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The following fiction may very well be true, and is written as a suggestion to prompt some serious road safety messages and initiatives in Thailand.

Imagine the reaction if this fake report was true!

Again..this fiction is a way to look at how Thailand can reduce it's dreadful road statistics, and is not "Thai bashing". I'm prompted to do this because over the weekend, my wife lost yet another student, the 2nd this year alone, to a road accident....and that is just from her group of "advisees" of which she has 30.

A recent study of road toll statistics has shown that Westerners are by far the best drivers in Thailand. The study by Chulalongkorn University Statistics Professor Somchai Namberkrancher showed that only one in every three hundred farang drivers have an accident in a year, whereas one in 50 Thais are involved in accidents. This vast disparity in road driving skills prompted a nationwide look at what the statistics implied.

Professor Somchai sent a team of research students to observe traffic in the areas of Thailand where most Westerners can be found to observe traffic. The team took notes on drivers' ability to observe road rules. They looked at helmet wearing, seat belt wearing, stopping at red lights and stop signs, giving way when needed, road courtesy, parking in prohibited places including double parking, and speeding.

The team looked at all drivers, noting how many were farang and how many were Thai. The team then went to areas not usually frequented by Westerners and conducted the same experiment.

They found that in the areas where there were many farang, of all drivers, it was Westerners who almost always observed all the road rules. Taking their results and translating them to reflect proportionality, 99.5% of all road rule infringements were committed by Thais. In the non farang area study, the team found that 99.8% of all drivers broke at least one road rule.

Professor Somchai said that the results show that Westerners are much better at driving than Thais are are less likely to have an accident than Thai drivers.


(Couldn't edit to add)

In a follow-up study, Professor Somchai looked at Western countries and found that there is a big emphasis on road safety with road rule knowledge very high amongst Western drivers, strict enforcement of road rules by police, and thus far less accidents than in Thailand.


Now we would not have to be all that good to be better than Thais,

maybe it's because we always indicate BEFORE making a turn,

while Thais seem not to bother, or when they are a couple of meters

from it.

regards worgeordie


study of road toll statistics !!! personally i read many reports/studies/stats on various subjects i also read many comments

suggesting they are biased /not based on any hard evidence/manipulated to suit etc etc

i am a fallang and at nearly 70 my driving is crap but still in advance of many local drivers


my wife and her father are the most careful drivers I have ever seen, they agree though that the driving in Thailand is appalling.

I remember my wifes cousin driving us somewhere with her 2 year old son climbing all over her lap and grabbing the wheel, I made her pull over and let my wife drive, she was so laid back her cousin like it was nothing, he turned the wheel at one point.

I suggested a car seat, she said he does not like it, he is 2 years old I said its not up for debate you just sit his ass in it, totally wasted my breath.


even basic road rules being obeyed would reduce the number of deaths, the police actually going out and enforcing them would remove a hell of a lot more. Then again making them know the road rules and actually having to do their driving tests on the roads with other cars would also make a difference but would probably increase the road deathsblink.png


even basic road rules being obeyed would reduce the number of deaths, the police actually going out and enforcing them would remove a hell of a lot more. Then again making them know the road rules and actually having to do their driving tests on the roads with other cars would also make a difference but would probably increase the road deathsblink.png

The problem is that flaunting the rules (if they are even known) is so ingrained that it will take a very big jolt to change anything. Knowing Thai officialdom's Thai-centric egoism, I just thought that a real report highlighting how foreigners are so much better would be the thing to start the ball rolling.


Sorry to read that Seastallion...Hope the wife is coping ok...geez another one.

You know where to find us.....

Thanks mate...It's actually me that's taking it worse. I knew the chap and he was so full of promise. Smart, handsome, good-natured. What made it worse, was, in Thai style, we were informed of the death on Facebook with full colour photos. I really didn't need to see them.

2 deaths, and a group of 5 hospitalised so far this year. It really is shocking and unacceptable.


Sorry to read that Seastallion...Hope the wife is coping ok...geez another one.

You know where to find us.....

Thanks mate...It's actually me that's taking it worse. I knew the chap and he was so full of promise. Smart, handsome, good-natured. What made it worse, was, in Thai style, we were informed of the death on Facebook with full colour photos. I really didn't need to see them.

2 deaths, and a group of 5 hospitalised so far this year. It really is shocking and unacceptable.

