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BKK Airport Apologizes for Searching Muslim Cleric's Turban

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wouldn't trust these muslim leaders and clerics as far as I could kick them .....would be a different story if something happened and this leader was to blame ....they have lost trust with most non muslim people......

They don't trust my shoes, they don't trust my laptop and surely they would check if I have a hat. So the same for his Turban.


"Speaking to Nitinai and reporters, Aziz said he was not angry and understood that the staff had to perform their duty. He explained that the photo was taken by an anonymous bystander, and that the Sheikh-ul Islam Office was not involved with the buzz on social media in any way."


What's wrong with scanning the turban with a metal detector? It's a matter of security. It's not like asking him to strip. If don't use hand to search, then use feet?

Some people are just waiting for opportunity to create chaos!


More to the point of this topic (humor):


A Muslim woman claimed this week that she was discriminated against on a plane, because the flight attendant was apparently worried she could use a soda can as a weapon. Well, Jon Stewart decided it was a good opportunity to help show Muslims how to better assimilate in America.


“In the end we shall have had enough of cynicism, skepticism and humbug, and we shall want to live more musically.”

Vincent van Gogh

Interesting quote of someone who intentionally severed his own ear.


To security, it's a place where something can be hidden.

Religion should have nothing to do with this.

Any religion.

If Buddhists wore turbans, same issue.

If fundamentalists of any flavor can't conform with airplane security, they shouldn't travel.

The public's right not to be blown up trumps any of their religious expression rights.

Perhaps you missed this info...

The office holder of Shaykh al-Islām in Thailand is appointed by HM on the advise of the PM.


So what? that does not place him above the law, above the rest of the passengers or entitled to bypass security- that has only been in place since Islamic terrorists got onto three planes in 2001

Four planes; each taken over using devices easy to conceal in a turban.


Applause the cleric for saying he was not angry about this , condemn the people who filmed it and tried to make issue of it.

Personally , in this day and age , I think all who are wearing any clothing that is capable of hiding stuff should be screened , and those that wear burkas etc should be taken to a private area and subjected to an identity check , by a woman officer of course.

Any way I thought that Seikhs wore 'turbans' , splitting hairs here I know.


The muslim sheikh said he was not upset or angry as well understood the security issues as normal process,

the airport director apologized to him,

both are thais, in their home country.... it's a matter between Thais, a Thai custom , why have to interfere ?

why many of u farang guys talking negatively about muslims? Keep ur racism inside ur heads better, noone of u has the right to judge others no matter what ,


To security, it's a place where something can be hidden.

Religion should have nothing to do with this.

Any religion.

If Buddhists wore turbans, same issue.

If fundamentalists of any flavor can't conform with airplane security, they shouldn't travel.

The public's right not to be blown up trumps any of their religious expression rights.

JT you hit on one aspect, that nandypandy anti authoritarian "human rights" freaks who oppose CCTV, intelligence gathering of phone calls and email, or any other surveillance, as an infringement of their civil rights yet is it not the civil rights of everyone to be protected from terrorists and criminals a greater priority.


Taking off your turban in a place where the opposite sex can see you is against the Quran.

She should of been searched in a private room by a female officer.

What's your point?


Taking off your turban in a place where the opposite sex can see you is against the Quran.

She should of been searched in a private room by a female officer.

read the article b4 commenting.....


So now they know where to hide a bomb and go through un searched, it is a security check, and nothing is except, but I forgot, it is a Muslim again wanting everything their own way, I don't like my <deleted> being touched in a security search by police, but hay I have to expect that at a secure location, maybe the metal detector was trying to detect a brain, what if there was a hand gun in the turban, and he was an extremist, then they would be slaged off for not doing their job right, I am all for security searches, regardless of religion, or status


The muslim sheikh said he was not upset or angry as well understood the security issues as normal process,

the airport director apologized to him,

both are thais, in their home country.... it's a matter between Thais, a Thai custom , why have to interfere ?

why many of u farang guys talking negatively about muslims? Keep ur racism inside ur heads better, noone of u has the right to judge others no matter what ,

People are entitled to give their free opinion of speech, why are you one of these people that owns a 1000 racist cards and throws them out as an excuse, people are entitled to state their view, so that's a waste of one of your racist cards, don't bother replying I will never see it as my notifications don't let me, due to the way they are set up


Taking off your turban in a place where the opposite sex can see you is against the Quran.

