safely and put the smugglers out of buisness. Australia went from 1200 drownings and 50'000 arrivals to zero by doing this. Genuine refugees have other means beside people smugglers. The Australian government purchased a large number of those self contained orange life boats. They gave them enough fuel and food for a one way trip home. So no longer could they use the old trick of sinking their boats for rescue. The only way to help these people is for the U N and others to pressure and or assist the countries these people come from to deal with their own problems. Europe is finaly adopting Australias methods before they are over run.


You have to look at the reason these people are on these boats, for a start they are not Assylum seekers they have not left their country's because of Cival Wars or Persecution. They are just looking for a better life. So in reality they are classed as illegal immigrants.

So why should other country's take them in for this reason. They will only try and take jobs away from that country's legal citizens.

Same with all the boat people in Europe.

They should be given food and taken back from where they came from.


You have to look at the reason these people are on these boats, for a start they are not Assylum seekers they have not left their country's because of Cival Wars or Persecution. They are just looking for a better life. So in reality they are classed as illegal immigrants.

So why should other country's take them in for this reason. They will only try and take jobs away from that country's legal citizens.

Same with all the boat people in Europe.

They should be given food and taken back from where they came from.

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"Yes, but only with assurance from the UN and the international community for assistance and resettlement options."

"Yes, they should be allowed to remain, regardless of how long it takes to find a solution."

Well both really in the sense they need immediate rescue as they would all be drowned by the time the UN got their act together. But yes the UN should be involved in resettlement programs alongside countries that have offered to take them.

" they have not left their country's because of Cival Wars or Persecution"

Really Sheurene where have you been lately? If we are talking about the Rohingya people from Myamar then that is precisely why they have boarded the boats, to escape a country where they can only live in camps being denied medical and essential supplies, attacked by Buddists, denied citizenship in their own country and freedom of movement where they have been for 100's of years. Being marginalized and forbidden to work, with no where to go they risk all to get away by selling farmland or whatever they have to get on leaky boats with disastrous consequences.They are now a stateless people. See this video link from the New York Times:


and other articles:




Stop the influx. Thailand has enough problems with Muslims and their bombs and bullets.

Give them some provisions and say, "safe voyage but don't come back".


Two areas need resolution One is for sister Asean nations to tell Burma in no uncertain terms that their inclusion in the regional hub and the millions of investment dollars are dependent on them controlling the internal strife in their country. Stop this at the source. Furthermore a very significant portion of the expense incurred by temporary shelter and care should be borne by the country of origin. Last but not least Thailand has a host of unethical and morally bankrupt individuals who are only too happy to take these refuges money and promise them everything under he sun ,only to leave them destitute and in peril out on the open sea. Throw this scum in jail for a very long time , burn their boats and seize their assets.


No, They should be looked after, given food, water and medicine & fuel and towed back out to sea so they can return to their friends back home.


No, They should be looked after, given food, water and medicine & fuel and towed back out to sea so they can return to their friends back home.

Stevey boy you still insist on this answer and I have answered you at least 3 times that they have nothing to go back to. See my above post, watch the video, read the links. What is your answer when there is no future and they will be no future back in Myanmar unless as Halion suggests the Burmese government is brought to account and civil rights given back to these people? Please do not keep repeating endlessly that they should be sent back home to their friends when you already know the answer that there is nothing for them back home except no future at best and at worst persecution and death.


And then there's me with an opinion so far out no one even cares to listen.

Being a sailor I feel putting out to see is very harsh.To me that is comparable to a death sentence.

I agree getting on a leaky boat isnot the proper way to attain immigration and should not be used as such. But they must be dealt with in a humane way.

I think of history. Australia was basically built by British criminals because Britian found a place to put them out of the way from everyone else. In this line of thought why not place these boat people on a remote island and let them start over there.A few matchetes and matches and let them make a new life on terra firma. Work their way out and creat their own new world..Better than slave or dieing at sea. Also no cost to anyone else. Maybe the Phillipines or some other country with many islands could simply donate one and when it starts to prosper take them under their government and utilize them.

They want a new start give it to them but no handouts.Except for the land on the island. But this cost can be recovered once they have an infrastructure and the country that gave the island to them takes them under their power and starts taxs ect.