I was informed of a friends death also with photos of the person dead, nice I thought, better to just tell me I get it.

had a friend a few years back, older woman, she carried pics of her husband dead in the shower, he was in a very awkward position as there is not much room when you fall in the shower, not to mention the poor old guy was naked, I really did not need to see it.

surely she can carry a better pic.


Sorry to read that Seastallion...Hope the wife is coping ok...geez another one.

You know where to find us.....

Thanks mate...It's actually me that's taking it worse. I knew the chap and he was so full of promise. Smart, handsome, good-natured. What made it worse, was, in Thai style, we were informed of the death on Facebook with full colour photos. I really didn't need to see them.

2 deaths, and a group of 5 hospitalised so far this year. It really is shocking and unacceptable.

I was informed of a friends death also with photos of the person dead, nice I thought, better to just tell me I get it.

had a friend a few years back, older woman, she carried pics of her husband dead in the shower, he was in a very awkward position as there is not much room when you fall in the shower, not to mention the poor old guy was naked, I really did not need to see it.

surely she can carry a better pic.

Yes, it's ghastly and quite odd to us.

I hope we can stay on topic regarding how to jolt Thai officialdom into getting serious about road safety.


Sorry to read that Seastallion...Hope the wife is coping ok...geez another one.

You know where to find us.....

Thanks mate...It's actually me that's taking it worse. I knew the chap and he was so full of promise. Smart, handsome, good-natured. What made it worse, was, in Thai style, we were informed of the death on Facebook with full colour photos. I really didn't need to see them.

2 deaths, and a group of 5 hospitalised so far this year. It really is shocking and unacceptable.

I was informed of a friends death also with photos of the person dead, nice I thought, better to just tell me I get it.

had a friend a few years back, older woman, she carried pics of her husband dead in the shower, he was in a very awkward position as there is not much room when you fall in the shower, not to mention the poor old guy was naked, I really did not need to see it.

surely she can carry a better pic.

Better still my Wife carries her Mothers skull, or part of ,in her bag and she just added some of my Dads cremated remains form 2 months ago also!!


Talking about how bad Thai drivers are................Do you ever feel as if you are beatdeadhorse.gif



Sorry to read that Seastallion...Hope the wife is coping ok...geez another one.

You know where to find us.....

Thanks mate...It's actually me that's taking it worse. I knew the chap and he was so full of promise. Smart, handsome, good-natured. What made it worse, was, in Thai style, we were informed of the death on Facebook with full colour photos. I really didn't need to see them.

2 deaths, and a group of 5 hospitalised so far this year. It really is shocking and unacceptable.

I was informed of a friends death also with photos of the person dead, nice I thought, better to just tell me I get it.

had a friend a few years back, older woman, she carried pics of her husband dead in the shower, he was in a very awkward position as there is not much room when you fall in the shower, not to mention the poor old guy was naked, I really did not need to see it.

surely she can carry a better pic.

I seem to recall a similar story being posted.....by a member called whereustay. Small world, isn't it.


This is true,i have stated it myself several times,i have had many near misses though,and not my fault,motorsai's overtaking despite me being stopped and indicating i am turning right,i always check the mirror just before i turn the wheel,pulling out without looking,swerving in from the shoulder across the front of me,in town i find the safest method is to literally crawl around in the car,turning left the other day out of the local market very slow,a motorsai with a young guy,his wife/gf,and their little baby zipped in front of me,on the wrong side of the road,i just noticed them from the corner of my eye,they were accelerating and could not of stopped,totally oblivious,laughing and joking,not watching the road,so you can be the best driver,most cautious,but still you have to contend with these idiots,who know nothing and care less,and of course it seems here that even if a motorsai hits you,and you where doing nothing wrong,the car driver pays. I have saved a lot of lives due to the fact i was properly trained in how to drive at the start,of course you gain from experience, but on many of the incident's i have outlined above, i do think if a Thai was driving the car there could have been an accident,if it was a recently qualified driver,almost definately,as they have had almost zero training of how to actually drive,look at the test it is a joke,as seajae states, they should have to actually prove they can drive ON THE ROAD.


study of road toll statistics !!! personally i read many reports/studies/stats on various subjects i also read many comments

suggesting they are biased /not based on any hard evidence/manipulated to suit etc etc

i am a fallang and at nearly 70 my driving is crap but still in advance of many local drivers

If your driving really is crap, then please stay off the road, you are putting peoples lives at risk.


Why bother with a survey I think we all knew this already.....

There was no survey.

From the op... "Imagine the reaction if this fake report was true!"

Oh. You mean "Professor Namberkrancher" isn't real? facepalm.gif

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