She should of been searched in a private room by a female officer.

if air travelling procedures are against the qran - let them take the bus

I've never heard of anyone hiding an explosive under a turban. Plus if I wanted to hijack a plane I'd get dressed up as a jew or something, being muslim attracts too much unwarranted attention.

There was a time when I had not heard of anyone hiding a bomb in their shoes or underwear, or even carrying one on a plane for that matter if you think back far enough. The bad guys are clever and will keep looking for gaps in security. Turbans are next.


Taking off your turban in a place where the opposite sex can see you is against the Quran.

She should of been searched in a private room by a female officer.

??? She???

??? Female???


“In the end we shall have had enough of cynicism, skepticism and humbug, and we shall want to live more musically.”

Vincent van Gogh

Interesting quote of someone who intentionally severed his own ear.

But there is serious doubt that he did.


Nobody would ever think to put a dangerous item in there.

Or shoes.

Or underwear.

Or a water bottle.


They shouldn't have apologized for anything. This is simply more conditioning by the muslim activists.


“In the end we shall have had enough of cynicism, skepticism and humbug, and we shall want to live more musically.”

Vincent van Gogh

Interesting quote of someone who intentionally severed his own ear.

But there is serious doubt that he did.

Serious doubt by some. There are also those who claim that van Gogh's fatal gunshot was not self inflicted. They may be correct, but I haven't yet been convinced there is enough evidence to warrant rewriting the 'traditional' versions of events.



Not saying that this man would do anything untoward but he, like everyone else, should be subjected to full airport screening. Apparently he didn't complain so why did he accept the apology, or does he too want to go along with the usual stirrers and play the typical divide and conquer game.

Why is it only certain minorities always seem to be offended, you don't hear complaints from Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, or others religions. What if it was someone else of the same faith and he wasn't searched and something untoward occurred. They would have to do a lot more than apologise.

Or are those protesting think that these lot are so precious that the rules don't apply to them. When are these do-gooders and governments going to wake up to reality. I know when, when we're all disarmed and helpless and by then it will be too bloody late.


The muslim sheikh said he was not upset or angry as well understood the security issues as normal process,

the airport director apologized to him,

both are thais, in their home country.... it's a matter between Thais, a Thai custom , why have to interfere ?

why many of u farang guys talking negatively about muslims? Keep ur racism inside ur heads better, noone of u has the right to judge others no matter what ,

We had better abolish the police, courts and prisons, then. That'll save a few bob..



Not turban.

There's room under there for just enough explosives to blow his dandruff into his ears. Maybe give him a buzz cut so that he looks lik G.I. Joe.


Not saying that this man would do anything untoward but he, like everyone else, should be subjected to full airport screening. Apparently he didn't complain so why did he accept the apology, or does he too want to go along with the usual stirrers and play the typical divide and conquer game.

He didn't complain because he was being reasonable and polite.

He accepted the apology because he was being reasonable and polite.


This man's response seemed very reasonable and it does appear that it's other people trying to make it into a big story.

That said you reap what you sew does spring to mind every time I read a story about Muslims complaining about excessive or discriminatory security. I am confused about why the all seeing, all knowing god who wrote the immutable abrahamic religious books in such minute detail included nothing about a protocol for international air travel and airport security. Would have been much easier if he'd said wear a comfortable track suit for travelling, don't grope the stewardess, and don't fly planes into buildings.


“In the end we shall have had enough of cynicism, skepticism and humbug, and we shall want to live more musically.”

Vincent van Gogh

Interesting quote of someone who intentionally severed his own ear.

After reading some of the more islamaphobic posts on this thread I know how he felt.


So now they know where to hide a bomb and go through un searched, it is a security check, and nothing is except, but I forgot, it is a Muslim again wanting everything their own way, I don't like my <deleted> being touched in a security search by police, but hay I have to expect that at a secure location, maybe the metal detector was trying to detect a brain, what if there was a hand gun in the turban, and he was an extremist, then they would be slaged off for not doing their job right, I am all for security searches, regardless of religion, or status

Tell me where it has been said Muslims will not be searched.

And again, the man at the centre of this story never complained about being searched nor did the people with him.

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