Radical but hey people on leaky boats wanting to by pass immigration are a little radical by nature.So work with what we got.


Two areas need resolution One is for sister Asean nations to tell Burma in no uncertain terms that their inclusion in the regional hub and the millions of investment dollars are dependent on them controlling the internal strife in their country. Stop this at the source. Furthermore a very significant portion of the expense incurred by temporary shelter and care should be borne by the country of origin. Last but not least Thailand has a host of unethical and morally bankrupt individuals who are only too happy to take these refuges money and promise them everything under he sun ,only to leave them destitute and in peril out on the open sea. Throw this scum in jail for a very long time , burn their boats and seize their assets.

Very good post. May I add that if the refugees don't pay the extra fees then they are killed and dumped into shallow graves in Thailand


And then there's me with an opinion so far out no one even cares to listen.

Being a sailor I feel putting out to see is very harsh.To me that is comparable to a death sentence.

I agree getting on a leaky boat isnot the proper way to attain immigration and should not be used as such. But they must be dealt with in a humane way.

I think of history. Australia was basically built by British criminals because Britian found a place to put them out of the way from everyone else. In this line of thought why not place these boat people on a remote island and let them start over there.A few matchetes and matches and let them make a new life on terra firma. Work their way out and creat their own new world..Better than slave or dieing at sea. Also no cost to anyone else. Maybe the Phillipines or some other country with many islands could simply donate one and when it starts to prosper take them under their government and utilize them.

They want a new start give it to them but no handouts.Except for the land on the island. But this cost can be recovered once they have an infrastructure and the country that gave the island to them takes them under their power and starts taxs ect.

Radical but hey people on leaky boats wanting to by pass immigration are a little radical by nature.So work with what we got.

Better than drowning, sure, but as is suggested previously, deal to the Myanmar government and make them take them back under UN peacemaking surveillance. I think they have already started talks so let's hope so.


Stop the influx. Thailand has enough problems with Muslims and their bombs and bullets.

Give them some provisions and say, "safe voyage but don't come back".

These are poor people trying to eke out a living like 90% of the rest of us. Because they are Muslim does not make them jihadists. To the majority of Muslims they believe the Koran does not teach this and the jihadists have perverted the religion. Bombs and bullets belong to the extremists and fundamentalists, not to the ordinary Muslim Rohingya farmer who is only Muslim by name and persecuted for it.


And then there's me with an opinion so far out no one even cares to listen.

Being a sailor I feel putting out to see is very harsh.To me that is comparable to a death sentence.

I agree getting on a leaky boat isnot the proper way to attain immigration and should not be used as such. But they must be dealt with in a humane way.

I think of history. Australia was basically built by British criminals because Britian found a place to put them out of the way from everyone else. In this line of thought why not place these boat people on a remote island and let them start over there.A few matchetes and matches and let them make a new life on terra firma. Work their way out and creat their own new world..Better than slave or dieing at sea. Also no cost to anyone else. Maybe the Phillipines or some other country with many islands could simply donate one and when it starts to prosper take them under their government and utilize them.

They want a new start give it to them but no handouts.Except for the land on the island. But this cost can be recovered once they have an infrastructure and the country that gave the island to them takes them under their power and starts taxs ect.

Radical but hey people on leaky boats wanting to by pass immigration are a little radical by nature.So work with what we got.

Better than drowning, sure, but as is suggested previously, deal to the Myanmar government and make them take them back under UN peacemaking surveillance. I think they have already started talks so let's hope so.

Your way would work in a perfect world for sure.But in this world the costs would be exorbitant the bearaucracy endless,with finger pointing and blaming going on forever. I should add if they succeeded in making a society of some form on the island they could then be allowed to have relatives move there to enjoy the new earned freedoms,and assist in their new frontier, could be on going and in the future they could take refugees from other countries and assist them. Making life for other countries a lot easier not having try to educate,feed and shelter them with the hopes the area they live in doesnot become a slum and their kids hoods on the street gangs selling drugs etc. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and countries like America,Britain,Canada etc have for years helped other nations and people with these problems only to find they bring their problems with them.Every etnic group brought over in large groups needing assistance becomes the next problem ethnic group in the 2nd or 3rd generation. Uneducated street people just like they were back where they came from and violence their major tool. Some for generations never get a job because what the government gives them is more than they would have ever had working in their home country so they no bother to work with such luxury for free. Myanmar willnot take them back so send them somewhere they willnot be a burden or risk to others. Rant over thanks.


