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World Bank suggests Thailand improve the quality of its education


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World Bank suggests Thailand improve the quality of its education


BANGKOK: -- Thailand's economic growth rate (GDP) for the whole year this year will be 3.5 percent compared to last year’s 0.9 percent, according to the latest forecast of the World Bank.

World Bank’s director for Southeast Asia Mr Urich Zakao said today that the only factors attributing to this year’s forecast of higher growth rate compared to last year’s are declining global oil prices, higher revenues from tourism industry, increased government’s spending and gradual increase of exports.

Due to lower competitiveness, the World Bank pointed out that Thai exports which grew by an average of 13 percent per annum during 2006 and 2011 started to contract since 2012. The share of Thai exports in the world’s export market also contracted accordingly.

Mr Zakao, however, said that Thailand could regain its competitiveness if the Thai labour’s skills and productivity are increased.

While access to education among Thai children and youths has increased substantially for the past 25 years when only 10 percent of them had access to secondary education compared to 70 percent today, he suggested that the quality of the Thai education should also be improved as well.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/world-bank-suggests-thailand-improve-the-quality-of-its-education

-- Thai PBS 2015-06-03

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removing all the face saving crap would help, make the students pass exams and get teachers that are capable of teaching then making them actually teach instead if doing bugger all unless the students pay them

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If no ones or education supreme generals palm is crossed with money then no one is interested on children who gets educated and to what standard the next generation of military rulers of Thailand attains to.

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Why would anybody listen to the world bank ?

Funded and misused by the US for global exploitation ... a bunch of financial criminals !

As long as "education" is not defined as "free thinking" and "gaining of knowledge"

compared to "brainwashing" what it is now, the whole discussion is just

a farce.

[this counts also for ALL western nations who think they have a good education system

where all that's left of it is a simple "brainwashing factory"]

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Why would anybody listen to the world bank ?

Funded and misused by the US for global exploitation ... a bunch of financial criminals !

As long as "education" is not defined as "free thinking" and "gaining of knowledge"

compared to "brainwashing" what it is now, the whole discussion is just

a farce.

[this counts also for ALL western nations who think they have a good education system

where all that's left of it is a simple "brainwashing factory"]

O.K, so which countries do have a good education system in your opinion?

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This guy doesn't know what he's talking about. Thai's know they are the hub of the universe with the best education in the world just the damn farangs don't understand Thai's.

Edited by ldiablo
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Why would anybody listen to the world bank ?

Funded and misused by the US for global exploitation ... a bunch of financial criminals !

As long as "education" is not defined as "free thinking" and "gaining of knowledge"

compared to "brainwashing" what it is now, the whole discussion is just

a farce.

[this counts also for ALL western nations who think they have a good education system

where all that's left of it is a simple "brainwashing factory"]

May I kindly ask where you were educated?

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Why would anybody listen to the world bank ?

Funded and misused by the US for global exploitation ... a bunch of financial criminals !

As long as "education" is not defined as "free thinking" and "gaining of knowledge"

compared to "brainwashing" what it is now, the whole discussion is just

a farce.

[this counts also for ALL western nations who think they have a good education system

where all that's left of it is a simple "brainwashing factory"]

May I kindly ask where you were educated?


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What the <f***> is it to do with the World Bank? All they are interested in is how much more money they can squeeze out of Thailand. The biggest problem in the World right now as we all know (or should know) is clearly the whole corrupt fraudulent world banking system. All they actually care about is money money money and power but never people and why we have such a sick selfish and greedy World with collapsing economies.

However I agree with the sentiment about better Thai education for the Thai kids a sthat I would very much like to see too. However my motives are honestly not about money but just to see a happier and more successful Thailand and not any personal gain.

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As a teacher here for many years I can tell you that very few Thai students have any desire to learn English.

Most of them think that the internet is Facebook, from primary to college students, I have never seen one use the internet for research or knowledge.

When you ask them what will they do on the weekend, they reply "Play Game."

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removing all the face saving crap would help, make the students pass exams and get teachers that are capable of teaching then making them actually teach instead if doing bugger all unless the students pay them

A few years ago the teachers were made to take the exams their students were given, if my memory serves me about 80% of the teachers failed the test.

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What for? they have Facebook, twitter, instegram and other minds numbing sources of education,

and that's all they need, their mantra is, if there isn't an app for it, I don't want to know about it,,,,,

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Why would anybody listen to the world bank ?

Funded and misused by the US for global exploitation ... a bunch of financial criminals !

As long as "education" is not defined as "free thinking" and "gaining of knowledge"

compared to "brainwashing" what it is now, the whole discussion is just

a farce.

[this counts also for ALL western nations who think they have a good education system

where all that's left of it is a simple "brainwashing factory"]

O.K, so which countries do have a good education system in your opinion?

North Korea?

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Why would anybody listen to the world bank ?

Funded and misused by the US for global exploitation ... a bunch of financial criminals !

As long as "education" is not defined as "free thinking" and "gaining of knowledge"

compared to "brainwashing" what it is now, the whole discussion is just

a farce.

[this counts also for ALL western nations who think they have a good education system

where all that's left of it is a simple "brainwashing factory"]

O.K, so which countries do have a good education system in your opinion?

Depends on the definition of education:

NO [!!!] Government can have any interest in producing a free and independently thinking, open minded population

as the first thing free thinking people would do is to find out that they don't need a Government.

As NO Government will risk this there will be no "education" as it is widely believed it should be.

If "education" is meant to lead to "functioning parts of society" then pretty much ALL Governments around the

world are doing a pretty good job as obviously populations are getting dumbed down as hell on a huge scale in an

enormous tempo. Society is exactly as Governments want to have them.

The societies in the west work themselves to death trying to make the [fake] american dream come true.

The societies in the east are doing all to become like the west.

African societies try to get a piece of the cake, killing each other to jump onto the band wagon.

It's completely insane and due to the "education" these people have they even think it's perfectly "normal"

[because "normal" is what everybody does ... nothing to do with sane, good or valuable]


Please don't ask me about my education [brainwashing time and quality of it] because it already takes much time and effort to

get the one I have out of my head !!! I have received my fair share of it.

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As a teacher here for many years I can tell you that very few Thai students have any desire to learn English.

Most of them think that the internet is Facebook, from primary to college students, I have never seen one use the internet for research or knowledge.

When you ask them what will they do on the weekend, they reply "Play Game."

Many do undertake Internet research seriously, on X-rated materials.

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