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Perv schoolmaster Jeremy Forrest plans to teach in Thailand when he's released early from jail

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Perv schoolmaster Jeremy Forrest plans to teach in Thailand when he's released early from jail


The maths teacher who fled to France with an underage pupil could be out on licence by the end of July after serving half his sentence

The paedophile schoolmaster who fled to France with an underage pupil aims to move to Thailand after early release from jail – to teach English.

Jeremy Forrest plans to start a new life there after being banned from classrooms in Britain.

There are no laws to stop him teaching children abroad, and other convicted UK sex offenders have landed similar work in the South East Asian country.

Maths teacher Forrest, 32, could be out on licence by the end of July after serving half his sentence.

He was jailed in 2013 for abducting and having sex with the vulnerable 15-year-old girl.

Read More: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/perv-schoolmaster-jeremy-forrest-plans-5749691

--Mirror Online 2015-05-24

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they really need to castrate these sick bastards instead of letting them get close to more of their future victims, time to stop allowing any convicted mongrel teach in thailand.

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Shit happens. One of my best pals in school and our star athlete, returned to the school as a teacher. He had an affair with a student and was caught. It was consensual. I would never call him a pedophile.

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Quite a drastic headline. The girl in question, although 15, did consent and that would be legal in many countries. He is actually a qualified teacher, unlike the majority here, and he would do a better job. Having said that, I know of more than several 'teachers' that have criminal offences, no degrees and agencies have found them work. Until there is an accredited register of agencies, and agents must prove they are fit and proper, we will always see this.

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Shit happens. One of my best pals in school and our star athlete, returned to the school as a teacher. He had an affair with a student and was caught. It was consensual. I would never call him a pedophile.

I agree, there is a sort of blank spot in the categorisation system for all this. The difference in maturity between a 15 or 16 year old child varies from person to person, and while this consensual sex may well be misguided and foolish, and exploited by the adult, it is not the same as what I consider 'paedophilia' which is the rape of a young child, often in organised groups, and often with a desire to inflict lasting fear and pain.

I think this particular case in the OP was treated differently because of the possible abduction angle, they ran away and so it was initially viewed as a possible abduction.

I do agree there needs to be more careful language used in describing these cases, the word 'paedophilia' occupies an enormous spectrum of crimes which range from misguided love affairs with 15 year olds, all the way to extremely well-organised rape/torture groups who target small children, often within orphanages / children's homes etc. The difference across the spectrum is so huge, great care needs to be taken when labelling people paedophiles.

Edited by Yunla
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Before you can be employed as a teacher in a formal school, state or private, you need to be accepted by the Ministry of Education. One of the documents which they are entitled/supposed to ask to see is a Criminal Records Bureau Disclosure, listing any criminal record you may have. If they do this with Forrest then he won't get a job.

Mind you, that is relying on them asking to see it. I presented mine voluntarily and they were surprised!

Hopefully this publicity will flag him up.

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What he did was wrong, but "paedophile"? Wouldn't it be better to save that term for the really sick bastards? 15 years is the age of consent in several countries, including many European ones.

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So according to some posters it's OK as long as the "child" is over the legal age of consent, and even that is debatable as "the maturity of the child" should be taken into account.

Therefore logically sex with an 13 year old is OK if you are in Argentina and in some other countries it's as young as 12!

Sorry, but in my world it's PAEDOPHILIA!

Edited by BigBadGeordie
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From the full article

"Forrest, who is on the sex offenders register, would have to ask permission from probation authorities if he wanted to travel to Thailand before the end of his licence period. After that they cannot stop him."

In Oz, registered sex offenders (and others) can be refused a passport. IMHO, in a similar case there, it is quite likely this would happen.

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So according to some posters it's OK as long as the "child" is over the legal age of consent, and even that is debatable as "the maturity of the child" should be taken into account.

Therefore logically sex with an 13 year old is OK if you are in Argentina and in some other countries it's as young as 12!

Sorry, but in my world it's PAEDOPHILIA!

You're right, it is not OK at all, it is a crime under law, and additionally, if the adult is a teacher, he/she commands respect among the youngsters, by the nature of his/her position. Regardless of the youngsters actual respect for the teacher as an individual, the post of teacher automatically carries a notion of them being a "superior" and even the most delinquent youngster has this at the back of their minds.