These posts more than prove, we don't know the truth and there is not an easy solution. They can't be left or put adrift at sea.

In the USA prisoners are treated better than this.


And then there's me with an opinion so far out no one even cares to listen.

Being a sailor I feel putting out to see is very harsh.To me that is comparable to a death sentence.

I agree getting on a leaky boat isnot the proper way to attain immigration and should not be used as such. But they must be dealt with in a humane way.

I think of history. Australia was basically built by British criminals because Britian found a place to put them out of the way from everyone else. In this line of thought why not place these boat people on a remote island and let them start over there.A few matchetes and matches and let them make a new life on terra firma. Work their way out and creat their own new world..Better than slave or dieing at sea. Also no cost to anyone else. Maybe the Phillipines or some other country with many islands could simply donate one and when it starts to prosper take them under their government and utilize them.

They want a new start give it to them but no handouts.Except for the land on the island. But this cost can be recovered once they have an infrastructure and the country that gave the island to them takes them under their power and starts taxs ect.

Radical but hey people on leaky boats wanting to by pass immigration are a little radical by nature.So work with what we got.

Better than drowning, sure, but as is suggested previously, deal to the Myanmar government and make them take them back under UN peacemaking surveillance. I think they have already started talks so let's hope so.

Your way would work in a perfect world for sure.But in this world the costs would be exorbitant the bearaucracy endless,with finger pointing and blaming going on forever. I should add if they succeeded in making a society of some form on the island they could then be allowed to have relatives move there to enjoy the new earned freedoms,and assist in their new frontier, could be on going and in the future they could take refugees from other countries and assist them. Making life for other countries a lot easier not having try to educate,feed and shelter them with the hopes the area they live in doesnot become a slum and their kids hoods on the street gangs selling drugs etc. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and countries like America,Britain,Canada etc have for years helped other nations and people with these problems only to find they bring their problems with them.Every etnic group brought over in large groups needing assistance becomes the next problem ethnic group in the 2nd or 3rd generation. Uneducated street people just like they were back where they came from and violence their major tool. Some for generations never get a job because what the government gives them is more than they would have ever had working in their home country so they no bother to work with such luxury for free. Myanmar willnot take them back so send them somewhere they willnot be a burden or risk to others. Rant over thanks.

Thoughtful reply thanks! I can't fault your reasoning. I just hope the idea of an island somewhere just doesn't eventually become a prison island.

But a separate state like the one the Palestinians hope for might be good, but where I'm not sure.


And then there's me with an opinion so far out no one even cares to listen.

Being a sailor I feel putting out to see is very harsh.To me that is comparable to a death sentence.

I agree getting on a leaky boat isnot the proper way to attain immigration and should not be used as such. But they must be dealt with in a humane way.

I think of history. Australia was basically built by British criminals because Britian found a place to put them out of the way from everyone else. In this line of thought why not place these boat people on a remote island and let them start over there.A few matchetes and matches and let them make a new life on terra firma. Work their way out and creat their own new world..Better than slave or dieing at sea. Also no cost to anyone else. Maybe the Phillipines or some other country with many islands could simply donate one and when it starts to prosper take them under their government and utilize them.

They want a new start give it to them but no handouts.Except for the land on the island. But this cost can be recovered once they have an infrastructure and the country that gave the island to them takes them under their power and starts taxs ect.

Radical but hey people on leaky boats wanting to by pass immigration are a little radical by nature.So work with what we got.

Better than drowning, sure, but as is suggested previously, deal to the Myanmar government and make them take them back under UN peacemaking surveillance. I think they have already started talks so let's hope so.

