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If someone had to be bitten, the one most responsible for keeping them there, was the right one. I wish him a speedy recovery but these animals were never meant to be kept as pets. Sadly now, this tiger, Hern, will have to be moved to a cage or put down because now that he has tasted raw blood, he is a danger to humans. They have always fed these cats cooked meat so as not to arouse them.

Unfortunately, many have been bitten over the years, at various places around Thailand. They've got a place in Chonburi where you can get a pic taken with a tiger. A local lady was mauled a few years ago there also.

I have been to several places in Thailand where one can have their photo taken while up close to a live, full-sized tiger. This should not be allowed. These are wild animals, even in captivity, and I hope the government uses this incident to remove all tigers from interaction with the public. Instead of the abbot, it could easily have been a child or tourist and someone could have died. Roy Horn of Siegfried and Roy, a permanent magic act at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas, was attacked by a 7 year-old male tiger that he had raised from a cub and he was a highly accomplished lion and tiger trainer.


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According to the Thai PBS article, the Pol. Col. said "after biting the arm of the abbot, Chao Hern then released his arm and retreated as if it was playing with the abbot" Yeah, sure! Those of us with cats know that they sometimes will do "love bites" when playing, but I seriously doubt that even the "love bite" of a tiger would break someone's arm.


for many of you here that don't know about tigers, this may be hard to understand. the tiger was frightened, and was protecting the Abbot.

this is common with tigers. the problem is they try to pick you up just like a mother cat picks up her kittens, by the neck.

don't you really think the guy would be alive otherwise?


'' Officials said the tiger, which is called Hern, is among 146 tigers seized by the National parks Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department. The department let the temple take care of the tigers on a condition that the temple must not use the tigers to illegally reap benefit.''

Bit of a contradiction there or has the meaning of the word 'seized' changed and nobody told me :blink:


If someone had to be bitten, the one most responsible for keeping them there, was the right one. I wish him a speedy recovery but these animals were never meant to be kept as pets. Sadly now, this tiger, Hern, will have to be moved to a cage or put down because now that he has tasted raw blood, he is a danger to humans. They have always fed these cats cooked meat so as not to arouse them.

And just where did you get your information about caring for tigers ? Cooking has nothing to do with anything. Stick to what you know.


for many of you here that don't know about tigers, this may be hard to understand. the tiger was frightened, and was protecting the Abbot.

this is common with tigers. the problem is they try to pick you up just like a mother cat picks up her kittens, by the neck.

don't you really think the guy would be alive otherwise?

Protecting ? Where do you get your info ? Cat didn't want to walk and struck out. Simple as that. Please don't spread misinformation about what you obviously don't know.


I have been to several places in Thailand where one can have their photo taken while up close to a live, full-sized tiger. This should not be allowed. These are wild animals, even in captivity, and I hope the government uses this incident to remove all tigers from interaction with the public. Instead of the abbot, it could easily have been a child or tourist and someone could have died. Roy Horn of Siegfried and Roy, a permanent magic act at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas, was attacked by a 7 year-old male tiger that he had raised from a cub and he was a highly accomplished lion and tiger trainer.


See what you did just there?


I am sure this was the tiger telling the Abbot in a friendly way he did not want to go for walkies...

If the Tiger was really annoyed... the story would have a much sadder ending for the abbot, and probably the tiger.

Time to remove all them tigers from that circus of a temple.


"The abbot of the Temple of Tigers or Wat Pa Luang Ta Bua in Kanchanaburis Saiyok district was badly injured when a tiger he was pulling along pawed his face and bit his right arm."



If someone had to be bitten, the one most responsible for keeping them there, was the right one. I wish him a speedy recovery but these animals were never meant to be kept as pets. Sadly now, this tiger, Hern, will have to be moved to a cage or put down because now that he has tasted raw blood, he is a danger to humans. They have always fed these cats cooked meat so as not to arouse them.

Unfortunately, many have been bitten over the years, at various places around Thailand. They've got a place in Chonburi where you can get a pic taken with a tiger. A local lady was mauled a few years ago there also.

Can you get a picture taken while being mauled ?? great conversation starter, see here,this is me getting my leg torn off.


Dear oh dear what a bunch of sour pusses (pun intended) we have here today.

If the tiger wanted to kill the Abbott, he would be dead, simple as that.

I think the Tiger just got a bit frisky as all cats do. Just don't be in the way when it happens.