This automatically means that any teacher / pupil sexual relationship is exploitation, by the corruption of the teacher's superior position. This is a moral crime and a professional crime, in addition to whatever crimes the law states regarding sex with 15 year olds.

Also I was talking about the 15~16 range, in which there is a lot of blurred edges in terms of individual maturity. 12~13 is totally different.

When I first saw this thread my radar went off because I have conducted a lattice study of paedophilia, at the behest of my bulletin-board group. I started researching it in the 1980s as a fairly casual sociological study, and for my own personal reasons. But later it became a more serious project when my b-board got involved. Now whenever I see a news story with "paedophilia" I read it to see if it ties into the study or not. Most of the time not, this story totally not.

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So according to some posters it's OK as long as the "child" is over the legal age of consent, and even that is debatable as "the maturity of the child" should be taken into account.

Therefore logically sex with an 13 year old is OK if you are in Argentina and in some other countries it's as young as 12!

Sorry, but in my world it's PAEDOPHILIA!

Yes but that's because you don't understand the meaning of the word and of course this isn't your world but the real one where things like this happen sometimes.

The laws and ages of consent are different in different countries so the rules in Thailand are the relevant ones when it comes to his employment here. It's worth remembering that even if the girl had been over 16 (up to 18 I think) in the UK an offence would still have been committed as he was in a position of trust.

What he did was wrong and maybe he should shouldn't be allowed to teach here or he should be under close supervision.

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they really need to castrate these sick bastards instead of letting them get close to more of their future victims, time to stop allowing any convicted mongrel teach in thailand.

This just shows you lack of understanding of the subject and of the facts surrounding genetailia in higher primates.

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A bit of a dramatic headline but then again the source is from the UK tabloid press. I doubt there is much truth in this story.

However, what the story does highlight is that literally anyone can teach English in Thailand.

A poster above mentioned about the Ministry of Education wanting a criminal record check for foreign teachers here, this may be so but when I was teaching I was never asked to supply one of these. For my teaching job I literally walked in off the street, had a brief interview and because my face seemed to fit (smartly dressed, no tattoos, young, Caucasian) then I was given the job straight away. That was on the Friday afternoon. By 8:30am Monday morning I'm 'teaching' in the English class of the supposed best school in the province, having never taught before and with the only experience of an online TEFL course which took me a few hours to complete. It was actually quite amazing.

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Shit happens. One of my best pals in school and our star athlete, returned to the school as a teacher. He had an affair with a student and was caught. It was consensual. I would never call him a pedophile.

Same thing happened to a neighbor's son in Texas. Still, he's on the registered sex offender list and every time someone new moves into the neighborhood, his name and address comes up. Same thing whenever he applies for a job.

He is actually a friend of my niece, and apparently a decent guy who just screwed up. The age difference was less than 1/2 the age difference between me and my main squeeze. Kind of scary...

Edited by impulse
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I tend to believe it is highly unwise to have sex with your students even if they are your students at University.

It leaves you open to many accusations which may or may not be true. Even if legal it is unwise.


In my view was not a very nice man but what he did was not illegal but has consequences.

In the case of school children I do feel it reasonable for it to be ilegal.

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Quite aside from the morality of the matter, he's not very bright if he announces his intention to seek employment in another country after being banned in his own. As for the case , it would not have attracted the notoriety it did if he had not taken the girl overseas...that's a bit like kidnapping ( even with her consent). The sex is a pretty minor case, probably a stupid mistake , for which he has been rightly severely punished, rather than a true pedophile.

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A bit of a dramatic headline but then again the source is from the UK tabloid press. I doubt there is much truth in this story.

However, what the story does highlight is that literally anyone can teach English in Thailand.

A poster above mentioned about the Ministry of Education wanting a criminal record check for foreign teachers here, this may be so but when I was teaching I was never asked to supply one of these. For my teaching job I literally walked in off the street, had a brief interview and because my face seemed to fit (smartly dressed, no tattoos, young, Caucasian) then I was given the job straight away. That was on the Friday afternoon. By 8:30am Monday morning I'm 'teaching' in the English class of the supposed best school in the province, having never taught before and with the only experience of an online TEFL course which took me a few hours to complete. It was actually quite amazing.