Your way would work in a perfect world for sure.But in this world the costs would be exorbitant the bearaucracy endless,with finger pointing and blaming going on forever. I should add if they succeeded in making a society of some form on the island they could then be allowed to have relatives move there to enjoy the new earned freedoms,and assist in their new frontier, could be on going and in the future they could take refugees from other countries and assist them. Making life for other countries a lot easier not having try to educate,feed and shelter them with the hopes the area they live in doesnot become a slum and their kids hoods on the street gangs selling drugs etc. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and countries like America,Britain,Canada etc have for years helped other nations and people with these problems only to find they bring their problems with them.Every etnic group brought over in large groups needing assistance becomes the next problem ethnic group in the 2nd or 3rd generation. Uneducated street people just like they were back where they came from and violence their major tool. Some for generations never get a job because what the government gives them is more than they would have ever had working in their home country so they no bother to work with such luxury for free. Myanmar willnot take them back so send them somewhere they willnot be a burden or risk to others. Rant over thanks.

Thoughtful reply thanks! I can't fault your reasoning. I just hope the idea of an island somewhere just doesn't eventually become a prison island.

But a separate state like the one the Palestinians hope for might be good, but where I'm not sure.

Nassau, Commonwealth of Bahamas.


thank you nithisa78 Ilooked up Nassau in wikipedia and found this

After the British abolished the international slave trade in 1807, they resettled thousands of Africans liberated from slave ships by the Royal Navy on New Providence (at Adelaide Village and Gambier Village), along with other islands such as Grand Bahama, Exuma, Abaco and Inagua. In addition, slaves freed from American ships, such as theCreole case in 1841, were allowed to settle here. The largest concentration of Africans historically lived in the "Over-the-Hill" suburbs of Grants Town and Bain Town to the south of the city of Nassau, while most of the inhabitants of European descent lived on the island's northern coastal ridges.

So this has been done before,it can be done again. If Thailand went to the forefront of this and made it happen I feel the country would look pretty darn good in the international communities eyes.

I must admit though after being in Nassau and going over the hill for an evening, life is still hard for many of them but they are free and off American soil. So definitely a win win situation in my eyes. There must be Islands in the Adaman sea that could be suitable.


Stop the influx. Thailand has enough problems with Muslims and their bombs and bullets.

Give them some provisions and say, "safe voyage but don't come back".

Thorouhly disgusting post. It's unfortunate HUMAN BEINGS we are discussing here whose only "crime" was to be born on the wrong side of the fence.

Our own privileged lifestyle is not to be considered a 'right,' more a 'privelege.' We should show compassion to those not enjoying a modicum of that privilege.

The entire international community should come together in order to obliterate this prejudice and subsequent misery.

The Malaysians should feel ashamed of themselves (Buddhists my a-se) as should Thailand.

Cruelty and ethnic and religious cleansing on a scale more fitted to the 20th. Century and before and it doesn't befit countries hoping to rely on a continuing stream of tourists to fill their ever-opened coffers.

Clamp down heavily on the traffickers for a start, not collude with them for personal gain.






This is an internal Myanmar problem that has to be addressed at its source, the vile acts of 4 men, brought the underlying animosity of Asian Burmese toward the Bengali Rohingya. This is another problem that is based in British Colonialism. When the British imported the Rohingya to Burma to act as mid level managers, after they left Burma they left these people to be hated as symbols of foreign oppression. This is not the first time that the Rohingya have been an unwanted group, there are several times since the british left. I tried to find a reference to a three part essay on the rohingya but it mysteriously disappeared from my Facebook page. Scary.


Stop the influx. Thailand has enough problems with Muslims and their bombs and bullets.

Give them some provisions and say, "safe voyage but don't come back".

That's sad. These are not muslims with bombs or bullets, but are either legitimate political refugees or economic migrants. Bangladesh and Burma must be held accountable. Both are responsible for this humanitarian tragedy.


Just put them in the refugee camps they already have set up along the Thai-Myanmar border.

The UN can deal with them from there.


Considering the huge International help given to Thailand (In particular) and several other parts of SE Asia, during and after the Tsunami 2004, don’t they understand they owe these desperate people at least some help? which should be forthcoming to any human being or living creature? It seems to be a case of short memories and deep pockets!






Judging by the colossal International help Thailand received during the 2004 Tsunani, I would have thought Thailand owes more in help than any other country!

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