I suppose most posters are also scared of chihuahuas after all they were wild wolves once and should never have been tamed.

Actually I think most posters are scared of their own shadows. Why, oh why, do so many come to a "foreign" country and complain it is foreign?


Dear oh dear what a bunch of sour pusses (pun intended) we have here today.

If the tiger wanted to kill the Abbott, he would be dead, simple as that.

I think the Tiger just got a bit frisky as all cats do. Just don't be in the way when it happens.

I suppose most posters are also scared of chihuahuas after all they were wild wolves once and should never have been tamed.

Actually I think most posters are scared of their own shadows. Why, oh why, do so many come to a "foreign" country and complain it is foreign?

Frisky as in 'what do i do with this head now, play with it or walk away and pretend nothing happened'.


Dear oh dear what a bunch of sour pusses (pun intended) we have here today.

If the tiger wanted to kill the Abbott, he would be dead, simple as that.

I think the Tiger just got a bit frisky as all cats do. Just don't be in the way when it happens.

I suppose most posters are also scared of chihuahuas after all they were wild wolves once and should never have been tamed.

Actually I think most posters are scared of their own shadows. Why, oh why, do so many come to a "foreign" country and complain it is foreign?

Frisky as in 'what do i do with this head now, play with it or walk away and pretend nothing happened'.

You've never had a cat.

I could have said you have never owned a cat but that would be misleading. Cats don't have owners - they have staff!


Any news on the fate of the tiger?

Must have been quite a sight seeing the old abbot pulling along a 300lb tiger. Here Kitty!

Prayers and chanting and burning incense. He'll be right as rain in a month or two.

Who? The tiger or the idiot who thought he walks on water. Should give him a job working with another likewise dumb ass the General/PM both have their heads in the clouds.


Dear oh dear what a bunch of sour pusses (pun intended) we have here today.

If the tiger wanted to kill the Abbott, he would be dead, simple as that.

I think the Tiger just got a bit frisky as all cats do. Just don't be in the way when it happens.

I suppose most posters are also scared of chihuahuas after all they were wild wolves once and should never have been tamed.

Actually I think most posters are scared of their own shadows. Why, oh why, do so many come to a "foreign" country and complain it is foreign?

Frisky as in 'what do i do with this head now, play with it or walk away and pretend nothing happened'.

You've never had a cat.

I could have said you have never owned a cat but that would be misleading. Cats don't have owners - they have staff!

That's right, anyone who has ever careed for a cat knows that if you're taking a cat for a walk, you have to let it decide where you're going, maybe a little gentle encouragement is all you can do. You certainly don't pull it along by the neck without expecting repercussions. The tiger ran away because that was the direction it wanted to go. As in "see, you idiot, I was trying to tell you I didn't want to go for a walk" I don't think the tiger wanted to kill the abbot, just get away from the situation.


Tigers are wild and predatory animals. They should be admired from afar, and respected as noble sentient beings, as they go about their tigery business in their natural habitat.

One can never trust domesticated big cats as the video shows, hope it can prevent some people to go to close and try to pet them.


So the results are as followed: bennefits from tourism are not alowed anymore, so its getting hard to give all these tigers and bears, yes there are bears to,,, enaugh food , yeah these animals get hungry, and this is just the beginning. Next week a tiger will eat the arm of the abbot, the tiger know the taste now.


Dear oh dear what a bunch of sour pusses (pun intended) we have here today.

If the tiger wanted to kill the Abbott, he would be dead, simple as that.

I think the Tiger just got a bit frisky as all cats do. Just don't be in the way when it happens.

I suppose most posters are also scared of chihuahuas after all they were wild wolves once and should never have been tamed.

Actually I think most posters are scared of their own shadows. Why, oh why, do so many come to a "foreign" country and complain it is foreign?

Frisky as in 'what do i do with this head now, play with it or walk away and pretend nothing happened'.

You've never had a cat.

I could have said you have never owned a cat but that would be misleading. Cats don't have owners - they have staff!

You can call a tiger a cat if you wish, but it is still a 300 lb wild animal. If it wants to eat it kills and eats, If it threatened its intent will be to kill whats threatening it.

You can compare a chihuahua a descendent from a wolf all you want, The fact remains chihuahuas have been bread and domesticated for thousands of years to be pets. Tigers have not, and remain a wild animal to this day.

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