That was, I understand, quite often the case. The requirements have lately been tightened up.

But, this being Thailand. I'm sure there will always be exceptions.

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I see a lot of people on the fence here... if you don't know if this rises to the level of Paedophilia or not, let me just ask... if a 30 something guy that was your daughters teacher, was <deleted> your 15 year old daughter, would you be so pedantic about the labels?

Personally, I would break every bone in his body. Let the courts figure out if its assault or self defense.

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"Perv schoolmaster"..... Nice one Litebeer, for dragging this forum into the realms of British gutter press, articles drafted on back of beermats.

Just what I was thinking.

Hardly Thai news as well.

What about rehabilitation?

Pedophilia is having sex with children pre pubescent I thought.

Still congratulations on ruining this guys chances of working in Thailand.

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/pe·do·phil·ia/ (-fil´e-ah) a paraphilia in which an adult has recurrent, intense sexual urges or sexually arousing fantasies of engaging or repeatedly engages in sexual activity with a prepubertal child. pedophil´ic

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/pe·do·phil·ia/ (-fil´e-ah) a paraphilia in which an adult has recurrent, intense sexual urges or sexually arousing fantasies of engaging or repeatedly engages in sexual activity with a prepubertal child. pedophil´ic

So the op is wrong and could be done for slander.?

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/pe·do·phil·ia/ (-fil´e-ah) a paraphilia in which an adult has recurrent, intense sexual urges or sexually arousing fantasies of engaging or repeatedly engages in sexual activity with a prepubertal child. pedophil´ic

So the op is wrong and could be done for slander.?

When a word like this is used too often in cases that aren't fully relevant, it loses its power.

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Well they know his name, so lets hope they boot him out on the same plane he flies in on like they did to his mate gary G !

If you mean Gary Glitter I don't think they're mates and his crimes were somewhat different and I don't think he's ever been a teacher. Still I expect that's a bit deep for you.

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Here in Thailand. 15 is legal age with parents consent!!!!

You mean for consenting into a wedding 'arrangement', don't you, to repare 'the damage' (pregnancy,) as sex isn't in itself allowed at that age, get your information right, before you make a big mistake (the more so 'the system' is more leniant with Thai-Thai 'accidents', while I guess you're Farang, mai same...)?

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Here in Thailand. 15 is legal age with parents consent!!!!

You mean for consenting into a wedding 'arrangement', don't you, to repare 'the damage' (pregnancy,) as sex isn't in itself allowed at that age, get your information right, before you make a big mistake (the more so 'the system' is more leniant with Thai-Thai 'accidents', while I guess you're Farang, mai same...)?

Do you have a link to a law that says that the age of consent is not 15 years in Thailand. And since you are of the opinion that it's not, what is the age of consent here then, according to you?

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/pe·do·phil·ia/ (-fil´e-ah) a paraphilia in which an adult has recurrent, intense sexual urges or sexually arousing fantasies of engaging or repeatedly engages in sexual activity with a prepubertal child. pedophil´ic

So the op is wrong and could be done for slander.?

When a word like this is used too often in cases that aren't fully relevant, it loses its power.

When you'd mean it's enough for a girl to get her periods (>< 'prepubertal') to be available/usable for sexual games, then, sorry man, you're a perv too...!

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/pe·do·phil·ia/ (-fil´e-ah) a paraphilia in which an adult has recurrent, intense sexual urges or sexually arousing fantasies of engaging or repeatedly engages in sexual activity with a prepubertal child. pedophil´ic

So the op is wrong and could be done for slander.?

When a word like this is used too often in cases that aren't fully relevant, it loses its power.

When you'd mean it's enough for a girl to get her periods (>< 'prepubertal') to be available/usable for sexual games, then, sorry man, you're a perv too...!

Get real. Teenagers have had sex since the beginning of time. The average debut age is somewhere between 14 and 16 years in most countries. It's not a question about what my opinion is. It's a question about what real life looks like. What the person in the OP did was unacceptable, and he's been punished for that, but it's totally naive to believe that this doesn't happen regularly in this and other societies. Calling those involved pedophiles doesn't solve anything, particularly when the girl is above the age of consent.

If you study some Thai history, you'll find some interesting facts about these things, and you don't need to go very far back.

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