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ISIS backers set sights on Singapore targets


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ISIS backers set sights on Singapore targets
Lim Yan Liang
The Straits Times

SINGAPORE: -- Singapore has been identified as a possible target for attack by a recent Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) posting on social media, a report this week said.

ISIS supporters from the region have also cited the Philippines and the United States as targets, the report's author, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies analyst Jasminder Singh, told The Straits Times.

This development comes as Malaysia last month nabbed a cell with explosives targeting Putrajaya and the federal Parliament, and as Singapore's Home Affairs Ministry on Wednesday announced the detention of a 19-year-old student who made plans to join ISIS in Syria and carry out attacks here.

It is not the first time Singapore has been cited by radicals. Last year, extremist English-language magazine Resurgence cited the Phillip Channel and Sembawang Naval Base in a piece on how militants could attack at sea.

The threat to Singapore and the region is set to grow as ISIS' Malay archipelago combat unit, Katibah Nusantara, formed in Syria last August for Southeast Asian fighters who find it easier to communicate in Bahasa Indonesia and Malay rather than Arabic, gains ground.

There are now more than 700 fighters from Indonesia and over 200 fighters from Malaysia fighting in Iraq and Syria, Singh noted in the report published this week.

While they make up a small proportion of over 30,000 foreign fighters from 90 countries, the unit scored its first major combat success last month, seizing five Kurdish-held areas in Syria.

The unit is likely to gain importance in ISIS' strategic goal of setting up a worldwide caliphate, with returning fighters mobilised to undertake attacks and even declare a new branch in this region.

Full story: http://www.asianewsnet.net/news-75743.html

-- ANN 2015-05-29

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Its certainly a scary thought as they can hit targets in Thailand easily given how lax security here is. The only thing we can rely on is the intelligence from the US secret service to prevent such attacks.

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This is bad news.

Originally, ISIS only wanted to bait the U.S. to fight them directly in the Middle East.

It seems they are getting more ambitious.

Suppose they succeed in a much greater attack than 9-11 on the U.S.

WW3 brewing?

So Singapore being a international finance center ... seen by ISIS as a proxy for the west?

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If this is true it will be a major shift in tactics by ISIS. They have always concentrated on the 'near enemy' as opposed to Al Queda's attack on the 'distant enemy'. While AQ attacked the US, UK, Spain, etc., ISIS was concentrating on nation-building and fighting Shia Muslims and other 'heretics'.

I suspect that the overseas cells are self-identified ISIS sympathizers rather than operatives that are directly controlled by ISIS.

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Its certainly a scary thought as they can hit targets in Thailand easily given how lax security here is. The only thing we can rely on is the intelligence from the US secret service to prevent such attacks.

Sorry but,

U.S. secret and intelligence all in one sentence.


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Its certainly a scary thought as they can hit targets in Thailand easily given how lax security here is. The only thing we can rely on is the intelligence from the US secret service to prevent such attacks.

Sorry but,

U.S. secret and intelligence all in one sentence.


Especially considering that just this week the pentagon released documents confirming the fact that ISIS was created and supported by the US in the first place...


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Its certainly a scary thought as they can hit targets in Thailand easily given how lax security here is. The only thing we can rely on is the intelligence from the US secret service to prevent such attacks.

Geez and I thought that we could rely on our illustrious leader!!

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Nothing new in this report.

Home grown terror cells have always been part of the master plan.

Some Countries still insist on letting these lunatics return, to be rehabilitated blink.pngblink.png

Many folks never imagined that DEASH/IS had limited aims. It was apparent that they had staged goals, with apostates and illegitimate rulers first and Western Powers/Israel variously second and third. Singapore? Not the first place I would have imagined they would have turned (it is actually not the first). So, when I ask "Why Singapore?" it begs I ask "Why not other locations?" It reminds of me an ongoing conversation that my peers and I frequently had while living/visiting the Emirates.

The Emirates are every bit an example of the Western Neon Gods- decadence, excess. Some people have the opportunity to even see the seedy underbelly that actually works an entire second economy; alcohol, prostitution, trafficking, etc. "Why are the jihadists not striking the Emirates," we asked? It just seems so inexplicable that Dubai and Abu Dhabi (Abu Dhabi is more orthodox then DXB), as an example, would have apparent immunity. Of course we remain pleased they do not but it is certainly not because of impenetrable security, though very good. Whole mountain ranges are open to foot traffic from Oman. As one of the busiest ports in the region (Jebel Ali) certainly access can be gained. Why were they immune? Of course the only possible answer was more troubling then the question.

Why Singapore? It is certainly not a soft target. As a city-state the ability to lock down the state is far easier then, say, Malaysia, or other locations. Singapore has some very advanced technological and related security abilities. In any event, it goes to show what the reason is that such synchronous thinking remains possible- throughout the world numerous people are influenced to war and savage others, without ever meeting and comparing notes, because they share the same belief system. It is virtually unassailable that the core religious texts influence people to war upon all others. That some, or even many, choose not to act this out does not disprove the connection.

Edited by arjunadawn
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I was there less than a month ago. The country really impressed me. I think the Singaporeans can keep potential terrorists under their radar, I doubt they are many anyway. I dont think the ingredients the wannabe terrorists need to make whatever they make is readily available or easy to bring in to Singapore. They have a fantastic security on all levels. Its such a small place, its really nowhere to hide over there. I havnt been to a more high-tech, orderly and efficient place ever. Smart, helpful and friendly people but they have that cruel and unusual spanking punishment I guess they can decide to use to withdraw information if needed.

Edited by BKKBobby
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In regards to the recent Malaysia bust of these guys, I have to wonder if it was staged. That country has been trying to build up a state of fear for them to justify their internal security laws, which is great for keeping political dissent down and protecting the ruling party. The same political party has been in power since independence, but it looks like they're hitting the skids and getting desperate to remain in control.

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What a load of rubbish. Who writes this crap ? Worst still that some believe it !

For years we have been social conditioned to believe that there is a centralized world wide terror organisation aka AlQueda. That never was - just a creation by Bush and Co.

Now its ISIS who is bent on dominating the world.

OH - But before both of these so called "terror" organizations we had the USSR bent on world wide communist domination.

Fool us once, shame on you; fool us twice, shame on us

Edited by pattayasnowman
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This is bad news.

Originally, ISIS only wanted to bait the U.S. to fight them directly in the Middle East.

It seems they are getting more ambitious.

Suppose they succeed in a much greater attack than 9-11 on the U.S.

WW3 brewing?

So Singapore being a international finance center ... seen by ISIS as a proxy for the west?

I think this is just the beginning...their plans all along have been world wide domination.The nations will be drawn into a "dog fight" against ISIS that will culminate in the middle east,think of gunfight at the ok corral!

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What a load of rubbish. Who writes this crap ? Worst still that some believe it !

For years we have been social conditioned to believe that there is a centralized world wide terror organisation aka AlQueda. That never was - just a creation by Bush and Co.

Now its ISIS who is bent on dominating the world.

OH - But before both of these so called "terror" organizations we had the USSR bent on world wide communist domination.

Fool us once, shame on you; fool us twice, shame on us

Not sure what your agenda is, but you are exaggerating the scope of the article in the OP.

Who wrote it?

That would be:

Lim Yan Liang

The Straits Times

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Hope Singapore Defence force are reading and ready.

Israel provides ongoing training and development for Singaporean security agencies, in fact Israel assisted with the original establishment of the Singaporean armed forces. Other countries also provide counter terrorism assistance e.g. UK & Australia.

Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's founding father and its first prime minister, disclosed the secret that had been kept for almost 40 years: It was the Israel Defense Forces that established the Singaporean army.


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If true, that's good news for the defense of tiny Singapore. thumbsup.gif


I can see some similarities in their situations.

Tiny countries.

Young, successful, dynamic countries of international significance relative to their small size.

Interesting histories of how they came to be.

Close to much larger Muslim majority countries.

Compulsory national service for young people.

Edited by Jingthing
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Regarding how DAESH/IS/Jihadi drama will play out in other countries I attach a link to developments in the US. It is relevant insofar as there are a series of ways in which jihadi actions will be responded to in various countries. There are basically a limited number of scenarios. With regard to the West, the scenarios are not good because the left, in the West, is so determined to use islam as a stalking horse to achieve its own goals of eviscerating traditional conservative values and imposing socialist doctrine, it lacks the ability to appreciate the enormous threat that lies in wait, with particular relish for leftist worldviews. If leftist policy makers do appreciate the threat posed, they nevertheless race to milk all they can out of jihad's ability to injure Judeochristianty and conservative values before the sword turns on them. In the US the people are virtually blinded by government disassembling over islamic jihad. However, the actions in Texas recently, though polarizing for various reasons, are motivating an entirely different scenario unfolding.

The wheat is separating from the media-induced-chaff with regard to how the US appreciates the threat of islamic jihad, IS, etc. Following up on the Texas cartoon contest, and in direct response to DAESH threats, organizers are arranging another activity regarding the islamic prophet in Arizona. Now my point has nothing to do with should they or should they not self censor- self censorship, irrespective of the reason, is simply binding one's self to chains for the enemy. What is interesting is how an increasingly larger element of America is flipping the finger directly to jihad/DAESH from the local level. This will provoke both jihadists and the deniers in government. How the government responds is even more important than the islamists- we know how they will respond. The US gov is faced with the tactics of using law, organizing, free speech limits, or municipal rules to further aid the narrative that islam is peaceful or face the tail increasingly wagging the dog- the grassroots people compelling government to action.

I say this because there is little doubt there will be a violent response either immediately or in relation to this upcoming event. How will government side with its citizens? How will government spin violent responses to the a sacred canon of American Natural Rights? In this manner the scenario unfolding in America will be a percolating resolve from the bottom up. When one considers the folks who are increasingly organizing and the islamist's mandate from god, there is no doubt biker gangs, red necks, self reliant folks, country folks, and good ole boys will not back down. I am now certain that a very curious thing is developing with the narrative that's being spun in America. Facts on the ground will significantly alter how Americans are being spoon fed islamic jiahd by government influenced media outlets. IMO.



The guy in the video would have done more for his cause to keep his mouth shut. But this is the point. The media sees him as the problem, not the result. As a veteran, the government sees him as the problem, not the solution. Indeed, under the Obama administration veterans are listed as among the chief threats to security for some years running in DHS memos, but islamic jihadists are not listed at all.



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